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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4745161 No.4745161[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>The four detailed occupations expected to add the most employment are registered nurses (712,000), retail salespersons (707,000), home health aides (706,000), and personal care aides (607,000). All have large employment in 2010 and are expected to grow faster than the average of 14.3 percent.
>One-third of the projected fastest growing occupations are related to health care, reflecting expected increases in demand as the population ages and the health care and social assistance industry grows.

LEL, STEMfags in America are in trouble.. All the jobs are in healthcare and retail.

>Occupations that typically need some type of postsecondary education for entry are projected to grow the fastest during the 2010-20 decade. Occupations classified as needing a master’s degree are projected to grow by 21.7 percent, followed by doctoral or professional degree occupations at 19.9 percent, and associate’s degree occupations at 18.0 percent.

LEL, bachelor's degree jobs not even growing as much as associate's degree jobs.. Better luck next .. decade, undergrads.

Why even bother with degrees in STEM and 4 year degrees in general?
Pic related: A happy business major couple

>> No.4745169

Trolling goes on /b/. Business goes on /pol/.

>> No.4745181

>implying /pol/ isn't just an arm of /b/

>> No.4745186

>implying every board on 4chan is anything more than a themed /b/

>> No.4745188

I'm not in it for a job.

>> No.4745198


How will you pay your debt then?

>> No.4745200

>paying for university

Oh, America.

>> No.4745202

With a job? I'm not in it for a job, but doesn't mean I can't still get one that is related to my field of study or not.

>> No.4745205

>sinking eurozone
>domino-effect depression

Oh, Europe.

>> No.4745204

Global shortage. No shit, if guaranteed employment is your only goal, be a nurse. You can go anywhere and get a job in a week.

>Retail salespeople
Oh, look, the economy supports more peons than engineers.

>Home health aids
>Personal care aids
Health care peons here.

Wow, there are a lot of shitty jobs that pay minimum + X for people without qualifications. Only real employment problem is male prostitutes, as OP has already sucked all the cocks.

>> No.4745209


So intelligent, well done sir.

Since this is /sci/ after all, why not give us some links to support your assumptions?

>> No.4745211


You can be mad. But those are the facts as reported by gubment economists.

What will you when you graduate and have no job waiting that pays enough to cover tens of thousands in loan debt? I hope YOU plan on sucking my cock for scrilla.

>> No.4745215
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>Devaluing dollar, beginning of the end of reserve currency
>No financial reform and a Lost Decade ahead

Oh Murka

>> No.4745226

Most of us here want the government to start watching what it spends our money on, but our Congress is so fucking caught up in bi-partisan bullshit they don't listen to the droves of economists and financial advisers about how America's shit is about to pop off.

>> No.4745228

That's because your election system is plutocratic instead of democratic.

>> No.4745235



>yurop needing a bail out because of it's sinking socialist economy


>unemployment as bad as "Murka"

Stay jobless, yurop.

>> No.4745246



>Global nursing shortage

>Retail salespeople
I know a PhD in history who does this. Converted one of his friends from history to engineering as a result. These aren't desirable jobs, and not ones that require education.

>Home health care aids
>Personal care aids
There are no qualifications for this. A GED and on the job training qualify you. You're a glorified maid, make very little money (because you're a glorified maid), and the work is complete and utter shit. I know a few people who do or have done this, it's hellish. If cleaning up shit off of housebound people is your idea of a career, by all means, quit your STEM program and sign up.

For the past several years, engineering job growth has been primarily limited by production of graduates. It's slower than a lot of industries (lol home health care) precisely because there are more positions opening up than people graduating with engineering degrees.

>> No.4745262



Most of /sci/ is getting STEM 4 year degrees because they still comprise ~16% of the job market as opposed to 5.6% from associates degrees.

Most job growth for associate degrees is due to jobs that used to require only a diploma/GED are requiring some 2-year training.

Trollfail get better source bias next time

>> No.4745272

I'm doing a 4 year STEM degree because I got a full-ride. So I can do research and get paid to learn about fucking science!

Then it's off to pharmacy school so I can make money in the healthcare industry.

>> No.4745270


There are about 80k engineering degrees -- of all types -- awarded per year. Total job growth of all engineering fields put together of a fifth any of the jobs listed would cover everyone graduating and more.

But you don't understand this, because you're retarded and you're comparing jobs with HS/GED requirements to those that require a specific BS.

>> No.4745306

>America purposely crashes the entire world economy
>blame other countries because they now have budget problems

>> No.4745331

If only America had a viable candidate running for office this year.

>> No.4745339


We never have viable candidates, but Obama is significantly better than Romney.

>> No.4745351

They're the same person you fucking idiot. Look at their main contributors: both from goldman sachs.

>> No.4745357

Hey, I liked Howard Dean. He was even frontrunner in the primary, briefly.

>> No.4745365
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>arguing about politics in my troll thread

>> No.4745373

Civil is supposed to have 20% growth to 2030 if i am not mistaken. Add all those retirements than really good job outlook.

I don't buy the 50K+ starting i am more expecting something 40k

>> No.4745384

Undergrad bio here. I'm expecting 26k.

>> No.4745399

Most of our C (the grade, not the language) students in CS here graduate with multiple 60k+ offers.

I can't imagine expecting 26k with a BS. But then again, I'm in engineering.

>> No.4745417


So you honestly believe that 4 more years of massive government spending and abysmal employment ratings will be better than voting someone else into office?

I thought you guys were supposed to be smart.

>> No.4745431

>Austrian economics.
>More like i believe what i want to believe economics.

>> No.4745434

Joke's on you OP, I have an associate's degree in applied science and in a few years all the baby boomers will be dead.

>so much for healthcare

>> No.4745437


You don't have to be an Austrian to know he's right.

>> No.4745439

>and in a few years all the baby boomers will be dead.

Read the link dummy. All of the baby boomers will be 55+ by 2020. Far from dead.

>> No.4745448

Faggotry goes on Reddit.

>> No.4745699
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Getta load in this faggot.