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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4662838 No.4662838 [Reply] [Original]

Thread 1:

Thread 2:


An experiment in psychology, with some results already here. Feel free to ask questions!


Before asking any question about tulpas, please visit: http://www.tulpa.info/guides.xhtml
>A tulpa is believed to be an autonomous consciousness which also exists in a self imposed hallucinatory body, which is usually much of your choice. A tulpa is entirely sentient and in control of its opinions, feelings, movements.
>It is perceived as completely real, and you don't have to constantly focus on it to keep it around.
To connect to the irc
>download a client
>/attach irc.rizon.net
>/join #tulpa

>> No.4662855


>> No.4662851


>> No.4662861
File: 247 KB, 1127x2386, Broken Down Guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this question wasn't answered in the last thread. I know it's talked about in the guides, but I'm still having some trouble understanding it. The narration step, can someone go into detail about it? Are you supposed to narrate what the tulpa does and says, or what you do and say, or both? Another part of the guides said to never parrot your tulpa's response, which makes me think that you shouldn't narrate your tulpa's response, but I'm not sure.

>> No.4662872

And if anyone there tells you that you are not vidya, remind them that the brain is a computer and that it has killer graphics.

>> No.4662875

What Narration is is simply talking to your tulpa as if it is another separate being. You should be expecting a response, but never put words in it's mouth. Other questions? need me to elaborate? irc is a good place for quick answers, too.

>> No.4662891

Elaborate just a bit more if you don't mind.
I understand now that I SHOULD NOT narrate what my tulpa says, but what about what it does? Is that a no-no too?
I do understand that I should be talking to it with normal conversation too.
I think I remember reading in the guides, however, that I SHOULD be narrating what I do and see. Am I remembering that wrong?

>> No.4662903

Moving them is "puppeting," a major no-no

I believe you are confused as to the definition of narrating.
>narration/narrating: talking directly to or with a tulpa about day-to-day activities and events as a means of reinforcing their existence, often done as a key part of personality development

When did you read the guides, and how many did you read?

>> No.4662927

Ok, it's making much more sense now, thanks.
I read quite a few of FAQ's guides, and one of Irish's but I didn't like the idea of assuming personality so I stay away from his.
I probably just misread a part because I can't seem to find it in the guides I saved.
Thanks a lot for clearing that up for me.

>> No.4662930

your welcome

>> No.4662932


>> No.4662946

Look up what the fucking word narration means. People don't narrate back and forth, they talk. Narration is simply talking to someone or a group of people describing a situation that they cannot under any other circumstances understand expecting no reply. When a tulpa talks back, its no longer narration. Also don't expect any words till about 70 hours in.

>> No.4662948

remember we have a form started up if you have questions.
it allows guest posting so you don't need to set up an account: http://forum.tulpa.info

we need help designing experiments
assuming that would be possible at all
and test subjects if that pans out

>> No.4662952


I love how butthurt people keep trying to sage and tell us to go somewhere else, even though these have consistently been the best discussed threads recently on /sci/.

This is legitimately interesting, and the approach people are taking to it in these threads is very scientific. Let it stay.

>> No.4662951

>puppeting/puppeteering: to directly and consciously visualize responses of your tulpa to your actions and words. Not advised, is considered to lead to the development of a servitor and delay tulpa development
How are you supposed to impose them into your reality then? It seems sort of hard to imagine them beside you without puppeting.

>> No.4662955

I'd also like to point out

>two bump limit threads

>> No.4662957

we need a board more relevant then /mlp/ (HALP HOW DO I GET PONY WAIFU/spam) or /x/ (spam)

>> No.4662961

You imagine them in your mind's eye, not moving first. Read the fucking guides.

>> No.4662964

>Pony tulpa
I'm never going to understand the reasoning behind anything but a human-like tulpa. In 10 years they'll regret making a pony.

>> No.4662975


>Imagine your tulpa just behind you, walking with you
You're telling me that that isn't puppeting? That's clearly puppeting your tulpa into doing a certain action; walking with you.

>> No.4662978


It is, but if I understand the process, this is after your Tulpa is already acting on its own.

>> No.4662994

im not so sure now, but i beleive that the puppeting your describing is to work on your visualization. The tulpa is not yet visually manifesting on its own so to help reinforce its visual form you imagine it.
Puppeting during narration is frowned upon, and its theorized it would lead to a servitor, or a thoughtless tupla that responds to commands.

i can understand non-human, but creating a tupla out of an existing character sounds like a bad idea.

>> No.4663002

>i can understand non-human, but creating a tupla out of an existing character sounds like a bad idea.
Share your thoughts with us, opinionated one. Why do you believe that I should not make a tulpa of my waifu? I'm curious.

>> No.4663008

Not that guy, but:

The tulpa could have identity issues. Problems trying to live up to the original waifu. Repressed deviations due to trying to create said waifu.

>> No.4663015

A very good point. Do you think you could stop these issues if you came to an agreement with yourself that you wouldn't mind a bit of deviation?

>> No.4663020

How do I decide what the hell to make my tulpa? That is, assuming that this tulpa shit isn't nonsense.

>> No.4663022

Yes; in fact, based on what I'd think, that would be an even better waifu because whatever causes deviation will porbably make the tulpa better for the host. Problems may arise to the host, because deviation can sometimes be drastic/jarring and may even affect form, the assumed promary reason for waifuness.

>> No.4663025

Is there anything that would persuade you lovely folks to take this to /x/? Anything?

You'd be doing yourselves a favor, anyway, because you'll find a lot more people willing to give this a try there.

>> No.4663027

There is a method where the host exclusively works on personality and narration, without visualizing or form work, so that the host can already have a sentient tulpa to work with on the form.

>> No.4663032

Creating a sentience within your own mind based on a fictional character that your sexually attracted to? What could possibly go wrong!

-even if you could get tactile hallucinations and full visual ones its not like you could have sex
-even if you visualize and create the same personality there will be deviations from what were assuming is your subconscious/the nascent tulpla
so your waifu wouldn't be your waifu
-some suspect it could screw up the tulpa having to live up to unrealistic expectations
-in the end its just a fragment of your own mind, not a separate being
among other things

>> No.4663033

Started on /x/; exiled. Moved around a bit, settled in /mlp/. threads turned to cancer, so moved to /sci/. Now the questions are more insightful and the people joining will be less of ponyfags. We can tolerte the occasional sage and asking to leave, but if /sci/ as a whole can tolerate us, then it works out for everybody.

Also we are approacing this with a purely psychological standpoint, having stripped away all paranormal anything.

>> No.4663036

I see, I'm glad we had this talk. I'll make sure to make sure that I keep in mind that deviation is a-ok.
I appreciate your kindness, since most people so far have been hostile. However, /x/ uses the metaphysical perspective, which is supernatural. We are using the psychological perspective, which is [soft] science. We don't really want our threads to be driven by conversations like "You're tulpa may inflict pain on your family" and the like.
May I suggest you hide the thread if you are this much bothered by it? I know that it may get annoying, hiding every one of our threads, so you could also filter the word tulpa.

>> No.4663039
File: 484 KB, 200x149, 1331589933105.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you compare that to classy as fuck /sci/ you'll see why we don't want to leave.

>> No.4663042

See, look at this. Nice, useful conversation. Nothing like what the /mlp/ threads became. Coupled with the stricter mods (assuming here) of /sci/, I think we can keep these threads cancer-free.

>> No.4663045
File: 1.33 MB, 180x180, 1326844507855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the hell are you people, gross.

>> No.4663046


Awww don't go hating on the bronies. They're not that bad. They just don't take this whole tulpa thing seriously.

>> No.4663048

They take it seriously, but... they're ponies.

>> No.4663050


Irish? You've moved to /sci/ too?

>> No.4663052


The denizens of /mlp/ are real life ponies?

>> No.4663053

Irish, can you elaborate on tulpa and touch? We have some mixed thoughts about it in this thread.

>> No.4663056

>implying this isn't manifest destiny

>> No.4663057

colloquialism for ponyfuc- I mean pony fans.

>> No.4663058

Who are you people

>> No.4663059

You did this shtick last thread

>> No.4663061

As someone with a complete tulpa who's had one for a bit, I wish these threads didn't exist because if they get too popular then everything will go to shit.

Discussing it is fine, I just think they should be on some forum no one goes to (besides those that wish to discuss it of course).

>> No.4663063
File: 2.89 MB, 300x170, 1330191580590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ye who is banned for his own good.

>> No.4663062


>> No.4663065

I did didn't I?

>> No.4663066

I'm aware of that, and it's wonderful and all, but there still arises a lot of problems when people post about them on 4chan.

And then when they cross-post them onto different boards, things start to get large.

>> No.4663068

It's alright FAQ when things get large and proud you'll get more questions

>> No.4663069

Why do you think everything will go to shit? It doesn't effect you and your tulpa at all.

>> No.4663073

You sound like a hipster.

>> No.4663074

if it didn't blow up after /mlp/, /sci/ isn't going to do it

>> No.4663078

I don't want things to get large, silly.

That's where everything bad starts from.

MY tulpa remains constant, but your average person that knows about or has one will be a lot worse.

Think about what happened to MLP (If you don't know, they started out with small general threads in /co/).

It's not being a hisper. I don't tell other people that I have one, unless I am Anonymous.

>> No.4663075

If Irish's right, then he's a crotchety old guy.

>> No.4663080


There's no need for that. Most of them wouldn't really be insulted if you called them a horse fucker.

>> No.4663089
File: 36 KB, 453x370, 1329453155141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are really counterproductive for me.

>> No.4663094


Well you are trying to create an imaginary friend.

>> No.4663096
File: 12 KB, 560x407, no fucking clue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I've kinda got something like a Tulpa or thoughtform going on. It's not a person, it speaks in "thoughts", and it's not really something I have control over.

I want to say it's an Alternate Personality, but it's probably more along the lines of a "Personal God". It doesn't actually control my thoughts or behaviors. But it does give me long term tasks or objectives that it wants me to complete, along with insights that might not make sense at first, but later turn out to be the right move. And it provides me with an "objective" sense of morality.

For example:

I was heading out of town for a night. And for some reason, I had this strange urge to count how many Adderall tablets I had left. I wasn't worried about running out, and if I was worried about them being stolen, I'd have just taken them with me. But I didn't feel like questioning it, so I counted 20 of them and left them at home for the night.

I came home the next day and found only 19 pills left. I figured I'd ask my roommate if he knew anything about. He told me he didn't, so I told him why I was asking and apologized to him for being paranoid.

>> No.4663099

<personal god
the fuck is this

>> No.4663101
File: 59 KB, 554x439, well whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few minutes later, he came and confessed to me that he was the one who stole it and started crying. He felt really bad for lying about it, and wanted me to forgive me. He was worried about an exam he had to take, so he snagged one while I was gone.

The funny part? Had he just gone through with the lie, he'd have gotten away with it.
Accusing him would have made him deny it even harder, too. Turns out that by just asking him and taking him at his word, not only did I get the truth out of him just moments later. But it fucked with him enough to make him cry.
I wasn't actually angry, though. So I told him I'd forgive him if he got me a burger from McDonalds. It was delicious.

Paranormal or not, I feel like there's "something" living inside my head. Gut Reaction, Subconscious, Guardian Angel, call it what you want. All I know is that the little voice in the back of my head has some great ideas. And personifying him has given me peace of mind.

Also, sage, on account of "Not Science".

>> No.4663107

You may find this article interesting then, if you assume what they are experiencing is some sort of tulpa phenomenon

sage for not science

>> No.4663110

Not your blog.

>>>/gai- Wait.
>anime reaction image
Yeah. >>>/gaia/

>> No.4663114

hey I'm a shcitzo (No not a kid going through a phase or missdiagnosing myself, I am actually downplaying what all I have been diagnosed with, I served time in Panoka and Alberta hospital, and I do mean served, 5 years in total secure treatment+another 12 through various outpatient)...last medication I was on was chemadrine but since they stopped requiring me to get the shot to get my cheque I havent touched it in years...

Is it a good idea for me to try this? I'm cured as far as I am concerned and this sounds interesting but I need to be careful about the ole applecart I am way too old to start getting all stabby.

>> No.4663120

Try it out, it's always worth it to at least try, literally anybody can do it. Except for select SELECT few who have problems like not being able to imagine things.

>> No.4663118

There's nothing wrong with having a personal god.
It's only a problem if you start using him to tell other people what to do.

It's just comforting to think that something out there is looking out for me. It's a good coping mechanism if you learn how to use it properly.

>> No.4663121

It's never been tested. try it and see.

>> No.4663125

So you were committed under an NCR order? I guess the treatment didn't work if you're medication negligent and actively trying to cultivate your psychosis. 5 years is a long time for inpatient confinement. Did you kill or rape someone?

>> No.4663128
File: 177 KB, 337x404, sakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I'm not bumping the thread.

Because it's a personal story with no means of authentication. I just shared it because I figured people might find it somewhat interesting regardless.

>anime reaction image
Only newfags from 2008 care about anime reaction images.
Go eat a dick.

>> No.4663136
File: 118 KB, 500x874, 1322791108565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move this back to /x/.

It does not belong here, nor on /mlp/.

Enjoy your pseudoscience ban.

>> No.4663138
File: 1015 KB, 500x281, 1330476933678.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit about anime reaction images. It was just an indication that you should fuck off to gaia.

>> No.4663141

someone was theorizing that in a worst case scenario your tulpa could be suggesting suicide and the like, but your mind would already have to get to that point.

analyzing tulpa through freud its assumed the tulpa plays off our id (base unrestricted desire), so that could be bad if you had little willpower.

on the other hand there are accounts of tulpa helping its creator substantially

personally id advise against it, but if you do attempt it keep us remember (everyone should remember this) that it is just a fragment of your own mind. There are ways of getting rid of a tulpa, too.

>> No.4663142

nice edit

>> No.4663144

I did not edit that, that's how the image looked when it was saved.

If you don't believe me, look up the md5 in the archive.

>> No.4663146

I was refrencing how the "Psychology" part looks different. Jeez, lighten up.

>> No.4663148
File: 3 KB, 203x209, 1334829650209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, k bro.

I'll get right on that. Promise.

>> No.4663196
File: 90 KB, 500x540, 1325025910735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say stuff.

>> No.4663200

What the fuck is this shit and why is it in /sci/?

>> No.4663203

Read the thread.

>> No.4663206


lol @ that list

>> No.4663215

That does not answer my question in the slightest. You know what, I'm just going to report this for being pseudoscience garbage. Fuck off to where you came from.


>> No.4663229

This doesn't belong on /mlp/.

Fuck off to >>>/x/ or >>>/b/

>> No.4663232

If instead of making a Tulpa with a kill switch, I gave it an "off" switch that would send it to my wonderland or elsewhere, would it still resent me?