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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 335x280, osho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4619270 No.4619270 [Reply] [Original]

Science is a religion.

Instead of worshipping God, you worship materialism.
Which is worse.

Spirituality > Science

That is all.

>> No.4619273

Forgot your trip, IQ fundie?

>> No.4619281

Feel free to use it for him.

IQ fundie##iq

>> No.4619285

>implying science and religion cannot coexist peacefully
>picking a muslim as OP
Oh I see what you did there.

>> No.4619288

Gotta love that ignorance.

Every man with a beard MUST be muslim right?

>> No.4619293

You got me, guys, my bad.
I will leave /sci/ now.

>> No.4619295

What is materialism? Is it like a god? How do I worship materialism? Is materialism worshipped like a god is worshipped? What is worse? What is spirituality? What is science? What is 2012? What is mfw? What is ISHYGDDT? What is implying?

>> No.4619307
File: 21 KB, 341x300, 6507-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worshipping materialism is being disconnected with your soul and true self.

Science is so focused on the physicality of this world,
it is a mental prison, it is a religious dogma.

>> No.4619308


>> No.4619315

>pic of OSHO
>who owned tons of cars and loved materialism
subtle troll is subtle.

>> No.4619312

Science and religion can't coexist,sorrylol.

>> No.4619311


>using science to glorify spirituality

pass the blunt bro

>> No.4619317

Who's worshipping materialism?

And do you mean materialism as in "I care about material wealth more than anything"?

Because that's not the meaning of materialism in science at all.

>> No.4619330

what is love? are we dancers or human? why does ice float? is it because ice wants to feel warm and looking for sun? why can't you impregnate a tree? why money is green? why is hash green? why this? why that? why those? why me? why you? why why? why why why.


>> No.4619414

I love making these troll threads from time to time. Although theists are (in general) intellectually inferior to atheists or rationalists, it's still difficult to just dismiss them.
I think it's the respect or pity normal people have for the mentally impaired which causes us to only have restraint reactions.

>> No.4619444

finally someone speaks out
fuck man, atheists are getting more and more ridiculous.
no wonder religious extremisms are going up all over the world seeing how atheists behave like asses to everyone

>> No.4619447

not OP here but contrary to popular western belief islam isn't really that bad a religion.
of course, what the news reports on are the extremists not the 99% of muslims
(not a muslim, simply interested in all religions)

>> No.4619452

they actually cant but, atheists will rage at the mere thought of things actually being nice in the universe...

>> No.4619463

the problem with atheists is exactly that attitude; once again, ever wonder why schools start to turn their backs on science (especially in the US) , not because they dont like science but because of the righteous asshole attitude of atheists

>> No.4619469

>splitting the same thing into two

>> No.4619473


stay mad mu(d)slims

>> No.4619481

mfw a nigger trolling jews and muslims

btw its muslim not moslem

and I aint even mad because I am not a muslim and I dont believe you have describe yourself as any sort of religion to actually not be atheist.

I am agnostic.

>> No.4619488

everybody has faith in something to save them
most people, it's themselves
some people, it's allah or krishna or mohammad or the dhali lama or lucifer or scientism or joe smith or l. ron hubbard or mithra or horus or zeus or jupiter or the great spirit or their dead ancestors or a rock or a tree or the moon or the sun or a star

they're all wrong

the answer was, is, and always will be, Jesus of Nazareth

>> No.4619494

they asked a follower of the mahareshi maha yogi why he had so many gold plated Rolls Royces. the answer was, because he didn't need them.

if that answer is satisfying to you, good luck discerning truth from falsehood in other areas of your life

>> No.4619496



>The large collection of Rolls-Royce automobiles purchased for his use by his followers also attracted notoriety. The Oregon commune collapsed in 1985 when Osho revealed that the commune leadership had committed a number of serious crimes, including a bioterror attack (food contamination) on the citizens of The Dalles.[3] He was arrested shortly afterwards and charged with immigration violations. Osho was deported from the United States in accordance with a plea bargain.[4][5][6] Twenty-one countries denied him entry, causing Osho to travel the world before returning to Poona, where he died in 1990.

>argument invalidated

>> No.4619500

when you scrutinize so--called "religious" figures, many of them are motivated by their own sexual desires, and usually for children

>> No.4619502

Mohammed sure loved those preteen girls

>> No.4619504

joking right? lol

>> No.4619506

>not being sexually attracted to children

>> No.4619507

>implying your superhero is real

>> No.4619517


Science confirmed for shit

>> No.4619518

What's the worst that can happen.

>> No.4619522

Hey faggot! When you decide to abuse my trip, at least use proper punctuation. A question ends with a question mark.

>> No.4619524

i love nigger dicks in and around my mouth and butt

>> No.4619578

You are close but miss it by an inch.

>> No.4619584

Typical fundie.

>> No.4619621



>> No.4619904
