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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4643415 No.4643415 [Reply] [Original]

(sqrt(-1))^2 = -1
sqrt((-1)^2) = +1

explain this bullshit. that's like -1 + 1 /= +1 - 1

>> No.4643423

you must be retarded

>> No.4643426

>that's like -1 + 1 /= +1 - 1

here let me put that in LaTeX for you
<span class="math">\frac{-1+1}{=+1-2}[/spoiler]


>> No.4643435

Holy shit, it's summer already?

>> No.4643437

> frac

/= is supposed to be the 'not equals' sign, not divide and assign.

also =/=, !=

>> No.4643442
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(6+2)/2 = 4
(6/2)+2 = 5

>> No.4643445

>(6+2)/2 = 4

Can't you into order of operations?

(6+2)/2 = 6 + 1 = 7

>> No.4643446

addition and division are not inverse operators

sin(arccos(x)) =/= cos(arcsin(x))

sin(arcsin(x)) = arcsin(sin(x))

>> No.4643454

>hurr look at me I'm retarded

PEMDAS motherfucker

>> No.4643460

there is no single inverse of f(x) = x^2

you have to restrict the domain of f(x) to get one

OP's bullshit comes from not clearly defining the inverse

>> No.4643463 [DELETED] 
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that was such an obvious troll, you schmuck.
kill yourself.

>> No.4643474


>> No.4643475 [DELETED] 

shut up, and i actually already took em hours ago.

>> No.4643479

I know right? It's ridiculous.
Next thing they'll tell me is that 0999... = 1.

>> No.4643483

What pills do you take?

>> No.4643489 [DELETED] 

...im not answering that

>> No.4643494

Obvious troll is obvious

>> No.4643501


oh my fucking god everytime I visit /sci/ (and that's not often) you're here. Get a life you fucking skank. You're fucking annoying.

>> No.4643980

Not all operators commute. If they did everything would be boring.