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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4670336 No.4670336 [Reply] [Original]

SWIM (someone who isn't me) wants to murder someone Swim knows. How would Swim go about doing this without getting caught? Swim was thinking about knocking on their door and shooting them with a silenced pistol when they answer. Swim has motive to kill this person so Swim will be a suspect, but if Swim denies it and doesn't leave any evidence, will Swim get caught?


How do you murder someone you know without going to jail?

>> No.4670340


>> No.4670341

First you must become a ghost and then you can scare them to death.

>> No.4670343
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C'mon /Sci/ducks

Show your intelligence!

>> No.4670351


>come on sci show your intelligence

shoot them, but here's the trick, shoot the bullet backwards in time

no one will figure it out

>except Batman

>> No.4670352

to kill your enemy, you must first kill yourself

>> No.4670353

If swims does what op proposes, he/she will get caught in about a week. That is most stupid thing one could do. There might be witnesses, the arm can be tracked, its hard to leave no evidence at all, etc. There are many methods, they aren't hard to figure out. I won't tell any, I don't like peopled getting killed, but here's a tip: swim won't kill the guy personally.

>> No.4670354

show us more of those bodacious tatas and we'll be more helpful

>> No.4670369

I wish I could. This specimen is why we need to master the art of cloning.

Also, The guys at /k/ are giving much better advice. Step it up /sci/. This is kinda pathetic.

>> No.4670375


>> No.4670382

Poisoning. Be very careful about it though. Do not leave any evidence of the poison originating from you. I'll leave the details to you.

>> No.4670385

someone obviously never watched Dexter....

set up kill room

drug target

kill them

leave no evidence.

but if you have legit "motive" forget it.

>> No.4670394

think simple.

provoke him into attacking you, or trick him into some kind of roleplay/acting where he attacks you, then you just shoot him out of self defense.

>> No.4670400

Kidnapping would be way more risky you retard. Swim wants to get rid of this person without leaving enough evidence to get caught.

>> No.4670402

A silencer probably doesn't do as much as you think it does.

The difference is substantial, but don't believe that bullshit they do in video games and movies where the guy in the next room doesn't hear it.


The familiar squeak sound that silencers make in most video games is, as far as I know, completely fictional.

Also, using a gun is probably the worst way to murder someone if you want to get away with it, especially if you know you'll be a suspect. Do you even know how you would acquire the gun and then dispose of it? Are you aware that there would be gunshot residue all over your clothes?

>> No.4670403

acetaminophen (tylenol) poisoning
Just make him a delicious beverage of mostly tylenol syrup, make the target drink 4 or 5 glases and he/she will suffer a painful death ( or at least a permanent liver injury) wich won't be detected until a week after.

>> No.4670409

Won't work. Swim hasn't seen this person in years. The target fucked up swim's life years ago and swim has been patiently planning revenge.

>> No.4670410
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stop asking about it in the internet/classroom

>> No.4670419

take a look

>> No.4670426

Why does someone who isn't you want this person dead?

>> No.4670430

how did this person ruin swiys life?

>> No.4670438

You know the person and you got a motive. No plan will ever guarantee you won't get caught. Just get a really good lawyer and pray for the best.

>> No.4670441


Can't be too specific, but it started off like this guy's story and snowballed hard:


>> No.4670476

Yes we know you can't be because you are full of shit. Kill Yourself. That's right, kill yourself. Kill Yourself.

>> No.4670480

Carefully lockpick way into home (observe their routines beforehand)

Leave no trace

Add polonium 210 to food item (or ricin or whatever)


>> No.4670493

Evil stuff, powerful too.
Do it with Ricin, just the smallest pinch and death comes swiftly and irreversibly.

>> No.4670498
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Not full of shit faggot. Help or fuck off.

How do you get your hands on the stuff?

>> No.4670514
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>> No.4670515

I am trying to help the world and this board, but seriously, kill yourself. Kill Yourself. Got that? Kill Yourself.

>> No.4670519
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If you were going to have someone killed and everyone knew you wanted them dead... How would you do it?

>> No.4670520

>shooting someone at their front door
>has a motive
>not getting caught

>> No.4670523

SWIM obviously isn't affiliated with the forensic fields of science.

Even an icicle will have a tell-tale trace of chemicals from SWIM's fridge or home environment.

>> No.4670526

OK, get a frozen leg of lamb, beat them to death with it, then cook it and feed it to the homeless, then kill yourself.

>> No.4670528

Swim doesn't have to be the shooter. There would be almost no evidence if the murder happened like this. Even if the cops took Swim to trial, what evidence would they have to convict Swim? The weapon would be stolen, so it wouldn't be traceable to Swim. It would also be disposed of immediately. The bullet shell(s) would be picked up or at least wiped down before being put into the weapon's magazine.

>> No.4670532

Swim doesn't have to be the one pulling the trigger.

>> No.4670534


> shrug.jpg.

I disagree with the perception that there is a way to commit a crime like this and get away with it.

If enough resources are expended then SWIM will get caught, the trick is for SWIM to make it so the expendatuire of resources is simply undesirable.

Start a few riots or something, keep the police busy.

>> No.4670537

>buy a big ol' sack of pipe tobacco
>pay cash, try to avoid showing ID if possible
>put in jar
>fill jar with water, just enough to cover the tobacco
>leave overnight
>strain through paper towel or cheesecloth
>squeeze cheesecloth to get all the excess water out
>discard tobacco
>leave jar containing extract in the sun with the lid off until the liquid becomes a viscous goo. should be syrupy in consistency. you can dilute with some water if it's too thick. (i know the reason cigarettes don't kill people but this will is that when smoked, most of the nicotine is either broken down or vaporized, not sure which one, so boiling COULD destroy it, again, unsure)
>gain access to victim's food
>add a couple drops
>deny everything

>> No.4670539

how do you retrofit an icicle with a trigger?
or are you proposing fabricating some sort of ice gun with icicle bullets?

>> No.4670543

does swim live in a major metropolitan area, smaller city, small town, or rural area?

>> No.4670545

The target is probably in a suburban area. Swim has never been to the target's residence.

>> No.4670559

watch as the person OP wants to kill happens to be the person that provides the best idea for how to kill someone.

>> No.4670566

>Become a cop
>Find a reason to justify visiting whoever you want to murder.
>Shoot them, claim their cell phone looked like a gun.
It's really that easy.

>> No.4670573

Swim lives in the city

>> No.4670581

get a group 1 element, that has a reaction with water enough to ignite petrol.
put a metal BB in a gluten pill, and then fill it with this element.
follow target from where he lives, the distance of 1-2 gas stations, depending on how much you think would be suspicious.
the gluten pill must be sealed.
put it in his gas tank as he goes in to pay, try not to be seen.

this might not work in some newer cars, that don't have the layer of water at the bottom of the gas tank.

this is entirely traceable, and the only residue they could have, is a single metal pellet.

>> No.4670586

One of the major factors is motive. Why are you wanting to kill this other person?

One of the major ways to circumvent motive is time. Let's take today. Today you may want to kill person x. Killing person x today may leak information about motive to the police. Did you have an argument with person x? Did they piss you off for some reason?

The way time circumvents motive is that you sit and wait. For years at a time if necessary. By this time your motive will have been lost in the deep past, unless of course the event that cause you to kill was a major event that was documented by several people. Then any future time may not work.

Also check out this page on information theory and murder: http://www.gwern.net/Death%20Note%20Anonymity

You will always leak information about the murder. Possible ways around this include stretching out time, and leaking fake information.

>> No.4670588


>> No.4670591

No one is going to just let you shoot them up with insulin

>> No.4670594

Swim has waited far too long this is the moment to act nobody wiil know it was Swam

>> No.4670601

The easiest way is to become a serial killer, take out a few easy targets, and kill the person in the middle of your spree. Killings should connect, so leave a clue. But you do not want to get connected to them, so attempt a few failed killings also leaving a clue, and include yourself as a target of one of the failed killings.

>> No.4670606

read op post this isnt about becoming a cereal assassin

>> No.4670611
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>cereal assassin


>> No.4670624

only non-retard suggestion so far

>> No.4670629

Why would you want to do something that is entirely traceable?

>> No.4670639
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OP here.

C'mon guise. If you needed to get rid of someone and you know you'd be a suspect, How would you do it?

>> No.4670644

I wouldn't because I am not a powerless faggot who thinks like that, but if I was, I would probably say you should Kill Yourself. That's Right, Kill Yourself.
Kill Yourself.

>> No.4670651
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>> No.4670653

You might find this page useful:

>> No.4670808

There are 2 or 3 ways to go about this.

When target goes for a night out, you go too, meet target there and pretend to hook up, buy drinks for target, be friendly, get him so drunk target would be willing to do drugs. A Line of coke, 1 heroin cigarette. That is your goal.
The next thing to do is to stage an overdose of Herion. The guy would be high and drunk, he will pass out eventually, when he does shoot him full of H, enough to make him OD. Go have a smoke, take a shit, then phone 911 off a public phone, tell them a friend stopped breathing, dont leave a name, just an address where he is (Make sure its a rough area) Leave him at the roadside.

2 is simpler, but expensive. Buy several thousands worth of coke and plant it in/around his house, hide it really well. Pay some gang to bust up his house and get it and kill him in the process. He is left dead and cops come find any left over coke and pow, gang related.

>> No.4670833

Mold a comfortable chair out of plastic explosives. Leave on porch of target. Observe delivery of package. Once target brings the chair inside the target will not be able to resist the urge to sit in the chair. At this point you phone the target from a burner and question if it is the targets strong belief that it is a chair he's sitting on. You hang up the phone and hit the radio detonator.

Before the police arrives at the scene you wade trough the debris smearing dog-feces underneath the floorboards that are now likely exposed thanks trough the blast. The crime scene technicians will now with any luck blame the incident on chupacabra, faulty gas-line or some combination of both.

>> No.4671515

Now if only OP could post more of these pictures of her.

>> No.4671527
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It depends how far Swim is willing to go for their revenge. I recommend faking your death, since it's sort of fucking hard to convict someone who is dead. After you kill yourself, kill the target in a place where lots of people go, like a park late at night. This is to hide your DNA.

>> No.4671541

If that's a picture of Swim, OP, then Swim has already failed.

>> No.4671682
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This is a VERY bad idea. Swim should not, under no circumstances, meet up with that someone at any time before plan execution. If bystanders next to them, friends or relatives that someone spoke with about the meeting get questioned, Swim's name WILL come up and he will be brought to interrogation, which should be as far as Swim's concerned the "already in jail" option.

- The longer they haven't seen each other (even for a second on the street), heard about each other or thought about each other, the better (years). If Swim suspects that any of the above have happened, he must postpone all plans for at least another year.

Also poisoning drinks / exploding car might endanger family or friends driving / living with him, no good.

>> No.4671709

>not killing people with icicles so the evidence melts

>> No.4671723

>not using a frozen leg of lamb as a blunt instrument and then inviting the police around to eat the evidence for dinner

>> No.4671752

>not having your tulpa stalk and murder the victim while you jack off to streaming anime

>> No.4671761


> 2012
> Actually thinking this is 2012

>> No.4671797

>Roald Dahl
My nigger.

>> No.4671802

Killing him and him alone will automatically place you as a suspect. You have to either fake your own death or kill him with other people so it looks like a random act of terrorism.

>> No.4671804

> but if Swim denies it and doesn't leave any evidence
there you go, if you don't leave any evidence, you cannot possibly go to jail.

>> No.4671805

>/sci/ - Crimes and Punishments

>> No.4671806

that's not roald dahl you fucking idiot

>> No.4671807


now apologise to /sci/ for being retarded

>> No.4671811

I.. I apologize..

>> No.4671832

If you want to kill someone, kill them. Just live with the consequences of your actions, you aspie faggot.

>> No.4671852

It's almost impossible to get away with killing someone in this day and age. Instead of being a faggot and killing them, just ruin their life back.

>> No.4671856

surely you jest.

there are shoot outs and murders in the nigger part of town every day. if majority of the time they never make it on TV, what makes you think they are ever solved?

>> No.4671858
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>If it doesn't make it on TV then it didn't happen

>> No.4671878

Gonna look and sound gay, but here it is.

First, wear some sort of nonporous shirt. New from the store. Sew gloves to outside of (so the gloves go up the arms and are sewn in). Get pants (nonporous) and sew the sweatshirt so it is on top of the pants, but still no open area. Get rubber boots. Once again, sew over pants. PUt ski mask and goggles that cover a fair portion of your face.

For added bonus, make another suit with this suit on to make sure no residue is left. Then put it on over top.

Congratulations! No DNA evidence left. Now, kill however you please, then burn the clothes/donate them to a charity drop box. You'll be fine.

>> No.4671890

>Hair falls
>Saliva drips
You're not getting away without leaving any trace of DNA. The best chance is to kill somebody in a place that is flooded with DNA so finding yours would be like finding a hay in a needle stack.

>> No.4671897

Ski mask covers hairs. Same with hood on hoodie. Add in some sort of mouth covering thing and you're good.

>> No.4671900

Follow them when they go to a bad part of town at night. Wear a hairnet, gloves, a mask, and disposable clothing. Pretend to rob them, and kill them during it, preferable with a stabbing or shooting. Stabbings tend to take longer to be discovered.

Drive to a deserted area halfway between your home and the home of a friend or relative. Dig a hole in a random location and burn all of the clothing used during the crime, as well as the wallet and any money or items stolen during the crime. To dispose of the gun or knife, use thermite, which is easily made by adding rust to some aluminum powder and set off by a strip of magnesium. Strew the ashes around the area so they mix in with the dirt, leave any scraps in the hole and refill it.

Get your other change of clothes in the car and continue driving. Arrive at the friend/relative's house for an unexpected visit, explain that you had some time off and you decided to drop in to see what was up. Immediately suggest getting drunk and/or pulling an all nighter, something that will throw off the other person's sense of time enough that he will be unsure when you arrived. This is your alibi, you got there three hours earlier.

Get drunk have fun, stay for a few days or whatever, and leave. If the cops ever come sniffing around, mention you were out of town that night with a friend. He'll confirm it.

If you were careful enough, there is literally no evidence. Best case, also mention to a roommate or someone you know that you decided to go visit Whatshisface right before you leave, so he can say that you did indeed leave hours earlier.

Unless you were seen or had left physical evidence behind, it should be impossible to legally prove you committed the crime.

>> No.4671908

>you're good
No you're not. Those were just examples, it's practically impossible not to leave your DNA somewhere. Instead of wasting effort trying to stop your DNA from leaking, you should be putting that effort into making sure they'll never find the DNA that you DO leave behind.
If you kill somebody in a place where thousands of people go each day, it would take an act of God for the police to find your DNA among everybody else's.

>> No.4671912

rapist here. wat do?

>> No.4671918


I'd suggest suicide.

>> No.4671934

Personally I like to plan crimes backwards. I'm here, now how did I get here without being caught? Ok, I did this to get here, but now how did I do that? Then once I plan it all, I play it through in my head.
Then I never do it. It's just a hobby.

>> No.4672099

Like memento

>> No.4673476

My brother's got a degree in forensic science. Fascinating information from him, he told me it's very easy for a criminal to get away with murder. If they kill someone that they have no connection with in an area away from security cameras and pedestrians, they could cut up the body in the bath (wearing full gear, surgical gloves, bagged shoes, hairnet) and put the chunks double bagged in somebody's bin. The pieces will get taken away to landfill and never found. Bleach reacts with everything and destroys all DNA evidence.

>> No.4673780

What you want to do is you take the radium out of the fire alarm in your house, grind it into a powder and put it into someone's drink.

They will die in 4-5 months as if by cancer.

Alternatively you need to get a hold of the Aconite plant. The good news is-- it's really very simple to get a hold of, it's used to hunt bears by Indian tribes all around the world from Russia to south America. Crush the aconite plant down and serve it to them in any method you want. They will die within 45 min.

>> No.4673818

>shoot him
>paint his skin brown
>the police will think he is a negroe and go home

>> No.4673828

This idea is full of win..

>> No.4673831

>break into his house
>login to his computer
>post some anti-government terrorist bomb threats
>let the government drag him off to some black hole to be tortured

There are some benefits to living under fascism. America fuck yeah!

>> No.4673841

Plant CP on hard drive. Report to cops.

>> No.4674663


Build a giant xray gun that focuses the beams at their bed and flood them with radiation all night every night.

>> No.4674673

m m make it l loo looo loook like a accident.

>> No.4674674

> a silenced pistol
there's no such thing

>> No.4674676

what if you shot it in space? no sound in space.

>> No.4674677 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4674681

Need to know more about the target
Eating habits, work place, medical issues (hopefully something like diabetes)

I'd start by learning everything possible about them as inconspicuously as possible.

>> No.4674683

>bodacious tatas
the 80s are over, friend.

>> No.4675164

>Shooting a gun in space..

>> No.4675171

This along with poisoning is the easiest way. There is no way to tell who did the poisoning. The police will need motives to know which person to check. If one doesn't use a poison that kills on the day one gives it to the person, but rather just over time, there will be no way to know.

>> No.4675196

>implying pistols need an atmosphere to work

>> No.4675199 [DELETED] 

no oxygen to react with the gunpowder in space


>> No.4675201

>implying the oxidizer isn't part of the powder

>> No.4675205 [DELETED] 
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ah fuck!

you win

>> No.4675207

>EK admitting being wrong
Is this real life?

>> No.4675209


no, it's just fantasy

>> No.4675210 [DELETED] 

caught in a landslide

>> No.4675211

no escape from reality

>> No.4675220

/mu/ here, Queen blows.

>> No.4675223 [DELETED] 
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/sci/ here, YOU blow!

>> No.4675224

The general rule for Getting Away With It is the ironclad alibi, regardless of method of execution.

Get yourself one of those, and your murder is Unsolvable.

Alternately, plant the Irrefutable Evidence on The Other Guy, aka, Patsy.

>> No.4675911 [DELETED] 


>> No.4675920

The way you capitalize those phrases makes me feel like you've copied that from TV Tropes.

>> No.4675922










>> No.4675929

>Implying anyone from /mu/ actually knows anything about music.

>> No.4675941

I wonder if Swim did the deed yet.

>> No.4675970 [DELETED] 

Save up about $2k.
Purchase 9mm. Start shooting as a regular thing.
Establish this pattern for a few months--and shoot a few hundred rounds of ammo, and every once in a while top off 1k rounds at a time when you go to the range.
Shoot guy.
ASAP, go to range and put 1,000 rounds through your pistol. Go back pretty soon after to drop a few hundred more, and keep doing this.
Congratulations. There is now no murder weapon.
By pumping a lot of rounds through the gun before you shoot the dude, you've put enough wear on the barrel so it won't match the factory records. Then when you shoot enough rounds through the gun afterwards, you're putting enough wear on the barrel to change the markings on the bullet enough to wear it can't be matched to the rounds in the victim.

You still have to not be seen/not leave any other physical evidence/not get recorded/ or the like, but beyond melting the gun down, this is the most sure way to get rid off a murder weapon (and beats the hell out of "umm it was stolen officer").

>> No.4675993


Damn it, I am trying not to fap.

>> No.4676014

Why would you want to kill someone?

>> No.4676015


>not wearing gloves/overcoat during every single part of the murder, then destroying the clothes in a furnace

get on my level

>> No.4676476


My cancer ray idea is the best yet. All of you suck.

>> No.4677239 [DELETED] 


>> No.4679001


>> No.4680724 [DELETED] 


>> No.4680874

It's an ice generators like they have a ski slopes

>> No.4680890

These ideas could all be used in movies
They would be solved through contrived luck

>> No.4680897

1. Own a gun.
2. Get it cleaned at a gunsmith, no bullets obviously.
3. Walk out of the shop and head home.
4. Hide the gun somewhere no one will ever look. This could be the woods or whatever, make sure the gun was wrapped in a plastic bag.
5. Call the police, say you were mugged and coincidentally your gun was stolen. Give them a description of someone you saw that day, fudge the appearance a bit.
6. Use the gun and kill him somehow. Do not that it's up to you to figure out the best method.
7. Have fun, no evidence(Unless you're an idiot and you fucked up the killing somehow).

>> No.4680909

Too late SWIM. If you are a suspect police can easily contact your ISP, get a list of all the web pages you've looked in FOREVER. They will most likely find that you created this thread. Even if there are no records of this thread left I'm sure you did something stupid like do Google searches on how to kill people. It's enough for a conviction.

>> No.4681355

If you are too stupid to come up with something on your own...then it's no surprise you're asking for help on the internets.
Maybe you should kill yourself instead. Then you won't have to worry about getting busted for being retarded. Being that retarded is a capital offense under the right conditions. Only smart people know what those conditions are. You will never understand this. Deal with it.

>> No.4681357

i'll need moar pictures of tits to think it throu...

>> No.4681372
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If you are asking 4chan then you will never be a murderer who will make a successful murder coverup.

>> No.4681378

olivia kenning, your tits are amzing.

>> No.4681385

Buy a gun. Keep it for several months without doing anything. Take it to a shooting range, but dont let anyone know you have it. rent a gun that is the exact model of your gun and take it to the the range. When no one is looking, switch the guns. Take the shooting range gun out, concealed. You now have a gun that does not trace back to you. You will have to file out the number on your gun. I'm sure you wont get traced since you never fired your original gun. The only risk is if no one uses the gun after you went with it.

>> No.4681547

Disintegrate the corpse in an acid bath. Always wear gloves and some sort of bodysuit (maybe tights like a runner or scuba diver?) and mask so that no DNA traces are found. No hairs, sweat/fat, nothing.

>> No.4681768
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>>4681547 Disintegrate the corpse in an acid bath.
Always wear gloves and some sort of bodysuit (maybe tights like a runner or scuba diver?) and mask so that no DNA traces are found. No hairs, sweat/fat, nothing.
>Always wear gloves and some sort of bodysuit (maybe tights like a runner or scuba diver?)


Your retard is showing.

I knew you were retarded the instant I read the word 'acid' but then you continued down an even greater path of faggotry.

One serious question though. How do you expect to dispose of 50 gallons of acid/human mixture?

>> No.4681781

Intrigued, I'll do it $5000 if in US

>> No.4681793


Yes no-one at the club will notice the different serial numbers on the gun and the fact that you were one of the people who used it.

The fact is that murder is pretty much impossible to get away with these days, this a a good thing, a thought experiment should consider that any murder which is eventually discovered can be solved eventually.

The key word being discovered.

>> No.4681805

Don't you watch any cop shows currently on television? Some of what they do is outrageous fantasy, but there is one relevant shred of truth: Everyone leaves behind some sort of trace evidence, and it can be linked back to you.
Also: dumbshits who think they can handle killing someone, but when the moment comes they'll puss out and hesitate, go to jail for assault and/or attempted murder. Enjoy being the new girlfriend of a 300lb black dude named Bubba when you go to jail, loser.

>> No.4681809

>You always leave a trace of evidence
Which is why you also leave red herrings.

>> No.4681821

>mfw people always think they're smarter than the cops and can get away with murder -- but they're not, they're idiots and just don't know it

>> No.4681827


You're a gay fish.

>> No.4681828

>mfw people get away with murder all the time

>> No.4683373

no u

>> No.4683382

there is no such a thing as a perfect crime.

>> No.4683414

OP I am sorry, please forgive me and move on

>> No.4683450

Ring their doorbell in the evening, shoot them in the head when they answer, close the door, walk away.

Bonus points if you use a silencer.

>> No.4683459 [DELETED] 
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Hello! What are some real world applications of exponents? Also, this can be a little known cool things math related thread.

>> No.4683468

Holes in your plan:
-Firearm is trace-able
-Bullet is trace-able (unless you use JHP)
-If you don't root around to find the cartridge it's trace-able
-You have a motive, obviously, which will come out and be trace-able
-Someone might see you, cameras will find you. Unless you are willing to walk, with a mask on, for at least a size-able distance in any medium-dense population center you'll be seen at some point pre-concealement.
-If you drive a car your plate, make/model will be trace-able
-If you don't ensure he dies, he'll find you.
-If he doesn't answer the door you have an obstacle (standing there with a ski mask on, "Hey.. is... Joe home?")
-If the report of the firearm alerts neighbors police might be called and catch you (especially in low-crime areas).
-The guilt will haunt you forever. The fear of apprehension by authorities will haunt you forever.
-Any hair and clothing fibers might be used as evidence against you (hair would doom you).
-Any conversation you have with anyone about this, including your distain for the person will implicate you as as suspect. Police will find some evidence.
-calling it a silencer tells me you don't know what a suppressor is and vastly overestimate its effect. Additionally the purchase of a suppressor will be traced to you.

If you can't tie up these loose ends you'll be caught.

>> No.4683479

It was a joke, chill the fuck out.

>bullets are traceable
I lol'd. Not without the gun it isn't.

>> No.4683492


>> No.4683498

Realistically you'd be able to kill anybody with two conditions:
>Nobody is around to hear the gunshot
>You don't have a motive
But why would you kill somebody without a motive? I mean, you could just plant child porn on their computer and get them sent to prison.