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4675612 No.4675612[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>genius level iq
>always top in class
>first thing after coming home when I was young was sit down and do my homework
>top grades in every subject
>always studied really hard for every important exam
>top grade in every qualification
>hit university
>dont attend lectures
>dont even bother revising until days or hours before the exam
>scrape through first year with the minimum required
>about to fail second year
>on 4chan instead of revising

Are any of you like me? I know I should be working, but I can't bring myself to do it, I don't know why. I used to be so good.

>> No.4675620

>Genius level IQ
>Studies really hard for an important exam

>> No.4675625

For subjects like languages or geography where it is just memorizing. Never revised for maths.

>> No.4675628

>first time on /sci/
>see this thread
>sheer weight of pretentiousness and self importance is crusing
>last time on /sci/

There is a reason why our society is run by administrators and bureaucrats, not men of "genius" such as yourself.

>> No.4675636

>Genius Level IQ
>Not able to prioritize and plan effectively

>> No.4675637

>genius level iq
>straight As up til last semester of high school
>smartest in my school
>go to college
>start smoking weed everyday
>smoke weed every day last semester
honestly i think my genius level iq holds me back

>> No.4675639

it definitely doesn't bro, anyone who thinks as much probably isn't as much of a genius as they like to think they are.

Also getting a 4.0 in college doesn't take a genius, just lots of work. If you can get a 4.0 consistently doing almost nothing to earn it, then you might be a genius.

>> No.4675642

>>first thing after coming home when I was young was sit down and do my homework

I used to be like that, until I made friends and started wasting time on video games / sports / etc


>> No.4675646

>pretentiousness and self importance
I guess it comes across that way with 'genius' in there, but I have an IQ of 146+ measured by professionals. I was just trying to emphasis how I'm not just failing because the subject matter got harder. I know I could do it easily if I actually did the work, but I just... don't. I don't know why, it's the strangest feeling, almost like I'm trying to fail.

Why? Because you don't take the work as seriously or something?

There's a difference between intelligence and just putting in a lot of work.

>> No.4675647

>Never been tested but assuming not genius range IQ.
>Graduating after this semester, 3.92 GPA - will probably come up a little because pretty sure I will get a 4.0 this semester.

>> No.4675650

the fact that you started fucking up once you went to college and stopped being spoonfed like in high school goes to show that you're fucking retarded.

>> No.4675652

my lessons were just like university lectures
only difference is that they were compulsory

>> No.4675659

then you must go to a shit university or maybe a community college, because my lectures give me at best half the shit i need to complete my work.

either way, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.4675660


>implying geniuses like yagami raito don't study for exams

>> No.4675662

Top 30 school bro.

>> No.4675663

in ukraine, maybe.

>> No.4675664

sure is a lot of non-geniuses getting buttmad up in here

>> No.4675665

>not in touch with requirements of Japanese exams

>> No.4675668

welcome to /sci/

>> No.4675671

>Prioritizing and planing ahead
>Alot of work

Hate to break it to you, but you are just a moron who happens to be able to spot patterns easily.

>> No.4675672

You sound like a typical loser who's IQ is larger than their brain.
You were never smart, it's just that highschool is very very easy

>> No.4675675

Yeah I know it makes school really really easy but it also makes me overthink things and have no friends, part of the reason I smoke weed everyday is I stress myself out and fuck things up if I dont, its just kind of funny that I still got a 4.0 while actively suppressing my intelligence and not really giving many fucks, although I guess the benefits of vyvanse cannot be overstressed.

>> No.4675676

Actually having a genius IQ can have negatives, although it's definitely not a negative overall.

For some geniuses early life too is easy , once they get into the real world there completely completely taken aback by how it doesn't give a shit and how much hard work really matters.

Op just needs to overcome his procrastination, could be he's afraid of not coming out as smart in college so intentional stays home and gets shit grades. So at least he can say "Hey, I didn't even try".

>> No.4675677

>>Genius level IQ
>>Doesn't have the common sense to not FAIL SCHOOL

There's niggers in my courses that do better than you
Hell I don't even try and I get by with B's

>> No.4675678

I won national maths competitions. That means I beat everyone else, but surely my whole country must be retarded.
I can prioritize and plan ahead, I just don't. I know what I should be doing, I just don't do it.

>> No.4675680
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As time progresses I, as well as you OP, feel saturated from studying. I loved school, don't know what's wrong. Maybe lack of motivation, I can't tell.


>> No.4675683

Geniuses don't fail or struggle with anything except answers not known by ANYONE.

Sooo I guess you're not really a genius?

Also, you are not gifted, you just always did your homework.

>> No.4675684


There are plenty of high IQ people with lots of bitches and friends , Einstein had bitches for days.

>> No.4675688

Regarding that 146+ IQ you mentioned...
That number doesn't mean shit, how about telling your percentile? Any IQ test worth shit has that much.

>> No.4675690

>i can choose to not be retarded, but i don't.

you're a fucking idiot with a huge ego.

>> No.4675693


And I only did my homework when I was very young, i.e. 3-8 years old. From then on I started doing the bare minimum, until important exams, then I would study hard for the couple weeks before the exams, but that was it.

>> No.4675694

Odds are what happened to you OP was a combination of two things:
1) You're an irresponsible shit. Nothing against you personally because most people around your age are irresponsible shits to some degree or another. That first taste of freedom comes, and suddenly you find all manner of "better" things to do than what you should be doing and you don't have parents standing over you as soon as you get home to make sure you're staying on track.
2) Your college classes are probably genuinely more difficult than anything you experienced previously. The way you worked and studied before just doesn't work for what you're doing now. If you're like most people and you're not devoting at least the same amount of time out of class to each class as you are in class, then you're doing something wrong.

>> No.4675697

This guy right here. OP, how does it feel to know that many people with "inferior" IQs are now, and will continue to outperform you in every aspect of life because they're actually willing to put in work?

>> No.4675698

I was young at the time, my parents got the info, they told me not to tell anyone else at school, and all they told me was I went off the scale, and the test only measured up to 146. Never bothered to ask them about it since, never really crossed my mind until posting this thread. I didn't realise you would all get so insulted by it.

>> No.4675701

It's not a matter of insult, the number really doesn't mean shit, it's all about percentiles.

>> No.4675709

>study hard for the couple weeks before the exams
>studying for weeks for grammar school and high school exams

this entire time you were bragging about an IQ score from an exam you took as a child?

holy fuck you're an idiot. the child IQ tests are notorious for being a steaming pile of shit used by retarded soccer moms to help them brag about their kids.

>> No.4675717

>Child IQ test
>Does poorly in school
>Can't plan or prioritize anything

>Blames it on not wanting to try, while still claiming to be a genius
Oh man.
I've got really, really bad news for you.
That IQ test means shit, you aren't smart, and you are a lazy faggot that will be out preformed in everything by most everyone regardless.
Have fun failing in life, you managed to get such an inflated ego based on bullshit that you can't even see the bullshit around you anymore.

>> No.4675718
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I was a top student in high school as well

when I got to college, I stopped exerting any effort.

I look back now, and I see that I didn't really want to go to school immediately.

I wanted to take a year off, but went to school anyway.
I should have taken the year off.

Now its been almost 3 years of struggling to get back into school, but I don't mind, as I know that i'm ready now.

>> No.4675725

That's why I made the thread. I'm not happy about what I'm doing, or proud. It's not like I don't do work, I spend most of my time learning about other things that interest me. I just wanted to know if other people have gone through the same thing, and how they dealt with it, and how things worked out for them.

Probably mostly the first. I think the second point is close to something that may be happening: I feel like university has sucked all the fun out of a subject I used to enjoy. I don't feel like it's the difficulty so much, I started revising for some exams as little as 12 hours before and still passed.

Don't the numbers correspond to percentiles? I don't really know anything about IQ. I don't know the figures as I said, can we just ignore the 'genius' part and just say I'm reasonably intelligent and did my work when I was younger. I didn't realise it would cause this reaction.

I just assumed posting about an IQ was easier than giving my whole list of academic achievements. If you want something that is probably more concrete, I won one of the national maths challenges we britfags have, as well as some smaller competitions, and placed highly in the rest of the maths challenges. I'm sure if you're from here you've taken some of them.

>> No.4675737

>Flunked out of highschool hard when I was 16. I was what retards like you call "an idiot".
>Went to college then moved on to University.
>A-grade student.
Suck it, "genius"

>> No.4675742

Work is necessary to build a skill. Intrinsic motivation is necessary to put in a sufficient level of work to get a "genius" level of knowledge on something.

The OP needs to find something that motivates him to do the work.

>> No.4675757

>Genius level iq
>always top marks, no effort
>never revise, no homework
>still top marks
>advice: "do stuff you enjoy for a short while, then do work"
>don't enjoy 4chan
>procrastinate even to stuff i like
>drop out
>"would you like fries with that"?

>> No.4675763

Wait... if the uni you're at is in the UK and it's only in the top 30..... wow, your grades must not been very good at all.

>> No.4675766

I probably should have taken a year off too, I would have done but my parents didn't want me to. I guess this'll probably happen to me too.

For the last time, I wasn't trying to brag. Just pretend I said I did well in school or something.

True. The only thing that currently motivates me is the fear of failing, which obviously isn't going to work very well.

I think another thing might be that I've isolated myself from everyone from university. All my friends are from outside university and so it's like I'm living in my own little world, with university as just something in the back of my mind.

that feel. I don't even know why I'm on here rather than at least doing something fun. I just feel tired all the time, maybe because I eat like shit, so all I do is sit around browsing 4chan.

>> No.4675767

does the UK even have 30 universities?

>> No.4675770

fuck that is me right now :(

>> No.4675772

That was a different person who posted that. I got straight A*s at GCSE and A level. I don't know what the most respected list of 'top' universities is, but I know the one I'm in is #1 on some of them.

>> No.4675778


And yet... here you are, on 4chan.

So what are you looking for here? Pity? Sympathy? Explanations? Anecdotes?

>> No.4675780
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>2.9 GPA in high school
>played world of warcraft for days
>only got into one shit teir college, university of oregon

>started trying in college
>4.0 GPA, dean's list, mortar board scholar etc
>double majoring in math and econ
>4.0 is only out of a possible 4.3 for straight A+'s
>about to graduate
>no career prospects
>wishing i tried harder in high school
>wishing i could swap places with OP

>> No.4675781

Welcome to the real world. There is no "dealing with it", there is just make yourself do what you know you're supposed to do.

Plan out your days and devote x amount of time to whatever class, then stick to it. There's no magic tricks, it's just a matter of figuring out what you have to do, how much time it'll take you, then devoting that time to it no matter if you feel like it, are having fun, or what. Education is work. Yeah, it's not the same kind of work as flipping burgers or digging ditches, but it's work nonetheless. Some parts of it might even be highly enjoyable and interesting. Other parts, not so much. However, you've still got to do them all.

If you can't wrap your head around that, then college might not be the place for you. No matter what field you go into, there will be soul-deadening, mind-numbingly boring parts of whatever job you get. There's a good chance you'll spend as much or more of your time filling out reports, acquisition requests, inventory sheets, safety reports, grant applications, and the like as you spend actually doing "science" or whatever you were educated for, and god help you if you're ever tapped to be an administrator of *anything*.

>> No.4675786


caving to outside pressure and returning to school, but your subconscious realized this isn't what you want to be doing, and you don't exert effort toward it.
It's like hitting yourself in the hand with a hammer because everyone told you to, you're not going to keep doing it when they're not watching.

take a break, if you wanted to, that's what you needed to do. People want everyone to do the "traditional" path because "that's what your'e supposed to do"
but that's fucking retarded, and is proven to not work.

everyone has to do their own thing, I got a few years to do that, and now i'm ready for school. when before, I didn't want to take classes at all.

>> No.4675798


I would assume most uni students go through something like this (for me it's partying and binge drinking instead of smoking weed). It's a phase though; everyone deals with a differently but the overwhelming majority of people are alive with jobs so they certainly must've done something right.

Anon, perhaps it's just that you fell farther than most? In which case, socializing's actually quite helpful; I enjoy chatting with random classmates about non-class topics.

>> No.4675799

>implying anyone cares about high school once you have an undergraduate degree
>implying you can get any jobs in math/econ anyway

>> No.4675803

I was like that. I lost my motivation when I realized that it doesn't get better: university is just more of the same stupid shit as I put up with in high school. Everyone around me was cheating, or just learning to pattern-match answers without any deeper understanding, while the professors were terrible teachers and even worse at testing. You can't pass just by understanding the material and you don't have to understand the material to pass. The degree I was working toward was being handed out to anyone who did the busywork.

It was all just more jumping through hoops for a biscuit. Fuck that.

The reason you get a degree now is to demonstrate that you'd be a good employee, that can show up on time for four years running and do what you're told, and that you'll stand for being walked all over.

But there are other ways of making a living than being an employee.

>> No.4675807

I guess I'm here because I'm procrastinating. I was hoping to talk to other people who have been in a similar situation. Not pity or sympathy.

You're right. I want to just do this year over from the beginning, and work hard from the beginning, but it's too late for that now. I don't think you can compare it to things like inventory sheets, that isn't even remotely demanding.

I'm just sat here shaking my head. This rings so true. All halfheartedly doing the 'right' thing has done is load me up with some debt.

I wish I could even do that. Not attending the lectures means I know no one on the course.

>> No.4675817


So? I hate most of my classmates and I still managed to make friends. There's plenty of ways to meet people if you actually want to: clubs, pubs, societies, balls, random chicks in cafes and bars, etc. But maybe you don't want to socialize and sitting around smoking weed is the best thing for you right now. *flamboyant shrug* There's a lid for every kettle or something like that.

>> No.4675821

>But there are other ways of making a living than being an employee.
This is what I plan on doing when I get a bit of money from a proper job. I'm mostly interested in statistics and programming, and in my first year I was doing a lot of sports betting arbitrage, made a fair bit of money that way. I'd love to be self employed but I'd rather work at it from the security of a job and having the capitol to do it than go at it from scratch.

I'm not the weed guy, but I have plenty of friends outside of university that I see a lot. I also know people from accommodation from the first year.

>> No.4675831

>You're right. I want to just do this year over from the beginning, and work hard from the beginning, but it's too late for that now. I don't think you can compare it to things like inventory sheets, that isn't even remotely demanding.
Step one: forget about this year unless you've got some time to possibly make up some grades if the term hasn't ended for you yet.
Step two: try to take some summer classes to recover your GPA -- doesn't have to be at your school, just maybe a couple of CC courses or something.
Step three: Figure out exactly what you need to do to fix yourself, and do it.
Step four: Again, forget about this year. There's no point to beating yourself up. Identify the problem, fix the problem, then move on. If anyone questions you about your performance, be honest with them. Tell them that you were stupid/had your head up your ass/etc. then point to your next couple of years where you got your ass in gear (because you are going to do that).

Heh. You've never been inside of a corporate lab have you? Inventories can take *forever*--especially if you've got any kind of remotely dangerous/controlled substances in the lab or small, very expensive bits of equipment, and you've got to do them while still meeting other obligations and the like. Ask anyone who is actively working in most any field about the bureaucratic side of working in the sciences, and academia is worse than private sector in this regard too.

>> No.4675844

Thanks for the advice, will do. I think university stuff works differently over here, I'm not sure what happens if I fail the year, but there is no GPA, and no classes over the summer that would help. I've emailed my tutor asking what my options are but he hasn't replied and it's been a week. Either way, I'll work something out I guess.

>> No.4675848


I had a close friend who experienced something similar to this, which is why I'm a little curious about what you're feeling, Anon. He wasn't particularly brilliant or fanatically ambitious, but reasonably well-adjusted and hard-working, intelligent and well-to-do and over the course of uni he somehow... fell off the studying bandwagon or something? I mean, obviously I think it's a little pointless and exasperating to jump through academic hoops all the time, but it's kinda fun and I definitely take pride in getting Firsts and all that... and I get the feeling that he doesn't anymore.

Anyways, if you find out something that really works -- an action or phrase or something -- that manages to snap you out of your funk, I'd be interested in hearing, if only for personal purposes hahaha. Otherwise, it looks like a gradual thing that you just grow out of (faster if you have any fiscal responsibility which trollololol, no one I know [myself included] possesses >____>).

>> No.4675849


I smell a troll. You were almost subtle enough, but the genius IQ thing gave it away.

>> No.4675867

>Grade school
>>>first thing after coming home when I was young was sit down and do my homework
>>always studied really hard for every important exam

pick only one

>> No.4675919

There are always ways. If you get booted out of school, then you can always go to a CC or some other school, rock that out, and then get back in.
Otherwise, if you don't get the boot and just get stuck on something like academic probation, then the onus is on you to prove that you deserve to be there. Even in this case, you still need to try to hunt down some summer courses to take to help fix that GPA--and you might need to do it next summer as well. Just make sure that they are transferable.

Also, don't email people about this, especially not a tutor. Go and see your academic advisor.

>> No.4675942


UK system is a bit different (I don't know how the OP's uni works, but mine actually selects your top X marks (X being 1, 3, or 5 depending on which year you're at) and then the median of all selected marks for the overall grade, so it's not really an American GPA.

Tutor = academic advisor in the UK. Pretty helpful, IMO.

>> No.4675944

>Bottom of the class in high school
>Do not even know how but accepted to computer engineering programme
>Maintain great gpa
>electives in pure maths for fun

You can jelly all you want.

>> No.4675964

Well, since he is most likely from the US, it means the test probably had a SD of 15 and mean of 100. That puts >146 at >99 percentile. ~135 is 99th percentile.

>> No.4675972

I'm like you OP.
I can study science and stuff some people think is boring for hours.
I can read about physics and stuff for fun, but when it comes to homework and studying, I just can't do it.
I do badly on tests simply because I don't study at all.

It sucks, and only I can fix myself.

>> No.4675973

Childhood IQs are also not as reliable as adult IQs. IQs change somewhat during development. Someone who tested at >146 in childhood might become 130 at adulthood.

>> No.4675975


just incase you're not trolling


>> No.4675978

OP, if you're getting bad grades, it literally means that other people are doing better than you. If you're correct (that you're much smarter) then not only are you not doing enough work to succeed, but they're doing work which is harder for them than it could be for you. Get your shit together, get yourself treated for depression, whatever. Especially in the first two years of college, classes are really boring. You have no choice but to suck it up.

>> No.4675977

Ah, I missed the UK part. My apologies.
The going and talking face to face part still stands though.

>> No.4676001

>genius level iq
>elementary school work too easy, never learn study habits
>get very lazy in middle school, put in 'special' class for problem students, wind up just designing the schools website and helping kids with their work
>teacher of that class thinks highly of me and puts me in advanced high school courses
>once again fail due to no motivation or study habits
>go to community college
>accepted to ucla with full scholarship because I told a whiny story about the educational system failing me

>> No.4676005

Nice, this is basically me, but wove a bullshit yarn about personal redemption.
>Trying in high school and stressing out about college admissions instead of chasing tail and doing drugs.

>> No.4676026

Here is how to be a genius /sci/.

1. Become fluent in atleast 3 different languages.(If you learn 3 words each day for two different languages each day you should be fluent enough for most things after 2 years.)

2. Study all areas of science and technology and learn atleast one thing for each area every 2 days(This would leave you knowing enough to be classified as a specialist in every one of those fields in 3-5 years)

3. Start researching into things that interest you. Publish your findings and be known throughout the world as a genius.

>> No.4676062


>> No.4676072

>fluency with only about 2000 words.
Try 6000.
>knowing anything after only learning "one thing" every two days
also no

>> No.4676130
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>> No.4676183

Just another highschool tryhard

Nothing new here. I've seen it all the time.

I'm a pretty average dude who constantly makes self proclaimed geniuses look dumb in class because they don't put in the effort.

>> No.4676190


IQ has never been correlated with success. I was thinking the opposite for a very long time, and it didn't make me better. I have 130 of IQ, which is high for most people, but really shit-tier compared to my theoretical physics classmates. I dont know if i'll get a job after graduating, because if you don't do research in academia, what you learn is basically useless in civil society.

So i stopped worrying about being the best, i simply do my best and enjoy what i learn.

Dont push yourself too hard. Do your best, but let things go. If you're not made for some job and you strive incredibly hard to get it, you probably won't be happy.

>> No.4676231
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>genius level iq
>always studied really hard for every important exam

>> No.4676233

The whole point of high school is to get that idea of grinding academic work into your head.

SAT/ACTs and your actual application allow your university to determine whether you are actually bright, or just slaved away your high school career at a desk.

>> No.4676244

You realize that ACT/SAT scores are correlated with basically nothing, right? As predictors of academic performance, they're so weakly correlated that it would be more correct to state that they're not correlated at all, and then there is an even weaker correlation between those scores and professional success.

The vast majority of standardized tests say almost nothing that is of use about the person taking it beyond that they could pick the right answers to those specific problems.

>> No.4676247
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>dat pathetic 140- tier IQ

>> No.4676255

>genius level iq
>dont attend lectures
>dont even bother revising until days or hours before the exam
>scrape through first year with the minimum required
>about to fail second year

Guess you're not a genius then because

>never attend lectures
>never read the text book
>cram before every exam
>10-20 hours of first time exposure to an entire semester's worth of material the night before the final
>just graduated with a BSc from a good university
>3.0 gpa
>used to feel ok, considering
>read op's story
>feel better

>> No.4676264

Perhaps not directly related to academic performance (any smart kid can get a good score on the SAT but just not give a shit about school work) but it's definitely a good indicator of intellectual potential.

I doubt it's a coincidence that both Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates received 1590/1600.

>> No.4676267
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>> No.4676271

Also, to say it predicts neither intelligence nor academic potential is inordinately dismissive and actually a bit hilarious due to the inherent insinuation you are making that you know more about academic ability than the best universities in the world.

>> No.4676274

do you really think 2 examples are sufficient for your claim...? the other guy is right. feel free to look it up

>> No.4676276

Please, please take a course on psychometrics and a statistics course before you spew such idiocy again. The evidence is almost wholly stacked against the idea of ACT/SATs being indicators of almost anything.

And hell, it's definitely not connected to IQ at all. IQ is a measure of potential. ACT/SAT are both supposedly to measure attainment. That is a profound difference.

>> No.4676278

>high school
>average student with 7.5/10 average
>go to uni
>9.3/10 average

Now i know hard work pays off.

>> No.4676280
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Do you really think the best universities would use it as a criteria of admission if it didn't tell them valuable information about the potential of the applicant?

Unless of course, you are implying that you can better identify academic talent than Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford etc.

Seems like I'm arguing with some people who didn't get a score they liked and subsequently didn't end up at the best uni...

>> No.4676281

Hilariously I'm like the exact opposite of OP.

I was above average in High School and crammed a shit ton for every test and only got passably high grades. Then I came too college(top 10 Engineering College) and ripped it's asshole in two.

Mayhaps it's just me but I do wonder how important high school is since I'm doing better than any of the valedictorians are.

>> No.4676284

>Also, to say it predicts neither intelligence nor academic potential is inordinately dismissive and actually a bit hilarious due to the inherent insinuation you are making that you know more about academic ability than the best universities in the world.
Who said that Universities don't know it? Additionally, who said that most people involved with setting policies for universities actually know enough about psychometrics to be able to make an informed decision about such? Moreover, what else do they have to go on to ease first culls of applicants? Add into this how there is no other real alternative (think about the variance between difficulties of different high schools, which is part of what makes grades a poor indicator--but the standardization of curricula is also a factor in that as well)...

Seriously guy. Actually look into this shit.

>> No.4676285

what else are they supposed to use?

>> No.4676290
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Hahaha alright, I'll admit it. I've been trolled. You are very good sir. I almost believed for a second that someone on this board would be arrogant enough to believe they know better than Harvard, Yale, Princeton etc. when it comes to selecting intellectual prowess.

This is exactly why we don't take anyone seriously unless they go to a top school.

>> No.4676295

You're not exactly arguing so much as saying "NUH-UH".

And yes, I do still believe they'd use it, partially through ignorance because I know for a fact that the majority of admission people are *not* psychologists who specialize in psychometrics and the rest have barely had any exposure to the actual science behind analyzing such tests so they can't even fully understand what they're looking at when they see it.

Also, your standardized test score doesn't matter as much as you think it does to most schools. If you bother to do a quick google search you'll find that a lot of schools are actually backing away from using SAT/ACT scores as a factor or severely downgrading it. Your GPA (especially in certain courses), your recommendations, essays, and interviews are all more important--especially to top tier schools.

Also, 35 on the ACT back when it was out of 36.

>> No.4676327

>Cram just before exam without going to lecture
>Barely scrape by with a low GPA (aka anything less than 3.8)
>Thinking you're intelligent because you managed to not fail

Wow, you guys get stupider by the day

>> No.4676445

>IQ has never been correlated with success.

Ofc it has. Even job performance is somewhat affected by g, even for mundane jobs. Smarter people are just better, everything else equal.

>> No.4676449

>You realize that ACT/SAT scores are correlated with basically nothing, right? As predictors of academic performance, they're so weakly correlated that it would be more correct to state that they're not correlated at all, and then there is an even weaker correlation between those scores and professional success.

>The vast majority of standardized tests say almost nothing that is of use about the person taking it beyond that they could pick the right answers to those specific problems.

U really don't know anything about testing. Everything u state about it is wrong.

For starters, read something general like:
Gottfredson, L. S. (1997). Why g matters: The complexity of everyday life. Intelligence, 24(1), 79-132.

Gottfredson, L. S. (2002). Where and why g matters: Not a mystery. Human Performance, 15(1/2), 25-46.

>> No.4676455

>a lot of schools are actually backing away from using SAT/ACT scores as a factor or severely downgrading it.

Supposing this is true, it seems more likely to me that they are doing so becus of perceived 'racism' and 'sexism'. It is well known that whites do better on those tests and males better than females.

>> No.4676478
File: 4 KB, 178x213, crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the same boat, OP.

I don't really understand what went wrong with me.
People love telling me that it's all my fault.
They love telling me that because I didn't try hard in highschool, I deserve to fail.

But I had a 4.0 gpa, all honors, advanced classes, the works. I never studied anything for my classes. Instead, I was just always off reading up on other random materials. I was that kid who would go to the library during lunch or browse random wikipedia articles for fun.

Why did nothing I learned in high school prepared me for college?
What did I do wrong?
Why is it my fault?

>> No.4676481

>but I have an IQ of 146+ measured by professionals.

Doubt it. That would be three standard deviations above the mean.

>> No.4676487

>It is well known that whites do better on those tests and males better than females.
Funny how that's wrong on both accounts.

>> No.4676491

well get to work, you dombass. either that or quit school and do some other job and surf 4chan when at home while getting drunk. make up your fucking mind is what i mean.

>> No.4676503
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Okay, maybe it's just me.

But it seems like the harder highschool is for you, the easier college becomes.
And the easier highschool is for you, the harder college becomes.

Doesn't this seem a little fucked up to anyone else?

I'm looking at this and this tells me that something is going horribly wrong here.

>> No.4676504


i'm in the same boat as you

understand that 1-12 was designed by politicians in the fifties

college work is actually current.

theres an enormous gap there.
public school does not prepare you for reputable universities, only community college.

>> No.4676511

because college is about managing your time and not being a lazy piece of shit.

college kicked my ass my first semester too, but i kept on trucking and now i have a year left (as long as my university doesn't go full retard with scheduling classes.)

>> No.4676515

I have my exams in 7 weeks. Started studying right now. 3 hours ago I didn't even know what courses I was in for.
I actually enjoy studying quite a lot, I just enjoy other things more.

>> No.4676518

I had the same problem. Everything was too easy for me to enjoy it... I eventually started doing more and more poorly in school. Turns out I was subconsciously playing a game with myself... The point of which was to see just how close to failing I could get and still succeed. I have yet to hit the point of failure. Missed 54 days senior year of highschool, out of 180. Did literally nothing for half the year. Still graduated towards the top of the class. It sucks, and I have a therapist for it. Might be getting better, might be starting the cycle again, not sure yet.

>> No.4676520

How would they? On my university every course starts at zero because some school somewhere might have not taught how to add numbers.

>> No.4676522

That's where all the teachers an parents come in with their retarded attempots to motivate bored students by saying "oh you could do it so easily if you only wanted". And you know you could, so what point is there in actually doing it.

>> No.4676525

The issue is that our high schools don't equip us with the tools we need to succeed in college.
They cram us full of what they think we need to know, which is, of course wildly useless. and in most cases frighteningly obvious.

we have our students sitting around for the last half of their school careers learning absolutely nothing new, and when they get to college, they are massively unprepared for the sudden transition into "actual work"

>> No.4676528
File: 5 KB, 251x251, ಠ_ಠ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing new here. I've seen it all the time.
And that doesn't strike you as being weird?

There is something really fucked up going on here.

>> No.4676544

>genius level iq
IQ doesn't mean shit.
>always top in class
Primary school and secondary have nothing to do with aptitude.
>first thing after coming home when I was young was sit down and do my homework
So you're good at towing the line? Creativity and critical thinking is more important than the ability to do menial tasks.
>top grades in every subject
Yeah, whoop di fucking doo.
>always studied really hard for every important exam
Explains the grades, eh?
>top grade in every qualification
Great, you did well in secondary school, the place that is only meant to condition you to the drudgery of the 9-5 work schedule.
>hit university
Well done.
>dont attend lectures
Picked the wrong class if you're not interested in it.
>dont even bother revising until days or hours before the exam
>scrape through first year with the minimum required
Why bother scraping through something that you clearly are not interested in?
>about to fail second year
>on 4chan instead of revising
And you only have yourself to blame.

Can't remember my IQ, probably moderately above average.
Never did amazing in school, B+ student.
Never studied in school until the few weeks before the state exams.
Did reasonably well in state exams.
College is easy as fuck because I like what I'm doing.

Moral of the story? Don't take a college course in something that you're not interested in.

>> No.4676547

>Genius level IQ
>major on subjects like languages or geography
wait, what

>> No.4676549

>IQ doesn't mean shit.
no, IQ does save your time, you will have less steep learning curve on almost everything.

>> No.4676552

IQ merely measures your ability to perform well in a silly test involving silly puzzles. Ability to think critically is not measured, nor is the ability to learn quickly.

IQ was only designed to determine whether a person was retarded or not, taking it beyond that is pointless.

>> No.4676559

Why so mad? Did you score low?

>> No.4676562
File: 251 KB, 640x440, tablehumper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a lazy piece of shit.
But I've always loved learning.

Whenever I wasn't in class, I was always the kid in the library, reading about snakes, wars, geology, relativity, all sorts of crazy shit. Hell, I was talking about that 0.999...=1.0 stuff in 5th grade. Everyone made fun of me.

Why is it that even though I was constantly using my spare time to educate myself, I'm still getting labeled as a lazy piece of shit? Learning has always been my passion. Just because I never studied for my classes, that doesn't mean I was slacking off. It meant I understood the material, and I had moved onto a different topic.

Through out all of elementary, middle, and highschool, the aptitude tests said the same thing:
I was equipped to do whatever I wanted with my life. And it was true. Reading, writing, science, math. I love all of it and absorbed as much on each subject as I could.

I don't understand anything anymore.

Why am I getting told by some guy on /sci/ that it's "my fault" for failing when learning has always been my passion?
Why does everyone take joy in my failure, as though I wasn't already picked on for trying too hard?

Someone explain this to me.
What did I do to deserve this?

>> No.4676564


You're just stupid. It's okay, most people are.

>> No.4676567

>victim complex

i didn't even bother to finish reading your post, but kill yourself.

>> No.4676568

I can't remember what I scored, but it was two deviations above the mean so it's probably not. But that's exactly my point, I'm not an exceptionally smart guy but I have a high IQ, some of the most average people I have ever met have had super-high IQ's, but the inability to come up with a single original thought. The guys that are 110/120ish seem to be the ones with the interesting ideas and ability to actually do stuff.

I would love to see a study into the relationship between IQ and success in life(Although that's nigh impossible to measure really)

>> No.4676570


This fucking post.

I'm doing something I thoroughly enjoy, and even if I procrastinate more than ever at times, I never feel crushed/depressed when I actually make myself study, even if I do have to cram sometimes.

Ultimately, education is indeed work, but if you enjoy what you are learning in the slightest, you will at least never regret forcing yourself to study, despite your laziness/procrastination.

>> No.4676572

So all your "arguments" are based on nothing but your ignorance?
Cool story.

>> No.4676575

actually iq and creativity are positively correlated until 125

>> No.4676577

I was the opposite. I was an average student at school. Now that I'm at University (where I'm paying to be there), I'm getting consistent 80%+ in modules.

>> No.4676578

What arguments? How can something be based on ignorance? What are you even talking about?

My only real argument was about how we were using a test that was designed to see if you were a retard or not(IQ was developed for Napoleons army to test whether a person was suitable for military service or not, it was never meant to be used for anything beyond that)

IQ is something that high IQ people use to allow themselves feel smug without actually accomplishing anything.

>> No.4676580

Yeah, that seems about right, I would just be interested to see some more studies on the matter. It seems to me that employers and education "experts" rely on IQ too much while knowing too little about it.

>> No.4676583

So you don't even have arguments? All you do is posting incoherent babble based on nothing but your emotions, your feelings of inferiority.
Cool story.

>> No.4676585

>I was the opposite.
And you're such a unique butterfly.

Oh wait. No you're not.

>> No.4676586

>I was only pretending to be retarded.
>I sure showed you!

>> No.4676592

>silly test involving silly puzzles
but the puzzle involves over9000 hidden patterns, which means the test can test how much patterns can you process in against time.
>Ability to think critically is not measured
i didn't say it can measure such thing
nor i think "to think critically" is the only factor and IQ is completely independent to the learning curve
>IQ was only designed to determine whether a person was retarded or not, taking it beyond that is pointless.
implying it cant measure "genius" with superfast processing speed

>relationship between IQ and success in life
>implying creative person isn't hammered down in most country
i think you mean creativity

>> No.4676593

Why do you even post, although you have nothing to contribute?

>> No.4676598
File: 169 KB, 330x327, disappoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, the only message I'm getting out of this thread is that if you're born with an IQ above 135, you're pretty well fucked.

Because nothing is going to prepare you for the future, and everyone else will resent you for doing better than them in high school.

But no. Seriously. This thread is pretty fucked up.

>> No.4676616

I think what happened to you, if you're anything like me, is you saw everyone was as bright and talented as you and because of your sheltered upbringing it only dawned on you then that "Fuck, everyone is just as smart as me. And they all have normal healthy social lives too like it's no big effort. And they're taller and more attractive than me. They also compete in 3 different sports and have an internship lined up this summer at a Fortune 500 company? Their parents are millionaires? Are you serious? Fuck this, no matter how hard I try I can't be as good as these people and I can't make up for my lost experience of youth. Fuck."

>> No.4676626



>> No.4676627

>was bored, so tried a random IQ test for fun
>got presented with a pattern question
>I see more than one potential pattern
>they want me to pick only one
>what the fuck
>close tab

>> No.4676635

IQ test need no unique answer, they can "grade" each answer base on the pattern

>> No.4676644

I'm the opposite of OP... Although intelligent and an abstract thinker, I fucked around big time during highschool and the first couple years of my undergrad (was on probabation).

Then I took a class that interested me and it was like a spark went off. I finished my MSc. with 4 publications last year and am currently doing my PhD.

I know people like OP - they always did well for the sake of doing well. But I have a somewhat obsessive personality and knew that when I found my calling I would become focused and disciplined.

Also, fucking around a lot when I was younger was good experience and got rid of lots of potential regret. I have been on both ends of the spectrum and don't wish I had partied more, had more women, etc. I love where I am right now.

>> No.4676654

fuck you

>> No.4676655

Like many people, you probably are not passionate about what you are studying.

I know of 3 really big keeners in highschool that dropped out after first year. They were mark obsessed but never put thought into what they *truly* want to do.

Without passion in life, you will always be lost. It doesn't matter if you have all the degrees, money, prestige, etc. in the world.

>> No.4676664

Hey man, life wasn't all great when I was having intense anxiety about being on probation, not telling people about almost being kicked out of class, having terrible marks that prevented decent funding, etc.

Too many people focus on grades and don't stop and think, "what do I want to get out of my life before I die?"

I was the introverted stoner in highschool that would skip class to get high and read a new book. It made for some very shitty periods of my life, but all that introspection made me realize the importance of finding your passion/bliss.

>> No.4676667

>go to university because your parents tell you to
>wonder why you flunk out

lol srsly?

>> No.4676669

i think most of them are so pathetic and didn't even know 4chan

>> No.4676682

>means anything

Thats your problem right there. If you are not majoring in the engineering field you are trowing away your money

>> No.4676693

>Funny how that's wrong on both accounts.

But it's not. Random citation i can think of that mentions this:

Douglas N. Jackson, J. Philippe Rushton - Males have greater g: Sex differences in general mental ability from 100,000 17- to 18-year-olds on the Scholastic Assessment Test


>> No.4676700

>IQ merely measures your ability to perform well in a silly test involving silly puzzles. Ability to think critically is not measured, nor is the ability to learn quickly.

This is just wrong. Read the papers by Gottfredson i posted earlier. Intelligence, which is what IQ tests measure, is important for many, many things. Intelligence is also part of why some people learn faster than other people, if not entirely the reason.

>IQ was only designed to determine whether a person was retarded or not, taking it beyond that is pointless.
This is not true. And even if that was 'the' original purpose, it does not follow that they have no use becus of that.


I'm not sure why there is always so much misinformation about this subject. It is really not that difficult to understand. One just has to read something about it, and understand some ideas from stats.

>> No.4676710

>majoring on applied science
>not wasting money

>> No.4676711

freshman EE major here

100% agreed

>> No.4676713

>I can't remember what I scored, but it was two deviations above the mean so it's probably not. But that's exactly my point, I'm not an exceptionally smart guy but I have a high IQ, some of the most average people I have ever met have had super-high IQ's, but the inability to come up with a single original thought. The guys that are 110/120ish seem to be the ones with the interesting ideas and ability to actually do stuff.

Not true and there is no evidence to support this that i have ever heard of. At least, anything that isn't anecdotal.

Two sd's above white middle is 130. That's rather smart and corresponds to 97th percentile.

>I would love to see a study into the relationship between IQ and success in life(Although that's nigh impossible to measure really)

It has been done many times. Apparently, u didn't spend time looking for any such studies and just wanted to share wrong information that u cud and shud have looked up.

>> No.4676719

haha faggot

>> No.4676721

>My only real argument was about how we were using a test that was designed to see if you were a retard or not(IQ was developed for Napoleons army to test whether a person was suitable for military service or not, it was never meant to be used for anything beyond that)

"Alfred Binet (July 11, 1857 – October 18, 1911) was a French psychologist who invented the first usable intelligence test, known at the time as the Binet test and today referred to as the IQ test. His principal goal was to identify students who needed special help in coping with the school curriculum. Along with his collaborator Théodore Simon, Binet published revisions of his intelligence scale in 1908 and 1911, the last appearing just before his death."

That makes u wrong about this subject for the nth time in this thread. U really shud either 1) stop spreading misinformation, 2) do research.

>> No.4676723

>Yeah, that seems about right, I would just be interested to see some more studies on the matter. It seems to me that employers and education "experts" rely on IQ too much while knowing too little about it.

This is just wrong. Employers know a lot about testing. They are just generally prohibited from relying solely on the g factor. So, they hand out other bs tests to applicants and weigh the g factor result highly. That is still legal.
Look into I/O psychology.

The claim about creativity and correlation up to 125 seems doubtful. I have seen no evidence for that claim.

>> No.4676726

>Honestly, the only message I'm getting out of this thread is that if you're born with an IQ above 135, you're pretty well fucked.

Nonsense. It means that one is gifted, this is not surprising a gift. It makes many things in life easier, and some things harder (getting laid, finding people of similar level to be friends with) and has no effect on other things such as subjective well-being/happiness.

>> No.4676759
File: 10 KB, 300x187, liberty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I can't bring myself to do it, I don't know why
>I don't know why
Good question.
If I knew the answer to this in my life...

>> No.4676803
File: 68 KB, 461x364, 461px-Tsubo_the_Drunk_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because, being a smart individual, you couldn't shake the nagging feeling in the back of your head that: THIS IS BULLSHIT!!! I am not learning anything other than how to jump through academic hoops. They replaced intellectual challenge with tedium, and for most of the droves, it keeps them occupied and thinking themselves smart. Any chimp can commit anything to memory, given the motivation. You are not motivated, for the same reason why you are not motivated to collect G.I. Joes or Pokemon cards (anymore- I'm assuming): because they don't fucking matter. What matters is enjoying life, but that won't keep the economy going with you working to pay back student loans, so we get fed this bullshit lie that you're going to be so smart and special after going to college. Make yourself happy, and you can't lose, no matter what 4chan trolls say.

>> No.4676815

And finally somebody says the obvious truth.

All these people whining at OP and telling him to work harder or die are either too dumb to think for themselves or are self-deluded because they need to rationalize all the hard work they put into college even though they know it was mostly worthless.

>> No.4676829

I have the same problem. You need to find ways of putting pressure on yourself. Study with other people. Join clubs. Do stuff with the professors like research. Do anything that has consequences if you don't keep up with it. It will keep you from getting distracted.

Also, make better use of your down time. Instead of spending your time playing video games after big tests, use it to go rock climbing, see a good movie, or play some paintball. Partaking in higher tiers of recreation will make it harder for you to feel like you deserve a little more time off.

>> No.4676845

No, OP. You don't have "genius level IQ".

It's simply because you studied, that is why you were top of your class.

I know people who are pretty genius, never study, pass with really good grades. That is genius. Having to study and passing with good grades is just normal (above normal in today's society)

You're like me, above average intelligence, nothing genius, nothing special. I study (if it's interesting) and get good grades, if I don't study and assuming the exam is from material I need to study, I wont get good grades, simple.

Stop sucking your own dick.

>> No.4676971

>Genius level IQ
>Played video games 24/7
>had straight A's even though I procrastinated like crazy
>Hit college
>ended my first semester with a 1.8 GPA
>was put on probation
>repeat the 3 courses I failed and get A's in all three my GPA went up to 3.00
>Changed my major to something I liked
> Don't get A's all the time but I get B's a lot.

In my opinion you still have time to turn things around. Btw OP, do you like what you're studying? From experience, I know that tends to be a real downer in college.

>> No.4677002

>genius level IQ

I can't believe people walk around thinking this...

>> No.4677003

Getting off 4chan and getting some sunlight would help OP. You created a habit and it can be broken with hard work. Believe in yourself and never cut yourself down.

>> No.4677015

>Believe in yourself and never cut yourself down.

I think a lot of people on 4chan *need* to cut themselves down.

Believing that you are a genius that is "better than all the sheeple" while living a mediocre life with little socialization, intimacy, and stimulation beyond the computer is just a delusion.

>> No.4677025

OP is a typical spoiled American faggot.

You can pretend you are a genius that flunked out because you "didn't care and were bored with the material" but that won't get you far.

This generation thinks they are all genius snowflakes that can substitute hard work and discipline with Ritalin and getting their parents to bitch at teachers.

You dug your own academic grave OP. Lazy people get what they deserve.

>> No.4677032

Everyone thinks that they are special snowflakes.

Well, actions speak louder than words. I don't care how much of a genius you are, how long you studied, or not studied. Have you got the skills ? The achievements ? That's all that matters.

>> No.4677037

Then I'll add that it best to asses and keep your ego on the level of your skills. In a balance. And to gain motivation to learn by realizing your true worth.

Always work towards enjoying hard work. Do something everyday that you will not enjoy but will be productive.

>> No.4677039

haha wow I'm tired.

>> No.4677066 [DELETED] 


Oh look. More than half of those drop outs are American. How does it feel knowing that even our dropouts actually accomplish something with their lives?

Next time, how about you think before you speak out of your ass.

>> No.4677073

How was I talking out of my ass?

I didn't say anything about OP never doing anything with his life because he couldn't hack it academically, I said that he is obviously lazy and expects to succeed without working hard.