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File: 210 KB, 1920x1200, whups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4716372 No.4716372 [Reply] [Original]

SpaceX’s Dragon capsule will today attempt to dock with the International Space Station @ 9 am EST.

>> No.4716374

Here you go:


>> No.4716376

inb4 crash and private space travel gets banned

>> No.4716378
File: 3 KB, 198x54, 332px-SpaceX_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceSex dragon 'capsule' will dock with the ISS and be emptied of its vital life brining cargo into the moist interior of the ISS.

>> No.4716427

Stream went down, are there any others?

>> No.4716431

Pizza delivery is Not Science.

>> No.4716438

>implying this isn't a major point in human history

Get your head out of the textbooks and enjoy something for fucks sake.

>> No.4716457


a bunch of ads initially, but a good feed nonetheless.

>> No.4716460

How, exactly, is it major? Because we gave the keys to space to a bunch of rich faggots and they used it?

>> No.4716465

It's here:


>> No.4716473
File: 31 KB, 500x461, dsfhshj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just mad because you're a poorfag with broken dreams of becoming an astronaut.

>> No.4716474

>glorious private commercial spaceflight sucessfully does shit
>Hurr durr it happens every day and beside we the guvmint gave them everything

>> No.4716477

You make it sound like an achievement. They just hired NASA people. I mean what the fuck, /sci/. I'm glad we're still going to space and all but this is about as momentous as eating my breakfast.

>> No.4716489

>They just hired NASA people.
And then did it for a fraction of what NASA would require and in half the time, from scratch with less people, as a startup company.

And have a much more ambitious vision and no dregs in congress to feed their pork projects and other bullshit.

If i hire Usain Bolt and have him run 100meters in 0.9 seconds under my command, is that also durr hurr so boring happens every day? In your world, yes it is.

>> No.4716493

> And then did it for a fraction of what NASA would require and in half the time, from scratch with less people, as a startup company.
Hahah, from scratch?

You are living in a fucking fantasy world.

>> No.4716504

>from scratch?
Yes, they didn't buy a russian blueprint and redesigned it or any bullshit like that, they designed a rocket in house, then built it. And it fucking worked.

You're just jelly as fuck that you're a dead end uneducated burger flipper.

>> No.4716506 [DELETED] 


>> No.4716513

Hey, I made that hamburger joint from scratch! Sure, it was part of a franchise, and yeah, I just hired people from the franchise to train my people, but they did it from scratch!

>> No.4716519

No you didn't and the analogy is broken.

>> No.4716520


>> No.4716541

Your picture of reality is all that is broken. Be happy someone is going to space. But this isn't an achievement.

>> No.4716545
File: 8 KB, 512x288, 2001_A_Space_Odyssey-dave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dudes, do you guys realize it's the future?

>> No.4716548

>departing 30 metre point momentarily

>> No.4716550
File: 339 KB, 900x1276, moon_tiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This just in! Anon argument proves every human achievment ever was no big deal! More at 10!

>> No.4716553

The real achievement will be when SpaceX sends up a crew to the ISS in a few years.

>> No.4716556

Hurry up they is running low on TP up there.
Have been wiping with the docking manual for the last two days.

>> No.4716560

this is the last time I'm ever watching this shit. 20 hours to inch towards the station, 103 hours to verify and approve moving more inches, another 700 hours to attach to the station...

>> No.4716572
File: 16 KB, 267x274, drinking-coffee-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course there have been amazing achievements, some of them by private firms. This just isn't one of them. Deal with it.

>> No.4716580


>> No.4716582

We've been putting little turds into space since the 60s.

>> No.4716587

Confirmed for troll.

Else have fun with that misanthropy.

>> No.4716588

>Impressed by a pizza delivery.

>> No.4716589

Go for capture!

>> No.4716591

go for capture!

>> No.4716593

A 1000kg pizza dilvery at 175000 miles an hour 250 miles above the earth.

>> No.4716595
File: 28 KB, 500x500, face_contact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Go for capture"!

>> No.4716596

the arm is moving!

>> No.4716597
File: 67 KB, 161x176, 1323472104584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4716598

Let him be miserably misanthropic, unamused by any of the man-made miracles that exist around him.

>> No.4716600

Man made miracle? Oh wow. Seriously, please just state in simple "miracle" terms what is going on that is so novel?

>> No.4716599
File: 154 KB, 640x470, dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the future you guys.

>> No.4716602

capture is confirmed!

>> No.4716605

they've got the dragon by the tail!

>> No.4716606
File: 90 KB, 535x798, face235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4716607


>> No.4716610
File: 207 KB, 452x368, 1337298843978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many hours it will take for them to pull it in...

>> No.4716611


>> No.4716613

Canadabros, there once again.

>> No.4716615
File: 288 KB, 494x551, face183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother? People like you aren't amazed by anything contemporary. Every stage of human history is amazing. If you don't see that than I don't believe I can help you. I can only pity you.

>> No.4716616

giving everyone a handie.

>> No.4716617

Don't mock the pace. If you've got something better to do with your time then go do it.

>> No.4716621


>> No.4716624


>> No.4716626

Lots of contemporary things are amazing. This isn't one of them.

>> No.4716636
File: 224 KB, 390x425, face154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, I can only pity you.

Good day.

>> No.4716639

I spat my cola

nice one

>> No.4716649

but not from a spaceship into a space station
i thought this was the whole fucking point?

>> No.4716656

Don't feed the troll. He'll just keep coming back.

>> No.4716659

SpaceX went from some guys wanting to launch rockets to docking with the ISS in 10 years for far far less than what NASA charges.

This happening along with the plan to mine asteroids for mineral makes 2012 a turning point in space exploration. Prior to 2012 everything was done by governments. After 2012 more and more spaceflight is going to be done by private companies.

In 30 years when the commercial space industry is well established, people are going to say that today was important.

>> No.4716662


>> No.4716663

We built a fucking space station already. You think hooking something up to it is wonderfully novel? What is your fucking problem?

>> No.4716666
File: 271 KB, 752x1000, face016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it be fucking crazy if the pace at which we develop space from this point on increases to the pace at which everyone expected it to be after the Apollo missions?

>> No.4716671

Today is important though.
2012 will be known as the.birth of the space age

Planetory resources being establisheed to mine asteroids
Spaces sucessfully operating missions at a fraction of what bass charges
Virgin galactic launching their rocket in a couple of months

>> No.4716673

The difference is that the last person to hook up charged much much more than SpaceX did.

When things get cheap people tend to use them more. Expect more launches in the next few years now that someone does it cheaply.

>> No.4716675

Eventually it will turn into the cold war all over again. Competing organizations will propel space travel to the edge of the galaxy, if not, further.

>> No.4716684

Maybe. Private firms tend to externalize costs so it is hard to say that it is "more cheaply" until we're in the long-term. But I know details like that only confuse young minds.

>> No.4716681

E's fine. You are the one having trouble fully appreciating the occasion. You obviously don't care yourself that you aren't more happy about this, so why should we care?

>> No.4716691

>I know details like that only confuse young minds.

Yeah, you'll learn how actual price calculations are made eventually, don't worry.
You'll get a beard too eventually.

>> No.4716693
File: 89 KB, 301x267, face231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human greed, the most unappreciated quality of humanity.

>> No.4716699

I can't wait until china India Russia and Europe realize they are being left behind and a new space race to industrialise the solar system begins

Then technology and development will get REALLY interesting

>> No.4716703

Falcon 9
>10,000kg to LEO
>$58 million
>$5300/kg to LEO

Ariane 5:
>21,000kg to LEO
>$220 million
>$10,500/kg to LEO

Atlas V:
>9000k to LEO
>$125 million
>$13,000/kg to LEO

Falcon Heavy
>in development
>53,000kg to LEO
>$125 million
>$2,200/kg to LEO

Private launches are half the cost of government agencies.

>> No.4716704

Now the loss of a means of launching humans into orbit isn't so disheartening.

>> No.4716706

Greed and competition are good and have good effects to humanity
Monopoly and complacency ire poisons and destroy humanity

>> No.4716707

Actually, ESA has been cooperating with NASA, SpaceX and other private space companies for quite a while now.

>> No.4716711

not too mention the rush of investors the space industry will likely see now that SpaceX has proven the private industry can do shit like this

>> No.4716715
File: 94 KB, 625x403, face089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, birthing won't happen until 8:30 EDT. See you gents then.

>> No.4716718

How many hours away is that?

>> No.4716719

We will be back in space by 2015 thanks to SpaceX. That is 4 years without a human launch from the US.

After Apollo we had no men in space from 1975 to 1981 when we launched the shuttle. That was 6 years.

>> No.4716720

this thing is doing a full rotation around the earth every 90 minutes...

>> No.4716721

And you'll learn where the price mechanism fails.

>> No.4716725
File: 8 KB, 146x160, face005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well what's your time zone?

>> No.4716723

I'm talking about competition beetween private space companies down the line. Not psuedo governmental research bodies sharing bits of data you idiot

>> No.4716726


>> No.4716727


>> No.4716730

Central Australia is offset by 30 minutes

>> No.4716731
File: 18 KB, 600x400, pacific-time-zone-map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Australia!
How does it work?

>> No.4716732

Unlike every other creature on earth which are highly altruistic and not greedy at all.

>> No.4716738

You don't have any room to be snide.

EDT is GMT -5, so that's a difference of 14:30. That means it will be around 11:00 for you if the docking happens at 20:30 EDT.

>> No.4716740

WTF are you talking about? The linked post didn't mention any particular nation, just humanity.

>> No.4716742

At first I thought you said -9:30.

>> No.4716748

I never understood how Americans cut their timezones. Some go right though the middle of a state!

>> No.4716765

requesting a Dragon/Dominos Pizza photoshop

>That'll be $1.6-billion plus tip

>> No.4716771



>> No.4716775
File: 411 KB, 709x525, dragon7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a pretty neat pic

>> No.4716779

Some people are saying using the arm to grab the capsule is stupid, and that it should be able to dock itself but to me it seems using the arm is much safer and more effective than relying on boosters and stuff to manually dock with the ISS

>> No.4716785

Because it's by geographical, not state, lines.

You can't have one state as all one timezone when one part has noon a half-hour earlier than the other.

>> No.4716792

It's launched with a multi million dollar rocket that requires a lot of attention to build and launch.
It carries 6 tonnes of cargo that may be worth several million.
It docks with a multi billion dollar space station.

Having to babysit the docking for 6 hours is not particularly unreasonable.

>> No.4716822 [DELETED] 

So is this really cheaper than gubment flights? When you see how defend contractors rape the gubment for cash it makes you wonder.

>> No.4716823

>It carries 6 tonnes of cargo that may be worth several million.
It carries Pizza and Toilet Paper that cost a few 10s of million of your tax dollars.

>> No.4716835

No. For the same price NASA could have had 8 manned Russian launches and twice as many unmanned launches to the ISS.
The plan is that in 20 years or so they may begin to recoup some money because of capitalism and the free market or some shit.
I think you need to be a NASA economist to figure it out.

>> No.4716847
File: 156 KB, 1036x567, itsdocking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4716880


Actually, the Russian launches cost a little more than the SpaceX launches, and carry a smaller payload.

For example, Soyuz costs about $180 million dollars, to launch 3 people into space. The target price for SpaceX Dragon is $140 million, with space for up to 7 astronauts.

The 21st century brings wonderful new manufacturing technologies and off the shelf components, removing the need for lots of very labor intensive custom manufacturing.

Reducing the cost of getting things into space can significantly increase the number of things that are worthwhile doing in space...

>> No.4716883

The MSRP of a Falcon 9 is $54 million and includes SpaceX .
Not sure the cost of a Dragon but it would be several million.

Reasonably a dragon mission costs $100 million, but that's the advertised price, not necessarily the price that the customer pays.

>> No.4716893

Lets not forget that the soyuz is a old draft horse that just makes money, zero improvements.

If spaceX manages to get their reusable parts projects off the ground, we can see a lot cheaper launches

>> No.4716894

And the award for biggest derp of the day goes to...

>> No.4716895

>implying the pizza and toilet paper costs that much to begin with

>toilet paper in space

>> No.4716897

It is really fascinating that you are comparing costs across time like that and think is valid.

>> No.4716911

Dragon: 6,000 kg of goods, 3,000 kg safe return at 3.5g
Progress: 2,350 kg of goods, no return payload

Yeah, the russian shit is so much better.

>> No.4716925

If the rest of the mission goes according to plan, SpaceX will probably start its CRS contract before the end of the year.

Next big exciting milestone for SpaceX is probably going to be getting the Falcon 9 Heavy variant flying - expected payload for the Heavy is 50 mt to LEO.

That's 70% more than the Atlas V Heavy, more than twice as much as the Delta IV Heavy, and about half the capacity of the Saturn V.

>> No.4716935

>Implying NASA would blink at spending millions on toilet paper, pizzas, or stationary.
You don't know NASA very well. They would consider a few million dollars for space toilet paper a steal.
How much did that space biro cost NASA again?

>> No.4716950

Instead of wasting tens of billions of dollars on the retarded "Space Launch System" that Congress is trying to force down everyone's throat... why not just toss Orion up on a man-rated commercial launch vehicle like a Falcon or Atlas?

>> No.4716953

That's actually the most likely thing to happen, especially if the Falcon9 heavy turns out well.

>> No.4716957

B/C then the air-force cant plant their cameras they use to spy on the USSR on the craft without disclosing classified material to civilian engineers.

>> No.4716958

Oh and the Atlas is a man-rated rocket.

>> No.4716959

The grasshopper is pretty cool too

>> No.4716960
File: 25 KB, 311x319, face135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw cutting NASA's budget to make room for private LEO outsourcing was actually a good thing

>> No.4716977


>> No.4716980

not yet it isn't. That is one of the major efforts of all the rest of the CCDev proposals (who all want to use Atlas V).

>> No.4716988
File: 93 KB, 384x288, homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4716994

Except NASA's budget wasn't cut by the administration, it was increased. With the exception of a small cut last year (<1%), NASA's budget has been increased every year since 2009, it's over than a billion dollars more than what it was under the Bush Administration, and even counting for inflation, its the highest its been since the early 90s.

The problem is that about a fourth of NASA's entire budget is still being eaten up by this stupid fucking SLS program. I'm fine with keeping Orion going, the capsule's nearly done at this point so there's no reason to let all that work go to waste, but... just like its predecessor the Ares, work on the launch vehicle still hasn't made it any farther than the 'diner napkin drawing' phase of development... and this is after two years and something like $4-5 billion dollars.

It's just another bottomless pork fund that will suck up billions of dollars and accomplish nothing, just like Ares. Inevitably this administration or the next one will be forced to cancel it, its supporters in Congress will scream their heads off about how "President _____ is KILLING the space program!!1!" and the whole shitstorm we saw with the Augustine Commission in 2010 will just repeat itself.

>> No.4717007

Well, Dragon will obviously use the Falcon, Boeing has said its CST-100 will use the Atlas, Sierra Nevada is leaning towards the Atlas but has basically said they'll fly Dream Chaser on whoever's willing to carry it. So it's more or less 50/50 right now.

And Blue Origin... well... they don't tell anybody anything so who knows what the fuck they're doing. For all we know they've built their own launch vehicle

>> No.4717013


>> No.4717052

NASA presser for this is hilarious:

NASA: three suits in a row, very staid

SpaceX: factory floor, WOOO HOOO. ELON ELON ELON ELON! Pres. Gwynne Shotwell comes on to give him a hug.

NASA: <wtf just happened>

totally a old guard vs. young turks culture clash!

>> No.4717100

Was it on the stream?

>> No.4717105

Reaction in mission control to successful grapple by the ISS

>> No.4717119
File: 17 KB, 444x299, 1331328849033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy in the front row spilling spaghetti everywhere

>> No.4717125

He is the hero we deserve. SpaceX is filled with betas and neckbeards.

>> No.4717129


That bro hug looked like it was about to turn into some hardcore bro humping.

>> No.4717143

And given this thread, apparently worshipped by same.

>> No.4717199

> piggybacking a government program
> advancing the human race

>> No.4717196
File: 81 KB, 1300x1300, 15351153153155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, what are the alphas doing? Bombing sand niggers and chasing leather balls? "Betas" are advancing the human race.

>> No.4717210


a true hero to us all.

that man is the face of /sci/, established strongly alone and dumping spaghetti everywhere

>> No.4717228
File: 123 KB, 683x1024, ElonsLair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.6 BIIIIILLion dollars

>> No.4717233


more like xspacex420xa$$a$$inx420x

>> No.4717261

>stupid fucking SLS program
Call me crazy, but doesn't NASA need rockets to get into space?

>> No.4717270

Young turks? Wut?

>> No.4717287

mixed historical metaphor

>> No.4717297
File: 27 KB, 556x334, elon lay-zers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You see, Dragon has these things called "lay-zers" - there are two of them...

He so wants to be a real life Dr. Evil.

>> No.4717319

Ever notice how atheists will attach themselves to any person claiming to be a tech messiah?

Oh please ray kurzweil, tell us of our glorious machine afterlife that fills every gap left by religion!

Oh please richard branson, give us a ludicrously expensive roller coaster for rich people!

Oh please elon musk, save us from the ebil gubernment and put humanity into space forever!

You're like children. SpaceX and Virgin Galactic are just money making scams. Just like tesla motors, spacex has an untenable business model and it will fail.

I know there are countless idiots out there with lots of money funding this, but eventually they'll get distracted by some new shiny thing that promises they'll get their names in the history books as something more than another rich guy.

>> No.4717328

Only a retard would go the the space business for easy money. Only a full retard. It's fucking hard and the risks are great.

Musk himself said that if launch four of Falcon one would have failed, it would have been the death of SpaceX.

>> No.4717329


You are an idiot, the contract for cargo delivery is worth over $1 billion and NASA also plans to contract out passenger services. How is it a 'scam' if they deliver the service they are being paid to provide?

>> No.4717335


>only a full retard

Yeah, like musk. Only a full retard would try to start their own electric car company, but he did, and he failed.

Maybe planetary resources will have a better chance, but i doubt it very much.

BTW, i was there in the 80's when people said that BY NOW we'd have 50,000 men and women working in space.

So i don't believe any of that futurist nonsense. And neither should you.

>> No.4717341

How long did it take you to type that shit? I hope not long.

Dragon is unique and pretty much the best cargoship out there in price and capability. The ESA's ATV has slightly more cargo capacity but can't return any cargo to Earth and costs ten times as much.

>> No.4717342

>electric cars

What the hell is wrong with your brain? Someone has to go first and their cars seem to work pretty well.

>> No.4717344

Don't feed the troll you doofuses. No such idiots exist on /sci/.

>> No.4717347

Low intelligence detected.

>> No.4717348


It's a scam because they're saying it'll cost a hundreth of the cost of todays launches.

A fucking billion dollars is a drop in the bucket. You know how much apollo, a similar project with similar goals cost, in todays dollars, close to 200 billion dollars?

He's just lying out his ass and covering his books. They're never going to break even.

This isn't nesseccarily a monetary scam. Musk is like every other rich person. Their wealth feels hollow to them because they know that history won't remember them unless they spend a lot of it on crazy schemes that every space delusional will fucking love.

See, even if he doesn't succeed, Musk will be in the history books as one of the first to try.

That's why they're doing it. That's the only reason why they're doing it. You're just stupid enough to believe that a billionaire would have completely noble intentions.

>> No.4717350 [DELETED] 


And they can buy one from SPACEX for far, far less. the FH is going to be launched next year.

>> No.4717354

It must take a really serious technophobic anti-humanist to actually think this is not a good thing. Kind of makes me feel sorry for anybody twisted enough to want to disparage improvements in our ability to make use of space.

>> No.4717355


And they can buy one from SPACEX for far, far less with The FH which is going to be launched next year.

>> No.4717356


I see reading isn't your strong suit, otherwise you wouldn't still believe in this nonsensical fairytale.

Let me reiterate:

Electric cars aren't stupid, no no.

See, the idea of making your own company based on a technology that really doesn't exist is the stupid thing.

Same with SpaceX. They cannot fulfill the claims they're making with launch costs any more than they made the Tesla Roadster a profitable vehicle.

But, oop, Musk wants to be in the history books so now you cunts have worshipped him and put him there as one of the "pioneers" of the electric car as well.

This is just like james cameron not being satisfied with being a billionaire movie director and going down in a submersible to the bottom of the sea. SO BRAVE.

>> No.4717363

Comparing Musk to Kurzweil is lame. The former actually walks the walk. His accomplishments with SpaceX are impressive no matter what happens in the future. I'll bet Neil Armstrong & CO are starting to feel really stupid for trashing him in a congressional hearing.

>> No.4717364


The war in iraq is spreading freedom and democracy.

All propaganda is true.

Musk just wants to save us all, isn't he nice? If kurzweil is the prophet of the magic science god age, does that mean that musk is the jesus? come to save us all?

People, grow up and separate your reasoning from what you want to be true.

>> No.4717365

>doesn't exist

But it does exist and it works. So you are either an idiot or a troll, which is it?

>> No.4717367


>hero worship for a guy who throws money around like a fool

>disdain for the people who actually walked on the moon

Only in america.

>> No.4717369

You are really fucking stupid if you think this has ANYTHING to do with Musk, I don't give a crap who is behind it. While you are acting like a pathetic child the ISS is docking with a working capsule, no amount of crying will change that.

>> No.4717371

disdain for those who want to trash the idea of progress... yes.

>> No.4717374

Oh right, the guy walked on the moon. That means that whatever he says, goes. I forgot that part.

>> No.4717375


What exists and works? practical electric cars or rockets to the moon that cost less than a million dollars to launch?

Do you have the actual financial records for the recent launch? Just how much did the R&D cost? How much is the fuel, how much are the transportation services, how much to rent the pad, how much money do they lose from stages falling into the ocean?

Do we have any figures on this? Or just some cnbc article that says "uhh, they have the money, or so they say"

>> No.4717376

Neil Armstrong is very much part of the old guard.

Buzz Aldrin on the other hand, now there's a visionary, charismatic and with a share of humor.

>> No.4717378

james cameron uis also investing in planetary resources

>> No.4717382
File: 25 KB, 500x322, Tysononspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you hate Neil DeGrass Tyson?


>Dr. Tyson then segued into another series of quotes.

>"The most ambitious United States space endeavor in the years ahead will be the campaign to land men on neighboring Mars. Most experts estimate the task can be accomplished by 1985." from a 1966 issue of the Wall Street Journal.

>A 1967 issue of The Futurist claimed that "A manned lunar base will be in existence by 1986." Ah, if only it were so.

>And to really rub it in, a quote made in 1980 by Robert Traux: "By the year 2000, fifty thousand people will be living and working in space."

>As he approached the end of this series of quotes, Dr. Tyson asked "What's at the bottom of this delusional state?"

You're delusional. You want something to be true, so you believe that it is.

I'm sorry that you have not gotten over religious thinking.

>> No.4717386


Because he's rich and wants to be remembered. so he's spending money on a legacy.

Don't think for one second that he really cares about the world or humanity. He went to the bottom of the ocean for himself.

>> No.4717388
File: 8 KB, 149x178, MIRIAMCOLOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is filled with VSG clones buttdevastated by their state-apologist conservatist view getting shredded by private spaceflight.

Haters gonna hate.

>> No.4717394

>He went to the bottom of the ocean for himself.
I guess he brought the 3D cameras along to add to his personal deep sea pornography collection.

>> No.4717395


Strawmen? So soon?

But i thought i was arguing with liberal atheists, not the sort of people who just stick their fingers in their ears and pretend to not hear.

Oh yes. I am a mythical devil conservative because in your worldview anyone who disagrees with you must be some malevolent entity.

Seriously, grow up.

>> No.4717396
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>You're delusional. You want something to be true, so you believe that it is.

>I'm sorry that you have not gotten over religious thinking.

thats funny, because you seem pretty delusional yourself. You are ranting and raving and throwing strawmen and ad hominems everywhere... you seem to have put a lot of effort in that post.

I think you are just mad you are a nobody who will have no impact whatsoever on the new space race.
A miserable fool stuck in the past.

>> No.4717400


Everyone knows Avatar 2 will be in the water. He brought the camera to get shots for reference.

>ooh, he took pictures for us, he loves us!

This is becoming absurd...

>> No.4717401
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Almost all primary motivations arise from self interest. What about it? I guess you should punch your doctor in the face the next time you see him, he doesn't mean you well, he just wants to get paid.

>> No.4717403

You use that word yet you don't seem to know what it means.

I'm clearly calling you a giant faggot, that's an ad hominem for every intellectual worth his salt.

Now fuck off, i'm here to intellectually masturbate to dragon porn, not listen to someone jelly of billionaires following their dreams shedding their buttdevastated tears all over the place.

>> No.4717404


So all i have to do to be a somebody is have a lot of money and make it look like i'm trying to spend it on a good cause and you'll all come and suck my dick for it?

Actually, look at the replies to my posts. There hasn't been a single comprehensive rebuttal. Just, as you put it, ad hominem and strawmen.

>what? how can you not believe in space? you are dumb conservative! you will rot in past haha loser we all space now

Shit, i even show how Neil tyson, second blessed son of mother science, agrees with me.

Nope, nothing is better than the word of a billionaire who knows how to pull people's heartstrings.

>> No.4717412


Following their dreams? Musk's dream was to make money and move to america. He found that just being the rich ass founder of paypal was existentially unstatisfying so he decided to look important and special by trying to make a space company. Even if he fails he's going into the history books.

If he cared about the future, and not leaving a bombastic legacy he'd have invested in cancer research or cure diseases like bill gates.

All this does is appeal to the kids who grew up expecting that the 2000's would be the next space age.

I'm sorry that you're such zealots who can't see past what they want to believe to be true.

>> No.4717417

>If he cared about the future, and not leaving a bombastic legacy he'd have invested in cancer research or cure diseases like bill gates.

Oh look, it's the classic fix the earth before space argument.

Here's my rebuttal: you're a faggot.

>> No.4717418
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Because beating the Russians and Chinese in price of launching shit into space isn't enough. He is just a fraud who cooked the book. Do you work for the ULA?

>> No.4717420

strawmen as in building up your opinion of what my intentions are then mocking those fabricated opinions you absolutely convulated and idiotic moron.

>> No.4717423

Anti-spaceX guy, you have about as much chance converting the people of /sci/ as you would converting the people who thought that the world was going to end this time last year.

You cannot reason people out of a position that they did not use reason to get into.

You can't just talk these people's faith away, any more than you could a christian's.

>> No.4717425

well atleast I can spell.

>> No.4717427

>invested in cancer research or cure diseases

my god you are fucking stupid. You just showed how stupid you are with that post.

any moron can sink a few billion into that melting pot of bullshit called cancer research... it takes real ingenuity to found a company that works to takeignaramuses like you and advance humanity off this rock.

>> No.4717429

>Claims opponents to be unreasonable.
Here's my counter argument: no.
It was just as factually supported as yours.

And because we're more sharing my belief and this is a democracy we're right.

>> No.4717430

From that fucking website of lies:
>NASA awarded a $1.6 billion Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) to SpaceX on 23 December 2008, with options that potentially increase the maximum contract value to $3.1 billion.[25] The contract calls for 12 flights to the ISS, with a minimum of 20,000 kg (44,000 lb) of cargo carried to the ISS.[25]
So 1.6 billion = $133,333,333 per mission or $36,363 per pound ($80,000 per kg.)

That's a fucking good deal!

>> No.4717431


>billions starving to death

>economy out of control

>injustice everywhere

>chronic unemployment

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Space enthusiasts are the very, very few.

So tough shit. Saving lives comes before your personal wants.

Do try and rebutt with the classic henny penny "the sky will fall if we don't get to space within my lifetime!" canard.

>> No.4717433

at least I use my sup-perfect spelling ability to make worthwile posts that have a point, unlike you it seems.

>> No.4717438


So hinduism is the one true religion because more people on the planet believe in it?

Someone challenges your beliefs and all your reasoning goes right out the window.

>> No.4717439

>SpaceX’s Dragon

any 14 yo playing skyrim would come up with a better ( and less retarded) name.

>> No.4717440

This fellow /sci/entists, is the definitive traits of the thought processes of the moronic and naive liberaltarded fuckwits who would rather see humanity die off than have one nigger in africa going hungry.

look at his post... and learn.

>> No.4717443

>Saving lives comes before your personal wants.
Free market motherfucker. His money, his investments, his decisions.

And thank fucking god for that.

>> No.4717444


Oh wow. it's the eugenics guy who thinks progress is more important than life.

Let's all elect people like him! What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.4717447
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did some ITT actually said that Tesla Motors is in trouble?

>> No.4717450

Why haven't you donated all of your extra money to charity? You most certainly need nothing more than a cheap, small apartment and ramen with the occasional frozen vegetables and meat to survive, how can you possibly justify spending your money on yourself when there are other people dying and you could save them by giving them your money?

>> No.4717453

>Tesla sued Top Gear for the review of their Tesla Roadster in a 2008 episode in which Jeremy Clarkson could be seen driving one around the Top Gear test track, complaining about a range of only 55 miles (89 km) before showing that car being pushed into the garage, supposedly out of charge. Tesla has filed a lawsuit against the BBC for libel and malicious falsehood, claiming that two cars were provided and that at any point, at least one of them was ready to drive. In addition, Tesla believes that neither car ever dropped below 25 percent charge, and that the scene was staged.

>On October 19, 2011, the High Court in London rejected Tesla's libel claim.

Oh boy, what a great way to respond to your car being complete shit.

I bet he isn't lying about his rockets, either!

>> No.4717452

yeah, this doofus Luddite

>> No.4717461


I work a soup kitchen on sundays and i give whatever spare cash i have to people begging on the street even though i make 1700 a month.

Got any other strawmen to demonize?

Going to compare my money to a billionaires? He has nothing to lose in this venture. SO BRAVE.

>> No.4717465
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> thinks progress is more important than life.
lets save my local vermin invasion, give me $10Billion for this!

>Let's all elect people like him! What's the worst that could happen?
Shit getting done in an effective manner, the end of misery and suffering. Sounds good to me.

>> No.4717469
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>inb4 stonemason electric car conspiracy theories.

>> No.4717473


Vermin? I hope you don't mean poor people.

>the end of misery and suffering

You're going to lobotomize people so they lose their free will? Or are you just going to kill everyone?

You're not really so naive as to believe in utopia, are you?

You can't wait for the Brave New World, can you?

>> No.4717478

Elon Musk's stated goal of making mankind a multiplanetary species is more of a vision statement. The SpaceX near-term business goals are to devise a launch system cheap enough to recapture the commercial satellite market, which the US has been absent from for decades. In order to do so, he took a hard-nosed look at what makes current systems so expensive and pared them away: large standing armies, lots of subcontracting, little mass production, vertical stacking, outdated design methodologies. I am all for a businessman trying to do an existing task more efficiently.

The COTS, CRS, and CCDev contracts were mostly a way for them to get some seed money for development, an opportunity they could seize by being in the right place at the right time.

>> No.4717490

>Vermin? I hope you don't mean poor people.
You said life, i expect that to include all life.

Also, you seem to think that aid programs help greatly, when in fact they don't.

Cell phones, a product of progress, have done more to empower the poor than any super expensive aid program ever have. Oh sure, vaccines and similar effective public health programs. But they don't need visionary entrepeneurship, just funding, and here again progress is a great helper.

I fully expect future technological spillover from firsit world cutting edge progress to further empower and reduce poverty in the third world, by their own willfull involvement and small volunteer projects as oppopsed to gigabillion handouts.

>> No.4717495

>nothing to lose
oh boy. You do know that he has almost no liquid assets left, right? Of the $160M from the sale of PayPal, he sunk $80M into Tesla to keep it afloat $70M into SpaceX after the third Falcon crash, and $10M into SolarCity. He had to get some personal loans just to pay his divorce lawyers! He is one of the biggest risk takers in business today!

>> No.4717500
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are you a fucking nimrod or what?

>> No.4717503


To be fair, his claims werent innacurate, but top gear is an entertaiment show, not a news show. So they are protected when making false statements.

>> No.4717504

Donating spare cash? What a fucking joke. You make 1700 a month, you could very easily spend $1000 on all your living expenses including internet and be giving $700 a month to charity, and you think giving a few spare bills to homeless people, when there are literally people who are dying and could be saved by the $700 you frivolously spend on yourself, and you think you're a remotely decent person?

>> No.4717520


>1000 for all bills including rent, electricity, internet, car payments, insurance, food, and gas.

When you get out of high school, you'll know how stupid you sound.


>> No.4717525

Even when spaceX folds, people will still believe commercial space is possible.

Just like the people who thought the world was going to end on may 21 last year still believe in god.

Their reasoning? They can't afford to doubt. They have too much riding on everything going to plan.

Same with you guys.

>> No.4717532
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>People actually watching Top Gear at all.

>> No.4717533

Even when the earth is destroyed 12th of december this year people will still believe it isn't.

Just like the people who thought the world was going to end on may 21 last year still believe in god.

Their reasoning? They can't afford to doubt. They have too much riding on everything going to plan.

Same with you guys.

>> No.4717547

Why do you need a car? Why do you need a nice apartment? I know they make your life more enjoyable and they're what you want to spend your money on, but if you sold your car and got a bike or bus pass you could cut out gas, car payments and car insurance and if you instead donated that money to charity you could probably keep several people alive who are going to die because you won't. And you could definitely find an apartment for $600 a month if you tried, spending any more than that is just frivolous luxury on your part, you really have no need to spend more than $200 a month on food even with a balanced, tasty diet and I highly doubt utilities add up to over $200 a month, if they do you probably have more than you need.

Sadly, I don't think you'll ever grow up enough to realize how stupid you sound.

>> No.4717556


Why are you arguing just to be right?

Are you honestly saying that someone who has 300 dollars in the bank is equally morally responsible for helping people as someone with 70 million dollars in the bank?

Are you honestly depreciating people who don't make much money but still try to help people? just to win an argument?

I split rent with three people and the place is still shit. welcome to 2012 housing economy.

My job is an hour and a half away by car. It's rather impractical to ride a bike or take the bus since i start work at 7 am.

What exactly are you trying to say? that i'm financially equal to a billionaire?

>> No.4717572

The Taffies are in space. God help us all.

>> No.4717591

>>4717547 600

Its 1100 here for government mandated low income housing. 600