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File: 149 KB, 1312x493, wave function feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4649267 No.4649267 [Reply] [Original]

That feel when consciousness causes wave function collapse (because of qualia)

>> No.4649276
File: 289 KB, 1920x1080, 1335635339088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because of qualitative

Good one.

>> No.4649274

We know you aren't the real IQ fundie.

>> No.4649277

That feel when people misunderstand QM.

>> No.4649279

Qualia? Function collapse?

>> No.4649280



>> No.4649282

So the reason the universe seems deterministic is that consciousness exists?

>> No.4649283

That feel when people misunderstand qualia.

>> No.4649290

Am I the only solipsist here on /sci/?
I feel so alone.

>> No.4649303
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>that feel when threads repeat and it feels like i've drifted into a parallel universe

>> No.4649312

That qualia when people misunderstand qualia.

>> No.4649336

I thought it had nothing to do with conciousness, just that you use something to detect what's going down there instead of just observing the results.

>> No.4649343


>> No.4649347

That qualia when qualia qualia.

>> No.4649350

There is nothing wrong with this interpretation of QM. You cannot experimentally show properties of qualia, and thus if qualia are not physical, they would skew the laws of physics.


No, the reason the density matrix collapses is because of measurement by a conscious observer. The observer does not follow the Schrodinger equation for time evolution. If consciousness is not involved, there is no qualia, so everything is physical, and the wave function will not collapse.

>> No.4649356

To observe something, you have to be an observer.

The observer is conscious.

>> No.4649365

wait wtf this shit actually makes sense

>> No.4649366

That qualia when I see qualia in every other thread and still have no idea what the fuck it means (because of qualia)

>> No.4649368

>You cannot experimentally show properties of qualia, and thus if qualia are not physical, they would skew the laws of physics.
Or they simply don't exist.

>> No.4649370

thank you
i'm relieved
i was genuinely confused
the real iq fundie might use a retarded/useless definition of metaphysical but wouldn't write something that stupid

>> No.4649375

Peak qualia when qualia qualia aspergers biology degree costanza qualia.

>> No.4649377

Qualia are elements of consciousness which cannot be experimentally observed or confirmed for a universal interpretation.

For example, how you would see the color red. You might see it as my yellow, and it is impossible to know experimentally that you do.

>> No.4649380

Prove that they do not.

I am the real IQ Fundie.

>> No.4649393

<div class="math">\int_{0}^{\infty }f(qualia)e^{-s(qualia)}d(qualia)=\mathbf{Consciousness}</div>

>> No.4649398

>Prove that they do not
Why? I wasn't asserting that they don't exist. I'm just saying that your conclusion isn't the only option here.

>> No.4649399

>I am the real IQ Fundie
then i overestimated you
i'm sorry

what i thought you meant in your previous posts:
> it's non-physical according to my definition of physical, therefore it cannot be dealt with using science
what i now think you meant:
> it's non-physical according to my definition of physical, therefore it's magic

>> No.4649404

I know it isn't. But it is the most sensible.

>> No.4649405


This is not how the observer effect works, you dork

the instruments we use to measure the particles "observe" the particles, collapsing the wavefunction. Conscious observation of the results is obviously not necessary.

>> No.4649409

>Conscious observation of the results is obviously not necessary.

Wrong. Wigner's friend.

>> No.4649410

It is not magic. Qualia are just unphysical.

>> No.4649416

No. You do not understand how observation works.

>> No.4649418

You're not the real IQ fundie. I am the real one. Stop impersonating me.

>> No.4649419

That's an interpretation of QM (nothing has definite state for you until you have interacted with it), but that has nothing to do with what you predict you will observe. That's why it's an interpretation and not a theory.

>> No.4649422

Any interaction, not necessarily consciousness, will cause wave collapse.

>> No.4649420

Don't listen to him. He's not the real one. He's just another troll using my trip.

>> No.4649425


Are you the real IQ fundie? Because you are extremely wrong. Measuring the particles is what causes the quantum decoherence. Consciousness doesn't factor into it at all.

Stop being wrong.

>> No.4649426

You are claiming hidden variables if the wave function collapsed before conscious observation.

Go away.

>> No.4649427
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at least IQ fundie is a troll

>> No.4649430

mind/consciousness is rooted in a physical element (brain) therefore all of the cathegories you might construct are purely physical in origin

can you show an independence between the elements of your dualism?

>> No.4649431

i love penis in and around my mouth and butthole (because of qualia)

>> No.4649432

>You are claiming hidden variables if the wave function collapsed before conscious observation.
Sorry, no. There are interpretations of QM that deny that collapse is real at all, and they just as valid as the others (same experimental predictions, same theory).

>> No.4649433

I am the real one and I would never talk about quantum stuff, because I'm not sufficiently educated in the matter. OP is a troll.

>> No.4649434

>Measuring the particles is what causes the quantum decoherence.
I don't think you know what decoherence is, it is not valid in this context.

>Measuring the particles
In order to measure the particles, you must observe them. To observe them, you must be a conscious observer. If you have a monkey or another person do this for you, it results in a paradox as the monkey/other person is now in a superposition between possible states that the particle could be in.

>> No.4649439

Yes, but this one requires the least baggage that isn't experimentally confirmable. Therefore Occam's Razor.

>> No.4649447

Prove that you are me.

>> No.4649455


>In order to measure the particles, you must observe them.

Consciously observe? Uh...no? All you have to do is measure it with an instrument. You don't have to be in the room, or interpret the results at all. The measurement still happens. Are you brain-damaged?

>> No.4649459

You're posts are inane trolling, while mine consist of logical arguments. Should be obvious to every reader.

>> No.4649463


>> No.4649464


If we are bringing Occam's Razor into this, it favors MWI the most

>Occam's razor actually is a constraint on the complexity of physical theory, not on the number of universes. MWI is a simpler theory since it has fewer postulates.

>> No.4649465

Hypothetically we set up an experiment we leave it to run while we do not observe and we have the resulting information recorded.
Machines are not conscious right?!
So it shouldnt be acting as if observed right?
oh but it is?

>> No.4649470

inb4 "only after you consciously observe the machine".

Anyway, look up the delayed choice quantum eraser. Amazing stuff.

>> No.4649472

Stop replying to the troll.

>> No.4649478


>> No.4649480

>You don't have to be in the room, or interpret the results at all.
You do not understand quantum mechanics and the laws of probability if you honestly believe this.

Please see this, and actually read it instead of being a pretentious asshole

Say if you have a quantum system which produces 1 or 0 as a result when measured. The system is in a superposition of both states until measured, obviously. If you have an instrument measure this result, the instrument is in a superposition of the same states until you observe it. The eigenvalues carry over to the instrument until you actually read the instrument and make the observation.

My posts are not inane trolling. Please show me where I am trolling in anything of what I've stated thus far.

Please leave if you are not going to contribute to the topic.

>> No.4649483
File: 151 KB, 290x290, magicmaaaaan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Stop replying to the troll.

>> No.4649485

inb4 multiple universes are used to explain the unknown recorded machine variables until a human observes them

>> No.4649488

I am fully aware what this is. It does not invalidate anything of what I've stated.

>> No.4649489
File: 95 KB, 620x240, dont-believe-his-lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read this thread, CNS a PhD candidate neuroscientist explains how physics actually plays into neuroscience. There is, to date, NO experimental evidence for quantum mechanics having any significant role in brain function.

>mfw IQ fundie posts a thread

>> No.4649491

> That feel when consciousness causes wave function collapse (because of qualia)
This is a blatant troll thread. Everyone in here should feel bad for feeding the troll.

>> No.4649492

No u. Get your own trip and stop abusing mine.

>> No.4649494

I didn't start the thread. This troll used my trip. I don't start threads.

>> No.4649495

You are an idiot who does not understand the rules of probability, which is what quantum mechanics is based upon. You also clearly did not read the thread.

Please leave.

Exactly, This is the stuff that is the experimentally unconfirmable Fringe science, not the von Neumann interpretation.

>> No.4649502

You are the troll.

Please state your knowledge of physics before proceeding.

So far all anyone has done is attack me with Ad Hominem and not actually understand what I am presenting, or have the competence to look at the material.

Go away, or learn the material and debate with me.

>> No.4649504

Your thread start is a blatant troll and I won't take you serious. Get your own trip, then I'm gonna hide the thread.

>> No.4649513

>Your thread start is a blatant troll and I won't take you serious.
Again, please kindly point out anything of what I have stated that is incorrect.

>> No.4649518

The entire topic of wave functions collapsing is a subject of science and has nothing to do with qualia. You're intentionally using the term "qualia" incorrectly for trolling purposes.

>> No.4649529

>The entire topic of wave functions collapsing is a subject of science and has nothing to do with qualia.
Wave function collapse requires observation.

Observation is only done by a conscious observer.

The Dualist interpretation,
raises the fact that because qualia are unphysical, and are the essence of consciousness, they collapse the wave function.

>> No.4649533

That glorious qualia when /sci is being trolled by being told that consciousness causes collapse is still a valid interpretation of QM.

>> No.4649534

Observation is objective and can be done by machines as well.

>> No.4649537

No, it cannot. I already explained how this invalidates the laws of probability three times.

Please actually READ this

>> No.4649546

In no way has consciousness-causes-collapse been ruled out.

>> No.4649552

Yet again: this has nothing to do with qualia.

>> No.4649560

Yes, it does. You are unbelievable.

Qualia are unphysical in the dualist interpretation, right?

If this is so, consciousness is composed of qualia.

Therefore, consciousness is unphysical in the dualist interpretation and causes collapse of the state vector because of it.

>> No.4649563

Collapse happens when a qualia dependent on the observable is produced.

>> No.4649568


>> No.4649569

Consciousness is not composed of qualia. They are just a non-physical part of consciousness. There are physical parts and objective non-physical parts as well.

>> No.4649573

No, collapse happens, when an objective observation has been made. The fact that qualia occur with every observation is irrelevant here.

>> No.4649576

<div class="math">\int_{0}^{\infty }f(qualia)e^{-s(qualia)}d(qualia)=\mathbf{Consciousness}=hf</div>

>> No.4649581

There are no physical parts of consciousness in the dualist interpretation. Please show me experimentally physical elements of consciousness.

>Consciousness is not composed of qualia.
Qualia are unphysical elements, such as emotions and vision. This is consciousness.

You did not read the Wikipedia article, I am no longer responding to you, as you are either trolling or too incompetent to read.

I'll copy this again for you

Say if you have a quantum system which produces 1 or 0 as a result when measured. The system is in a superposition of both states until measured, obviously. If you have an instrument measure this result, the instrument is in a superposition of the same states until you observe it. The eigenvalues carry over to the instrument until you actually read the instrument and make the observation.

>> No.4649582

Confirmed for athene fanboi troll.
c=hf I just fucking lol'd so fucking hard geeze.

>> No.4649586

>this thread
>more than 3 posts
>not reported and saged to oblivion

What's wrong with you /sci/?

>> No.4649589

You say "objective observation" as if such a thing has an objective definition. Physical measurement is just a physical process, and is governed by unitary evolution just like any other. Only the production of qualia triggers non-unitary evolution (collapse).

>> No.4649590

Consciousness embraces more than just qualia. A lot of objective aspects of consciousness are amenable to neuroscience. Dualism doesn't require the entire consciousness to be non-physical. It is enough to have non-physical parts.

>> No.4649593

sage does nothing on a slow moving board especially when retarded OP would keep spamming qualia consciousness bull shit with no one reading it.

>> No.4649595

I did read the wikipedia article btw and I told you why your trolling garbage is wrong. The wikipedia article has nothing to do with qualia.

>> No.4649597
File: 1.61 MB, 314x178, 1323495877952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Trolls Trolling Trolls 2: Troll Harder: Return of the Dreaded Troll: The Movie

>Starring IQ Fundie
>Co-starring IQ Fundie

>> No.4649600

Please provide evidence of physical elements of consciousness.

This is the definition of consciousness we're using

If you've read it, you'd see the correlation to unphysical elements of consciousness in the observation process.

Maybe you should read this

>> No.4649602

You misunderstood qualia. No subjective raw feels are needed to consciously objectively acknowledge a measurement.

>> No.4649603

What sort of educational background do you have? I would propose nothing over high school.

>> No.4649607

You are trolling. You do not understand what observation/measurement is, and you are defying axioms of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is based on observation, the poster you responded to is absolutely correct.

>> No.4649608

>This is the definition
It's not a definition, it's an article not providing a definition. Post your actual definiton and we'll see where you're wrong.

>correlation to unphysical elements of consciousness in the observation process
Yes, but these unphysical elements are not the qualia.

>> No.4649611

Observation / measurement is independent of qualia. Of course they occur, but they are not needed here.

>> No.4649622

>Yes, but these unphysical elements are not the qualia.
Yes they are. I don't think you know what a quale is.
>is a term used in philosophy to refer to subjective conscious experiences as 'raw feels'. Daniel Dennett writes that qualia is "an unfamiliar term for something that could not be more familiar to each of us: the ways things seem to us."
These comprise consciousness. You are considered unconscious in absence of emotion/sensory signals.

>Observation / measurement is independent of qualia
No. Instead of providing textbook definitions to you that you refuse to merit, provide me a counterexample.

>Of course they occur, but they are not needed here.
Provide a counterexample of the collapse of the state vector without involvement of a conscious observer.

>> No.4649625

This is just too perfect.
>(according to his reasoning)
It's completely unjustified.
He just stated you need consciousness, he never proved a damn thing.

>> No.4649626

Holy crap this thread is terrible. I feel like a 14 year old girl who's been kidnapped and tied to a bed while a fat ugly neckbeard hovers over me and jerks off.

>> No.4649630

>He just stated you need consciousness
That's the point.

Qualia are unphysical, and thus the <span class="math">\mathbf{Dualist}[/spoiler] reasoning is that this unphysicalness causes the collapse.

Then please leave, underaged child who cannot appreciate textbook quantum theory.

>> No.4649633

Now I have a hard-on.

>> No.4649634

Yeah, you like it, don't you? Dirty little slut.

>> No.4649638

So much fail in one post.

>These comprise consciousness.
No, they don't. They are only a part of consciousness.

>You are considered unconscious in absence of emotion/sensory signals.
Emotion and sensory signals are not qualia. They are physical. Your trolling is so bad, that I might tend to believe you're actually that stupid.

>No. Instead of providing textbook definitions to you that you refuse to merit, provide me a counterexample.
You didn't post a textbook definition and I provided counterexamples. You're plain wrong and your trolling has no basis anymore.

>Provide a counterexample of the collapse of the state vector without involvement of a conscious observer.
A conscious observer is needed. I never claimed the opposite. But this has nothing to do with qualia. Stop abusing that term. We're talking about objective things here, not subjective.

>> No.4649642

Take the qualia out there. They don't belong here.

>> No.4649651

>post about a girl in undesirable situation
>anons sympathize with the neckbeard

That's some industrial grade level autism right there. Please mods, delete this abomination.

>> No.4649657
File: 427 KB, 606x680, believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the troll thread I've been waiting my whole life for


>> No.4649660

Their reasoning consisting purely of "what if". It's completely baseless, the thought experiment doesn't back up the conclusion. It's just a statement.
You can't solve a problem in physics with metaphysics. If it's unphysical it's unmeasurable and has nothing to do with science.

>> No.4649663

It's pretty simple. My experiment has an indicator light on it. The light causes either a feel of redness or greenness, randomly selected according to the distribution given by the Born rule. When one of said raw feels (qualia) is felt and not the other, the state vector is reduced.

>> No.4649666 [DELETED] 

>No, they don't. They are only a part of consciousness.
Provide a counterexample of a physical element of consciousness.

>Emotion and sensory signals are not qualia.
You cannot measure emotion. You cannot measure someone seeing the color red, and seeing that it is the same color. You cannot measure hearing, and determine that you hear the same thing. This is what I am stating.

>They are physical.
How can you measure them and determine you experience the same thing?

>You didn't post a textbook definition and I provided counterexamples. You're plain wrong and your trolling has no basis anymore.
You did not provide counterexamples, you retard. And yes, I did. Wikipedia cites textbook sources.

>I never claimed the opposite.
You did. You stated subjective state vector collapse, which has no experimental evidence.

> But this has nothing to do with qualia.
It does. Qualia, because they are unphysical, collapse the wave function. They are the only unphysical element in the universe, so they skew the laws of physics. This is the essence of the Dualist interpretation.

>Stop abusing that term.
I think you are.

>> No.4649673
File: 44 KB, 329x500, 154vo02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4649674

>No, they don't. They are only a part of consciousness.
Provide a counterexample of a physical element of consciousness.

>Emotion and sensory signals are not qualia.
You cannot measure emotion. You cannot measure someone seeing the color red, and seeing that it is the same color. You cannot measure hearing, and determine that you hear the same thing. This is what I am stating.

>They are physical.
How can you measure them and determine you experience the same thing?

>You didn't post a textbook definition and I provided counterexamples. You're plain wrong and your trolling has no basis anymore.
You did not provide counterexamples, you retard. And yes, I did. Wikipedia cites textbook sources.

>I never claimed the opposite.
You did. You stated subjective state vector collapse, which has no experimental evidence.

> But this has nothing to do with qualia.
It does. Qualia, because they are unphysical, collapse the wave function. They are the only unphysical element in the universe, so they skew the laws of physics. This is the essence of the Dualist interpretation.

>Stop abusing that term.
I think you are.

>> No.4649675


>> No.4649676

>it's my first day on 4chan

>> No.4649677

Get your pseudoscience out of my thread.

>> No.4649679

>mfw there are more IQ fundies than anons ITT

Join the fun

IQ fundie##iq

>> No.4649683

You are not me. Get out.

>> No.4649686

You're not me either. You better get out as well and delete that shitty troll thread while you're at it.

>> No.4649689

I am not the OP of this thread.

>> No.4649690

Stop derailing my thread, please.

>> No.4649694
File: 200 KB, 837x1390, OddIQfundie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have qualia.

>> No.4649696

Delete the thread please. And stop shitposting.

>> No.4649698

I don't understand this "consciousness causes collapse" business. Surely the same thing would happen if you set up a machine to automatically make two observations next to each other and print the results, right? You'd get the same results each time roughly right?

I can't believe that the ink on the paper would wavefunction-collapse to the correct arrangement of squiggles the moment we look at it.

>> No.4649701

sudo rm -rf /

>> No.4649706
File: 139 KB, 602x419, 1326646123090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to shitposters, for God's sake.

>> No.4649707

Geuss what I'm doing right now.

>> No.4649711

The simplest interpretation of modern quantum mechanics is Bohmian field theory + Lorentz aether theory. The only people who don't like it are those who think mathematical elegance is more important in a physical theory than agreement with common sense.

>> No.4649713

You are shit posting. You provide no evidence of your claims, and have yet to respond to this post

No. Observation requires consciousness. Consciousness is not physical because of qualia, thus qualia cause state vector collapse.

>> No.4649720
File: 74 KB, 158x864, 1314811573660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.4649726

Bohmian mechanics is not simple, it requires hidden variables, an objectively real wavefunction, and a hidden preferred frame. You have a position variable in configuration space, this does not match observation. Occam's Razor.

Aether has no evidence. Go away.

>> No.4649733

That post doesn't even exist. It didn't pass my 4chanX filter. I'm not gonna bother debating a troll anyway.

>> No.4649730

You have trouble believing it because you think a cause has to be proximal to its effect. But that's wrong. The ability to collapse wavefunctions at a distance via entanglement has been proven experimentally.

>> No.4649741

Cool. It links to <span class="math">Physicsforums[/spoiler], maybe that's why?

Go fuck yourself with your consistent Ad Hominem attacks.

>> No.4649750

I have no reason to block physicsforums. Obviously you are the one using ad hominem attacks, otherwise your post wouldn't have been filtered.

>> No.4649756

I use 4chanX, I don't think it has the intelligence or algorithms to filter out posts which you don't like.

>> No.4649757

IQ fundie never capitalized "fundie"

>> No.4649761

If anyone is actually interested in the non-physical consciousness being responsible for state vector collapse, but doesn't want to participate in the conversation because of the other IQ Fundie claiming I am trolling, this page has lots of resources.

>> No.4649763

It has a word filter. It's under the tripfag filter.

>> No.4649764

Occam's razor only applies when comparing complete theories which account for the same observations. Consciousness causes collapse is not a complete theory because it does not include dynamics for consciousness. Many-worlds does not account for our observations, and even if it did, its simplicity would be suspect. It's what happens when your idea of simplicity has been so distorted by the study of advanced mathematics so you have the idea that "elegant" equations are simple and easy-to-understand physical explanations are complicated.

>> No.4649766

Damn straight. I didn't even notice the troll doing it wrong.

>> No.4649768

I'm not sure what sort of words you'd need to filter to block out that post. Why don't you actually read it instead of arguing about not being able to.

>> No.4649776

>Occam's razor only applies when comparing complete theories which account for the same observations.
It applies to interpretations of QM, as well. The guiding equation of pilot wave theories clearly fit Occam's Razor over the standard Schrodinger Equation which describes time evolution perfectly.

You are the troll who knows absolutely nothing regarding QM formalism.

>> No.4649777

If it was filtered, I assume it contained words that indicate shitposting. So I'm not gonna bother.

>> No.4649780

At least I know enough about consciousness and qualia to know that quantum mechanics does not need qualia.

>> No.4649781

Good for you. Then please, stop posting in my thread.

>> No.4649783

Hey IQ fundie, do you even lift?

>> No.4649785

I don't think you do.

>> No.4649790

Your thread is inane trolling garbage and you're still abusing my trip.

>> No.4649794

Of course I do.

>hurr durr

>> No.4649795

You wouldn't know what inane trolling garbage is if you haven't been banned for it. You clearly shit post.

I am not abusing anyone's trip, it's public.

>> No.4649798

Wrong. The Schrodinger equation does not describe time evolution perfectly. It evolves cats into states composed of both a live cat and a dead cat, in direct contradiction to observation. An element must be added to the theory to select the world actually observed. A Bohmian beable is the simplest such additional element.

>> No.4649802

Fuck off.

>> No.4649805

>You wouldn't know what inane trolling garbage is if you haven't been banned for it. You clearly shit post.
Nice fallacy there.

>> No.4649811


Anyhow, let's get back on the topic of the OP.

>> No.4649820

>That feel when it has NOTHING to do with consciousness (Descartes did a good job showing how silly that is).

>That feel when the way in which we observe (shooting something with photons) a system causes the system to change, not the sheer fact that we did.

>> No.4649822

I am still using the trip, so you are abusing it. If you wanted to make a serious thread, you would have made your own trip. But your intention is to troll / shitpost by impersonating me.

>> No.4649825

Sorry for demystifying quantum mechanics so you can't use it to push your religious viewpoints, but there's no need to be mad about it.

>> No.4649829

What the fuck is this shit?
This thread is the pinnacle of shitposting.
I want my homework spam and religion trolls back.

>> No.4649835


Please read up on what observation actually is.

>> No.4649843

You sir, have NO idea what you're talking about. Nice wikapedia links, LOL, read some fucking philosophy

>> No.4649844

This is the common pretentious response for those who do not understand what is going on.

>> No.4649847

>those who do not understand what's going on

Are you referring to yourself?

>> No.4649848

Lol, learn something about the way humans observe.

>> No.4649849

>that qualia when no religion trolls

>> No.4649850

Cool Ad Hominem. Please explain your reasoning, I don't think you know what I am talking about, or know enough physics to justify your own opinions.

>> No.4649853

No, I'm referring to you. I don't think you even know what a state vector in Hilbert space is.

>> No.4649863

>hurr durr I don't think you know what herp derp is

Is that all you can do? Fucking weak troll. 0/10

>> No.4649864

Thinking consiousness forms reality is a poor piece of 17th century philosophy that has been shown to be hogwash many many times over, but has seen a recent resurgance with people who have know nothing about physics making ludicrus claims without knowing the slightest thing of which they're talking about.

If you actually want to learn about the effects of photons on an atomic system, Niels Bohr has some pretty good papers on the subject.

>> No.4649867

This is correct. It's very hard to avoid disturbing a quantum system. I'm glad you said change and not collapse, which would have been wrong. Collapse is a invention of the over-philosophical Copenhagen school, who refuse to consider what is physically happening, but only the observer's knowledge. Collapse is not a physical process but an updating of that knowledge.

>> No.4649872

You never explained your reasoning in the first place, nice paradox. You hold my points to a criteria you yourself have not met.

>> No.4649877

Oh look, someone who actually knows basic physics.

*high five*

>> No.4649882

You do not have the competence or knowledge to state your opinions in this thread if you do not know what's going on. There's been two or three other folks here that actually agreed with this and stated it's a plausible interpretation of QM, which it is. Consciousness causing collapse has not been ruled out, and it cannot be ruled out as there isn't any way to prove it without conscious observation.

You are focused on philosophy, not the quantum mechanics. Please learn then formalism then comment again. I've provided several links already to help you understand the paradox that is generated from measurement which is not conscious observation.

You are disagreeing with experimental evidence. The Copenhagen/von Neumann interpretation introduces nothing but observation, it is not philosophical. MWI/Pilot wave introduces non-observable components that are philosophical.

You never read the thread, then.

>> No.4649886

I'll elaborate since another high school student is falling for it.

>Collapse is a invention of the over-philosophical Copenhagen school, who refuse to consider what is physically happening, but only the observer's knowledge.
This is not philosophical, this relies on the observer's knowledge, which is what we see.

Adding ANYTHING ELSE to what we see is philosophizing and is NOT SCIENCE.

>> No.4649887

Also, wikapedia is not justifying your opinions, as any 5th grade teacher will tell you.

>> No.4649888

I don't need to state my own opinions. Opinions don't belong on a science board. It's enough for me to post ITT, when I have to correct your wrong nonsense.

>> No.4649895

>Opinions don't belong on a science board.
They do when it comes to interpretations of quantum mechanics and observation.

>It's enough for me to post ITT, when I have to correct your wrong nonsense.
It is not. Go read Shankar then come back to me.

>> No.4649899

Again, you have NO idea what you're talking about. " Consciousness causing collapse has not been ruled out, and it cannot be ruled out as there isn't any way to prove it without conscious observation." Yes, actually, it has been ruled out, by 17th century philosophy (see Descartes) which is why I'm referencing philosophy. And for the love of science Wikepedia is not a reliable scource you stupid cunt. Using wikepedia to justify an outdated poorly thought out interpretation of quantum mechanics just solidifies your stupidity.

>> No.4649905

If you don't see how interconnected philosophy and theoretical physics are, then you really don't belong on this board.

>> No.4649906

You're not even talking about QM ITT, you're just spouting some inane trolling garbage about qualia, althought they are unrelated and don't belong in this topic.

>> No.4649910

Fucking this

>> No.4649912

Nothing I have said disagrees with experimental evidence. Copenhagen is not wrong, but incomplete. It describes not reality but an observer's knowledge of that reality. Religious zealots like to fill in Copenhagen's holes with mind-over-matter nonsense. Sane people prefer to fill in the holes with a physical mechanism which acts the same whether the system is being consciously observed or not.

>> No.4649922

The science is strong in this one.

>> No.4649941

You're the stupid cunt. What wikipedia states is what ANY textbook on QM states.

Would you like me to scan you copies of the five texts on quantum mechanics that I have to show to you what goes on? Referencing philosophical bullshit instead of observation is FRINGE SCIENCE. You are too retarded to understand high school probability and 2nd year undergrad QM. I use wikipedia for convenience you fucking nigger.

I'll copy this YET AGAIN to use as an example

Say if you have a quantum system which produces 1 or 0 as a result when measured. The system is in a superposition of both states until measured, obviously. If you have an instrument measure this result, the instrument is in a superposition of the same states until you observe it. The eigenvalues carry over to the instrument until you actually read the instrument and make the observation.

You aren't talking about QM. You probably read a book by Brian Greene and think you understand everything. Good look in university, as it's pretty evident you aren't even there yet.

>Nothing I have said disagrees with experimental evidence.
Yes, it does. Go fuck yourself.

>Copenhagen is not wrong, but incomplete.
Copenhagen is not incomplete. It is an interpretation of something we will never understand because we will never be able to observe it.

> It describes not reality but an observer's knowledge of that reality.
The observer's knowledge of reality is reality you fucking retard. I can say that an electron is detected on a screen, but that it converted itself into a spaghetti monster on its way to the screen. Which part is the reality?

>> No.4649955

>Religious zealots like to fill in Copenhagen's holes with mind-over-matter nonsense.
Nobody is doing that here. Filing in any holes is not science.

>Sane people prefer to fill in the holes with a physical mechanism which acts the same whether the system is being consciously observed or not.
Filing holes in with fake equations that dictate the particle having hidden position variables is nonsense when we have evidence (Bell's inequalities) to judge against that. When you introduce a mechanism to explain something, it needs to be experimentally conformable, and it will always introduce a methodology to produce such.

When we take weak measurements of the wave function, we see the particle follows laws of probability, not some fucking inane bullshit having hidden variables and fringe science. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v474/n7350/full/nature10120.html

This is why the Copenhagen interpretation is the preferred one in the scientific community.

Dualism takes the Copenhagen Interpretation and states that the observer is a distinct element in the universe, it doesn't fill in any holes. This isn't religion, it just states that consciousness is an integral part of our universe.

Cool samefag.

>> No.4649965
File: 6 KB, 200x201, 1302137223483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If what I said contradicted observation, you should be able to provide an example. You are just talking out of your ass.

If you can't understand the difference between your perception of reality and reality, then you're more delusional than I thought.

>> No.4649970

Wow I go to bed and 12 hours later you retards are still running around in circles over this. Decoherence, Everett MWI. End of Story.

>> No.4649976

"What wikipedia states is what ANY textbook on QM states." bahahaha, oh god, you're serious? let me laugh at you harder.

"Good look in university, as it's pretty evident you aren't even there yet."

oh man, you're killing me, this is too much.

You have proven yourself to be a moron many times over. How many more people need to destroy your points? It's just getting sad at this point,
If you don't understand that you're poorly thought out points have been shown to be utter nonsense, please, go into a university physics department and hear it in person.

>> No.4649977

>If what I said contradicted observation, you should be able to provide an example.
I did. I referenced a paper showing the probabilistic nature of the wave function.

There's also this

Hidden variable theories are fringe science.

>> No.4649981

>If you don't understand that you're poorly thought out points have been shown to be utter nonsense, please, go into a university physics department and hear it in person.
I have. Consciousness causing collapse is a valid interpretation of quantum mechanics.

>> No.4649988

Yes, but not qualia.

>> No.4649989

"consciousness is an integral part of our universe."

Read Descartes meditations (or any book on string theory for that matter) and you will see what a silly statement that is.

>> No.4649995

>"What wikipedia states is what ANY textbook on QM states." bahahaha, oh god, you're serious? let me laugh at you harder.
Show me where anything is there as wrong.

So far all you've done is fuck around with Ad Hominem attacks.

Qualia are unphysical elements of consciousness, you fucking idiot. If the physical elements collapsed the wave function, it really wouldn't make sense. This is what von Neumann was trying to show. The unphysical elements of consciousness do it.

>> No.4650002

>it wouldn't make sense

Strong argument in here. Especially in combination with ad hominems and appeals to authority.

>> No.4650005

Where the fuck are you going to university? India? Consciousness forming our subjective reality has been shown to be hogwash for the past 300 years, I have yet to meet a single physicist that would even entertain that ability. If you don't understand how photons can affect an atomic system then maybe you could make an arguement for that, but that is NOT a valid enterpretation of QM, any quantum physicist would cringe at you saying that.

>> No.4650008

Descartes is philosophical crap, this has nothing to do with QM interpretations.

>or any book on string theory for that matter
I don't think you even have a mathematical background in remedial DEs and linear algebra to understand what's going on in string theory.

I have taken physics courses up to CFTs and math up to lie superalgebras for a needed background in some SUSY related matters.

>> No.4650010

>Bell's inequalities
Bell's inequalities indicate that there are nonlocal effects in physics. It's perfectly consistent with the pilot-wave view, and illustrates why we need a preferred frame.

>weak measurement
Yeah, weak measurement is pretty cool.

The Copenhagen interpretation is preferred by many scientists because it's more or less the agnostic option. Copenhagen doesn't make any claims that conscious observation affects the physical world. That is an addition tacked on by mystics like yourself.

>> No.4650012

Well solipsism is still unfalsifiable. What you mean to say is that science implicitly rejects solipsism.

>> No.4650013

That's the point of the Dualism interpretation.

If you don't like it, fuck off.

>> No.4650014

No, I've been trying to tell you that all of your ideas have been shown to be utterly stupid for longer than you've been alive.

>> No.4650018

Descartes has nothing to do with QM? Oh dear, you really do have NO idea what you're talking about.

>> No.4650020

> It's perfectly consistent with the pilot-wave view
No, it is not. It states no hidden variables.

Why reference papers for no reason?

>Copenhagen doesn't make any claims that conscious observation affects the physical world.
von Neumann does, which is an extension of Copenhagen and is the opinion I am trying to enforce in this thread.

It is the simplest understanding of what QM is.

>> No.4650021

>Bell's inequalities indicate that there are nonlocal effects in physics
No. Their violation in experiment shows that there are no local hidden variables. This implies that physics is either nonlocal or does not have counterfactual definiteness.

>> No.4650022

I like the dualism intepretation, but you're doing it wrong. You're using it for trolling and horribly misintepret it.

>> No.4650024

>Consciousness forming our subjective reality has been shown to be hogwash for the past 300 years
see this:
They are not utterly stupid. It would not be a valid interpretation of QM if this was the case.

>> No.4650026

>You're using it for trolling and horribly misintepret it.
No, I am not.


>> No.4650032

The article says nothing about qualia.

>> No.4650035

They are stupid, because they are NOT a valid interpretation of QM, I don't give a fuck what wikepedia says, take that into a physics department, please please do, you will get laughed at.

>> No.4650037

>No. Their violation in experiment shows that there are no local hidden variables.
It shows that there is no hidden variables whatsoever. The scientific consensus towards hidden variable theories is that they do not seem sensible. Go do the experiment yourself.

I am not here to argue against Pilot wave fringe science, get out of my thread and start another if you'd like to do that.

>> No.4650043

Like I said, if you don't understand the role the photon plays in changing a system you might have a point, but to say that the change was caused because the system "knew" we were observing it? Get the fuck out.

>> No.4650044

Extending Copenhagen with ideas about consciousness is mysticism until you can explain how consciousness works. It's like "goddidit" or saying "intelligent design" is simpler than evolution. It's no explanation at all.

Bell inequality violation does not exclude hidden variables. It excludes local theories. You should learn something about Bell's inequalities before talking out of your ass about them.

Bell actually preferred pilot waves over the other interpretations available. He was a man with good common sense.

>> No.4650048

That is NOT a valid interpration of what is going on, that is a piece of poor thought out philosophy (which dates back as early as the 1600s and has been shown to be incoherent as early as the 1700s)

>> No.4650049

You're full of it.

Qualia are the unphysical elements of consciousness, which von Neumann was trying to demonstrate caused collapse. If you do not like the terminology, I'll happily used "unphysical consciousness" instead.

>> No.4650050

Is IQ fundie the new EK?

>> No.4650055

"Unphysical consciousness" and qualia are not the same. Qualia are a proper subset of unphysical consciousness. Especially they are irrelevant to QM.

>> No.4650057

Okay let's summarize without yelling at each other.

Hidden variable (ie the quantum state is a state of partial information about some deeper underlying reality) has to be non-local to work. See: Bell's inequalities and numerous strengthenings. Since we expect that both QM and GR should both be approximations to some deeper law that is simpler than either, this is a very strong tick against Hidden variable theories.

Copenhagen interpretation is just plain retarded. In it's purest form, it requires that some qualitative aspect of consciousness is ontologically basic. So that's out.

Everett decoherence (aka many worlds) postulates nothing more than that the same laws which govern the microscopic level continue to hold at all levels. In other words this is just taking the equations of QM at face value. It is the simplest known theory that fits the observations of QM, and obviously so.

MWI wins straight up.

>> No.4650058

You get the fuck out. There's still a wave function until observation occurs. You still have a superposition between possible states. You are trying to make the probability distribution physical, which is fringe science.

>> No.4650059

We've been over this dude, wikepedia doesn't mean shit, you can find any link on the internet agreeing with what you're saying, just like I can find any agreeing with what I'm saying, it means NOTHING, if you're even a shitty physicist you should know that. Take those ideas into a physics lab and prepare to get laughed at, hard.

>> No.4650064

Fuck off. Nobody believes in an infinite number of parallel universes.

>> No.4650066


I already tried to explain this to you, but you refused to read the post that your filter blocked.

>> No.4650068

>Nobody believes

You're obviously wrong. Thanks for showing off your lack of logic again.

>> No.4650069

So what is your IQ, IQ Fundie?

>> No.4650073

There's no evidence for it.

>> No.4650074

>Copenhagen interpretation is just plain retarded.
And the majority of physicists disagree.

>> No.4650076


>> No.4650080


>> No.4650082

>implying one needs evidence to BELIEVE in something
Too much stupid. I'm facepalming so hard right now.

>> No.4650083

"There's still a wave function until observation"
I've said this before and I'll say it again, obviously you do not understand how these systems work. Do you honestly believe that the wave function "knows" we are observing it? Fuck no, it has to do with the way in which we observe something, the act of obersvation is a physical process involving the interation of photons, which, has the ability to change an atomic system. To say that it is because of our consciousness is inheritelly stupid and demonstrates a profound lack of education in the subject.

>> No.4650084

Now I'm really confused. Which one is trolling us, and which is trolling the other one?

>> No.4650085

Please read and understand how Bell's inequalities are derived from the principle of LOCALITY before further embarrassing yourself.

Pilot waves are relevant whether you want them to be or not. Neither pilot waves nor quantum mysticism is science at the moment because we have no way to test them. But pilot waves are like string theory whereas mysticism is like goddidit. Eventually we may be able to test pilot wave theory by looking for systems not in equilibrium. Quantum mysticism could in principle be tested with AI on a quantum computer, but I think we all already know how you'll respond when your theory is refuted that way.

>> No.4650088

All of them are trolling us.

>> No.4650089

I'm not asking you, hence the use of capitalization.

>> No.4650091

>It shows that there is no hidden variables whatsoever.
No, no it does not. You're just flat wrong here.

>> No.4650093

Linking an arguement on another forum to try and prove your point after I just explained how meaningless that is.
It's obvious I'm not able to explain how silly what you're saying is, that's why I'm telling you to take these ideas into a physics lab.

>> No.4650094

Alright. I see.

>> No.4650098


Indeed. Nor should they. But that's not what MWI says. "many world's" is kinda a lousy name, but "one world that happens to be organized in such a way that it contains observers positioned in such a way that they can't see the whole thing" doesn't quite have the same ring.

>> No.4650101

Many-worlds does not account for observation. It predicts a cat should be dead+alive when it is either dead or alive.

>> No.4650102

The wave function is a density matrix describing the probability of where a particle can be. It is not physical, there is no experimental evidence suggesting this, and you've never taken a QM course if you don't understand this distinction.

I'll copy this YET FUCKING AGAIN
Say if you have a quantum system which produces 1 or 0 as a result when measured. The system is in a superposition of both states until measured, obviously. If you have an instrument measure this result, the instrument is in a superposition of the same states until you observe it. The eigenvalues carry over to the instrument until you actually read the instrument and make the observation.

There's some evidence suggested for other interpretations of QM, there's none for MWI.

Nobody is trolling anyone. I'm trying to discuss how dualism can be applied to the Copenhagen interpretation.

Please provide sources showing this.

You asked if other people agree with me.

>> No.4650109

I'm not here to discuss fringe science that even less people than my interpretation agree with.

>> No.4650110

>Nobody is trolling anyone.
>implying that given two different point of views one of them isn't always a troll

>> No.4650112


>> No.4650113

Obviously did not read my post.
In what universe am I saying that the wave function is a physical object? It's a probability wave. YOU are the one trying to maintain that atomic systems somehow know when they are being watched.

>> No.4650114

Not if they are both valid and either can be used.

I don't think you understand what an "interpretation" is.

>> No.4650115
File: 95 KB, 445x445, costanza-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replying to trolls


>> No.4650117

And I also told you to take your pseudo-science into a physics lab and see how well it goes over rather than linking arguements on forums.

>> No.4650121

I don't think you understand what trolling is. Otherwise you would do it less obvious.

>> No.4650122

>implying different opinions can coexist

>> No.4650123

>Please provide sources showing this.

It is well-known to anyone who has seen Bell's inequality derived. Since you have obviously not seen that, here is a layman-accessible account of Bell's inequalities written by Bell himself:


>> No.4650128

I understand the distinction between a probability wave and a particle very well, what is blatently obvious is that you do not understand A) how humans observe
B) how that observation interacts with atomic systems.

>> No.4650130

>wave function is a density matrix
Nonsense. A wave function is a vector in Hilbert space; a density matrix is an operator on the space (representable by a matrix in the case the space is finite-dimensional).

>> No.4650131


This is just plain false. MWI gives exactly the smae experimental predictions as anything else.

>There's some evidence suggested for other interpretations of QM, there's none for MWI.

Now what could you possibly mean by this? There is exactly as much evidence for MWI as there is for QM in general, namely: all the experimental evidence for QM. And there is not a single other interpretation with known evidence that distinguishes it from MWI. MWI, being the simplest interpretation, wins given the state of evidence.

>> No.4650135

Consciousness forming our subjective reality is a piece of philosophy, NOT science, hence why I've been referencing philosphers that have famously shown how incoherent the idea is.

>> No.4650138

wouldnt the simplest answer be that time travels in both directions at the quantum level

>> No.4650140

>This is just plain false. MWI gives exactly the smae experimental predictions as anything else.
That is what proponents of MWI claim, but they are talking out of their asses. MWI does not explain how to decompose the dead+alive cat wavefunction into the either dead-or-alive with some probability for each that we actually see. To do that you have to extend it with something else, such as Bohmian beables.

>> No.4650141

You can use QM to back up the idea (incorrectly I might add), but it doesn't make it valid, and it most certainly does not make it science.

>> No.4650144


>> No.4650145

Yes, the simplest ontological interpretation of QM is essentially this idea. It hasn't been brought up yet because this is a troll thread.

>> No.4650149

Okay, let's do the math, since you still don't understand it.
If we have a particle in a superposition of states
<div class="math">|\psi\rangle=c_{+}|\psi_{+}\rangle + c_{+}|\psi_{-}\rangle</div>
If we treat the particle+measuring device as a single system, the state vector reads
<div class="math">|\Phi\rangle = c_{+}|\psi_{+}\rangle|\phi_{+}\rangle + c_{-}|\psi_{-}\rangle|\phi_{-}\rangle</div>
Now, say a device measures the system and I walk out of the room. This person now has states <span class="math">|\phi'_{+}\rangle[/spoiler] and <span class="math">|phi'_{-}\rangle[/spoiler], and looks like
<div class="math">|\Phi'\rangle=c_{+}|\psi_{+}\rangle | \phi'_{+} \rangle + c_{-} | \psi_{-} \rangle | \phi'_{-}\rangle</div>
SO THE VALUE IS EITHER <span class="math">|c_{+}|^{2}[/spoiler] OR <span class="math">|c_{-}|^{2}[/spoiler]

The state vector <span class="math">|\Phi'\rangle[/spoiler] COLLAPSES at the moment this device answers to me when I walk back into the room, and the probability that the alternative result was obtained is zero. For example, the particle was detected in the eigenstate <span class="math">|\psi_{+}[/spoiler].

Please also, everyone here, read this:

>> No.4650150

How does something go backwards in time without being infinetly heavy or going faster than the speed of light?

>> No.4650155

We are representing mixed states here. The wave function is a statistical ensemble. That is the point.

>> No.4650158

Only demonstrating further your lack of understand of the observation effect.
All you're doing is showing that it collaspes, not WHY, which is key to understand the role consciousness plays in this (none at all)

>> No.4650161

> This person now
This should be
>This device

>> No.4650164

>All you're doing is showing that it collaspes, not WHY
It collapses because of observation, you fucking idiot.



>> No.4650167

I've said this before and I'll say it again, linking internet websites doesn't mean shit. Please for the love of science take these ideas into your local university physics department.

>> No.4650172

And why does it collapse from observation you fucking idiot? Is it because of your consciousness? Fuck no

>> No.4650175

That is a published paper - http://www.springerlink.com/content/pu18h663p2856768/
You are a fucking horrible troll, and I don't understand why I am even still responding to you.

>> No.4650178

implying the device is not an obvserver? lolwut

>> No.4650180

Objects don't propagate backwards in time. The final state does.

If you're interested in this stuff, here's some reading material:


>> No.4650184



It's HIDDEN VARIABLES otherwise, and you are stating it's already collapsed - EG DENYING QUANTUM MECHANICS.

God, you are such a fucking idiot.

>> No.4650181

>he doesn't know arxiv

How is your undegrad treating you? Or are you still in HS?

>> No.4650185

Because you have yet to maintain a single point while everything you bring up has been torn to shreds by either myself or the myriad of people who have enjoyed showing how poorly thought out your ideas are. PLEASE take this stuff into a physics lab , it is NOT a valid interpratation, never has been, never will be, but don't take it from me man, see if you can talk to some physicists at your local university.

>> No.4650188

Fuck you, and GET THE FUCK out of my thread.

>> No.4650189


No. Wrong. Time evolution looks like:


There is nothing weird about this. That's just the usual linear time evolution rules applied at a macroscopic level.

The jump from here to the Born statistics is still an open question, but it is a question of anthropic probability, not of basic physics.

>> No.4650190

The moon dissapears when i'm not looking at it and you call me an idiot? Perception forming our reality has been proven to be an incoherent piece of pseudo-logic since the 1700s and it is honestly sad to see someone trying to regurgitate it as fact.


>> No.4650194


>> No.4650195

In fact the moon does disappear once a month.

>> No.4650197

Truth can be a bitch

>> No.4650199

No it doesn't. Our ability to see it does, but for fuck sakes it's still orbiting around the earth.

>> No.4650200


>> No.4650202

Prove it. How can you say anything about an object, when it's not observable?

>> No.4650203

You really don't know any quantum mechanics, do you?

>> No.4650207

Wait a sec, are you trying to apply quantum mechanics to an astronomic object (the moon)?

>> No.4650210

You still have a combination of dead+alive there; you've just annotated it with observers.

The Born rule is basic physics. Without the Born rule, quantum mechanics makes no predictions. Without the Born rule, entanglement can be used to transmit information FTL. If your interpretation doesn't include or allow you to derive the Born rule, it is incomplete, no ifs ands, or buts about it.

BTW extending MWI to include the Born rule is pretty easy, but you have to give up the claim that the multiple worlds aren't real. Obviously they are if MWI is correct, because I'm living in one of them.

>> No.4650213

Who is to say it's not observable? I think our satellites in space and our many telescopes can still observe it.

Besides, the moon has a large effect on things like tides, if it were to suddenly vanish, we would fucking notice.

>> No.4650216

With the concept of observation, yes.

This is the essence of the Copenhagen interpretation and the one THAT WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DISCUSSING WITH DUALISM.


>> No.4650220

In what sense does an orbit of a moon around a planet have ANYTHING to do with quantum mechanics?

>> No.4650221

It just disappears for one day, so the effects are insignificant.

>> No.4650227

But you yourself are not observing it. You have to observe it to prove it to yourself.

You can use tides, a telescope, a satelite, anything.

But YOU YOURSELF have to do it, or find out from another person for the wave function to collapse.

>> No.4650235

It's a thought experiment that Einstein said was bullshit

Einstein said "I like to believe that the moon is still there even if we don't look at it."

>> No.4650237

This has been said many times, but Descartes did a damn good job of showing how incoherent that logic is.

>> No.4650239

Also see this

>> No.4650245

Then Descartes denies Quantum Mechanics. We are not discussing philosophy, we are discussing interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.

Go to >>/lit/

>> No.4650250

Hogwash, human beings arn't required to collapse a wave function.

>> No.4650251


Oh you're gotta be fucking kidding me.

Occam's razor applies. Do you expect to be able to see the moon again at some point in the future? If so, then why would you assume that it stops existing in between. The world in the moon exists only while you are looking at it is strictly more complicated than one where it exists all the time. The burden of evidence is to explain why you should believe that it stops existing. To assume that it keeps existing is the default state.

>> No.4650252

You're a fucking idiot, and I am going to keep calling that until you actually understand what QM entails.


>> No.4650255

No, we're discussing the role consiousness plays in collapsing a wave function. Which is just as much philosophy as it is science.

The idea that things are only in a definite state when we are observing them goes back before quantum mechanics to the writings of Thomas Locke and guys like Descartes.

>> No.4650260

No, you are a fucking idiot for thinking you can prove an opinion with an internet link. Take this shit to a physics lab, I DARE you. I know you wont, because you're pulling things out of your ass, but I still think you should, you might actually learn something about the nature of reality.

>> No.4650264

> If so, then why would you assume that it stops existing in between.

>Which is just as much philosophy as it is science.
I consider interpretations of quantum mechanics very far from the definition of "philosophy"

Regardless, get out. You haven't taken quantum mechanics, and don't understand the math behind it.

>> No.4650265

>wrong use of Occam's razor

If you want to apply Occam's razor correctly, you'd have to say the following: Sicne there's no evidence for the moon when we can't observe it, we have to assume it doesn't exist.

>> No.4650269

You have misenterpreted QM to the point where it's pathetic, you literally have NO idea what you're talking about, many people have commented on your various pseudo-science showing how rediculous it is and all you have to counter is another internet link.

>> No.4650270




>> No.4650275

You weren't even addressed. Fuck off, troll.

>> No.4650282

You fuck off. Get out of my thread, you thick cunt.

You don't know shit about QM, so you're not at liberty to circle jerk around in my thread.

>> No.4650283

If you consider physics far from philosophy, you are not a physicist. They are inherintly connected, look at Descartes, he wasn't just a philosohper, he pioneered his own system of geometry which we are still using today. Philosophy is an a priori attempt to understand the universe where as Physics is an empirical attempt, if you don't see the connection between philosophy and physics, you're an even bigger idiot than I thought.


>> No.4650285

I really don't know shit about QM, but obviously my knowledge of the topic is still better than yours.

>> No.4650287

I think it's sad that when your ideas and shown to be apparently rediculous all you have left is insults.

>> No.4650289

>my knowledge of the topic is still better than yours.
It's not, it's horribly wrong.

>> No.4650291

Last post before bump limit.

>> No.4650292

I'm not responding to you anymore. You're a horrible troll.

>> No.4650295

Cool argument, bitch. Cry harder.

>> No.4650299

No, you are wrong sir, and if you want to find out just how much, walk into any physics department of any university.

>> No.4650301

He hasn't actually made a valid point since the start of the thread, all he has done is insult other people and call other people stupid in what seems to be a poorly vieled attempt to cover up his own stupidity, you see kindergardeners doing the same thing.

I honestly havn't taken a word this guy says seriously since he tried to link wikepedia as fact (LOL)

>> No.4650309

case and point.

>> No.4650311



Despite apparently knowing at least a little bit about QM, you have failed to grasp the entire point of physics, and indeed of science in general.

Just going to hazard a quick guess: I bet you are generally unimpressed with Isaac Newton?

>> No.4650312

You're a horrible samefagging troll.

>> No.4650303

Fuck you all.

>> No.4650316

I know. At least the thread is on autosage now. But he's gonna repost anyway tomorrow.

>> No.4650318

Are you really that easy to troll? I mean he couldn't be more obvious.

>> No.4650326

Summer is here =/

>> No.4650327

I posted links to published papers, other discussions about this subject, and even explained the concept in bra-ket notation and you refuse to stop being a pretentious philosophizing asshole.

>> No.4650331

And I've explained to you many times that linking a website on the internet doesn't mean shit, try taking these ideas into a physics lab and see how well it goes over.

>> No.4650336

I work in a physics lab, you fucking idiot.

>> No.4650338

Just because someone is discussing a subject doesn't mean it's valid, you are obviously NOT a physicist.

>> No.4650342

Ahahahahahahahahahahaha and I'm the queen of France


>> No.4650344

What sort of credentials do you have? Like I said, I've taken physics up through SUSY Conformal Field Theories

>> No.4650349

Linking a forum discussion is about as valid as eye-witness testimony, which, if you were actually a scientist, you would know, is one of the LOWEST forms of evidence you could possibly hope to attain. Thank you sir for providing me with good comedy reading for the night.

>> No.4650350


Can never be sure. Some people actually think that.

>> No.4650354

I am not responding to a high school troll who spells ridicious as "redicious", Wikipedia as "wikepedia", and thinks Springerlink isn't a scientifically-accredited journal.

>> No.4650360

I'm sorry that english isn't my first language, but it doesn't change the fact that your "evidence" is laughable and would never stand up in a physics lab.

>can't make a point? correct their spelling

>> No.4650365

Physics laboratories base experiments on observation, which is the point I am trying to make.

Are you even published?

>> No.4650367

Not to mention the myriad of papers disproving your "fringe science" but you refuse to read because they are written by philosophers and that (somehow) makes it less valid.

>> No.4650369

Descartes work is not published in a scientific journal.

>> No.4650370

And what obersvations have physicists made that consiousness is the root of the collapse of a wave function? NONE, those are interpretations by people who don't understand what is actually going on.

>> No.4650372

>Fail to present sound arguments.
>Argue from authority "I work in a physics lab".

If you know what you are talking about, you shouldn't have to tell me that you are a physicist. Argument screens off authority.

>> No.4650374

You realize he is the guy who pioneered the scientific method right? Do you even know who Descartes is?

>> No.4650379

It's because, as he as shown many times, he is obviously not a physicist. If he is a physicist then i am the queen of france.

>> No.4650381

The guy has repeated 500 times to "go to a physics lab". I work in one, and have published from one, as well as coauthored several notable papers.

Philosophy is not empirical.

>> No.4650382

Any journal that is science based owes a debt to Descartes, he hasn't been alive for the past couple hundred years so obviously he hasn't been in any journals recently.

>> No.4650388

People who support the ensemble interpretation? I have already linked a paper with large scientific consensus. I don't think you understand what's going on, as you resort to hidden variables which nobody in a "physics lab" believes in.

>> No.4650389


Wait, Descartes is Roger Bacon?

>> No.4650391

No, but saying that consciousness forms our reality is

>> No.4650392

His work does not show a basis for disproving modern quantum theory, else we wouldn't be using it right now, would we?

If you find a way to disprove quantum mechanics, please go claim your Nobel prize.

>> No.4650396

I never stated it forms our reality. I am stating it is a component of said reality, separate from what is physical, eg Dualism.

>> No.4650397


It was Francis Bacon.

>> No.4650398

Man, why would observer being concious matter, it's not like the dude can even look at the thing, he's just looking at the results of something observing it in some way.

>> No.4650399


I can link websites too.

>> No.4650402

That's because it doesn't. Consciousness has nothing to do with it.

>> No.4650406

Because it's the only way to know for certain we have observed something.

Again, you cannot tell me the moon is really out there during the day if you do not have any empirical evidence to see it.

>> No.4650409

>The guy has repeated 500 times to "go to a physics lab".

Fair enough. But actually the correct response is "that is irrelevant".

>> No.4650410

That's funny. Again, please elaborate on how you can collapse the state vector without observing it.

>> No.4650411

I'm not trying to disprove quantum mechanics, I'm trying to disprove your bullshit enterpratation of it, what you're saying is NOT quantum mechanics, it's a piece of 17th century philosophy that has been resurected due to poor interpretations of the observer effect.

>> No.4650415

Well, then instead of claiming you cannot see objects without observing them, you should instead try to disprove Dualism, not the statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics.

You can start by showing that consciousness is a physical component of the mind.

>> No.4650416

Observation and consiousness are two different things. They collapse due to the fact that they are being obvserved not because they are aware of a sentient being watching them.

>> No.4650418

That should be
>you can see objects without observing them

>> No.4650420


I think you have me confused with someone else. I was just poking fun, don't worry.

>> No.4650423

Okay, then you are trying to prove that consciousness is physical.

Evidence of such? How can this be proven experimentally?

>> No.4650424

Why would I ever want to do that? Everything I'm trying to say has already been shown since the 17th century.

>> No.4650435

If Dualism was disproven, it wouldn't be a valid alternative to Physicalism, and Consciousness causing state vector collapse wouldn't be a valid interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.

There isn't a valid interpretation of Quantum Mechanics that states "God did it", or "the particle is sentient", for example.

>> No.4650438

Well, the problem with that is we don't really have a definition of what consciousness is. In terms of physicality I would say that the field of neuroscience has fairly cemented that out consciousness is a physical thing, it relies on chemical interactions without our brain. However, that's not really my point, my point is that it's the act of being observed not the consiousness of the observer that is causing the wave function to collapse

>> No.4650441

I'm not trying to disprove dualism, that's different. I'm trying to show that the role consiousness plays in forming our reality is essentially zero, which descartes has already done.

>> No.4650442

You can still have dualism under that paradigm.

>> No.4650446

because the act of observation is a real, physical thing, that can change the system it is observing.

>> No.4650447

>Well, the problem with that is we don't really have a definition of what consciousness is.
Exactly. There isn't science behind qualia, and there cannot be because qualia cannot be observed. Thus, they can be physical or nonphysical, we do not know and can never know. It's an "interpretation of consciousness".

> In terms of physicality I would say that the field of neuroscience has fairly cemented that out consciousness is a physical thing
Not really, that's why I used qualia as an example in the OP.

>However, that's not really my point, my point is that it's the act of being observed not the consiousness of the observer that is causing the wave function to collapse
How can you go about proving this? You can't, because the act of trying to prove it would result in conscious observation. I hope you can see the point I'm trying to make.

I'll finally admit that this is an elaborate troll thread, and that I personally do not agree with any of this nonsensical Dualism bullshit, but rather I am trying to see if there is evidence against it.

>> No.4650460

>How can you go about proving this? You can't, because the act of trying to prove it would result in conscious observation. I hope you can see the point I'm trying to make.

I totally do, but you should check out Descartes meditations, he does A LOT better job of explaining it than I can. You're right, you can't disprove it, but you can show it to be incoherent.

>> No.4650465

You can show it's absurd to where there is no point in believing in it, which is what descartes did.

>> No.4650468

Alright, I'll legitimately check out this for real this time.
