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4683391 No.4683391 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4683398

Wild strawberries taste the best. Genetic engineers should make large strawberries that also taste good—it's stupid that they don't.

>> No.4683401

why is that strawberry so big. Big strawberries always have such an unsatisfying texture and flavour compared to the smaller ones.

>> No.4683402

>dat apple sized strawberry

Science wins again.

>> No.4683418

get fed now. get cancer later.

science, it always wins.

>> No.4683425



>> No.4683433

wild strawberries taste worse than 'organic' which were cultivated from wild which is basically the same as gmo but in a slightly more natural way

the reason shop bought strawberries always taste shit is because they grow them to be large and resilient, so of course they'll just taste like water. grow them at home cunts, they're easy as fuck to grow and take little space

>> No.4683445

>citation needed

>shop bought strawberries taste like shit.

There's no evidence to suggest the chemicals found in GMO strawberries that produce the characteristically pleasing taste are any less present compared to home-grown strawberries. In fact, I would venture to hypothesize that GMO store-bought strawberries likely have a larger number of these delicious chemicals (be careful when you read this word. Too often we ascribe the word "chemical" as though it were a negative term. Water, sugar, and oxygen are all "chemicals")

>> No.4683448

its all about concentration; the wild ones taste the best because you have roughly the same sugar content in a smaller package. Simple as that.

>> No.4683453

>citation needed.

Goddammit /sci/ you are shit today.

>> No.4683461

>GMO = bad bad danger cancer

you fucks are worse than the vaccines = autism crowd.

>> No.4683471

GMO is just doing what agriculture has done over the past 10000 years in a few months.

It's better, in fact, because we have greater control over "undesirable" genes.

>> No.4683474

but vaccines have been proven to cause autism in a number of uses.
it;s a scientifec fact

>> No.4683483

regardless of the type of strawberry the taste is based on the firmness and the shade of red that it is. i lived in california for about 17 years. during that time i lived in an area where directly behind my house were strawberry fields, during weekends i would spend a good chunk of my time eating the strawberries i noticed the bigger ones didnt taste as sweet as the more medium sized ones and the darker the red generally meant sweeter berries

>> No.4683502

I'm just paranoid some companies will fuck me over by overly-prioritizing yield over taste and nutrients. Then again, that's a stupid complaint since shit-tasting GMO will never sell and thus be discouraged.

Why the heck are people calling cancer from GMOs?

>> No.4683550

You guys are aware that "wild strawberry" and "common strawberry" are two different species, right?

>> No.4683556

You guys are aware that "wild strawberry", "common strawberry" and "GMO strawberry" are three different species, right?

>> No.4683560

>didn't get the memo on vaccines and autism

those studies were fraudulant.

>> No.4683770
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>> No.4683778

Maybe, I don't know for sure, but I doubt they genetically engineered it to the point where the two varieties couldn't reproduce with each other.
Unless the GMOs completely lack reproductive ability, in which case it wouldn't even be useful to describe it as a species because it can't be compared via reproduction to anything else.

>> No.4683795

All GMOs are sterile because it benefits the companies.

>> No.4683807

Wild strawberry at least is a different species and IIRC cannot reproduce with your regular garden strawberry.

>> No.4683854

That's a CEO's wet dream, it makes hippie faggots happy, and they gain a huge profit from making people not be able to grow their own batch of GMO vegetables.

>> No.4683896

Wonder if people herp'd the derp when they used science to defeat small box as well

>> No.4683907

what the fuck is that statement?

>> No.4683909

>I wonder people bitch and whine when people managed to defeat small pox using science.

>> No.4683917

While I personally prefer the more subtle and fresh taste of a wild strawberry, the GMO strawberry is pretty nice.

>> No.4683919

thanks for the translation

>> No.4683925

Pretty much what >>4683909 said

Every time a new piece of technology is revealed or a better method is worked out the retarded tend to rise up en-mass against it. Take light bulbs, electric cars or the earlier computer for example

>> No.4683936

>All GMOs are sterile because it benefits the companies

I'm getting tired of seeing this statement.



Whenever one goes ahead, faggots complain about the other. Make your fucking minds up, anti-GMO people.

>> No.4683942

anti-GMO people are usually anti- nuclear and anti- disease research people too

It would be just best to ignore them but democracy and doing what the idiots think because that's where the votes are

>> No.4683943

GMOs MUST be good because they science hurrr!

>> No.4683966

you almost got me

>> No.4683970

>luddites_gonna_ludd.mpeg; 1.4GB BRRIP

>> No.4683972

>GMOs MUST be good because they science
There's actually nothing hurr about this

>> No.4683982
File: 1.10 MB, 763x429, infinite strawberries.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since nobody else is going to post it.

>> No.4683988


I find this blind faith in science a little worrisome and naive. Sure, it is a force of good, but not always, and especially not under free-market doctrine where profit reigns supreme.

>> No.4684009

He probably meant that since the GMO strawberries are specifically made to be delicious, they thus tend to be more so than natural strawberries which needed millions of years to develop into being delicious.

>> No.4684036

Why yes lets give more power to corporations, they don't own everything yet.

>> No.4684040

not sure they are though

specifically engineered to increase yields is the usual.

sometimes this is done by making them resistant to pesticides.

>> No.4684048

It's human nature to modify and exploit new trickery accessible to us. It would be unnatural of us not to artificially modify the genes of stuff once we have the ability to do so. One needs to play with fire to learn whats wise and unwise to do with fire. If that means I have to eat some really tasty strawberries then so be it.

>> No.4684051

>implying you don't already get your everything from corporations
Grow your own damn fruit, hippie. Genetic engineering is the future and you cannot stop it.

>> No.4684054

You're an idiot.
No matter how powerful they get they can't and won't stop you from growing your own non-GM food

>> No.4684060

monsanto has sued non-gm growers for intellectual property infringement because stray GM seeds got into their non GM fields.

i've nothing against GM, what i am against is corporations being dicks, and monsanto seems the most dickish

>> No.4684062

Why's that dickish?
If it were hippies who were suing the farmers for "secretly tainting their pure crops with evil GM seeds" you wouldn't bat an eyelid.

>> No.4684066

not a hippy, a 70 yr old Saskatchewan

>why is that dickish

you really think it's okay to sue? can't tell if troll or another dick.

imagine a company releases a computer virus (non malign, it just sits there) then sues everyone who catches it for using their product without permission

>> No.4684064

I don't know about him, but yeah I would.

>> No.4684070

If you can't see why it isn't dickish I give up now. Please die.

>> No.4684072

I wouldn't bat an eyelid no. I think it's reasonable to have control over what I farm.

>> No.4684077


>> No.4684085

Except that their plants are sterile, and they don't magically grow everywhere they need to be planted

>> No.4684089

except they aren't.

the roundup ready canola in this case cross pollinated with non GM canola over a few growing seasons until a substantial amount of the farmer's seed (which he kept over himself) had monsanto's intellectual property in it.

>> No.4684091

anybody who has ever eaten wild strawberries will agree that they are the best.
There's nothing quite like it in taste.
If you eat a Wallmart strawberry afterwards it just tastes like a sponge.

>> No.4684094

i think that what a corporation considers delicious is often not what i consider delicious.

witness the shit apples that seem popular. or just mcdonalds food

>> No.4684096


Well no shit.

>> No.4684098

Let me guess. Your friend had some strawberries in his backyard that he told you were wild but were actually grown from store bought seeds called "wild strawberry seeds".

>> No.4684104

So cynical. Did you get out of bed the wrong side?

I go wild berry picking around Dartmoor and have done for years.

>> No.4684101

Organic strawberries (as well as pretty much all organic produce) still tastes much better than GMO. I don't see any fundamental reason why this should be true, but it definitely is. Apparently "have some kind of flavor" is not one of the traits they give them.

>> No.4684105

yield and flavour are pretty much inversely proportional, whether GM or more traditional breeding techniques

>> No.4684107

It's called the placebo effect.
You pay more so you think they taste better. That and their perceived good taste is reinforced by other schmucks who tell you that they taste better

>> No.4684117

agreed. variety is what matters, not organic/non organic

GM is a variety issue, and they always create high yield, low flavor varieties, as these are mass market profitable varieties.

it's not in a GM company's interest to make niche, good flavor products. yet.

bring on artisanal biotech

>> No.4684142


Wow. No.

>> No.4684368


The placebo affect is pretty well documented. Cornell University(and quite a few others) did studies on the organic placebo affect.

Face it you're convincing yourself that it tastes better but it actually doesn't. It's not surprising the mind plays a powerful force in taste factors.


>> No.4684381

>implying i was disputing the existence of the placebo effect


>> No.4684389

>implying my post debated whether the placebo effect existed

>> No.4684791

Some people like other things. Deal with it.