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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4599140 No.4599140 [Reply] [Original]

If evolution is true, then why do I have a massive cock which never touched a pussy?

>> No.4599144


>> No.4599145 [DELETED] 
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>If evolution is true...
fuck off

>> No.4599211

Are you denying evolution?

>> No.4599214

Because you're a fucking aspie, like everyone else on this board

>> No.4599217

....what does one have to do with the other?

(Also, there are probably lots of reasons.)

>> No.4599219

course im fucking not, evolution is an obvious fact.
its just we get troll threads here all the time:
>"hey atheists! if evolution is true then how come herpa derpdedurrpdurpp!?
>creationists: 1
>atheists: 0"

>> No.4599220


Stop abusing that word. It's a scientific theory. That's a difference.

>> No.4599225

its both!

>> No.4599226

No, it's not.

>> No.4599231

A fact is verifiable, a scientific theory is falsifiable. Evoluton is neither of those.

>> No.4599235
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How come my parents and grandparents are human if we descended from apes?

And why are there still apes?

Oh atheists...

>> No.4599236


>> No.4599240

go back with your own kind

>> No.4599243

Every fucking week I hear another idiot spout out shit like this.

Evolution is fact

Evolution is demonstrable

Evolution has been observed

There is no mystery. There is no "but they don't know how this happens". It happens. We've seen it happen. Fact.

>inb4 micro not macro hurrrrr
read a book damnit.

>> No.4599244

>"theory" can refer to geusswork

>> No.4599247

It's funny because if everyone was atheists, there wouldn't be moral anymore in society and everyone would probably kill themselves after birth because there isn't a meaning of life.

>> No.4599249

funny thing is, the Atheist side is actually more logical. "It just makes sense" is terribly unscientific. That's why people used to think heavy things fell faster.

>> No.4599252

I didn't want to sage.

>> No.4599253

Bullshit. "Evolution" has not been observed. Mutations and other crap have been observed. Evolution is the unfalsifiable explanation for things that have been observed. It has evidence, is plausible, but makes no testable predictions.

>> No.4599254
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yes it fucking is!
"A scientific theory is a set of principles that explain and predict phenomena.[1] Scientists create scientific theories with the scientific method, when they are originally proposed as hypotheses and tested for accuracy through observations and experiments.[2] Once a hypothesis is verified, it becomes a theory."
>Once a hypothesis is verified, it becomes a theory
>'proven to be true'
>'proven to be...a fact!'

>> No.4599256

I giant dick doesn't do all that much to help you reproduce better, especially in a world where you're worried about things like wild animals and feeding your family and whether or not you'll get lost while out hunting.

>> No.4599257

>a scientific theory is falsifiable
then fucking falsify the theory of gravity, tard!
get an apple to float upwards and then maybe youve got a fucking point!
until then, STFU!

my own kind? ive never posted on /cgl/

>> No.4599258

Evolution cannot be verified. Neither does it make testable predictions. It does not use the scientific method. Stop spouting that uneducated garbage. Evolotion is a highly backed up explanation, but it is unfalsifiable.

>> No.4599260
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>scientific theory
>a hard science

>> No.4599261


You are a retard.

>> No.4599263

Are you retarded? Don't you know what falsifiable means?

Falsifiable means there exists a hypothetical scenario that would render your theory wrong. For gravity that could be an apple floating upwards. For evolution no such scenario exists.

>> No.4599264

No u. Fuck off back to /b/. You can't even properly reply.

>> No.4599265

Oh right then
i guess every theory is now a fact
i was wrong to assume things like bohrs model of the atom and theories of the past are no longer valid because apparently you know better.

>> No.4599266

>hypothetical scenario
so fucking what?
hypothetically some wizard can make an apple float upwards and prove gravity wrong]its still never gonna happen!
its just hypothetical.

>> No.4599268
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Genetics are a headstart maybe it's how you run with it that matters

>> No.4599269

Pleae leave. If you don't know what "falsifiable" and "hypothetical" means, then you shouldn't be allowed to post on a science board.

>> No.4599271

im not saying ALL theories are true; some are, some arnt
but evolution is both a theory AND a fact.
its been observed, its proven to be true.

>> No.4599272


How about life on earth not existing you stupid fuck?

>> No.4599274

>Mutations and other crap have been observed
>Mutations observed
>Change over time observed

>Evolution not observed
>Change over time not observed

>Change over time observed but hasn't been observed

You're a fucking retard.

Evolution encompasses what you call "micro and macro" evolution

But in reality there is no difference.

It's like saying

"Macro" evolution is just millions of years of "micro" evolution.
So the ONLY reason you are moral is because a book told you to be?

And there I was thinking that people were nice purely because they didn't want to be dickheads.

>> No.4599276

>then fucking falsify the theory of gravity, tard! get an apple to float upwards and then maybe youve got a fucking point! until then, STFU!
I don't think you know what the fuck "falsifiable" means. It describes the mere *potential* of demonstrating falsity. Gravity is falsifiable too, of course.

>> No.4599277

That's not even hypothetically possible. We already observed life on earth to exist.

>> No.4599278

falsifiable: could ppotentially be shown to be not true
hypothetical: imaginary scenario of what could occur in a situation

of course i know what they fucking mean, twat!
evolution is still true
you're still a prick

>> No.4599280

You don't even know what "proof" means. Only in math we can proof things. A theory can at best be backed up by evidence.

>> No.4599283

Evolution is not just "change over time". Please go back to elementary school. Seriously, any 8 year old is better educated in the matter.

>> No.4599284

but if evolution has fucking been OBSEREVD!! does that count as enough fucking proof for you you shitstained troll!??

>> No.4599285
File: 4 KB, 539x206, 2012-04-21_162245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking saved. You really are the dumbest fucking person on the internet.

>> No.4599287

>hurr durr
>opinions and believes
>not addressing arguments

I said it's unfalsifiable.

>> No.4599290

>evolution is not falsifiable

Evolution is an observation.

If offspring didn't inherit their genes from both of their parents, then evolution would be falsified.

>> No.4599292

No, it hasn't been observed. Observations have been made and evolution is the fucking explanation based on them, not the observations themselves.

>> No.4599296

No, it wouldn't be falsified. It would just not apply to that situation. Evolution is not the same as the observations. It's the explanation.

>> No.4599299


you're an idiot.

the theory of evolution is the explanation. evolution itself is an observable phenomenon.

>> No.4599303

There's both. There's the fact of evolution, and the theory of evolution.

Just like there's the fact of gravity (massive things attract each other) and the theory of gravity (our best one ATM is GR).

>> No.4599304

No, it's not. The observable phenomena have other names. Stop unnaturally redifining shit for your trolling purposes.

>> No.4599306

Please stop posting. You neither know the term "fact" nor the term "theory".

>> No.4599308
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>this whole thread

>> No.4599309

Oh, I beg to differ. Feel free to make an argument.

>> No.4599310

Why should I make an argument? I just pointed out that you are spouting uneducated garbage. That's about it. No further discussion needed. Now go back to school and educate yourself.

>> No.4599312

And I'm just pointing out that I give you 0/10 points for your trolling.

>> No.4599314

That's seems about right, because I am not trolling.

>> No.4599315

Are you fucking dumb


1. The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the...
> 2. The gradual development of something, esp. from a simple to a more complex form.


Taking place or progressing slowly


>1. Move forward or onward in space or time: "as the century progressed, the quality of telescopes improved"



> 1. Grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate: "motion pictures developed into mass entertainment".
2. (of a poor agricultural country) Become more economically and socially advanced.


>1. (of a living thing) Undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically; progress to maturity.
2. (of a plant) Germinate and develop.




You fucking prick

>> No.4599317 [DELETED] 

>You don't know what you're talking about
>>How so?
>Why should I explain? Go back to school.
>I'm not trolling

Sure thing, bro.

>> No.4599319

Watch out everybody, this guy gets colloquial definitions from google and doesn't give a shit about their definitions in science.

>> No.4599320

>I just pointed out that you are spouting uneducated garbage.
Not really. Why don't you just tell him what it is that he's supposedly misunderstanding about the terms?

>> No.4599321

>You don't know what you're talking about
>>How so?
>Why should I explain? Go back to school.
>I'm not trolling

Sure thing, bro.

>> No.4599322

When he displays pure and distilled ignorance, there's no help for him. He has to learn it from the basics. I'm not here to give anyone a full lecture on evolution.

>> No.4599323


>> No.4599325

What's your fucking definition of evolution then you dipshit?

>> No.4599327

I already did ITT. If he's unable to read and comprehend, I can't do more than redirecting him to an institution where he can learn it (school).

>> No.4599331


In other words, you dont have any argument and are conceding defeat.
Its okay theres always another time.

>> No.4599332

That's exactly what I told him.

>> No.4599329

That means I'm the opposite of a troll, right? Well yes, I am posting facts.

Don't you know what evolution is? Have you never been to school? Seriously?

>> No.4599330

Don't bother to post at all, then. No one's interested in unsubstantiated assertions. That's just plain shitposting.

>> No.4599336


Is dis nigga serious?

>> No.4599338

Are you retarded? It's not about arguments here. We are not having a debate, there's just one ignorant idiot who doesn't know what evolution is. I told him to go to school in order to learn it.

>> No.4599339

I don't think you know what verified means...

If bob asks me to verify that the thing in the sky is Superman and I look up and it looks like Superman so I say yeah it looks like Superman to me too that doesn't mean that either of us actually proved it.

>> No.4599340

Of course I'm serious. I know I'm right.

>> No.4599342

ITT: Getting trolled by a troll

>> No.4599344

Okay, I let's pretend I've never been to school.

Oh please, enlightened one, what is this "evolution" you speak of?

>> No.4599345

>: 2: to establish the truth, accuracy, or reality of <verify the claim>

if they agree but arnt sure, it isnt the same as verifying.

>> No.4599349

He won't give you what you're asking for. He won't even substantiate his insults.

>> No.4599350

I told you I'm not gonna give you a lecture ITT. You can read a book, you can go to school, whatever, I don't care. But please educate yourself on the subject before posting.

>> No.4599351
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I think he is actually serious guys...

>> No.4599352

No, it's not. Truth is objective and not just common agreement. Learn the difference, you fucking retard.

>> No.4599353

Don't mistake persistence for sincerity. He's trolling.

>> No.4599357

It's quite funny how the uneducated children of /sci/ get "trolled" by someone pointing out the truth. How you get mad over a scientific correction.

>> No.4599358

You won't troll me, nigga.

>> No.4599363

In other words: "hurr durr I won't accept the factual truth". Well if that's what you're saying, then fuck off and leave /sci/.

>> No.4599364
File: 24 KB, 492x277, Sweet+mother+of+Steve+Irwin+s+Sting+Ray+proof+vests+is+_3af82752f6304ffdda12fa02fd01e629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He is actually serious...

>> No.4599365

"In the broadest sense, evolution is merely change, and so is all-pervasive; galaxies, languages, and political systems all evolve. Biological evolution ... is change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the lifetime of a single individual. The ontogeny of an individual is not considered evolution; individual organisms do not evolve. The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are those that are inheritable via the genetic material from one generation to the next. Biological evolution may be slight or substantial; it embraces everything from slight changes in the proportion of different alleles within a population (such as those determining blood types) to the successive alterations that led from the earliest protoorganism to snails, bees, giraffes, and dandelions."

- Douglas J. Futuyma in Evolutionary Biology, Sinauer Associates 1986

>"In the broadest sense, evolution is merely change"
>"Biological evolution ... is change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the lifetime of a single individual"
>"change in properties...that transcend the lifetime of a single individual"


>over time

I've had enough of you. You going to start arguing about the definition of evolution with one of the top biologists?

You're fucking retarded

>> No.4599366

No, no he's not. He's doubling down.
Keep crying, bitcha nigga. You won't troll me.

>> No.4599367


dis nigga

>> No.4599371

>in the broadest sense

Yeah sure, dumb it down to colloquial speech and rip off all scientific definitions. You are a hater of science.

>> No.4599372


Enjoy your ban.

>> No.4599375

>the truth

Choose one. Oh wait, you already chose trolling. Well bad for you. Good luck staying uneducated.

>> No.4599376
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You a funny guy.

>> No.4599377


Yeah just ignore the part where it says

>"Biological evolution is..."

And protip, Biological evolution is just the broad sense of evolution applied to populations of organisms

>> No.4599378

For what? For insisting on staying scientific on a science board?

>> No.4599379

that was exactly my fucking point you absolute fucking moron!

>> No.4599381

No, it's not. It seems that you have no idea what evolution is.

>> No.4599383

Then why the fuck did you say the exact opposite, you moron?

>> No.4599386

Fact vs. Theory of evolution.

Species change over generations. Evolution.

We have a way of explaining this change. Evolution.

But hey, you two enjoy your little bitch-fight over two different terms that happen to use the same word sometimes.

>> No.4599388
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>"if they agree but arnt sure, it isnt the same as verifying." - EK - copyright, 2011.

>> No.4599389


Stop time travelling.

>> No.4599391

OP Here
I love how easy it is to entertain you aspies

>> No.4599392

You have weak sperm that need to be delivered right to the door, so to speak. Evolution is pulling for you, man, but your seed might just not be good enough to make babies... sorry.

>> No.4599394


>> No.4599397

>implying you can take any credit at all for this shitstorm.
>implying anyone payed any attention to the OP
>implying anyone believes you when you said you had a huge dick

>> No.4599395

lul epick trole XD

>> No.4599396

>implying women (shallow bitches and whores) give a fuck about the quality of sperm

All they care about is being dumb, uneducated, violent and generally being an asshole.
I'm none of those, so I'll better have to become gay, if I want sex.

>> No.4599402

It's funny how someone correcting others in a scientific manner can incite a shitstorm. But what's even more funny is that an evolution shitstorm is nothing compared to a dualism shitstorm. This thread won't hit the bump limit. A dualism debate always does.

>> No.4599403

So, you're sad that you're trolling hasn't reached the epic level of IQ fundie's trolling yet?

>> No.4599405

That's because qualia is by definition existent and non-physical, therefore, qualia is existent and non-physical.

>> No.4599406

Which trolling? I never trolled. All I do is correcting blatant incorrectness.

>> No.4599407


Not only did you completely miss the point, but you also admitted that you are gay.
I cant even imagine how idiotically embarrassing it must be for you now.

>> No.4599408

Precisely. It's good to see someone who finally gets it.

>> No.4599410

Wrong. Qualia are by definition only the subjective aspects of an experience. Nothing more. Any other properties are derived from the definition by applying logic.

>> No.4599411
File: 107 KB, 600x480, 1310048870908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dualism shitstorm
i'd imagine we can wrap that up even quicker than the 'hurr durr evolution is just a theory! (a geuss!)' shitstorms

<<<(couldnt find it, its that pic of determinism vs dualism, where one is bran with cogs in, and one is tinkerbell waving a magic wand, if anyone has it, please post, but i wont hold my breath...)

>> No.4599412

It's cute that you're borrowing my trip. Really, it's not necessary, I can handle this.

>> No.4599415

Yeah, do it. Go ahead and disprove an unfalsifiable philosophical theory by posting a /b/ picture.

>> No.4599416


You have no chance, imposter.

>> No.4599420

No chance to what? Besides, I'm just here to correct people who don't understand the definition of qualia. There's no need to pretend to be me.

>> No.4599422

>the mind exists in some magic parallel universe with no evidence...because magic.
also there is heaven and you can live forever/get reincarnated...you know...because souls

>> No.4599424

Really, it just follows from the definition of qualia and applying some logic.

>> No.4599425

Cannot be communicated, therefore, DUALISM!!!!

>> No.4599428

We have evidence. The inherent non-physicality of qualia cannot be accounted for by physicalism.

>> No.4599431

We can prove it by contradiction.

Assume that qualia are physical.
Anything physical can be communciated.
But this contradicts the definition of qualia.
Therefore qualia are nonphysical.

>> No.4599441

shut your whore mouth

>> No.4599446

My point exactly, bro. If it cannot be communicated, it has to be non-physical.

>> No.4599450

A fellow defender of scientific correctness! Have my trip.

>> No.4599461


>> No.4599465

Also, I'm not the original IQ fundie either.

>> No.4599473

Of course you're not. I didn't even use the trip anymore after I gave it away.