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4616845 No.4616845 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys actually try in your gen. ed courses?

>> No.4616853

I dropped out of High-school.

>> No.4616855

no, just go into those heavily stoned and dont take notes, easy enough to pass by just being a warm body

>> No.4616862


Try as in try to get As, not try to pass with a C.

>> No.4616869

Chem major here:

I have difficulty giving a single fuck about my gen eds. I skated by my Western Civilization class with a 70% (pre-final, tba), but I do enjoy some writing and film classes.

>> No.4616871

I think I make an effort. Got an A- in Dance 101.

Jesus Christ that was a terrible paper.

>> No.4616875

When they were interesting.
I got an A in Introductory Psychology, Political Geography, and Physical Geology.
I got an A in Introductory Geography by being a warm body and going to the final exam.
I got Cs and Bs in the management and English classes I had to take. Introductory English was just "CAN U RITE A SENTACE" and you could see most of the people in that class struggle to make a coherent essay.
I showed up on in-class essay and exam days, and did the essays. I would have gotten an A except I lost all the "daily work" and "attendance" marks.

>> No.4616881


>> No.4616890
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>Dance 101

>Dance 101
>taking that class

>> No.4616895

Well, if the English prerequisites that are needed for an Engineering degree count as Gen. Ed, then I make an effort in it. I am taking physical wellness during the summer, which helps because I am /fit/. (The final for that I've heard was doing 4 miles in 2 hours, what the fuck?)

>> No.4617671

Yea, easy A's. Plus, if you get used to lazy mode, you might not switch out for real classes.

>> No.4618208
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> merkins

>> No.4618227

>Not getting credit for all your generals at the local community college while in high school/during the summer after graduating

>> No.4618231
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>implying I study in a shitty anglosaxon system.
>no useless gen.ed. courses, I study engineering
>economy is the only humanities course I have
>mfw americans have to learn history or geography or fitness at university, they are truly more immature
enjoy your debt murrikans

>> No.4618240


I don't college, I just read the books for fun.

>> No.4618255

I try most of the time. I even occasionally have to try more than my major-specific classes. Holy fuck I hate writing essays.

>> No.4618262

Yes, because I pick gen eds I'm interested in

>> No.4618266

I don't want future employers or grad school admissions to think I'm a lazy fuck with a 3.4 GPA so yes I attend class and try.

>> No.4618269

>have 2.01 GPA
>give few fucks

>> No.4618273

i took the clep for several subjects and passed, instant 18 credits that doesnt affect my gpa

i only had to take 2 gen eds afterwards, intro to logic and honors english comp. i only had to motivate myself for english

>> No.4618275

>not murrikan
>not having shitty gen ed

Physics here, I do mathematics only for one entire year.

>are you even trying, murrikans

>> No.4618278

I try because of the cost but I just ask the teacher for exactly what he / she is looking for to slide through with an A+. I do hate however all of my classmates in gen ed courses.

>be in philosophy
>teacher asks unanswerable questions
>stoners and liberal arts majors minds are blown.
>half the class puts personal feelings into topics. Receives C on test.
>get only 100 in class.

>> No.4618279

How hard are those CLEP tests?

>> No.4618283
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>yfw no one responds

>> No.4618289

it depends on the subject. some like history were easy. chemistry and calculus i had to study for. having to take a chem lab while not having a concurrent course was a little weird though

>> No.4618362
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The truth needs no responds.

>> No.4618366

actually the spending is having a positive impact, this is obvious if you separate the scores into racial groups and control for private education, the reason our scores have stagnated is changing demographics.

>> No.4618369

>thinking employers care about GPA


>> No.4618372
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>> No.4618388

why do the top chemE seniors at my university already have jobs lined up then?

>> No.4618390

is that chart adjusted for inflation?

>> No.4618393
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not even trollling bro, its just simple maths

look its completely 100% accepted whites score higher than Hispanics across the board in testing

its also 100% accepted hispanics are replacing whites in education,

its also 100% accepted that ALL races are improving in scores individually when measured as a race

its also 100% accepted that scores in the us have when measured as a whole been stagnant for some time

there is only one logical conclusion you can arrive at.. all races are improving but the demographic shift is weighing the entire average down

>> No.4618402

You're right. Starbucks probably won't care that you maintained a 2.2 while studying physics.

>> No.4618437

yeah but prove it faggit

>> No.4618440

Currently nearly 36 million Anglo students are enrolled in K-12 education, around 8.5 million Black students, and about 8 million Latino students. Projections for elementary and secondary students in 2050 show that the Anglo population in schools will actually decrease by about 6 million students, that Black students will gain around 5 million students, and that the Latino population will almost double its population to over 17 million students. Other students groups (primarily Asian) will gain nearly 5 million students by 2050 to total more than 8 million students. These demographic changes from 1990-2050 represent a decrease of 10.6% for Anglo students, an increase of 81% for African American students, a 197% increase for Latino students and a 300% increase for Asian students and other groups. Figure 6 provides the percent change of each of the student groups over the next 50 years.

>> No.4618448

The differences in total SAT scores by ethnicity was most extreme between Asian students (who had an average total score of 1623 out of a possible 2400) and black students (who averaged 1276, a four-point drop). Puerto Rican students averaged 1345. The national average was 1509. Top score is 800 in each of the three SAT sections.

Average scores dropped 5 points for females and 2 points for males. While females represent more than half (53.5%) of test takers, their total average score (1496) is 27 points below the average score for males (1523).


That should be all the proof you need if you are rational.