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4648443 No.4648443 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/, I come to you with a question.

How damaging is it to spend relatively long periods of time without food and small amounts of water (ranging from 1-3 days), I've been having financial problems lately and I can't really afford food, I'd like to know what are the real ramifications of this (short & long term wise, physically and mentally).

Also, I think I have nutrition problems, since I normally eat hamburgers, meat, pizza, noodles, and other assorted junk food. I try to help my situation a bit with vitamins and spending as less energy as possible, but obviously that doesn't help much.

I've been having this problem for the past 3-4 months, I'm *slightly* fat but I've noticed that my arms have been getting thinner and thinner I also feel dizzy sometimes and some of my muscles (my thighs, for instance) feel kind of sore. I feel like I'm unable to think clearly and I become irritated with things I normally shouldn't, I've been considering suicide, but that's probably a byproduct of lack of sleep, food and water.

I am obviously worried about my current habits, and I plan to fix them, but I'd like to know what to expect.

>> No.4648454
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Where do you live that you feel the need to cut back on *water*?

>> No.4648457

Your Anus

>> No.4648458

Silly /sci/borg. What are you doing in my anus? You can't live in there.

>> No.4648460

Maybe he is a poor man with standards who won't sink as low as drinking tap water.

>> No.4648464
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>on 4chan
>has standards

>> No.4648466

>on 4chan
>doesn't have unreasonably high standards

>> No.4648468

I'm not *cutting back* on the water, I simply do not trust tap water since I live in a third world country. I drink 1 or 1.5 liters a day, I don't want to get sick, especially now that I'm lacking food, I don't own a stove and I don't live in the woods, so i can't boil water or hunt. This is only temporary, I was actually quite successful, but an unfortunate series of events led me to this situation.

>> No.4648469


You don't own a stove, but you have a computer?

>> No.4648471

>Can't boil the water
A drop or two of iodine, son. A little goes a long way.

>> No.4648480


What's wrong with tap water? Seriously, where the hell do you live where tap water tastes like shit?

>> No.4648484

>implying bottled water doesn't taste a billion times better

>> No.4648489

Yes, I have an ancient P4 which I managed to save before losing everything. I live in a house with no stove or gas cylinder.

I'll look into this, but I'm not really worried about the water part, since my urine is transparent enough. I'm interested in the effects of starvation, since I can't live on water alone.

As I said, this is only temporary, but I'd like to know exactly how much I'm harming my body by doing this.

>> No.4648491

>ancient P4
>mfw my computer is older and I'm rich

>> No.4648493


Your muscles feel sore because your body is salvaging them for nutrition. You will keep growing weaker and more tired as this goes on, but you won't die for a while yet. Of course your mental abilities will be impaired somewhat, you should be more or less yourself until it's too late to matter.

>> No.4648496

Well, the end result is death, but you knew that. Better question is, how can you prevent this? Are there any edibles you can buy cheaply in bulk that don't need to be cooked? Can you go dumpster diving? Fuck, eat fucking dog food if you have to.

>> No.4648499

What about the suicidal thoughts? I've been feeling really depressed in the past 4 months, but I'd like to think my shortcomings aren't the reason for this. Can someone lose the will to live or your motivation when you don't receive enough nutrients?

>> No.4648511

humans evolved in surroundings where there was little food and much time between feedings, your body can handle this...

IF, and only IF, on the occasions that you do eat, you eat healthy food, fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, that sort of stuff. Meat isn't necessary, but it helps because of proteins. Do not go for cheap pre-processed trashfood.

Your body will go into leaner mode, which is why your arms are getting thinner. As for the dizziness and lack of thinking clearly, that's because of water.

DO NOT CUT OUT ON WATER. Drink regularly (not too much, a glass every few hours)

>> No.4648524

sun-gaze at dusk and dawn for essential nutrients.

>> No.4648531
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OP is probably some lazy 99%er

>> No.4648533


Dehydration is a greater culprit than starvation here. Coupled with the latent feelings of failure after dropping so much.

Basically, drinking is more important for day to day functioning than eating. You lose your ability to function *fast* if you don't get enough water. Food, you just feel terrible and weak, but really are quite capable.

>> No.4648539
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I've been planning this already, the first thing I'm going to do is to buy an electric stove and cook things like lentil soup. There aren't many edibles I can eat without cooking them, I do have access to junk food but it's pretty expensive, and doesn''t leave me satisfied. I've been living literally with $2 a day, which is pretty shitty considering I was making $8,000 a month before all this. Hopefully I will only have to endure this an extra month or two, but I've been abusing my body for 4 months already, so I'm quite preoccupied.

I'll look into healthy food, vegetable , fruits and grains are pretty cheap here. I usually eat 1 or 2 proper foods for 3-4 days and then starve for another 1-3 days, can foods like those keep me alive for 1-2 months, even if they're not cooked?

>> No.4648540

Hm. OP, do you have shops or big stores where they have food samples in them? Go visit them and eat some fruit, some vegetable and drink some free samples of anything that has water in them. Use different shops each day so they don't spot you.

Find a way to make a minimum income and buy cheap bottled water, some vegetables, fruit, rice, pasta, cheap stuff.

>> No.4648560

This is a very good idea, I probably can, but the problem is that I need to walk >2KM (4KM if you count the trip back) to reach a supermarket with food samples, I think I would be losing energy instead of gaining it if I have to walk that much. I'll see if i can find a closer supermarket, hopefully it'll have free food samples.

>> No.4648571

How about oatmeal? Should be able to just soak & eat it.

>> No.4648584


Are you on nieghbour's WiFi? you might be able to go without internet for a while and save up. The /fit/ board is probably better at this sort of thing than us btw. And the suicidal thoughts are probably from the malnutrition. The brain does need certain foods to function properly, so I wouldn't look too deeply into those negative thoughts.

>> No.4648586
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Not really, I haven't asked for financial support anywhere, not even my parents or siblings, I wish to fix this situation on my own.

I'll increase my water consumption , then. I was hesitant to try it because I don't trust tap water, but if it's impairing my mental functions I'm willing to take the risk of getting sick, since I need them to get back on my feet.

Yeah, that would work as well, I'm adding that to my list.

Thanks for the helpful replies /sci/, you are one of the last few good boards left.

>> No.4648587


Nope, they'll just tell him to eat squatz and oatz

>> No.4648589


Really? I thought that was just ED being stupid.

>> No.4648702

Somewhat afraid this will turn out to be true, especially since he seems to be using a lot of fast-food.

Do you have parents? I'm quite sure they won't mind you eating over every now and then. Most of the time parents get quite healthy foods also! (You know how parents are, even when you're 21+)

Stop the fast food, just bloody stop it. It is filled with junk (hence the name junkfood) and costs waaay too much. Get vegetables and start living on smaller meals. It is normal that you'll be hungry, just try to build it down instead of instantly dropping (same with the reverse, you'll go sick if you get to full meals from nearly none instantly) and make sure what you eat is healthy.

Most important step:
Get your bloody arse moving. If you have time to be on this board, you're wasting time you could put into finding a (second?) job. All money you can earn will help you out, even if it is hauling boxes all day. The hardest thing to do is going from 40+ dollars/hour to 5- dollars. Yet one hour of work can probably feed you for a day. You can communicate in english, is that normal where you're from? If not, try something with it. Be creative, or not, just get a income and stop doing other things then working/sleeping/eating. You'll get to other things/fun/etc. when you're back up and running.

GOOD LUCK, because you'll need it.

>> No.4648763

OP. Starvation takes place after months, not days. You feeling hungry is not starvation.

>> No.4648779

Not entirely true, altough you will die after several weeks of malnourishment your body will have a permanent negative impact from malnourishment on a small scale.
(If I remember that college correctly 10 point IQ after one week of malnourishment of certain proteins, non-reversable)
Food (proper food that is, not living on fast food, for example) is way more important then most people think.

>> No.4648798

> can't really afford food
Oh you.
Eat lentils or rice.

>try to help my situation a bit with vitamins

vitamins are great if you're on a diet of rice and lentils for extended time periods. For burgers and pizza not so much as while "junk" food it's also very rich food.

>spending as less energy as possible

You should be out moving your fat ass, it doesn't help your junk food diet to sit on your ass, hell it doesn't help a bad diet either. Exercise is always great unless you're literally starving, and that's not something you'll ever do unless you're an african farmer with 20 kids.

>I feel like I'm unable to think clearly and I become irritated with things I normally shouldn't

Probably a side effect from sitting on your fat ass all day. Seriously. I did that when studying, was hell. Then started working, took bike to work every single day and after a month at that it felt totally fucking awsome.

>> No.4648802

>Exercise is always great


>> No.4648809

>10 point IQ after one week of malnourishment of certain proteins, non-reversable

What the fuck? Source?

>> No.4648814

Since IQ is bullshit, it's obviously false.

>> No.4648853

I can find quite some articles on pubmed on Anorexia Nervosa patiens with reduces brain mass. Which seems to me like it will reduce overall functionality. It seems to come back after getting back to proper diet, but not completely.


>> No.4648860


>> No.4649038

Not true. Altho there is some connection between intelligence and malnutrition, it is that as simple as that. See e.g.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_famine_of_1944 and the various papers that attempted to find changes in IQ becus of that event. Generally, none were found. It seems that the problems were reversible if one later received adequate nutrition again.

For sure, 1-3 days without food will not do any detectable non-reversible damage.

>> No.4649060


>depression exclusively caused by lack of activity, and not malnutrition.

>implying the more hard working people in third world countries will neversuffer from depression.

you're from /fit/, aren't you?

>> No.4649062

You should be able to tell from the first few words.

>> No.4649300

OP here, sorry, I had to go to sleep for a few hours because I wasn't feeling well.

I don't understand why people are claiming I'm a "99%" person, as far as I know these people belong to a political movement, and I am not affiliated to those views nor I support pointless protests.

I moved out of my mom's house when I was 16, my mother abandoned me when I was 15 and I had to look for a job in a computer shop at that age, despite not having formal education, I learned 2 additional languages, I also gained vast experience as a network/server administrator and some programming experience as well.

I moved out of the city I was born and started a small computer shop which eventually boomed with a partner, he was providing the business contacts and I was literally generating the income since I did all the heavy work was done by me.

He framed me by selling me a stolen car through a third party and then reported me to the police, he took over the business and hired people to do the job I was doing while I was in jail, selling my assets and spending the money I had saved in legal fees and my bond, the police said that if i paid money to the right people (a substantially smaller amount , compared to the legal fees) I could walk away in a matter of days, I thought "well, I'm innocent so I should be okay if I do this the legal way", turns out this decision was the worse I could do. I ended up selling everything I owned.


>> No.4649317
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>I'm innocent so I should be okay if I do this the legal way

>> No.4649381

I tried contacting my ex-business partner and asked for money, I know this is a rather stupid move, but I felt like I could talk some sense into him after all he did, he just mocked me.

My family is another whole issue, we come from a piss poor class, and once I started earning vast amounts of money (by our standards 8K a month is pretty good) they became money grubbing people, they even tried to take away the assets I had left when I was in jail. I was very supportive with them when I had money, but my mother usually spent the money playing in casinos instead of investing in a business, so I don't feel comfortable being around my family.

I live by myself, I have no kids and have no friends here, I've been doing some freelance jobs online but the pay is very low and the payments take days to clear, hence why I spend 3 days with food, and 3-4 days without food.

I am not a lazy person, but I can't really look for a normal job since I have no credentials, If I list my previous business and they contact my ex business partner, I'm pretty sure he will tell them all kinds of lies.

I just want to start over again, and I will succeed, but I need to stay alive for a month or two while I put everything in order.

I felt like i didn't needed a background story, since I am already doing everything I can to escape this situation, and I'm mainly interested in the physical/psychological effects of malnutrition, but any kind of advice is welcome.

On a related note, I can barely sleep for more than 2-3 horus, I've been going for 3 days without food and I feel more dizzy than usual, and I just vomited a liter of acidic water, should I stop drinking tap water or is this a side effect from lack of solid food in my stomach?

>> No.4649389

You will eventually develop an iron imbalance. This will cause you to get depressed. At the end you will an hero.

>> No.4649392

>not simply slaying your enemies, by crom!
Shitty story dude. Seriously, rough. Polite sage.

>> No.4649400

depressing story is depressing

btw tap water won't do anything bad to you unless its really flouridated and you drink it a lot over a period of years. you need food, simple as that.

also, what made you trust the faggot who screwed you over in the first place?

>> No.4649564

Well, I'm not sure if it has lots of flouride, I'll look into that.

I trusted him because we started as a small business, and everything was going smooth, we were actually friends before becoming business partners, I had no previous experience on starting a business by myself or with a partner, so, when I wanted to formalize our society, this shitstorm happens, and I was reduced to nothing.

I do not wish to pursue physical vengeance, if anything, I plan to start small and eventually grow my business and steal his clients, the company turned into shit anyway because he employed unskilled people to do my job I can easily steal his clients once I get back on my feet and have a name for myself, I want him to feel what I felt after losing everything.

I suspected this, I try not to focus much on negative things despite my current situation, but those thoughts keep coming back, probably due to malnutrition.

>> No.4649623

>I plan to start small and eventually grow my business and steal his clients

And then he will hire someone to rob you / stab you / kill you.

>> No.4649632

This, revenge is not the way.

>> No.4649641

Actually revenge is the way. His "friend" can't do anything to harm OP if he's dead.

>> No.4649671

Revenge is the way if he can make sure his "friend" won't go back at him. Personnally I wouldn't try to steal the business of someone who had no second thought in framing me and sending me to jail.

>> No.4649681

That's why I'm advocating murder.

>> No.4649727

His nemesis might not be able to do anything if he's dead, but his allies (friends, family, maybe even employees) might. Then OP gets killed in retaliation, and maybe by that point OP has a family, or other allies, and you get yourself a vendetta, and an endless cycle of revenge. Hence why revenge is not the way.

>> No.4649945


Well, I can't do anything illegal, the guy has brothers and a big family, and when I was detained I declared the truth, that I was set up by my friend, but since he was using a third party to sell me the car, I couldn't prove anything, it was my word against his.

I am simply a common man, I've never killed anyone, and while this situation makes my blood boil, I don't think I'd be capable to do the time if I get caught, I don't mind starting from square one and I know my business will succeed, since the business we had was prosperous, we started with a small base of clients that my ex-business partner had, and we never advertised our business, and yet we had new clients coming in for all kinds of solutions, from basic formatting and OS reinstalls, to customized and secure linux servers for enterprises, the company is shit nowadays, and I feel like I can dominate the market, I live in a relatively small city, and the market for this is quite narrow. Whether I want it or not, I'll end up absorbing a part of his client base. I'm not afraid of him, but I'll be extra cautions and possibly arm myself with a concealed gun of a small caliber at all times, I'm not going to give up and let him win. I have a strong will, but EVERY possible bad thing happened to me at the same time.

Thanks for the advice, guys, but I have to go now, I found the number of an acquaintance and asked if there were any positions available, apparently there's a small gig as a cleaning guy, that might work for the time being, and won't consume a lot of my time, I assume you don't need any kind of education to clean offices. I wish you all the best luck in your endeavors.

>> No.4649954

Godspeed brother

>> No.4650006


What on bloody earth would have possessed your friend/partner to betray you? Just for money or was there a conflict between you guys?

>> No.4650079

We were good friends, I suppose greed possessed him, I'm not a conflictive (is this a word?), so all this took me by surprise, I guess this was his plan all along, since he executed his plan a week after I started talking about making our business formal. I was a fool and trusted him too much, but the average person does not expect to be crossed in such a harsh manner.

>> No.4650086

conflictive person*