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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4613945 No.4613945 [Reply] [Original]

>2 of the 5 biggest creationist channels on youtube have been closed in the past 3 days.

Feels good man

>> No.4613951

What? Why?

What happened?
Also, why would you be glad of something like that.
Creationist channels are a source of entertainment.

>> No.4613952

>giving a fuck about something you disagree with

>> No.4613957

It's fine if they don't censor and allow comments. One was closed for filing false DMCA's against several users and the other for making borderline threatening videos.

It's not a matter of disagreeing, they're demonstrable wrong and ignorant/deceptive. Their being gone definitely improves youtube even if only slightly

>> No.4613966

I want to slap stupid people sometime. youtube gave them a digital slap and now I felt better.

>> No.4613969

If it makes you feel even better, they each dedicated over 3 years to making and uploading over 1,000 videos each

>> No.4613976
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One of my biggest prides in living in this day in age is that I can see the free and unfettered exchange of information on a global scale.

Whether that information is right or wrong, I don't care.
But the forceful removal of information is not something I approve of.

If humanity is ever to progress, we need to be collectively given the opportunity to find whatever information we desire.
This is a sad day for world rights. I don't know why you're enjoying this.

>> No.4613984

One of the users broke federal laws dozens of times and the other made videos that were just short of death threats. The channels were not closed to suppress information but because they violated the youtube TOS to say the least. Their garbage being gone is just a little bonus.

>> No.4613985

Please, for the sake of humanity, do not degrade this board into reddit.

>> No.4613996

>athiesm = le reddit
Please remove yourself from this board.

>> No.4614001

I can understand that to an extent.

But again, you're enjoying this for all of the wrong reasons.
Everyone on the internet is more than aware that creationism is a joke.

That's why I love those channels. It's not because they're wrong. It's because they're hilarious. The internet has just become a more depressing place for me...

>> No.4614005
File: 21 KB, 278x225, dolpin lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one accused Atheism of being Reddit material.
But /sci/ doesn't give a fuck about whether you're atheist, agnostic, or theist.

If you having gotten all of your creationist-bashing out of your system yet, then you don't really belong here.

/sci/ has more important topics to discuss. Like dolphin sex.

>> No.4614017

>Everyone on the internet is more than aware that creationism is a joke.
[citation needed]
I think these people would disagree:

>> No.4614020

I've debated hundreds of these idiots, they sincerely think the Flintstones was a documentary

>> No.4614029

>My hypothesis or theories are correct, yours are not.

>> No.4614030
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>> No.4614033

>One was closed for filing false DMCA's against several users and the other for making borderline threatening videos.
Holy fucking shit.

VennomFangX did this cock sucking shit all the fucking time.

What is with asshats abusing the DMCA

>> No.4614034

>Everyone on the internet is more than aware that creationism is a joke.
children are susceptible to brainwashing from all those nonsense. they know that and we should educate young mind with the reasons and logic instead.

straining and suffocating religions at their agenda while neutralizing their growth is the best route for our kind.

>> No.4614037
File: 4 KB, 120x127, love our lord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's what makes it so funny!

You don't deal with your enemies by preventing their attacks.
That makes them think you're scared of them.
Instead, you allow them to give it their all.

And then you laugh at their pathetic attempts.

Don't you know anything about trolling?

>> No.4614040

They see it as a tool to censor criticism

>> No.4614044

no, some frail minded individual are vulnerable to their bullshit. castrate what it is religion and watch them dwindle into oblivion, now that is fun.

>> No.4614045

They're the ones trolling, if anything. You don't feed trolls

>> No.4614059

>castrate what it is religion and watch them dwindle into oblivion, now that is fun.
That's not how it works, bro.

You're horribly naive if you actually think the world works like that.

>> No.4614066
File: 76 KB, 743x989, trolling reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, no.

That would mean that they're a multi-layered troll.
Those ones are fun to feed because they provide the most entertainment.

>> No.4614074

the world doesn't work like that, that is why we should make it that way.

>> No.4614089
File: 10 KB, 207x160, girls are weird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, you see this thing you're doing right now?
This is why people like to claim that atheism is a religion.

Quit supporting fascism. It doesn't solve anything.

>> No.4614097

Can we do something about the homeopaths, 2012 apocalypse people , free-energy cranks, chemtrail schizophrenics, and every other pseudoscience idiot now?

>> No.4614105

religions had their fun for too long. it is only fair that we get our turns.

why are you advocating double standard. are you not aware what damages religion had on humanity throughout history?

>> No.4614108

How is being glad that religion is dying, and actively contributing to its death when possible fascist?

>> No.4614131

Yes, I'm aware.

Are you aware of what damaging affects humans have had on humanity?

I'm not saying that religion is good or bad. But people created religion because ultimately, people wanted religion.

The same goes for government. The same goes for business. You can't eliminate these things when ultimately, people want them to exist.

Now stop declaring yourself the godking of mankind. Humanity has gotten this far on its own. Why have you lost faith in it now?

>> No.4614145

Because if you feel compelled to convince everyone you're a genius, then you're probably not as smart as you think you are.

People will attach themselves to whatever works best for them. It's not your place to limit their options. If your ideas are actually worthwhile, they'll win in time.

>> No.4614288

That only sounds like a good plan to maximize casualties and/or spend the majority of your existence feigning laughter and surprise at stupid, mindless drivel.

>> No.4614296

But sometimes, the thing that works best for people in the short term is completely rigged, littered with deception, sometimes endorsed at very high levels, but probably bound for eventual failure at the expense of all the individuals who were conned to the point of complete devastation, a Ponzi Scheme, for example.

Are you saying it is wrong to interfere with people who systematically deceive others and destroy families (even if they are a small part of the deception system and maybe don't understand it fully) as long as people get to choose what superficially appears to be best for them under pressure?