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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 174 KB, 603x573, 1323959887862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4609186 No.4609186 [Reply] [Original]

What other boards do you frequent?

>> No.4609190

/g/ and occasionally /o/ or /lit/

>> No.4609192


>> No.4609194


>> No.4609193


>> No.4609195

just /b/

>> No.4609197


>> No.4609201


But also:
/soc/ for trap threads
/pol/ for laughs

>> No.4609208


>> No.4609216
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>mfw no /fa/scists

>> No.4609217

/o/ (recently)

>> No.4609228

sometimes /fit/

>> No.4609229

I tried /g/ once but they were too retarded.

This is the only board I really come to

>> No.4609240

/vg/ exclusively for Tribes and STALKER. As much as I like videogames I cant motivate myself to bother with /v/

/gif/ for gore threads

/x/ for laughs

/g/ at times





>> No.4609252

/vg/ for Fire Emblem, Dwarf Fortress, and SS13 Generals

>> No.4609258


>> No.4609260


>> No.4609263
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>> No.4609283


and of course /sci/

>> No.4609289
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>/a/ vs /sci/ at chess

>> No.4609293

/fit/ as ClandestineX
Used to frequent /b/ and /v/

>> No.4609298

>implying not a landslide victory by /sci/ducks

>> No.4609301
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You obviously have no idea where /a/ learned their chess.

>> No.4609302

/ck/ - often
/mu/ - seldom

>> No.4609305

/sci/ the most

followed rather equally by /trv/, /sp/, and /fit/. the physically fit traveling engineer who likes to kick a soccer ball around once in awhile.

>> No.4609309
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>> No.4609311
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sometimes /vg/

>> No.4609319
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Really? No /sp/artans????

Do none of you guys really watch sports? Maybe there's something to that nerd stereotype...

>> No.4609334


>> No.4609335


>> No.4609331

Sports are literally actively destructive to the advancement of mankind. Millions of dollars of capital gets thrown at them just to throw, kick, hit and dribble crap around. They never produce anything beyond entertainment, which is extremely transient and short-lived.

The extreme indulgence of sports figures is a cancer on society and you should be ashamed to support that.

Kill yourself.

>> No.4609332

Is that his king? How?

>> No.4609337

/ck/ /fit/ /m/ /sp/ /tv/

>> No.4609344



/sp/ team colors: blue and TOLD

>> No.4609346

/b/ 70%
/sci/ 29%
All other 1%

>> No.4609347


/sci/ is a distant third.

>> No.4609351


>> No.4609354

sometimes /fit/

>> No.4609358

/x/ /sci/, obviously, /fit/ /arkanine/ /wg/ /s/ /r/ /k/ /hr/ and /the Beeoard in which we don't speak of/

>> No.4609368

/v/ and /vg/
/b/ probably once everytime I get on.

>> No.4609374

My god look at all the /b/tards, weeboos, horsefuckers, and /v/tards

Now I know for certain why /sci/ is shit and why we have >no gf threads on here every fucking day

Fuck all of you

>> No.4609386


That's about it... I think.

>> No.4609390
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I'm a physics undergrad and the one thing that comes close to my love for physics is my love of sports. When I was first trying to understand the basic laws of physics and common methods of experimentation, I would find a corresponding example in some sport. Sometimes, I play as a midfielder for my college's soccer team; other times, a kicker for the football team. Most of the time, however, you'll find me in a lab doing research. Balance is a good thing.

Your monastic dedication to the sciences, though admirable, comes at the expense of the development of other parts of your being. Not only is this evident by your unwarranted hostile reaction to an anonymous user on an internet imageboard, but your posting on the very same platform is hypocritical of the very indulgence you lambast.
>extremely transient and short-lived
So are you. Have some fun once in awhile.

>> No.4609397

who the fuck has time to go on multiple boards

>> No.4609399
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>on 4chan
>complains about these things

>> No.4609400

oh yeah i forgot, theirs also /gif/ /roody poo/ and /candy ass/

>> No.4609398
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lurking /x/ or /b/ should exclude you from accessing /sci/. I don't even know how one could handle that kind of cognitive dissonance...

>> No.4609402
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sort of /a/

>> No.4609407
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Your monastic dedication to being a douchebag, though laughable, comes at the expense of me giving a fuck.

>> No.4609412


>> No.4609419
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> complaining about weeaboos on 4chan

>> No.4609422
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>> No.4609423

/b/, /g/, /gif/, /h/, /r9k/, /ck/, /co/, /diy/, and /pol/.

>> No.4609426


You act as though there's a purpose to life other than to pass on our genes and to keep ourselves entertained and enjoy life.

Protip: there isn't.

>> No.4609430
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>> No.4609431


>> No.4609433

Sports still does not contribute to humanity. It is a waste of resources.

>> No.4609437

Why does everyone here go on /g/? Is /sci/ really a bunch of neckbeard CS majors?

>> No.4609441

Passing on our genes is no more a purpose in our life as anything else.

Anyways, since a person's values are subjective, it's useless to tell someone they should respect something as much as you do. You can't form a logical argument to prove something like that.

>> No.4609444
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Marvel at my pretension.

>> No.4609454
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>You act as though there's a purpose to life other than to pass on our genes and to keep ourselves entertained and enjoy life.

>Billions of dollars spent on faggots who flail their limbs around
>Thousands of people suffer and die everyday essentially because the improper allocation of resources
>"This is okay because I suck Nietzsche's dick"
>mfw this is the best argument you've got

>> No.4609480
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The trouble I have with this argument is where you draw the line with it. It's easy to point at sports and say "oh yeah that's stupid and serves no purpose and the funds can be allocated better elsewhere" and I agree to some extent but... at what point does what we're going now become a waste of resources, what monitor resolution is "more than necessary," what kinds of art are wasting money, etc.

Maybe I'm just too concerned with an all-encompassing philosophy when I should just say "I at least know this much" but it's still just really hard for me to think that's a good argument.

>> No.4609484


>Implying "advancing humanity" as a concept is not completely and 100% subjective to individual opinion

Hypocritical fool.

>> No.4609493

/int/ because french.
/v/ because i like complaining (due to being french)

>> No.4609498

Lessening entropy.

Boom roasted.

>> No.4609500

I only browse /sci/ and /z/

>> No.4609504

>Put /z/ in search bar
>Expect 404

>> No.4609505

>bringing up entropy in a philosophical discussion
I'm pretty sure there's a debate law somewhere that says you lose when you do this.

>> No.4609506
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>> No.4609511

>I'm pretty sure there's a debate law somewhere that says you win when you do this.

>> No.4609543


>> No.4609542


>> No.4609549
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 1265182377336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me brah

>> No.4609563


>> No.4609576

>Posting in a thread no one reads.
>visiting /b/


And that's about all.

>> No.4609585


>> No.4609587

/fa/, /fit/. Funny huh?

>> No.4609594
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>> No.4609609


I need to fap at least twice a day to maintain my sanity.

>> No.4609714


>> No.4609716
File: 94 KB, 694x530, 564984645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


miku is now king of science