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4741907 No.4741907[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have always been pretty stoic and very straight faced
Nothing really gets me excited
Even sex barely does, I find myself actually thinking about daily stuff while Im orgasming
Because I've always been like this I dont really have many interests. I even ride a motorbike every day and find the danger of it quite boring. I've travelled around the world, sky dived and had gf's who all bored me. Im not sad at all but my emotions are like a flatline.

After research I have a feeling this seems to be dopamine related.
Do you think if I did cocaine I would feel excitement like never before?
>i've done shrooms, was interesting but boring
What are my other options?

>> No.4741908

>interesting but boring

your lack of affect could be
a) depression
b) psychopathic tendencies

>> No.4741909

Lol maybe for half an hour until its gone and you do more to sustain your euphoric feelings.


LSD/Mescaline bro. Shrooms be babby tier

>> No.4741916



>> No.4741918

but when I come of the trip Im not going to be changed either. So I dont see much point.

Is there any pharmaceuticals that work on dopamine? Like a SDRI?

>> No.4741919


>> No.4741922

I don't think im psychopathic. My behaviour isn't abnormal just my emotions. Maybe its depression but like I said Im never sad often.

>> No.4741925

nicotine works on dopamine

>> No.4741927


No, you will be changed for the better if anything.

Less you have bad trip.

Cocaine doesn't change you, you do not have a fundamental reality shift experience, you cannot use cocaine as a learning experience about the world and yourself, only a stimulant that will fade leaving you burnt out craving more.

Atleast enthogens aren't physically addictive.

>> No.4741929

depression doesn't have to be sadness, just lack of emotional affect

and all these neuro chemicals regulate each other, so increasing serotonin upregulates dopamine

>> No.4741935

>Cocaine doesn't change you, you do not have a fundamental reality shift experience

neither did 5grams of shrooms the 10 times I tried them. I either got stuck in thought loops or would laugh or cry but then come out of it the same, realising its just playing with seritonin and other chemicals in my brain. I think this whole notion of psychedelics opening ones mind only applies to people who "believe" in shit.

>> No.4741940

my doctor offered me anti-depressents and gave me a script for effexor. I've just been in denial that im depressed. Also everyone on the net says they are hard as fuck to come off. Maybe I'll take the leap.

>> No.4741950

you don't have to treat it with anti-depressants

lack of emotion is a bit of a self fulfilling thing. break the cycle by finding something in life you do give more than two shits about.

>> No.4741954
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Well there is one thing...
>but that would mean people will be hurt.

>> No.4741979
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To me, stoicism is a golden ideal.

It's not a fundamental problem. The greater the highs you feel, the lower you feel when low. In the end, it doesn't balance out and one will only be miserable, judgemental, emotional and irrational.

Tell me OP, do you enjoy anything? You do not experience a rush or elation, but can you appreciate beauty, of art, music, mathematics or the workings of technology? This I would like to know, for curiositys sake.

>> No.4742000

>Tell me OP, do you enjoy anything? You do not experience a rush or elation, but can you appreciate beauty, of art, music, mathematics or the workings of technology? This I would like to know, for curiositys sake.

I create music because I enjoy peoples reactions when they say they like it and then I see its been played on their ipods a bit. It boosts my ego. Although I don't enjoy listening to music. I appreciate mathematics and engineering/working of technology but I've never enjoyed it. I enjoy when I make people laugh. I guess I enjoy peoples praise.

>> No.4742013

>shrooms boring
You are either trolling or mentally handicapped.

>> No.4742016

If I were you. I would go to the forest and repeat the srhooms experience. Or maybe LSD.
You have to relate with nature, like a child. climb trees, get your hands dirty. Reborn. The LSD or the shrooms will help you to do that, to understand nature. To become a child again.

>> No.4742022

during the trips it interesting but once I came down it was always the same me

I've tripped hard 10 times, heard voices, saw things, felt one with everything but still woke up the same and still cant play piano like that guy :(

>> No.4742033

seriously troll and one must bump to be bump doit

>> No.4742036


>> No.4742039

It's not inconceivable that you could train yourself to have this experience without drugs.

As another point of morbid curiosity, what's your Myers-Briggs type?

>> No.4742045


OP, you don't posses a fight of flight response?

You might be deficient in catecholamines.

Incidentally, depression is not rigorously defined to mean one is sad all the time. Lack of emotion is also a salient symptom.

Many people say they feel no emotion when they're actually describing the feeling of helplessness.

>> No.4742050


im doing it now..

>> No.4742055

OP, do you suffer from derealization?


>> No.4742059

It's kind of unfair for people to insinuate that OP is a psychopath because he is desensitized to some things.

It is more self-destructive than dangerous to anyone else.

>> No.4742062

done it

Fucking, yes. I didn't even know it was a thing. Life feels like a dream to me. What do you know about this?

>> No.4742063

never heard of this

my blood tests show that my adrenals were on the low side, doctor was going to give me hydrocortisone tablets but then said we'll wait a little bit.

>> No.4742071

sorry, heres the full thing
Introverted - 67%
Sensing - 12%
Thinking - 25%
Judging - 1%

>> No.4742076


This symptom is common in a shit load of psychological disorders.

When I was 16-17 I had a sudden flare up of the symptoms that was so intense that I thought I was losing my mind. If you fixate on the feeling too much, it gets worse.

I just focused more on playing music and started to notice it less, now when I notice it I don't care too much because I know it isn't a permanent feeling. Sometimes it also comes to your benefit when you're in a stressful situation, it can help you think more rationally.

I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder around 20 years of age but most of the psychiatric practice is hype. Nothing wrong with being a little eccentric or out of touch.

If you do start taking medication of some kind, just be aware that it is most often the case that the feeling of derealization will be heightened. That's basically what it feels like to be sedated.

If you want to feel happy and aware, take adderrall. Antipsychotics and antidepressants did NOT make me feel any better. But when I was prescribed dextroamphetamine for something unrelated, holy shit. That shit is good.

Just go easy on it.

>> No.4742097

>I don't care too much because I know it isn't a permanent feeling.
That is the conclusion that I came too. There was a point when I was about 17-19 where I thought I was insane too, like I was the only person who truly exist's.

>Sometimes it also comes to your benefit when you're in a stressful situation, it can help you think more rationally.

Yup, I find I am good when it comes to conflict and someone is arguing with me its like everything goes calm and my thoughts get really clear.

Did the dextroamphetamine give you great clarity?

>> No.4742129


It definitely gives you clarity, as long as you still sleep.

The greatest cure for depression/derealization/desensitization is productivity, in my opinion. If you have something you really enjoy to do, or have some knowledge you wish to acquire, dextroamphetamine/adderral is nothing short of magic.

It has a terrible habit of giving one insomnia. In that case, make sure you have some type of sedative that can put you to sleep and practice good judgement.

>> No.4742168

What is your career goal and career plans?

>> No.4742189

>career goal
Singer songwriter. Have been a musician since I was 12
Went to college for audio recording and production
Currently working on a project/band

>career plans
Landscaping business(which what I currently do)
Business is good

>> No.4742229
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Introverted - 100%
Intuitive - 38%
Thinking - 75%
Judging - 65%

>mfw 100% introverted

>> No.4742233

Good job. Must have taken a lot of courage to post that.

>> No.4742241

>What are my other options?

Caffeine pills + vitamin B supps.

4-ACO-DET ( http://buybestrc.com/54-4-aco-det-hcl ). Just put 10-20 mg in 24 oz water with a few grams of piracetam and you get both a high and an intensification of muscular sensation. Less trippy visuals more good trips.

Work out. Seriously. Work out. Like an hour and a half a day.

>> No.4742248

I hope I didn't derail this thread.

>> No.4742256

You are thinking too much ;)

>> No.4742267


>> No.4742288

This is why I was curious as to how it would feel if I took cocaine

>caffeine does nothing to me