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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4659447 No.4659447 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently procrastinating on?

I've got a 4 page essay due tomorrow. Halfway done, just taking a quick break to see what's new with /sci/.

>tfw you know you'll fall asleep soon

>> No.4659450

What's the paper on? I had to write a 20 page essay yesterday. Stayed up pretty late but felt confident in the end. mfw i have no face

>> No.4659454

WWII generation and the heroes and heroines it spawned. Specifically, I'm writing a critique on Tom Brokaw's "The Greatest Generation".

Twenty pages...jeez. What's the topic?

>> No.4659459

Cyber security. It was supposed to be a semester long thing but I ended up procrasterbating. It's a pretty bad habit.

>> No.4659466

Sounds like a rather drab topic. Post your beginning/thesis sentence.

Also, who else does this?
>adding in unnecessary adjectives to achieve the length requirement

>> No.4659472
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>mfw I finished all my classes last week

>> No.4659480

the only thing I'm procrastinating on is going to bed so that I can wake up and be rested enough to swim at 6 am tomorrow.

>> No.4659486

Well I fucked up my first year of Physics due to my procrastination. Gotta see my tutor some time this week to discuss my options.

I hate myself.

>> No.4659487

Just finished a horrible paper that fucking sucks.

Gonna submit it anyway probably get an A swag

>> No.4659503

>supposed to be studying rf
>drinking beer instead

>dat feel

>> No.4659509
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20 page report due in a month, 2000-4000 word report due on the 18th and a powerpoint presentation on the same topic.
Fracture mechanics questions to answer before thursday

Playing league of legends because I don't have an motivation until I have time pressure

>> No.4659518

House s08e20.

Just finished. It really is time to sleep. It's 5:30.

>> No.4659541

test tomorrow on electronics

i should be ok though

>> No.4659539
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Here's what just happened:

>Have linear algebra quiz
>Don't procrastinate
>Study all weekend
>Go to class prepared
>"Ok, class, time to hand in your take home quiz
>Stand up and flee class

I wish procrastination was my problem right now.

>> No.4659550
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I have to annotate an entire 300 page classical lit book. It's due in less than 6 hours.

I fucking despise English, and my uni is too shitty to have actual technical writing classes for physics/chem students.

>> No.4659559

going over linear algebra and ODE's

sorry bro, happens

>> No.4659578


I feel for you.

>> No.4659588

Test tomorrow in pchem, not sure if I should try and nap now or nap right before the test. Does anyone know if 2 hours is even going to help or should I not bother

>> No.4659593

As of half an hour ago, absolutely nothing.

>> No.4659602

i'd end up sleeping through the test, so i'd say just stay up

>> No.4659605


Finishing the x-axis on the cnc machine. It's late, but I could at least draw on the guidlines for it tomorrow so I can just start drilling and cutting. Meh.

>> No.4659608


Take an hour and a half nap.

>> No.4659618

8 page paper on pseudo-mathematics and it's many forms due Wednesday

Haven't even started, but I'm not worried.

>> No.4659636

I've been doing it for... 5 months already, I have 10 days to learn everything about digital and analog electronics, any source you recommend me?

>> No.4659639

what kind of class is that for?

>> No.4659642

Biochemical methods (my university's name for bullshit undergraduate biochemistry lab) final tomorrow.

>> No.4659644

Math final tomorrow, had finals all day today and didn't feel like studying...
Was going to wake up at 8am tomorrow and study for 8 hours straight (exam is at 4:15pm)...
Why did I take a senior level math class...no prerequisites, they said...

>> No.4659655

Well you guys have made me feel better. Procrastinating on 20 page papers? Yikes.

>> No.4659664

have to finish up my robot's facial recognition coding and try to train it more efficiently, then make the code neat and well commented,and post it on the website. Plan my trip across the state to the conference. oh right, i wrote a paper for a conference about the robot. Finish work I need to get done so I actually have something to put in the presentation.

>> No.4659669
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>calc 1 finals tomorrow
>dont know wtf is going on in that class because I have been using the solutions manual on all the homeworks
>get two Cs and one 40 on tests
>If I pass final I get a B or high C for the class, get perfect score on it and I get an A for the class, fail the test and I fail the class
>mfw havent studied at all and dont plan to

>> No.4659706


If you're sleeping <3 hours, you will sleep through your exam unless you set 6 fucking alarms within a 5 minute time span.

Trust me, this is experience talking.

>> No.4659949


>> No.4659960
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I know this feel.

>> No.4659966

Listen to this man, he tells the truth.

>> No.4659968 [DELETED] 


>> No.4659972
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>doesn't know how to detect samefag

>> No.4659979

that's the one with the evaluation script, right? eval something?

>> No.4660073

Essay due tomorrow in Japanese. Quiz in Japanese.
All of it due tomorrow.

>> No.4660083 [DELETED] 


>> No.4660094

Two finals on Friday: one in linear algebra, which I'm essentially 80% done studying for; and one in religious studies, which I'm 15% done studying for. For some reason, I'd much rather spend time on linear algebra/other math things than do study for my other final...

At least I have until Friday.

>> No.4660104

I'm not. In fact I'm looking forward to my study time.
Got to have dinner first though. Sucks having to wait : (

>> No.4660114

Matrix Theory (I guess most other places call it Linear Algebra?) final in about 5 hours. Haven't started studying. Need to fill out my one page note paper, fuck.

Gonna be sleepy as hell during the final.

>> No.4660120


>> No.4660122
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>classical lit book

>> No.4660125

Final exam in 4 hours.

>> No.4660136

7 hours to hand in final year dissertation.
Only 800 words, done about 2000.

>> No.4660138

8000, rather.

>> No.4660145

6 page research paper, it's my final. It's due in 8 hours.

Should I even go for it, guys?

>> No.4660175


Always go for it, bro.

You might surprise yourself.

>> No.4660178

Awww, shucks. Thanks, I needed to hear that right now.

>> No.4660323

studying for my fucking final

>> No.4660725


Sorry you fail Japanese. Should at least be changed to:

Although, preferably:

>> No.4660749

Over the course of a week, I've written over 30 pages for a computational science class. I think I am losing calcium in my bones...

>> No.4660791

In my 4 years of University I never once had trouble waking up for an exam

>> No.4660806

>studying for my fucking anal
thats what i read

>> No.4660809

Physics revision for my exam tomorrow.

>> No.4660817


Holy shit, weeaboo detected.

>> No.4660823

Building a website, 2000 word essay, Javascript assignment.


>> No.4660824

Although your version is correct, a better alternative is

>> No.4660844


>none of you are Japanese
>arguing about shit you can't possibly know

>> No.4660864

my life

>> No.4660865
File: 20 KB, 320x210, Romney-Laughing..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are still in school

Shit tier universities confirmed. All good uni's are out by now.

>> No.4660885

Strike me down and I shall become more Japanese than you can possibly imagine.

>> No.4660912

Underage Weeaboo detected. Sorry to crush your dreams, but you aren't Japanese and you never will be.

>> No.4660915

Oh you know, some probabilities and stadistical mechanics.

>> No.4660927

Got a lab test in my vertebrate anatomy class on thursday morning. I work through tonight, so the only time I have to study for it is now til 2:00 or so and tomorrow. Lots of stuff I need to know; all the blood vessels, parts of the brain, nerves, all the muscles and viscera etc of a cat. I have to have it down to the point where I can look at a dead cat lying in a tray and identify every part from memory.

It's honestly not that difficult, as I did fine on the other lab tests, but I just don't feel like studying right now. I'm fucking beat.

>> No.4660945


Butthurt due to Japanese master race.

>> No.4661041

>implying when a semester starts/ends has anything to do with quality of a university

>> No.4661068

>What are you currently procrastinating on?
So much I can't keep track.

>> No.4661185


In this instance I think you're right. Check out this discussion about 「~する方がいい」と「~した方がいい」の意味 for more info: http://oshiete1.watch.impress.co.jp/qa3722319.html

As for what I'm procrastinating on, several things: reading papers, searching for papers, and rewriting a draft of a report.

>> No.4661196

>master race


>> No.4661210

you should make a list of what you are procrastinating.

>> No.4661350

Nice to know. Thanks for teh link.

>> No.4661355

>tfw I torrented a shitload of math/physics textbooks
>tfw I haven't started reading even one

>> No.4661419

calc III exam, sociology essay