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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.21 MB, 794x767, 1335290227587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4667511 No.4667511 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when you suck at one particular topic of math
>that feel when you slap your own shit and force yourself to buckle down and master it
>that feel after hours and hours of intense revision, question solving and proofing you can finally do everything in that topic
>that feel when you have become the master of what you were once a failiure

>> No.4667513


You still are one.

>> No.4667514

I know that feel and I salute you OP.

>> No.4667515

you can one day overcome your failiures if you try hard, there is no need to feel hate
step onto the path that will allow you to feel everything

>> No.4667518

feeliure is just a qualiure

>> No.4667517

i know that feeliure

>> No.4667520

despite troll, I genuinely lol'd

>> No.4667522 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4667555
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>> No.4667564
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I have to agree with EK (for once)
that was humerous

>> No.4667571


>> No.4667577 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 387x344, 74563546546547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have to agree with EK (for once)
>for once
if it was samefag, i wouldnt have subtly insulted myself, would i?

>> No.4667580

Don't listen to the haters, my Queen. They are just jealous of your grace.

>> No.4667581
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the implication that you believe that I may be EK is so sickening I wish to end you
(no offence EK) I just disagree with you on most things

>> No.4667589 [DELETED] 

>(no offence EK) I just disagree with you on most things
do you actually?
its far more likely that you just dont like me.
as for my beliefs and values, you probably agree with me far more than you think.
people usually do.

>> No.4667593 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 720x540, 1310336624240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rape till you love me

>> No.4667594

actually I'm bullshitting, I have no idea what your beliefs/values are.

I rarely come here and have noticed there is some schism between EK haters/sexers

care to fill me in on your views about qualia?

>> No.4667596

Other poster here. So far I disagreed with nearly all of your values and beliefs. I still like you.

>> No.4667599 [DELETED] 
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I want to rape till you love me

>> No.4667602
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I want to rape you till you love me

>> No.4667604 [DELETED] 

>care to fill me in on your views about qualia?
..u serious?

>I still like you.
awww :)
anything in particular you disagree with?

she's not me, harriet trolled 7/7/11

>> No.4667611

>anything in particular you disagree with?
Pretty much everything. Especially our views on sexuality, gender roles, morality, religion, peak oil and pandas.

>> No.4667612


wtf is 7/7/11

>> No.4667614
File: 21 KB, 266x285, 1335840821623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually no I was trolling. Disregard my faggotry.

what are your views on the recent company Planetary resources and its implications for the future?
depending on your response I will either like/dislike/want to sexually and mentally rape you

>> No.4667615

It's /sci/'s official holiday.

>> No.4667616

7th july 2011

>> No.4667623 [DELETED] 

>Especially your views on sexuality
that people can do whatever the fuck they like (gay straight bi, whatever) and as long as they're consenting adults its no1's business but their own, and they're free to do whatever the hell they like.

>gender roles
equality in all aspects of life.
a career shold matter equally to both men and women, both men and women should have equal roles in raising of children (other than breast feeding/actually giing birth etc)

the harm principle
do whatever the fuck you like, as long as it doesnt cause suffering to any1 else.

all religions are wrong and god is fictional.

>peak oil
it will happen, when it does, we'll deal with it. humans naturally adapt.

lol =p

it was this thread about a year ago when some anon thought he foudn my facebook, and harriet (anotehr tripfag here) added fuel to teh flames by playing along with it and pretending that he fond the right one
(the girl in that anons pic above is that girl, who some people suspect to be me)

>> No.4667624
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I don't remember anyone ever disproving that this was not EK.

>> No.4667627 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 582x358, 13693458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i dont remember any1 proving it

occams razor states your wrong
hell, people even PM-ed her facebook and she denied ever having even been on /sci/

>> No.4667626

Don't you make me dislike you again.

>> No.4667629 [DELETED] 

feel free, im used to it.

>> No.4667634

>hell, people even PM-ed her facebook and she denied ever having even been on /sci/

I've never seen any evidence of this. How do you happen to know it?
Strange coincidence.

>> No.4667635

EK is the hero /sci/ deserves.

>> No.4667637
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if you please

>> No.4667639 [DELETED] 

after 7/7/11, people started spamming her facebook with 'hurr durr, hi EK!' etc, as you can imagine
and she was like 'wtf'?
and ended up setting her profile to private so that random people cant spam her wall anymore.

>> No.4667640
File: 2 KB, 67x126, 1310342774863s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, true

>> No.4667644 [DELETED] 

>what are your views on the recent company Planetary resources and its implications for the future?

never even heard of it before
after a quick google:


.Planetary Resources is establishing a new paradigm for resource discovery and utilization that will bring the solar system into humanity’s sphere of influence. Our technical principals boast extensive experience in all phases of robotic space missions, from designing and building, to testing and operating. We are visionaries, pioneers, rocket scientists and industry leaders with proven track records on—and off—this planet.

so, they're all about mining resources from other places in the solar system, and bringing them back to earth?
sounds like a good idea, i'm all for it.
especially since Titan has a fuckload of fossil fuels. oceans of them.
it'd be well worth collecting if we could have a big enough craft capable of making the journey.

>> No.4667657

>and she was like 'wtf'?

How do you know what she felt?

>> No.4667663 [DELETED] 

im paraphrasing
her facebook wall was screencapped at the time and posted here

>> No.4667666

Was it? I don't remember. Please tell me in detail what they posted on your facebook wall.

>> No.4667671 [DELETED] 
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not MY facebook wall, arnt you listening!??

>> No.4667673

Admit it, you nearly fell for it.

>> No.4667675 [DELETED] 
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its actually pretty sad that harriet is still trolling you almost 1 year on.

>> No.4667678

Don't try to hide it. You're a bad liar. We all know it's you, Rose.

>> No.4667679
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despite being backed by legions of billionaires their plans are smaller in scale. They are going to mine NEO asteroids in a series of precedures,

First (within 24 months) they are going to launch a fleet of observational drones, which will travel closer to the sun with the aim of being able to view the 95% of NEO asteroids we cannot see pass close to us due to them being only visible in the day, when earthbound telescopes cannot see them.

Once they have identified the true number of NEO asteroids (current known is 10,000 (1000 larger than 50m^3), they will launch their mining drones (within 5 years of the completion of the surveying mission)

these will go to the best asteroids (those with rare-earths or carbonacious (water based) asteroids) and proceed to mine them.

Their main market will be NASA and space tourism, as the water they find will be used to provide cost-frtee (non launched) fuel, oxygen and water and will distribute this via a station based or orbiting the moon and at depot stations around the solar system.

The metals mined will be used to construct orbital solar fields, much closer to the sun, utilizing a denser energy saturation. The metals will also be used to build new, mroe robust space stations and will begin construction of opermanent ships in space for use of transport around the solar system (with the depots for fuel) and for exploration missions and any future construction needed in the solar system.

>> No.4667681
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they will be essentially industrializing space, paing the infrastructure for development and evventual colonization, bringing both the cost of ships, fuel and supplies fort humans in space, down.

I am investing in it the second it becomes public
they already have multi billion dollar deals with NASA and trillions worth of tech development deals... let alone the entirely new industries that can be developed in space...

and then after that there is expansion; to the asteroid belt proper, the other planets and like you said, Titan.

>> No.4667684 [DELETED] 

you're right, i AM a bad liar, which is why im not even trying
she really isnt me
haz is apparently quite a good liar though.

>> No.4667685 [DELETED] 

you're investing in it?
is it really likely to pay off within your own lifetime?

i think its a good idea, i just think it'll take a while.

>> No.4667689
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btw EK, after seeing your responses and eagerly awaiting your response to my followup-posts I can safely say you are amicable.

>> No.4667694

If you compare yourself to Rose, what would you say do you dislike about her?

>> No.4667696

>getting money from government agencies

>> No.4667698 [DELETED] 
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>thumbs up
>frowning face
erm, ok

>> No.4667699

>Rose posting a picture of another Rose

yo dawg ...

>> No.4667702
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indeed, there is also the trial of time... yet I am sure it has nowhere to go but up. If not in my lifetime, my children will reap the rewards of a well placed investment.

besides, numerous billionaires have invested heavily, all of which are older than me (18) I expect they see a worthwhile profit in their lifetime, so I am sure I will at least see some return in mine.

>> No.4667703 [DELETED] 

i wasnt really paying much attention, i only went on her FB like once.
she's a stonerfag, so i approve of that, and apart from that i dont really know much about her.
she's quite pretty i guess (im bisexual)

>> No.4667705 [DELETED] 

ah, you know her! :)

>> No.4667712

who doesnt moron

>> No.4667713


>> No.4667714

Let's see:
>she's a stoner
>she's a slut
>she has plenty of time
>she has a close friend named Harriet
>she has the initials EK
>she is exactly your age

Are you sure you're not the same person?

>> No.4667715

>government agencies
NASA is saving a huge ammount of money by doing deals with planetary resources. That is capitalism.
however, in the near term, the majority of money will be earned in tech and development. In the long term, this will spawn entire new industries, by then NASA will be defunct.

this is capitalism at its finest, friend.

>> No.4667718 [DELETED] 
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aww, you're doing it for your future children?
thats nice.

>> No.4667719

thanks for the tip.

>> No.4667721


>> No.4667732 [DELETED] 

erm...most of humanity?
(w/e, fuck you)

thats a boy?

im not a sut, so dont even fucking think your makin ga comparison there!
how is she a slut anyway? what evidence do you have of that? i seriously doubt she makes her FB status's "i'm such a slut, lol!"
>she has plenty of time
who doesnt? and again, how do you know this about rose specifically?

>she has a close friend named Harriet
its a fairly common name, there were like 3 in my old school.
>she has the initials EK
her initials would be RK actually.
>she is exactly your age
nope, im pretty sure she's older.

>> No.4667737

Also she doesn't have any higher education, just like you.

>> No.4667738

>NASA is saving a huge ammount of money by doing deals with planetary resources. That is capitalism.

You don't know what the fuck capitalism is. That's crony capitalism.

>> No.4667739

ahahahahha now u just mad for no reason

>> No.4667742

I found evidence that Rose cannot be EK.
The number of Rose's "fuck buddies" is still countable. xD

>> No.4667746 [DELETED] 

i do have high school education. ive no idea whether rose does or not, i didnt delve that deeply into her facebook, because unlike the dumb 7/7/11-fags, i barely give a shit.


>> No.4667749
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so mad lol

>> No.4667750

if PE was not established, NASA would have to source their own materials from elsewhere, at a greater cost.
PE stepped in and offered them cheaper materials, thus making huge ammounts of money and NASA outsourcing their cost.

outsourcing cost by using private firms is the definition of capitalism.

>> No.4667751
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>highschool education
>worth anything

>> No.4667758
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>being on /sci/
>telling people you've been to highschool

>> No.4667761 [DELETED] 

i was just responding to the guy who said:
>Also she doesn't have any higher education, just like you.
i was just saying they're wrong, im not saying i take any pride in it, or its unusual.

>> No.4667763

But I was right. You admitted having no higher education.

>> No.4667764

I like you EK.
You are logical.

OP here

>> No.4667765 [DELETED] 

wat, no i didnt. i just said i DID have highschool education. >>4667746

>> No.4667767

>outsourcing cost by using private firms is the definition of capitalism.

apparently taking money from people by force and giving it to a private firm is capitalism now. Reported you for being underage

>> No.4667768
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cry more highschooler haha

>> No.4667772

You don't get it, do you? Highschool doesn't count. That's like saying you learned how to walk. You have no higher education.

>> No.4667773

your logic is seriously flawed
I'd check that out if I were you, side effects could result in failiure at life

>> No.4667780 [DELETED] 

i did A-level as well, and im at university at the moment.

>> No.4667782

So fucking what? You still have no education.

>> No.4667784

how is highschool loser ?

>> No.4667785

EK u from the midlands?

>> No.4667789 [DELETED] 

its pretty shit, i dont really like mendoza
(or alternately, learn how to use punctuation, you fucking retard!!)


>> No.4667790

ah well, you're british and that makes me smile

>> No.4667792

Hang on what's the big argument in here? Someone has a high school education and yadi-yadi-yada?

>> No.4667793

>hurrr durrrr
ahhahahaha why so mad kido ?

>> No.4667795

EK has no education and believes highschool means anything.

>> No.4667797 [DELETED] 

i have no idea, i didnt bring up the highschool thing, it was some anon.
i presume everyone on /sci/ has at least highschool education, and most will either be in uni or have already graduated.

>> No.4667800

And you lack any higher education. That's the point. You already admitted it.

>> No.4667801

Okay, and that has what to do with anything? I mean this isn't a degenerate academic circle jerk is it?

>> No.4667802 [DELETED] 

again, you're wrong, i said the opposite of that >>4667780

>> No.4667803

/sci/ IS an academic circle jerk.

>> No.4667804 [DELETED] 
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i think its meant to be insulting? like saying im stupid, but in some weird convoluted way?

>> No.4667805

That's idiocy.

>> No.4667807

You're at university studing zoology at undergrad level and are about to fail. How can you call this "higher education"?

>> No.4667808

No, it's just stating facts.

>> No.4667809 [DELETED] 

any degree is 'higher education'
and FYI, zoology is a good subject, and its very very intersting.
also, im not gonna fail, not even close. im very good at it.

>> No.4667810

Well then they should say you're an idiot because your ideas are idiotic but not you're an idiot if you haven't been to grad school yet.

>> No.4667811 [DELETED] 

its not stating facts to just make random false statements
saying i've 'never been to highschool' or whatever is just plain wrong, its not even an insult.

>> No.4667812 [DELETED] 

my ideas arnt idiotic!

>> No.4667816

No matter how "intersting" (sic!) it is, you still lack higher education. You even lack fundamental education. You can't solve simple highschool math problems, neither can you write a coherent sentence without grammatical and spelling errors.

>> No.4667820

I never said they were. It was a conditional statement.

>> No.4667822

I didn't say you've never been to highschool. I said you have no higher education. That's a difference, you simpleton.

>> No.4667827

No, it doesn't count. Show me any education you have that is more than fundamental shit any retard can do.

>> No.4667825 [DELETED] 

ah, i see :)

higher education would mean everything after highschool
so, A-levels and a degree
or does that not count?

>> No.4667826

A-levels are considered Further Education, not Higher.

>> No.4667829 [DELETED] 

wtf is the difference?
so everything that is a degree and beyond is 'higher' then?

>> No.4667833 [DELETED] 

>Show me any education you have that is more than fundamental shit any retard can do.
the zoology degree is quite hard, im doing well at it, but some people struggle.
its definitely not anything that 'any retard' could do.

>> No.4667838

>wtf is the difference?
Terminology mostly due to UK's academic system regarding Sixth-form.

>so everything that is a degree and beyond is 'higher' then?

Got it. So at the moment you can claim to have some degree of further education but not any higher education until you graduate.

>> No.4667839

What's the hardest you have to do for zoology? Memorize some shit?
Anyway you never posted any qualified zoology comments on /sci/. When there are actual zoology threads, you avoid them.

>> No.4667843 [DELETED] 

cant i say that ive finished 2 years of higher education?
its not all worthless just because i havent done the final exams yet.

>> No.4667844 [DELETED] 

no i dont, i usually take part if i see them

>> No.4667845

You didn't even learn anything in these two years.

>> No.4667847

You could say that you are IN higher education but not that you HAVE a higher education.

>> No.4667849

Show me one zoology thread from the archive in which you participated and in which you showed your knowledge of the subject.

>> No.4667850

Same here : >>4667513

is a samefag.

>> No.4667853 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 467x356, 13635649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you stop being a fucking gigantic faggot??
i can see you're trying to piss me off, but you're doing it with all the shitty methods i'd imagine a 12 year old to attempt.

its just shitty petty trolling that everyone here can see right through.

>> No.4667856

Not trolling. Just stating facts. Isn't it sad, how the truth makes you mad?

>> No.4667857 [DELETED] 

2 of those have my tripcode, dumass. the other doesnt, and isnt me. its: >>4667581

>> No.4667866 [DELETED] 

its not stating facts, its just shitty trolling attempts at insulting me. you may as well just post 'i think you're stupid' for the same effect.

saying i 'havent learnt anything these last 2 years' is just wrong, because i always pay attention to the lectures, and ive never ever missed one.

>> No.4667867

As the guy who's pretty much been your advocate during this entire thread I'd suggest you leave it.

>> No.4667873

EK, I'm thinking about going to uni after I've finished my A levels
what is the shindig about uni? Do you always go to lectures? Do you work in classes like a classical ''classroom''
do you have regular exams, do you have homework or projects?

>> No.4667882
File: 24 KB, 458x500, 1328952819542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop pretending to be me/attempting to accuse samefag between me and EK, queerbait.
you have issues, we can all see that, but your poor attempts at trolling are hardly going to uplift you from your state of denial.

I'm OP and I can close the thread any time I goddamn please. I am currently enjoying watching you fools sputter around EK. She showed me in this thread she has amicable logic. Logic I have seen you not use at all and the others, despite to a further extent, not as much as should be.

>> No.4667884 [DELETED] 

i always go, but its not strictly enforced.
you work in your own time, theres no1 chasing you up for work or making you do it.
those who want to do well, do.
those who slack off just because they can, end up wasting their tuition fees.
you'll love the independence if you use it right.
theres deadlines for project hand ins and things, but thats about it, you can put in as much effort as you like.
yeh, we have homework though.

yeh, fine i will. im supposed to be not getting mad at little insignificant things anymore.

>> No.4667886


Je suis d'accord avec toi bro !

>> No.4667890

Disregard that faggot EK.
Despite your emotions slipping into the fold, you are still resiliant to the majority of these illogical arguments.
don't slip to simple identity theft

>> No.4667895

Strange little man. You have me mistaken.

>yeh, fine i will. im supposed to be not getting mad at little insignificant things anymore.

Probably for best.

>> No.4667896

>99 results
>aaaand leaving this thread shortly and sharply

>> No.4667897 [DELETED] 

>don't slip to simple identity theft
>Despite your emotions slipping into the fold...
yeh my emotions get quite out of whack, im supposed to be taking medication.