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4677030 No.4677030 [Reply] [Original]

I hear alot about people who "graduate with 4.0 gpa". What does that mean, amerifriends? Does it mean the guy pretty much got perfect score in everything during his undergraduate studies, since 4.0 is the highest you can get?

>> No.4677035

Yes, 4.0 is generally the highest one can achieve.

>> No.4677041

Not in *every* individual graded piece of work, but in each of his classes, yeah.

>> No.4677044


>> No.4677043

4.0 / 4.0
That means perfect scores.
It either means luck or a piss easy course. There are subjects that are simply about memorizing trivia and generally not worth studying. There are professors that will never let you get a perfect score. As always, that's life.

>> No.4677046

when someone says they have a 4.0 GPA it means they've been fooled into thinking their education has some sort of meaning

>> No.4677056


>> No.4677063

Basically the grading system is arbitrarily divvied up by the teacher. A 4.0 in a class isn't necessarily 100%. In fact, it rarely is. I've had teachers who put 4.0 on their scale anywhere from 85-95%. A 4.0 Grade Point Average would mean you met these whimsical goals in all of your classes.

Always been a percent man, myself.

>> No.4677067

Well in my university you don't need 100% to get a 4.00 in the course, just an A (A or A+ is 4.00, A- is not).

>> No.4677106


A+ doesn't give you a 4.x ?

What shit-tier system is that?

>> No.4677110

>There are subjects that are simply about memorizing trivia and generally not worth studying
>Real Analysis 1
>``This course is designed to make you think about the problems''
>Every exam in the class is state and prove x theorem
>Classmate asks the teacher how to study
>Teacher tells him to memorize all the proofs we covered
He also talked about how his preliminary exams for his graduate school were similar (state and prove Fubini's theorem etc.). Is it only like this in America or is mindlessly memorizing proofs of well-known theorems present everywhere?

>> No.4677111

As an autistic fuck I am offended by this thread.

I have a 4.0 in an EE major at a prestigious college because I believe every piece of information is important and I end up studying like fuck and earning a 4.0 through sheer determination.

U mirin? Ps, 3rd year undergrad and love EE.

>> No.4677117
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>> No.4677119

This was the same for my school.
Why would you go above 4.0 on a GPA scale? That screams of a school trying to hard to look prestigious or "good." I heard a news story where there were 20 graduates of a high school with "perfect" 5.0s. That is the stupidest thing I have heard all week.

>> No.4677126

i bet you're one of those asian fucks with a solution manual that memorizes how to do all the problems.

>> No.4677132


Lots of universities assign like 4.3 for A+.

>> No.4677181

I learn the material before class starts. I am 3 months ahead of each of my classes because I enjoy the shit.

>> No.4677201

>4.0 gpa
>3 months ahead in all classes
>Will graduate with a 0.0 in beatin up that poon.

>> No.4677208

I don't go out. The only "people" I talk to are on 4chan. I don't like talking to people and prefer being alone.

I'm not even a weaboo.

>> No.4677586

>real university
pick one

>> No.4677594

is it true honors courses go up to 5.0?

>> No.4677598

In Community College.

>> No.4677596


No. That is wrong.

>> No.4677606
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GPA is a joke. I was stunned when I was reading about internship requirement of 3.9 GPA. I'm french, we are graded on a scale of 0 to 20. 3.9 GPA would mean 19.5/20 which is incredible and impossible if you're not a complete genius. Then I learned that you dont just scale the grade to convert to GPA. 3.9 GPA is something like 15/20. Americans have awfully exagerated grades.

>> No.4677611


>> No.4677612

I have no Idea what the fuck you are talking about.

A 3.9 would be like getting a 19.5/20 if you averaged all the grades in their classes. You're exactly right.

Unless you're talking about grade inflation...?

>> No.4677614

American universities measure your grade on a scale from 0.0-4.0. Your percentage grades in each class is converted to a value on the 4.0 scale. Those are all averaged to your composite GPA.

A 4.0 in a class corresponds to an A in that class. A 4.0 GPA corresponds to an A in all classes. What percentage corresponds to an A depends on the class and the particular grading curve for that class.

>> No.4677617

In classes grades are usually compared to a bell curve with only the top percentage getting an A or a 3.9 average. That being said, for many classes, such as Organic Chemistry for example, the average grade is around 30-50% competency. What our foreign friend is saying is that he thought the 3.9 was tallied before adjustment.

>> No.4677620

>particular grading curve for that class
Their are quite a few classes that don't have a grading curve, though that might be just my university.

Also, does anyone else have a grading system where an A is always a 4.0, B is always a 3.0, a C is always a 2.0 etc.

>> No.4677623

Welp I hate Georgia Tech all the more.

>> No.4677624

There are a number of different curving systems too.
Some professors take the highest grade scored on an exam, make that an A, then have grade cutoffs every 10%. So if the highest score is an 82%, an A is any score between 72% and 82%

Some plot all the exam grades on a bell curve, and select the top x% of scores to be a certain grade.

Some professors keep everything as a raw percentage and say that the top X students get an A, and so on, with a set number of people who can get each grade.

>> No.4677625

>Their are quite a few classes that don't have a grading curve
Every class has a grading curve. That's how they decide what scores in the class correspond to what grade. As in what range of scores in the class will count as that A, which gives a 4.0, and so on.

>> No.4677628

>tfw sophomore year when some guy started sending me threatening messages for ruining the Orgo grading curve

>> No.4677635

Really? You guys don't have a curving system?

What happens when a whole class does terribly(say 60% average) because of a bad teacher/class?

>> No.4677638

There are no curves in our uni either. The grades and their percentages are already set beforehand.

>> No.4677639

Well since he found out from you bragging about it you're a faggot.

>> No.4677644

No, he found out from looking at my test when I was helping him with the questions he got wrong.

>> No.4677645

They hand back your tests?!

>> No.4677647

They have the grad students do it in lab.
Do you go to some massive university where they cant be fucked to sort through them all?

>> No.4677650

Well of course, how else would you check on what how you performed or eventually complain about a mistike from the Profs side?

>> No.4677649
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>Help someone out
>They threaten you to get you to stop performing so well in the class

>> No.4677651

TAMU, college station/brian

>> No.4677652

>pre med students desperate for an A in organic chem

>> No.4677654

Man I hate those guys. I feel sorry for the TAs who have to deal with them begging for grades.

>> No.4677655

Are all pre-meds like this? Is it really that fucking tough to get into medical school?

>> No.4677657

Fucking pre-meds. Everyone I've met but one are annoying pricks.

>> No.4677660

Yes and no.
It's hard to get ACCEPTED, yes, but a majority of pre-meds are the exact same kind of student who would normally have gone into a business major.

>> No.4677663

In America at least, it is incredibly difficult and extremely competitive. I forget the actual admission statistics but I want to say it's somewhere around 40%.

You need an extremely high GPA and high scores on the MCAT exam. It's not easy to do.

The stories you've read here come from Organic Chemistry being a major weed-out class, designed to knock people out of pre-med, biology, chemistry, chemical engineering, and related majors.

>> No.4677665

What is it about O Chem that makes it so difficult?

>> No.4677667

You have to memorize every single variation of every chemical that composes a human body by name.

>> No.4677666

>Organic Chemistry being a major weed-out class
This. The class is designed to be very hard. All the students, especially the pre-med students, need a high grade in the class, so they end up begging for grades.

>> No.4677668

It's really not that difficult, if you have a mind for it. They just take the opportunity to make the class really hard, because they need a weed-out class somewhere.

Ochem manifests this by throwing a ton of material at the students. It's all very logical, if you understand why reactions happen. But students who dont "get it" try to get by the class by memorizing everything, which makes it hellish for them.

>> No.4677669

nope, that's biochem

>> No.4677670

>that composes a human body
Nigga that's biochem.

>> No.4677672

Describe exactly what it is that you're supposed to be learning in that class?

>> No.4677673

woops, my bad.

They don't have you do org. chem and bio. chem at the same time, do they?

>> No.4677677

Biochem is a subset of organic chemistry.

>> No.4677678


>> No.4677681
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Stuff like this. The way organic molecules react and behave. This is an example of the dozens and dozens of reactions they throw at you. If you dont understand why they work the way they do, your only option left is to memorize them. Which is a lot of work.

>> No.4677682

the chemistry of carbon

>> No.4677683

Quick question, calculating the mass of a single element cylinder is nothing more than multiplying its average density in g/cm^cubed by the result of pi*height*radius^squared, right?

>> No.4677685

Volume of cylinder multiplied by density of material.

>> No.4677689

so the density of tungsten is 19.25 grams/centimeter^cubed, and I want a cylinder 6meters tall (600 centimeters) that is 1 meter in diameter, or 0.5 meters in radius (50 centimeters)
(3.14)*(600)*(50^2)=4,710,000 centimeters^cubed
So (4,710,000)*(19.25) = 90,667,500 grams = 90,667.5 kilograms = 90.6675 metric tonnes

That seems to check out, but I where do I look for payload data on current space launch vehicles?

>> No.4677705

Even if you understand the way they work, you still have to memorize various rules and exceptions. And there's no way to verify the rules yourself in a test, even if you were given infinite time.

>> No.4677717

Sure is american education system in here. Enjoy your debt slavery to graduate with shitty inflated grades that no other countries take seriously.

Hows that capitalism workin for ya

>> No.4677719

>implying I'm not working towards becoming fluent in one or more languages so I can leave this shithole

>> No.4677749


Hey good for you bro. As a eurofag, I'd suggest German or French. Or maybe Russian. Or, if you want God-mode, Chinese. Any combination of these will look good on your resume, trust me.

>> No.4677754

Don't let that faggot come here!
Let him go to his beloved Japan.

>> No.4677756

>Use a name from something I finished watching today
I suggest you go back to the board you really belong on.
>Implying I don't have books for all of those on the way
Professor Arguelles is the best.
What part of yurop are you from?

>> No.4677765

>does not want to appear like a weeaboo
>chooses a weeaboo name

>mentions wanting desperately to go to a different country
>has a weeaboo name

>autistic as fuck
>thinks it will change if he moves to a different country

>> No.4677769

There aren't many good boards left, and this board is low traffic anyway.
You can troll far more effectively on any one of these boards.
Their levels of intelligence are similar to yours.

>> No.4677774


Western Europe. Dutchfag, to be precise. Have also lived in Soviet Rassha for a while though. Wouldn't recommend. Shit-tier country with shit-tier everything. In general, if you move, stay the fuck away from Eastern Europe.

>> No.4677777

What would you define as Eastern Europe?
All Slavic countries and everything East of Germany?
Also, what do you think of people calling your country Holland instead of its actual name?

>> No.4677780


Forgot to add: Russian is on my list because Russians are fucking everywhere, fleeing that shithole like rats a sinking ship.

>> No.4677788


Nice quints.

Pretty much. They may have joined the EU, but they're still poor and shitty.

What's in a name, bro?

>> No.4677791

I dunno. It seems to show a lack of respect for the nation and its people. It also shows how little one cares about being accurate. It could be compared to using Bavaria as a name for all of Germany, though Germany is much bigger. And I doubt Germans would be very pleased with this.