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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4712422 No.4712422 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw asians think they're the smartest at math and science

>> No.4712426

Well, Asia has the Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans and the Indians. Those are the smartest races on the planet, so yeah Asians are the smartest.

>> No.4712428


>> No.4712430

It's true though. Look at IQ statistics by country. Asians are the smartest race.

>> No.4712431


>> No.4712438
File: 50 KB, 400x263, 700-1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butthurt pasty faced white betas confirmed.

Science will always reveal the truth. Chinese, Japanese, Indians, and Koreans are statistically the most intelligent groups of people on this planet.

>> No.4712441
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>iq stats

get out


>> No.4712442

How do you measure intelligence, neckbeard?

>> No.4712444
File: 53 KB, 800x800, 1267559083867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I'm attempting to racemix with indian women for superior math/science genes

>> No.4712451

gooks are not intelligent they are hard working but not creative enough to be truly intelligent. They are good at working with past knowledge ie memorization but they fail at discovering anything on their own.

>> No.4712456

Anime is the new big art medium

>> No.4712457

You don't.
typical aspie needing to measure everything

>> No.4712467

I'd rather have a social life and an average size penis than medical school and the like.

>> No.4712468

PROTIP: It's not the genes, it's the culture. If you marry an Indian girl who's been white-washed, you'll have stupid kids.

>> No.4712471

Stay away from our women you subhumans.

>> No.4712473

I don't have a problem with people being smart I just hate when people try to show it off by using their race. Parents of college chink kids are notorious for doing this. They also kiss the white mans ass way too much.

>> No.4712476

Amen, where's the self respect?

>> No.4712477

Can't really hear anyone over 90% of science and math being attributed to Whites

Seriously, if that doesn't tell you anything about race and IQ, you're an idiot. Remember folks, culture of the whole population truly determines how well that population will do in an IQ test- IQ is not 100% inherited.
One more thing, look at how many contributing scientists there are among the Chinese and then look at the Japanese.

>> No.4712480

Well, true. Work ethic/culture is a bigger factor to success than just baseline IQ.

>> No.4712482

You don't look very much like an Ashkenazi Jew to me.

>> No.4712491

Hebrew master race reporting in niggas!

>> No.4712495

>Can't really hear anyone over 90% of science and math being attributed to Whites

[citation needed]

>> No.4712496
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I can't really hear anyone over the uncited and seemingly made-up statistics ITT

>> No.4712499
File: 84 KB, 291x294, 1314071659737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when Amurrikan OP thinks he is special

>> No.4712501

I can't hear you over your autism

>> No.4712504

I can't really hear anyone over your massive butthurt

>> No.4712505

I can't hear you over your lack of maturity and education.

>> No.4712510

I can't really hear anyone over your lack of qualia

>> No.4712511

>make up bullshit to support an argument on a goddamn SCIENCE imageboard of all places
>get told
>resort to name calling

Start tripping so I can block your dumbass

>> No.4712512

Butt hurt about what? Chink.

>> No.4712515

Kike detected

>> No.4712522
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1336765700333s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /sci/
> Not a circlejerk of know-nothings with no qualifications
> Seems legit

>> No.4712535
File: 1.07 MB, 1208x941, 85hyt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you REALLY going to argue that Whites didn't develop human civilization by far the most?

Jesus you madjelly non-whites need to be more thankful

>> No.4712554
File: 2 KB, 101x126, 1336767271794s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My white nigga!

>> No.4712586

given that science and math developed independently elsewhere outside of europe long before 1450, yes, im going to argue that

also, seeing how you have no education in informal logic, ill just say

>charles murray
>political scientist

lol, go to school kid

>> No.4712596

>demographically dead race within 100 years

>> No.4712599


peoples of the middle east developed most of the concepts of western civilization

>> No.4712601

I won't argue about all the stuff a long time ago, but I will point out that RIGHT NOW, just because research is focused in Europe and North America doesn't mean it's done by white people.

>> No.4712602

Stay mad, chink. What have you invented in the last 200 years?

>> No.4712605

True.....well in Europe he's right.

>> No.4712612

>gooks are not intelligent they are hard working but not creative enough to be truly intelligent. They are good at working with past knowledge ie memorization but they fail at discovering anything on their own.

I'm sure the arabs thought the same of the europeans during the renaissance... every civilization has its ups and downs.

>> No.4712616


Perhaps not all research in Europe is conducted by white people, but the proportion of white people making award-winning discoveries seems rather astonishing.

>> No.4712621

chink detected

go back to /a/ you faggot

>> No.4712623


>> No.4712627

I'm thinking about the last twenty years or so, which is the most I can speak for as I haven't been alive much longer than that. Stuff that recent wouldn't show up enough to be apparent in nobel prizes, not to mention that there is no nobel prize in math/compsci which is huge at the moment.

Don't bother arguing with me, I don't really care and I'm white anyway.

>> No.4712651

Sure is /pol/ in here...

>> No.4712655

I'm kind of tired of people just parroting this. It's basically just popsci nonsense at this point with unverified and unquantified claims.

>> No.4713251


facts are not pop science

>> No.4713534


racist though process
>oh man asians are smarter than whites
>how can i discredit them?
>i know, theyre smarter because they dont have beautiful souls, not because they work harder

/sci/ is /pol2/

>> No.4714184


>implying only whites can be racist
>implying the racist could not also be asian

Whenever someone thinks only whites can be racist, i will strangle a kitten.