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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4647170 No.4647170 [Reply] [Original]

Final grades back

Autism shining through for /sci/

>> No.4647175
File: 25 KB, 422x604, 420083_286556761413836_100001785430932_674115_429526736_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EECE 359
>a hard class

>> No.4647178

I thought it was pretty tough.

The teacher who taught it was a legit genius.

>> No.4647181

Also I have no idea what that class is.

>> No.4647183

oh :(

>> No.4647191

>over 10 people per class
>a hard class

>> No.4647195

nice work. i hope you have a nice summer. :)

>> No.4647202

don't really have a choice

the gooks pay for this university so they take in as many as possible

>> No.4647203
File: 91 KB, 779x617, 425867_10150567094610945_129434170944_9140927_1317510484_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have BSc in Audio Engineering
>Have MSc In Acoustic
>Want to work in audio equipment design.
>Realise I should have done Mathematics

That fucking feel. Oh well at least I know how to record a guitar...

Aslo, congrats on the results OP, it they are indeed yours.

>> No.4647222

quite a few of my friends in ee are quite involved in audio processing stuff.

it's quite interesting ot watch them modify the spectrum to adjust differenst stuff

>> No.4647225

Not true. Hardest physics course I ever took was about 25 people. In my experience, once you get down to 10 people it's actually a little easier, because the prof is more available and more willing to accommodate in cases where you need extra time/help with a homework set, and exams are less formal.

But anything over 40 is way unlikely to be intense. If there are 40 people willing to take it... it's probably not that hard.

>> No.4647236

How long have you been at UBC? What is it like?
I may be going there some day.

>> No.4647240

3 years; starting 4th year now.

it's alright, the campus is really beautiful. I personally get a bit tired of being one of like 10 white kids in the EE department.

>> No.4647245


I'm one of those guys that did shit all in high school, and am taking courses all over again to get grades high enough to get to university. UBC was by first choice for science but some people I know have being saying otherwise.

>> No.4647250

I literally did nothing in highschool; barely graduated!

Somehow got in and been raping ever since. It's kind of nice to have that approach because you're pretty fresh for university since you didn't do any homework in highschool!

>> No.4647252
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I thinking about making a dub step tune out of a microwave. I'm planning on using guitar pickups to pic up the electromagnetic spectrum, microphones to pick up the audible spectrum, and then crunch the numbers to bring the inaudible microwave spectrum into human hearing. Pop all that together in the microwave for 3 and a half minutes and I should have something quite cool sounding.

>> No.4647262

sounds interesting

>> No.4647268
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I know the feeling man. I'm doing 3 A-levels in a year (britfag) in maths, physics and chemistry as well as a 6 month full time diploma in environmental acoustics.

I find out that having the equivalent of 3 A-levels in music is not the most advantageous of qualifications.

>> No.4647278

You guys didn't research your degrees at all before you signed up for them?

>> No.4647282


shit tier university detected

>> No.4647286

that's shit tier canada for you!

>> No.4647287


Did you go back to school or are you taking them externally?

>> No.4647293
File: 58 KB, 467x647, 1334706182765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think thats cool. Try and writing a piece of software to calculate the sound of atoms then, apply that information to molecules, have a way to distinguish polarity, bonding, and structure from standard models, and then bring it into the audible spectrum. All in all I'm hoping to be able to produce this software for my MSc dissertation.

That said the guys at CERN have done this in one way or the other already. I'm just hoping to make a simulation software to ultimately model some of the characterises of theoretical particles.

>I can just feel the bitches on my dick.

>> No.4647308

Hey dude. Just finished UBC Science first year. Ask me anything you want, because I've basically done what you're going to have to do.

>> No.4647318
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Taking them externally. I still have to go into a educational campus to sit the exam though. However I can do all the course work whenever I want to, though sooner rather than later is better for me.
I did, who doesn't? I'm doing this to suck up for a studentship and research funding.

Bring on a one day PhD when I research how to use extremely high pressure sound waves to align molecules to create new alloys. Rolls Royce here I come.... >_>

>Picture related. It's me in the future with my PhD major thesis.

>> No.4647332
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Could you give me a quick guide on studying A levels externally in the UK? The highest qualification I have in maths and physics are GCSEs.

>> No.4647345
File: 34 KB, 495x700, 427495_10150716851128646_714238645_11218117_1629508616_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google distance learning. Google will most likely filter your results to who provides the courses nearest to you area.

These are the guys I'm going with. Shit they even have 3 for 2 offers! God bless the privatisation of education.


Just make sure you do enough research before hand, especially when it comes to sitting the exams.

Good luck if you decided to do it. It will really help you in the future. Also if you are in the UK there is always the open university.