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4655612 No.4655612 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest with me, how sad is the life of an engineering major? Do you have time to do other stuff at all?

Not a troll thread, I swear. I want to become one, but I'm a fucking slow learner and I fear it'll kill all my free time.

>> No.4655621

It depends as the life of a civil engineer and someone aspiring to be a radio/wireless/some other such sub-specialty of an already rigorous field are very different things.

>> No.4655626

I'd also like to add that it depends on whether or not you can get in good with one of the major ethnic groups in your universities college of engineering. Becoming friends with the Indian or Chinese kids can make your life easier as all of those motherfuckers collude and cheat.

>> No.4655627

My goal is chemical engineering.

I'd start kind of late (21) and I'm not sure if I want to waste my life studying until I'm nearly 30.

>> No.4655634

Hopeless, there are no indians/chinese in my country at all

>> No.4655636


doing it wrong

>> No.4655647

Why chemical engineering? Did you watch too many episodes of "Breaking Bad"?
Do you just want to cook up some expensive drugs?
Hell, you don't need a degree for that, you just need the knowledge, the OCD discipline to keep from poisoning or blowing yourself up, and the equipment.
If you shave your head you get bonus points, but don't quote me on that.

>> No.4655665

Well, no. Among the engineering courses available on the best university I can afford to go, the one with highest demand (local at least) is chemical engineering. You think that was a personal preference? I don't give a fuck, I don't hope to actually enjoy what I do

And I haven't watched Breaking Bad but I DID almost follow Don Draper's career once

>> No.4655667

>> Do you have time to do other stuff at all?
Generally no. Though sometimes class projects can be pretty fun. Senior year was great, had a fucking awesome senior design project.

>> No.4655671

fuck off, we already have enough retards in it for the pay.

go become a pharmacist or a physician's assistant.

>> No.4655677

Engineering requires a large amount of dedication and work. That said, if you're on top of your work, you should find time to enjoy life maybe once a week. Usually I spend Saturdays enjoying myself and then it's back to work for the rest of the week.

>> No.4655685
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3rd year EE here.

I don't even have scribblers, my attendance is shit, I smoke weed everyday and drink every weekend.

>mfw no marks under 70

>> No.4655694

a lone undergrad is the worst thing that can happen if you're aiming into any kind of engineering.

Try to get shit done. Find how; study if necessary since not everyone is equally skilled. They want you to get results. Big deal.

>> No.4655702

There are sentences in this post for which I find myself unable to discern the meaning of.

>> No.4655705


I hope you are never allowed to design any bridges, machinery, or buildings.

>> No.4655709

if so, why?

>> No.4655718


You want someone to design those when they can't type in coherent English? I know what ESL students write like since my engineering department is 70%. That looks like retard instead of someone that speaks ESL.

>captcha apocryphal peairpo

>> No.4655725

>You want someone to design those when they can't type in coherent English?

... oh.

>> No.4655728
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>be engineering student
>spend three hours a day telling everyone how busy you are
>complain that you don't have free time

>> No.4655730

Some types of engineering just get more respect than others by certain stereotypes. Chemical and Electrical are the only 2 types of engineering I can't think of that are essentially immune to negative stereotypes.

That's just how it is.

>> No.4655740

>essentially immune to negative stereotypes.

what? how so?

they're just lifeless geeks who see themselves as "men of science" like all the others.

>> No.4655745

Brainless cog doing it for the money
Wannabe mad scientist

>> No.4655749

Weird, it definitely sounds like you switched those 2 up

>> No.4655756

glorified plumbers

future codemonkeys

>> No.4655764

future septic field digger

future UML diagrammer, then finally into management

>> No.4655766


I'm a ChemE and dabble in other disciplines as electives. ChemE professors are seriously the most mentally insane, yet extremely intelligent, people I've met. Throw a ChemE in a stocked lab and watch him raise hell- even more so than a chem major I'd bet.

>> No.4655768


depends on how sharp you are honestly..

Some people need to study notes after every lecture to stay on their game. Some rarely study and get A's.

I have awful study habits and cram before tests, don't do tutorial problems etc, but I'm still doing fairly well for my self.

>> No.4655769

Enjoy dropping out

>> No.4655771

>future UML diagrammer

hahah, so true.

>> No.4655772

brainless? far from it. chemical engineering students are the only type of engineering that generally requires a class in quantum chemistry (pchem).
there's more to circuits than inductors, resistors and capacitors. there's some crazy stuff, like crystals on circuits.

>> No.4655806
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>mfw field engineers make more money than real engineers

>> No.4655830

This. Physicists, don't be so arrogant and ignorant about your field. Without engineers, your discoveries would be practically useless. What you're typing with now is probably designed by an engineer - even the components. You see how it works? Physicists makes kaboom, engineers makes the kaboom useful.
>inb4 argument about which field is the most useful
>inb4 jealous fucktards criticizing how gay engineering is when they don't even have a job
>inb4 bragging about IQ and no accomplishments
>accomplishments > IQ, what's the purpose of your intelligence without a direction?
>inb4 "Fuck engineering because fuck it."
>inb4 *insert here whatever crap you got to complain about engineering*

>> No.4655837


sure is some mad and frustrated dick-sucking engineer subspecies ITP

>> No.4655833

With out scientists engineers would have progressed our modern civilization along using nothing more than the wheel and tools made out of rocks by now.

Enjoy being useless.

>> No.4655839
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How I see it:
>Go to college Computer/Electrical engineering undergrad
>Lose 65lbs of fat/am in shape now
>Have plenty of sex
>Have single room where I can play games and porn and music all the time
>3.7 GPA
>mfw Full-Time (40hr week) paid research internship falls into my lap for summer
>mfw no resume or previous work experience

How non-engineering majors see it:
>Go to college Computer/Electrical engineering undergrad
>Has no friends, goes to gym all the time
>Is not in a relationship
>Spends all his time in his room wasting time on vidya
>3.7 GPA - works butt off
>mfw I get a break this summer and don't have to go 9 months of school and then work and then 9 more months of school.

Center for composite materials son.

>> No.4655845

>implying companies don't just hire engineers to cover their liability

>> No.4655847


>About to graduate EE here.
>I am a slow learner as well, and engineering coursework takes a fair amount of time to master and take in.
>Once you find something that strikes your interest it is a hell of a lot easier to find the motivation to study it and study thoroughly.
>It seems impossible at first due to the breadth of material but as you specialize it all comes together nicely.
>It is doable, but difficult.
>I have a job lined up after graduation in Satellite Transciever Systems, super stoked.

>> No.4655852

Well, I applied to every single EE internship opening in my area (and several beyond) and didn't get shit except 2 interviews that didn't pan out.

Currently finishing up sophomore year. Fucking sucks man.

>> No.4655863

How do you define 'scientists'? I'm not arguing about who or what is the greater than the two but rather how each of these field contributes to the progression of mankind. I'm talking in regards of these two fields coexisting with each other and not some asshole trying to make an argument that's trying to compare these two fields. In case you still don't understand: Physicists = Discoveries, Engineers = Utilizing these discoveries.
Tell me how many accomplishments you've done in your lifetime. Then divide it by 0 - the result is how many fucks I give in regards to your opinion of engineers and not understanding what I'm trying to emphasize.

>> No.4655900
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>implying division by 0 is possible

Of course, one couldn't expect a gay faggot engineer to know better.

>> No.4655944

Structural student here, one year left now. I have had a long distance girlfriend who I see every two weeks or so. Im also working on campus in IT 20 hours per week, imaging computers and shit. The free time is next to none. It takes me a little bit longer to get new topics when taking 17 hours. So im studying more, and just use the little time I have to enjoy to play video games. You can do it but keep up with school because it'll suck when you get left behind. Find Find Find friends, help understand topics, pick up assignments. they are your life lines. Get a nice calc like a ti89, I use it to program and save time spent manually typing out answers.Now i have a huge selection of programs and i can do about anything just in my calc without too much paper or pencil. Overall you can do, its hard and if shit goes down always keep on the professors good side.

Edit: drinking after finals, might not make sense

>> No.4655978

Dividing something no times means you haven't divided it at all, its still whole.

>> No.4655981

That's division by 1, bro. That's dividing it into 1 part.
Can't divide something into 0 parts.

>> No.4655986

You cant divide something into 1 part.

I mean just look at that sentance "I divided it into 1 part"

its a fucking contradiction.

dividing by zero though would be said "I didn't divide it at all"

Makes total sense.

>> No.4656002

If I may interject, dividing any number by X and taking the limit as it goes to 0 would result in infinity. So by your previous statement about dividing someone's achievements by zero to figure out how many fucks you give doesn't really make sense because you would give infinite fucks.

>> No.4656013

im not >>4655863
I just jumped in when people started talking about dividing by zero.

>> No.4656035

Nuclear Engineering Undergrad here...

Find an engineering profession you will like, it will make it that much easier to learn and immerse yourself in. Seriously, there are a shit ton of sub-divisions in Engineering that fits a lot, if not all, types of people.

Although I love what I do, there are some downsides to it. You really need to keep up your GPA and if you are not naturally gifted, that means you need to study a lot. I am married and it has gone on a slope somewhat because of how much I study and put time into trying to get the best grades. Something tells me it won't last the first year of graduate but whatever.

>> No.4656066

MAE here.

I dislike it. A lot. And I plan on changing to something else next semester. Probably information science or something.

I'll be honest, I totally suck with Engineering. Partly because I spend little to no time actually studying, but mostly because I kinda hate everyone in the classes.

This is not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life. At all. I absolutely hate this major.

>> No.4656073

discovering shit

making shit actually become real and available

Both are essential. Yet scientists want to be arrogant little dicks.

so true it hurts, as far as EE goes, you just program algorythm and simulations for everything over and over (assuming you get a decent job, not just become an electrician).

>> No.4656077

>assuming you get a decent job, not just become an electrician

How is it a decent job when electricians are paid more and actually get to apply their knowledge instead of just coding crap?

>> No.4656093

have you ever seen what electricians do? they get paid because they pull wire through insulation for 8 hours a day.

I'll take my codemonkey over that 10x over

>> No.4656099

In my experience they are the people who actually design and build all the wiring you have in your house.

>> No.4656101

because its manual labor, you need to haul your shit small van around and mostly fix trivial stuff or help lay out electric plans, for something big if your lucky.
It has nothing to do with electronics (what an EE studies), it has more to do with big loads and AC currents.

EE's study the very small phenomena and circuitry and that shit nowdays gets studied and perfected trough algorythms and simulations, in comparison electricians are butchers.

>> No.4656112

As a Bio major, I hold the utmost respect for Engineers. I would never shit on them, seeing that they keep our societies running. You keep doing your job to make sure mine is possible, and I'll do my best to make your quality of life is better when I get into research.

>> No.4656114


This so much. Made me rethink about the way I've always did homework and take home exams.

>> No.4656115

>mostly because I kinda hate everyone in the classes.
Of course. Engineering majors are, in their majority, boring conservative cunts. I also hate everyone in my class.

About this scientist vs engineers crap, I couldn't care less. I'm so above this shit, seriously you people.

>> No.4656146

EE major here.

Studied for 1 year now.

Grades are around 4 (in finland the system is from 0 to 5.)

Done quite alot of work, but still have good social life + girlfriend etc.

It's not about your major, it's about you. seriously.

>> No.4656162

trollop get off sic n study

>> No.4656174

2nd year Nanotechnology student here, why can't engineering bros and science bros just get along?

>> No.4656179

You tell me. about 20-40% of the threads in sci are threads like


Stop forcing it and we'll be bros in the future

>> No.4656221

All I see is math and physics when I come to /sci/, so it must be the physics majors shitting on the engineers.

>> No.4656272
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I'm a applied physics and EE double major