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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4694387 No.4694387 [Reply] [Original]

Everything is cultural. Things like countries, our social interactions, language, education, even down to the structure of our psyches.
I literally see the world through white middle class 18-36 English speaking, high-school educated, male, tinted glasses.
Is this a good thing? Is it possible to see reality without wearing any glasses?
Even these thoughts "I am seeing the world through tinted glasses" is cultural. It requires an understand of grammar/english language and the notion of a subject/self which I'm unconvinced has any real existence beyond the social structure it inhabits.
Is it a good thing to be so..cultural? Does anyone know what I'm talking about? How do I stop seeing reality through the eyes of the social structure I'm part of?

>> No.4694397

Everyone lives in a bubble.
Acknowledging you are in a bubble and that people are complicated is the best you can do.

>> No.4694412

In fact this is not true at all. People are animals, and pretty basic things are common to every human: sex, taking food, etc. How you do it is what is different and depends on the culture. But the necessities are the same.

>> No.4694416

>Everyone lives in a bubble.
But what does this even mean?

>> No.4694422

try dmt

>> No.4694427

I think that has something to do with spongebob or something?

>> No.4694431

It means that you have a sphere of relationships that you can't easily detach your self from. For example you end up posting on /sci/ and not a creationist forum.

>> No.4694434

It means you don't know me, motherfucker.

>> No.4694436

I do that because of reson

>> No.4694442

>Everything is cultural.

That doesn't mean there's no objective reality or that we don't have the capacity to understand it. If you focus on that (as you should since this is fucking /sci/), the cultural aspects are less important. And maybe you can do some sociology reading on the side for fun, just to maintain some understanding of the "cultural" side of things.

>> No.4694443

Condolences on ruining your mind with postmodernism, OP. Also, condolences on being infected with a political ideology that is rapidly being recognized as a joke worldwide.

>> No.4694455

Even doing science is cultural.

>> No.4694457

Sure but it means you won't encounter the folks who do post on a creationist forum very often, and when you they will be outside your bubble. They are Other People, outsiders, idiots who we don't want to talk to... They are in their bubbles with people who think the same way as them and they have their confirmation of their retardation that makes it look like they are normal.
Anyway knowing that you are in a bubble is enlightening.

>> No.4694483

>Even doing science is cultural.

yeah, no

This "science wars" shit is so 90s. Sokal affair, etc., no one actually believes that anymore.

>> No.4694484
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It seems to be nature's great prank on me that every girl with a flawless face has an abysmal rack, and every girl with a gorgeous rack has an abysmal face.

Seriously, fuck you Mother Nature.

>> No.4694511

No I mean it's a cultural practice, a way of interacting with the world. This way of interacting is formed through our interactions in a social environment. You don't escape culture when you practice science.

>> No.4694559


>> No.4694963

Agreed. You can't wear "culture-tinted" glasses when dealing with laser spectroscopy. You can't wear "culture-tinted" glasses when measuring galaxies' redshift. You can't wear "culture-tinted" glasses when dealing with the laws of nature, no more than when you measure your height. In science, even though things are never clear-cut, they are in principle objective. The rate of emission of neutrinos from the Sun exists, even if we don't know what it is. Anybody who says otherwise is trying to make their social science more relevant.