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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 54 KB, 410x293, robotic-arm-for-prosthesis-post1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4674550 No.4674550 [Reply] [Original]

So ok i wasnt sure where to post this here or /g/:
Biotech/transplant of limbs.
I have heard about the first hand transplant not to long ago, im wondering, if a hand transplant is so easy (matter of speaking) then what about Biotech and maybe stuff like Automail (ok i know i went FMA on that but its the best way to think of it if you know what i mean.)im not saying go full blown Anime/super hero/cartoon on this. im saying is it possible to give a blind many vision, a person born with out hands and or feet possible to stand/write/type/walk...
i know what you might be thinking, someone who gets automail like abilities would prolly get something installed like a gun or a knife, and it would be bad for someone that would have this if they were in jail once before...
so thoughts?

>> No.4674575

Connecting hundreds of nerves and hundreds or veins and so on to hundreds of nerves and hundreds of veins is a million times easier than connecting them to hundreds of foreign interfaces.

>> No.4674579

good point, but i dont see it being to far away from this point at least...

>> No.4674583

Deus Ex Technology will be out soon enough. Its the next step forward for humanity. After that we will hit FTL

>> No.4674590

also yeah but due to the christ fags they'll say that it goes against god and what not... im all for it...
heres my rant from
Let me explain this so you get it.
God made man, man evolves over time, man understands.
IF God didnt want us to evolve and do the things we are doing right now, then he wouldnt allow it. he would of said it and kill us all and start from scratch. how do we know that hasnt already happened...?
now, when your baby is severely sick, dont complain to me that they die when you could of taken then to the hospital and let Dr's work on them. make them better with modern meds.
so next you want to say that science is the devils game, EVERYTHING is God's creation, therefore GOD wants us to learn from our mistakes, and learn to keep ourselves alive as long as possible till we die then come to him at some age like 205 idk...
IF you baby dies, its whos fault? Gods? lol no its your fault for not taking the advantage of science you could of taken in. Therefore GOD wants you to take your advantages and USE Them... im going to say it... to your advantage....

>> No.4674592

I think you should leave now.

>> No.4674595

I recently read this magazine about this guy who got a artificial hand. In order for the hand to work properly the hand would receive nerve signals and the hand would do a random movement, if the movement did not feel correct to the user then it would move on to a new movement until eventually it got the correct one. takes a while for the correct algorithms to get into place. The reaction times for the hand are not nearly as fast as a normal hand though.

>> No.4674601
File: 59 KB, 320x240, 67170577laura-dern-in-jurassic-park-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God creates man
man creates dinosaurs
dinosaurs eat man
women inherit the earth

>> No.4674613
File: 56 KB, 225x220, shieet nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women inherit the earth

>> No.4674645
File: 648 KB, 1800x3100, 1336596505372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4674646

god your scaring me o.o
also im not saying im a christfag im just proving a point, dont want some one raging on here for no reason

>> No.4674660

Sorry but what point were you trying prove?

>> No.4674662

I have no idea

>> No.4674680

>restoring vision

if you want an idea of what technology will be like in 15 years, go to this site often and learn about the research being done

>> No.4674682

stop using my name, not cool.
the basis of it was that people will fear what they need and take the route of stupidity...

>> No.4674684 [DELETED] 

use a tripcode

>> No.4674691

I'm sure /g/ would have been the better place. You should migrate right now.

>> No.4674699
File: 205 KB, 180x135, thefuck mullet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck are you?

Clear the name field, grow a frontal lobe, fuck off read some books and then come back here to do what the rest of us do.

Annoy each other effectively.

>> No.4674703

>someone who gets automail like abilities would prolly get something installed like a gun or a knife

How about you start living in the real world, someone who gets a robot prosthetic will get one for ordinary functions, because you know, like, they miss their fucking arm and want a new arm, not because they want to carry around a rocket launcher all the time instead of a hand.

>> No.4674707

i did but notmuch response. thats why i came here. thought it would be easier... sense medicine and surgery are all science related i thought to post here.
and fuck you btw
i posted something to start a conversation, not like im being full blown retard and acting like i dont know anything. at least im asking questions and shit... why am i awake at 8 am?! O_o

>> No.4674708
File: 858 KB, 240x228, ergh nigga stop that.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I keep coming back to this site?

It's clearly dead.

>> No.4674710

im wondering that myself....

>> No.4674715
File: 22 KB, 380x493, i seriously hope you frogs dont do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4674732

you and your evolution theory!! SATAN!!!!!!!111!!!!!1!!!!!

>> No.4674797

We are all just prisoners here, of our own device.

we are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
but you can never leave!

>> No.4674819

We'll have no middle of the road Eagles songs here sir.

>> No.4675191

Correct me if I'm wrong but according to what I know, the muscles contract upon receiving the electrical impulse from the brain via the nerves, so can't we build a frame for the artificial arm, then attach artifical muscles(or anything that functions similarly to muscles) to the frame, then connect the artificial muscles to the nerves?