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4606029 No.4606029 [Reply] [Original]

>assigned to groups for research project
>have to give presentation on project
>one lazy fucker in group contributes nothing
>checks twitter and facebook constantly during meetings, doesn't participate
> I don't care, everyone else gets their shit done and his
>presentation is tomorrow
>working on it now
>he doesn't get to see final version before he's stood up in front of everyone presenting "his part"

Give me some ideas of how to fuck with him. Bonus points for subtlety.

The best I have right now is adding "Kiddy Fiddler" to his name on the slides, but there will be repercussions for that.

>> No.4606037

What's the subject?

>> No.4606040

Errase his name from the project.

>> No.4606041

Fluid dynamics, viscosity in particular.

>> No.4606043

Make him phonetically say cunt a few times if the teacher is female.

>> No.4606046

>Be lazy
>doesn't participate
>Awesome at public speaking and impromptu speeches

U mad, Steve?

BTW, I will have a better chance of getting employed than you. Have a nice day.

>> No.4606048

Can't. Professor already bitch at another group because of internal conflicts. Apparently he thinks that we can just talk people out of being assholes.

>> No.4606052

Your best bet it to put a bunch of things on slides that he can't explain at all, but is still related to the presentation. That way your group obviously put effort in and he is seen as a dumb ass.

Anything that goes terribly wrong will reflect poorly on the group as a whole. If he doesn't know what's goes on, it will be clear he didn't work on the presentation. Therefore, the people who worked on it must have wrote "Kiddy Fiddler."

>> No.4606054
File: 17 KB, 444x299, tumblr_lifi6eAOtH1qdrgj7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, please let OP's name be Steve

>> No.4606056

Make the font comic for his part of the presentation.

>> No.4606057


>> No.4606061

*comic sans

>> No.4606067

Put your name on the bottom right of all your slides.
Put the other group members on the bottom right of all their slides.
Cover all the material in your parts.
Have some blank slides in the middle with his name on them.
He gets up for his part of the presentation. You let him stammer like a dumbass for a few seconds. Then you finish clicking past all his blank slides to another team member who continues with the presentation, and your group finishes having covered all the material.

>> No.4606069

perfect, thanks

>> No.4606074

Add this link to one of his slides, http://1.usa.gov/pMGYc3

>> No.4606077

Add a bunch of ppt effects and unrelated clip art to his section too

>> No.4606080

Just make him say stuff that's completely and obviously false. Also make sure he starts off by telling everyone that HE worked on this part.

>> No.4606091

Use Dingbats instead. And turn his background colour and type colour's to complementaries with no value contrast. Example, bright red on bright green. Or lemon yellow on violet. Shit is hard to read.

>> No.4606092

Putty really shitty and pointless quotes in stupid places.

>> No.4606093
File: 309 KB, 150x113, austin_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4606100

I know that feel, OP

>HS Physics
>Big group assignment is a 10 step Rube Goldberg Machine
>Worth 2 test grades
>Work with 2 guys in the class I know
>One day teacher asks me if S. from his other class can be in our group
>Our project is already 70% done, yeahsureiguesswhatever
>Work our asses off to finish and make sure it works
>He just stands there walking around our project, everytime I ask him for his opinion or ideas he just mumbles incoherently
>We have to end up rushing through the end
>Barely scrape by with enough successful runthroughs to get a 78%
>The day of the presentation he just sits there not saying anything, only doing things when asked even when things that he could do are apparent

>> No.4606130

This would be amazing if you want to totally make a point and screw him over.

If you're looking for something a little more mild, add obnoxious animations to all his parts. I'm talking about the text that flies in one letter at a time at the slowest possible pace. That, or custom animate it so that the text spins around and does loop-de-loops before finally settles down.