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File: 14 KB, 478x424, poker_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4620257 No.4620257 [Reply] [Original]

Could anyone direct me to a place online to take an accurate IQ test for free?

Most of what i seem to find is either not free, or the test itself is free with the result costing money.

>> No.4620264

>accurate IQ test

>> No.4620339

the second result when you google iq test.
but dont bother taking it, you are clearly an idiot if you couldnt find that on your own.

>> No.4620343

Maybe he wants to know how much of an idiot he is

>> No.4620583
File: 77 KB, 388x296, 1289085998271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Isn't that the point of an IQ test?

>> No.4620601

IQ is irrelevant. An accurate IQ test is as worthless as an inaccurate one. There's no accurate system for measuring intelligence.

>> No.4620963


True, but at the same time; if you bomb a IQ test the bad way, chances are you are not gonna do anything awfully important with your life. If you however feel you need to take one to confirm you're smart, chances are you are too much of a beta personality to get very far even if you score high.

>> No.4621104

www.iqtest.dk is a pretty good test, also used for Mensa and other places. also culture-neutral.

U can safely ignore people like>>4620601
>>4620963, they don't know how to into science about intelligence. Intelligence matters alot.