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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 48 KB, 512x512, wanna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4643495 No.4643495 [Reply] [Original]

why is there no religion board on 4chan?
you atheists would be right at home there... gotta have a place for zealous cults like yours...

>> No.4643499

>why is there no religion board
Where do you think we are?

>> No.4643502


>> No.4643503

no1's seriously religious on the internet.
religion is for retards and old people, neither of which use computers, as they are beffuddled by all this modern technology.

atheists wouldnt give a shit about a religion board, it would just be filled with retards and trolls circlejerking/trolling respectively.

atheists usually dont give a fuck.

>> No.4643514

atheists are the biggest trolls in the world, they cannot not care.

maybe no one is serious about religious on the hipster internet but there are many internets...

>> No.4643517
File: 57 KB, 638x480, BCOTp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, it works like this
(apologies for le reddit)

>> No.4643521

>atheists don't give a fuck

Atheism means fighting against retardation. If you don't give a fuck your just as bad as religitards. Wherever you are you have to disprove their retardation by using science and logic.

>> No.4643522
File: 254 KB, 458x358, 0126394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i guess im actually in the top right of that chart

>> No.4643526

and science and logic makes you happy how exactly? telling you there is no meaning to life? great, where does that leave you?

>> No.4643529

Science tells me the meaning of life. We are machines programmed to reproduce. That's fucking evolution, creationtard.

>> No.4643536

truth matters
believing in santa might make you feel happy, but thats just happiness based on ignorance and gullibility.

id rather be miserable and correct, if it were a choice between the 2.

>> No.4643537

and what is the purpose to this? where is the endgame?

>> No.4643540

Also not believing in santa or similar fairy tales raises your IQ.

>> No.4643541

great you are now miserable and caring about truth that will disappear the instant you die... what a waste of a life!

>> No.4643543

What endgame? Give up the retarded magic beliefs, you idiot.

>> No.4643552
File: 166 KB, 801x801, atheismredundant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually im not miserable at all. i know i only get 1 life, and theres no god watching my back, but life is still really good.
> truth that will disappear the instant you die
applies to everyone, even religious people. heaven doesnt exist

>> No.4643555

Your sky fairy is not gonna hold your hand when you die. He's a fucking illusion for children Grow the fuck up.

>> No.4643564

so there is no endgame, there is no point
so why even care?
proved my point; atheists if they are true to their word should just suicide by falling in a pit of despair.

>> No.4643566

we agree
yet i am spiritual (i wont go as far as saying religious)
so my question why even care about life then?

>> No.4643568

Atheists can feel good solely from knowing that they are not as retarded as religionfags like you.

>> No.4643570
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>> No.4643571

i never said i believed in a sky fairy? where did you get that? in the common misconceptions scientists have about religion? GROW UP!

>> No.4643573
File: 29 KB, 240x320, 1292563772472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no religion board because we don't need one.


>> No.4643574

so they are arrogant and they are doing it for their ego...
therefore the sole purpose of atheists is to troll.

>> No.4643576

Everyone below this post has been trolled.

>> No.4643577

Are you retarded? Only children believe in magic.

>> No.4643578

yet there is a science board. which in itself IS a religion, after all you believe in protons and electrons yet you never perceive them directly?

>> No.4643579
File: 242 KB, 474x357, 0129843084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheists if they are true to their word should just suicide by falling in a pit of despair.
why the fuck would we do that when life is so precious to us that it only happens once??

it makes more sense for religious people to an hero. if heaven exists, and they truly think it does, if they kill themselves they'll go straight to heaven, which is the most enjoyable place imaginable, rite? this earth must suck compared to heaven, its like the long boring queue before the theme park ride. you'd just want to skip ahead and get to the fun, rite?
and why do religious people mourn death? wouldnt you be all like "oh, you lucky bastard, i bet you;re all up there living it up, fucking angels and taking multiple drugs with no negative consequences" (because heaven, no illness, and you cant die)

i know religious folk probably come up with sit like "oh, but suicide is a sin, if i do that i dont get to go to heaven"
in which case, you could still live life like the most reckless motherfucker imaginable, to up your chances of an early ticket in.
...if they genuinly believe.

>> No.4643587

You didn't reject magic so you must believe in it. that makes you a retard.

>> No.4643583

did i say i believe in magic?
oh dear, really atheists are not really the brightest of the lot are they?

>> No.4643589

i dont believe in heaven as i said previously; learn to read.

>> No.4643590


Why would people need to kill themselves if they don't have faith in a god?

There's a great deal of meaning to be gained form life, both in terms of interaction with other people and if you are incliined to do so, then discovering the mechanisms that drive our existence.

I have a wife, 2 children and a I do what I consider to be a rewarding job, helping develop an understanding of neurodegenerative disease. Having seen how others suffer and still gain pleasure from their lives, killing myself is the last thing on my agenda.

I'm honestly saddened that you cannot seem to appreciate this basic concept.

>> No.4643591

>science is a religion

Babbys first troll? Gtfo.

>> No.4643594

i guess quantum physicists must be retards too; after all they believe in something that is so vague it shatters the mind

>> No.4643596
File: 77 KB, 800x425, atheistHeaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here

>> No.4643597

>i dont believe in heaven as i said previously

>> No.4643599

rewarding job? kid? yeah evolution at work!
keep chasing the materialistic dream faggot!
what is it to you fixing a disease? you'll die anyway...

>> No.4643601
File: 84 KB, 744x250, god likes atheists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lold

have this

>> No.4643605

i think the problem with atheists is that they have trouble seperating the notion of God (biblical sense) and god (spiritual/philosophical sense).
as such they assume that anyone who claims some spiritual view of things is religious in the sense of christianity or islam or judaism and so on...

>> No.4643617

theres no difference. both are equally retarded. if your older than 12 and havent figured out how to disprove magic your a fucking retard

>> No.4643618
File: 209 KB, 896x1646, itsasquare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm, theres no evidence for either.
cutting details off your bullshit and making it slightly vaguer bullshit (but still with zero evidence whatsoever) isnt really much better.

>> No.4643619


Pot calling the kettle, bro?

>> No.4643622

at least i know logic and know that absence of evidence is evidence of absence

>> No.4643621
File: 14 KB, 204x197, grammarnazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no1 gives a fuck about a small grammar mistake, aspie.

>> No.4643628

actually it looks more like a parallelogram

>> No.4643638
File: 2 KB, 126x95, ohu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4643640

>why is there no religion board
Well, I would say that there aren't boards for utterly retarded things whose followers deserve a horrifying, painful death, but we have >>>/mlp/ now so that's out of the question. Then again, bronies don't believe ponies are real, so I guess they're better than retards who believe in a magic security camera sky fairy that was made up to help 3-year-olds sleep at night. Honestly, if I could kill every religitard or every brony in the world, I'd pick the religitards. Especially since I bet there are a lot of bronies who are religious, since they all seem to be mindless scum anyway.

>> No.4643653

God gives each person a set of capabilities.
If you are capable of doing something, and you simply ask god to do it for you, that's bad.
If you ask for god to help you succeed in your attempts, that's good.
If you try without asking god for anything, that is best.

God made mankind for the purpose of being earthly stewards of creation. Those who do not even try to fulfill that basic purpose are despicable in His eyes, although he loves them just the same as the rest.

The exceptions we see are God helping those do things they literally do not have the capability for.

>> No.4643670

That image is not an accurate analogy.

It is a physical impossibility to measure spiritual entities with physical tools, which is why we can only have faith, while using reason to ensure that the foundation of our faith is solid.

>> No.4643675


Back to >>>/x/

>> No.4643677

There is too many religions, a religion board would be full of shitstorm, chaos, trolls, haters, etc.

>> No.4643686

Then we need to combine /mlp/ with /rl/

>> No.4643694

>full of shitstorm, chaos, trolls, haters, etc.

You mean like /sci/?

>> No.4643696

That statement is true.
A fact is a provable statement.
Any statement made concerning the spiritual cannot be proven, and therefore cannot be a fact.
Thus, that makes the spiritual not SCIENCE.

>> No.4643697


It seems that while you are busily attacking people who have achieved something of lasting value, for themselves and others, you haven't really put forward a single convincing argument that their lives would be improved by believing in a deity.

I have chosen not to resort to straw men or ad hominem attacks against you, although it seems that in spite of your enlightenment you aren't exhibiting a higher standard of behaviour, if belief in a god is deeply fulfilling, then why are you so full of rage?

>> No.4643704

What cannot be proven doesn't exist.

>> No.4643706

God is useful for one thing, if nothing else.
It explains the cause of entropy, and its defeat.

>> No.4643711

God is useful for only one thing: detecting retards. because only those believe in fairy tales