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4681462 No.4681462[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on nightclubs? Do people on this board ever go to one?

A nightclub is a place where you go to dance to shit music, talk about pleb things (like American Idol style television contests) with stupid people, and drink expensive drinks. If you're not a person that goes to a nightclub, then normal people (also known as normalfags) think you are boring and abnormal (implying that abnormality is bad or wrong).

It's not all bad though. A nightclub is the most consistent and reliable way of fucking a bitch (their words). By them, I mean a specific male demographic (testosterone-charged gym-goers with big muscles and prone to violence as a way to solve problems).

So, where do the users of /jp/, /pol/, /sci/, or /adv/ go to fuck bitches, if not the ever reliable nightclub? You have to fuck a bitch because sex is one of man's most primal urges, whether you admit it or not (like /jp/ who have convinced themselves that they would never consider fucking a 3d girl, sad place, that /jp/).

>> No.4681503

Op is an aspie faggot. Also stop stereotyping those of us who actually lift, skinny cunt m8.

>> No.4681508

i go to arty quieter nightclubs to discuss qualia, get drunk and meet girls

>> No.4681510
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Meh. Tried the night club thing for a few years while I was in the Army. Never cared for it. Then again, I prefer to live a very private lifestyle, and the club thing is just too gawdy for me. Not to mention, it's a microscope on some of the worst qualities of people, all neatly (or not so) packed into some hot, sweaty room with some shitty hip hop remix, skrillex, or mainstream and safe rock music.

To be honest, most of the semi-tolerable girls I've met IRL were the result of stuff online, even vidya games. Of course, all women are psychopaths and are bigger pain in the ass in the long term than they are worth just for some pussy. I dunno, OP. I've just sort of gotten that shit out of my system and don't care anymore about chasing girls around. I never really got much out of sex (I mean, I guess it feels nice. Nothing to write home about, though.).

I think a lot of this crap is just society's way of making you pay for shit you don't want or need.

>> No.4681513

>/pol/ leaving their houses


>> No.4681524

Why do you have such a bad opinion of them? If you do not like the music in a particular nightclub, there are many others. You can talk about whatever you like, it does not have to be 'pleb things' and you do not have to go with 'stupid people', you go with your friends. The drinks usually are quite expensive, but we usually drink before going, and only have 1 or 2 when actually there.

It is not a place to go just to get laid, the guys who think like that are douchebags and they are just irritating; they are the worst part of nightclubs.

>> No.4681531

I go to nightclubs
1. The music isn't bad
2. People who work out aren't more violent, having respect for your own body shows class, and is equal to working the mind.
3. You sound like a faggot.

>> No.4681537

>i work out
>go to faggot clubs
>have more homo sex in a night than you aspie virgins have any kind of sex in a year. shit is so cash

>> No.4681539

>You have to fuck a bitch
No. No you don't.

You really care about what other people think of you?


>> No.4681545
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>than you aspie virgins have any kind of sex in a year.
lol wow

>> No.4681549

>i don't understand green text
>i don't know so cash meme

>> No.4681557


Did you actually read my post, or just spew your arrogant homo propaganda.

I didn't insult people who work out.
I suggest people go clubbing, it's fun
Faggot doesn't mean homo, faggot.

>> No.4681560

>successful troll is successful

>> No.4681563

>I didn't insult people who work out.
Yes you did; you stereotyped all people who work out as being prone to violence.
>testosterone-charged gym-goers with big muscles and prone to violence as a way to solve problems)

>> No.4681568

>work out
>study at uni
>don't have time to go to clubs because are pretty hard for me and i usually have to sit all evening learning stuff
>not a surprise that most failing people in my group go to clubs all day 'erryday

>> No.4681573


its true, I dont think everyone tries to avoid violence, but if you devote a lot of time to getting stronger its logical that it becomes a way of stating your position over others.

>> No.4681574


those who claim there are only clubs with mainstream music and horny bitches and agressive assholes, where one is not able to make a nice conversation about stuff one actually is interested in, are just too lazy to find good places with many interesting people and good music

>> No.4681578

You need to be working all the time?
Surely you can find time to socialise, even if just a couple of nights a week?

>> No.4681581

The very strong ones always seem quite calm and gentle to me. They do not have to fight, people know it is best not to irritate them.

>> No.4681590

in my experience it's more likely that they know they're targets for violence and have had their asses kicked a time or two.

strength helps in the practive of violence, but it's of no value without speed, technique, and a fair bit of assholishness.

>> No.4681591

I don't really go there. I don't master such situations that well. Most are extroverted psyched people and I'm just annoyed and tired out like an animal being chased by a Raramuri. I try my luck in bars.

>> No.4681596

Or they're from a smaller city.

>> No.4681602

Those who are prone to violence are usually cowards. They will not pick on a strong person, they will only choose to pick a fight with somebody they think is weak, so they think they will win.

Those who are truly strong usually care a lot about their bodies, and do not wish to risk injury by pointlessly fighting. They will not look for fights, and a fight will not be brought to them because they look strong.

>> No.4681607

as I said, strength doesn't make one a good fighter.

often weight lifters and big guys ARE the weakest fighters in the room.

just because you equate strength with fighting ability doesn't make it so.

>> No.4681616

You think so?
Well I do not know much about fighting, but I would presume that the larger person would win, and can punch harder if they are stronger.
I have not been in a fight, but I have seen a few, and the bigger guy has always won (When it was men fighting)
I think this is why boxing/fighting competitions divide the categories by weight; it is too much of an advantage, and skill is barely relevant if there is a very large weight difference.

>> No.4681624

in a fight where there are rules, and both fighters have similar skill and desire then weight is often the deciding factor.

in real life the smaller guy tends to win, assuming they aren't scared of big guys. Though 'winning' is hard to decide in most real fights.

I've been in hundreds of fights. I can easily beat most men bigger than me. I often get beat by guys smaller than me.

>> No.4681628

>Though 'winning' is hard to decide in most real fights.
All of the fights I have seen have always been very one sided.
Perhaps small guys are faster and harder to hit, and the larger ones are bigger and clumsier?
Why do you fight so much?

>> No.4681633

I don't fight much anymore.
I used to when I was in the Marine Corps back before you were born.

yeah, smaller guys usually have a speed advantage, and a lot of them really pack a punch. Generally the winner is just the one with the most experience and confidence though. Little guys often start fights with big guys just because they have something to prove.

>> No.4681636

What would that prove?
Starting a fight with an innocent person is a horrible thing to do, even if they do look big, and look like they can defend themselves.

>> No.4681638

well, I guess it's better than starting a fight with someone smaller than you, but I agree, it's a horrible thing to do.

mostly it proves that little guys are often insecure assholes because they know most people are judging them as weak based on their size alone.

>> No.4681644

>You have to fuck a bitch because sex is one of man's most primal urges

>giving in to urges like lesser animals

>> No.4681643


>> No.4681645

Humans are animals.
You can not help but feel urges, and people usually do obey them.
If you ignore the urge for hunger or thirst, you will soon die.
If you ignore the urge for love, you will be lonely and miserable.

>> No.4681648

>lesser animals

I wrote that exactly because I knew autistic fucks like you would make a fuss about semantics. Seems like it wasn't enough to ward off the biggest autist of them all.

>> No.4681658

Stop bringing up food, shitting, sleep and breathing whenever urges are mentioned, they're not even on the same level of importance. Some people cope with being alone and without sex better than others, but without food etc., everyone dies.

>> No.4681659

There are no 'greater animals' or 'lesser animals' taxonomically speaking.

In fact, if by 'lesser animals' you mean simple forms, things like bacteria, then these do not get urges.
Compared to these, the 'higher animals' would be things such as mammals, that do get urges.

>> No.4681663
File: 340 KB, 351x440, 5star_post_RE_When_i_see_one_of_castlewarsisawsomes_posts-s351x440-130693[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4681673


Take your fucking pretend autism and shove it up your gaping ass, you whore. You know exactly what I mean.

>> No.4681682

Yes I do know what you mean, you hold humans to be separate from other forms of life, and that humans are special in some way.

You are rude; discussion is over.

>> No.4681685

I used to be (/tried to be) exactly what you described and then I just realized what a moron I had become.
I haven't gone out alot since (like 2 times in half a year) and am focussing on my studies and projects. I also got kind off a lonewolve and I enjoy this sudden solitude.

>> No.4681690


Self-imposed solitude master race

>> No.4681698

she might be a real autist- she doesn't seem to realize that pretending to be autistic is socially unacceptable. Failure to pick up on social cues is often a trait of autists.

or perhaps she's just an smug, self-satisfied walking demonstration of the dunning kruger effect.

>> No.4681711

I have a lot of friends and no one I know goes to night clubs. That's a really bizarre false dichotomy.

>> No.4681713

wtf is that pic OP, where did you get that?

>> No.4681727

I'm not judging, but it is very probable that your friends are all ugly male asocial nerds and don't really have a choice about it.

>> No.4681736


Only half my friends are male. I'm genuinely curious what kind of life OP has had that he thinks going to nightclubs (?) is the only way people socialize.

>> No.4681741

op is probably from jersey.
the west coast goes to raves.
the rest of the country dates their coworkers.

>> No.4681750

dude, I litterally know noone who doesn't go/has gone to parties frequently that isn't a total aspie.
(again, I'm not saying you should. I'm just confused why you know so many people who don't) What do you study?

>> No.4681752

Went twice. Stupid and pointless shit.

Then staying at home is a better idea, son't you think? Why drag yourself into "enemy territory"?

>> No.4681753

>dont go to clubs
>watch anime every night
>study/do work every night
>play video games on the weekends
>disregard cumdumpster moneysinks
>perfectly happy

inb4 op says something along the lines of "lol no ur not happy fgt. you can only be happy by doing things i like"

>> No.4681759

It is not 'enemy territory'.
I enjoy nightclubs for the most part.

>> No.4681761

are these thai girls?

>> No.4681763

>nightclub is enemy territory
>you enjoy the nightclub
>you are the enemy

all is well

>> No.4681771

If you do not enjoy nightclubs then do not go.
There are many other social venues.

>> No.4681773

thank you, captain obvious.

>> No.4681776


I don't study anything. In college I had a double major in physics and philosophy. I went to a small college where everyone knew everyone, and nobody went to fucking night clubs.

>> No.4681787

Probably Thai girls. I've been to Thailand and witnessed the sex scene but never saw something like this. I've heard of a "fish bowl" where you select up to 4 women (American, Russian, Chinese, Thai, or Vietnamese are available) from a hot tub, and have them for an hour. That's about $100 or so. There are also gogo bars where you pay the bartender for an expensive drink then are allowed to take your girl back. There is also sex when getting your hair cut, sex while getting a massage, and plenty of prostitutes on the street.

I have never seen or heard of something like this. I imagine that this is either a place set up by Thai people for foreigners to meet with prostitutes, or a large group of people that bought out a hotel and brought Thai prostitutes back to it.

>> No.4681812

Dearest Thread Originator,
When my eyes first glanced upon your rather
eloquently worded treatise regarding this
particular subject, it did not require much time,
nay, dare I say it was in fact almost
instantaneous that I was able to summarize that
your post- though masterfully written with such
quality that it may indeed rival the
quintessential prose of authors such as
Dostoevsky, Baldwin or perhaps even Joyce-
was quite prolix; based upon the
aforementioned conclusion, I resolved that I
would exercise no more of my mental faculties
in the act of comprehending the text that you
had written.
Sincerely, and wholly unequivocally yours,
Post Scriptum,
In the future it would be most advantageous,
not only for me but also the other members of
this forum that you provide a brief summary of
your text that emphasizes the more principle
points of what you have composed.
Post Post Scriptum,
I would also like to make one additional
comment if I may. It is in my humble and most
earnest opinion that you are of the caliber of
person whose taste appeals to prurient interests
due to unassailable fact that you are a

>> No.4681833

Are you autistic OP? No offense, but you come off like that. In answer to your question, I don't like clubs very much either. If I go with a girl I know and dance with her, that's fine, but I don't like meeting girls there, and never have. I can only tolerate a club for about an hour, but I can imagine myself staying for longer if I ever went to a club that was primarily meant for dancing, like a rave for example.

I enjoy quiet bars, or bars where a musician is playing. They need to have a great beer selection, maybe some they brew themselves, and a pool table wouldn't hurt. Loud bars don't do it for me.

As for meeting women...I have never met a girl at a club or a bar. At university, I've met girls by walking up to them and just talking, or studying with them. For example, I just met a Chinese girl two nights ago at the grocery store. I told her I was making Chinese food (which I was) and wanted her help finding the things I needed. She went all around the store with me, telling me what to buy. I ran into her again yesterday on the bus. I sat down in an empty seat, and unknowingly sat next to her. When she saw me, she enthusiastically said hi and I got her number. I currently have a girlfriend and will not try anything with this girl, but this is how it can start.

However, most of my hookups were with girls I met through friends, and my last girlfriend dating my friend before me. I met her through him. My current girlfriend is in China, and I met her on a dating site. I plan to hire a lawyer and bring her here next year.

>> No.4681841

Why don't you hire an escort? They're only $200-250, and cleaner and more beautiful than a prostitute. Or, if you have fetishes hire a fetish escort. Reading between the lines it seems like you want to meet girls but don't know how and can't socialize very well.

>> No.4682022
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This is ... epic.

>> No.4682029

You can't faggot. You obviously need medical attention but you are gonna deny this fact because you think that your ignorance is worth the same as the opinion of professionals.

As for the question no I do not go to nightclubs, I do like to go to bars though when a good football game is on.