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4683534 No.4683534 [Reply] [Original]

>Getting a degree


>> No.4683544
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Not related in the 99% way, but related in the aspect that you don't have to be in debt.

>> No.4683545

And the alternative is...

Not getting a degree and being a poorfag the rest of your life?

>> No.4683547

>join the military
>work at Target or Buffalo Wild Wings
>attempt starting a business
>do some self-study and perhaps land in a decently paying, yet boring as all fuck profession like codemonkey or network tech

no thanks

>> No.4683548

I'm not in debt at all.. Starting PhD program where I will be a TA capable of paying for my apartment, tuition, books, etc.. and still be earning

>> No.4683552

>Paying for Higher education
It sure sucks getting undergrad in US

>> No.4683553

I know he's lying about his grades, because someone that allegedly smart wouldn't write something so stupid.

>> No.4683554

what makes you think college gurantees you a job?

>> No.4683555

I agree.

he doesn't seem to realize that "99%" describes a real section of society based on firm financial criteria.

you don't get to choose whether or not you're making more than $300k/year and have net holdings in excess of $1.25 million excluding the home you live in. Either you do or you don't.

>> No.4683557

3.8 is not hard to get depending on your major. Shit, I have a 3.4 cumulative for physics at mit

>> No.4683567

But he literally seems to have never heard the words "2008 financial crisis". Either he's never had contact with the outside world for several years, or he's completely oblivious to his external environment.

>> No.4683572


You act like joining the Military is a bad thing. You have them pay for school, they pay your housing, they pay you. Shit, just for a deployment here and there (Depending on MOS and gender) . A lot of times, people do not get deployed anyways. You also travel around the world. You learn discipline, which out here... a lot of people lack.

>Nuclear Engineer Sophomore enlisting this summer.

>> No.4683576
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>having to have someone teach you discipline

>> No.4683578

I did 3 years active duty in the Marines to get my degree. I joined during wartime, but served almost entirely in peace.

I'm strongly encouraging my kids to avoid it.

if they want discipline they can do a year or two in prison, it's safer and probably more fun.

>> No.4683583

well that's just great

after hearing my father, who has been in the army for 22 years, tell me not to join ... no thanks

>> No.4683589

>Read about all those kids who procrastinate with everything.

What MOS did you have? Like I said before, it depends on what MOS you have and what branch and what gender. Marines don't entirely choose their MOS anyways. Army lets you have your MOS as long as you have the required line scores most times, Navy/ CG and Air Force allow the same.

The matter of safety is out of your hands anyways, you cannot stop them from doing dangerous things in their life 100% of the time. Just saying.

>> No.4683591

What was the reason he gave you?

>> No.4683598

several that all boil down to two points - its filled with dumb fucks below E-6 and the climate is highly anti-intellectual

>> No.4683603

I had a couple different jobs in a program that no longer exists. I was a dragon gunner, an antitank missileman mostly.

I realize my kids are going to do dangerous stuff. The military is no joke though. I'd rather they avoid displays that have a good chance of ending badly. There are so many things to do in life that aren't dying.

>> No.4683608

that's not surprising considering the military is largely filled with idiots incapable of doing anything so they turn to the government for guidance.

i know there are exceptions, but a lot of enlisted personnel are truly pants on head retarded.

>> No.4683614

Opinions on the Navy? Information and Technology career path?

>> No.4683618

I always wanted to join just for the travel.

>> No.4683626

Currently finishing a masters degree, starting a phd next fall. Total debt: 0. Just be smart, get good grades and scholarships will pay your way through education.

>> No.4683627

If you're using it as a route to GI Bill money then it's ok I suppose.

If you are using it to jump-start an IT career, go to a votech school instead and get your CCNA certification. Or read a study guide for two weeks. Maybe things have changed in the past 10 years (yes I'm old), but I doubt it. Hardly any of your "education" will transfer over to the real world.