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File: 84 KB, 719x518, sad toad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4596419 No.4596419 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw current economic + global warming trend implies that in 2200 the world will be too hot for poor 3rd world countries to adapt to.

>famine, poverty and suffering will increase to astronomical levels until they become barren wastelands

good job 1st world countries I hope you're happy

>> No.4596433

oh man, I seriously hope we can get our shit together in 200 years. I know we probably cannot sustain our technological advancement from the past few centuries, but still, we have 200 years.

>> No.4596444
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problem is much of the damage is irreversible, its gonna happen, a 5 degree Celcius increase will most likely happen in 120+years, no matter what we do

we can only hope to minimize the increase and not let it go even higher

>> No.4596482

>Implying that the current state of the world isnt pathetic

Regions of africa are still afflicted with civil war, armies travel from village to village killing all the men and raping the women, regardless of age. They will also torture the women psycologically by forcing them to commit cannibalism on their husbands or on their children, or physically by dousing them in gasoiline and lighting parts (crotch) of them on fire.

Disease and hunger ravage the land, even in parts where there is less conflict, farmers make close to nothing due to the developed world exploiting markets in the past and in present. (e.g. most developed countries use up around 50% of their taxes to subsidize local farmers to keep them in business)

Farmers are forced to cultivate either palms for palm oil (used for western cosmetics but also in produced foods such as ice cream) or drug plants (certain drugs that are relatively unknown to europe because they are basically shittier and with worse side effects, but while europe dictates them as illegal to trade other african countries do not)

>> No.4596495

Who cares? Why should I give a shit what happens to some shithole country?

>> No.4596505

It's sad the the majority of people just go "Oh, a 2 degree temperature rise won't make a difference, we've gone through ice ages and hot periods it's no biggie."

Bitch you'd be almost dead if your body temp dropped 2 degrees

>> No.4596510

Sounds like global hunger is going to be solved, then.

>> No.4596515


>some shithole country
>implying you don’t live in one if this is the way you’re taught to think

>> No.4596527

>>implying anywhere is worse than subsaharan Africa.

>> No.4596532

>why should I care?
no reason to necessarily care, it's a matter of values I guess

maybe you'll get reborn in one of those countries lol

>> No.4598708

>implying global temperature correlate to body temperature
herp derp

>> No.4598715

sorry, i'm not a curry nigger. i'm sure my corpse will be enjoying a dirt nap when the time comes.

>> No.4598736

I'm all for killing off the less fortunate.

That being said, if you think that the current trends won't change for the next 200 years, you're completely fucking delusional.

>> No.4598746

>Regions of africa are still afflicted with civil war, armies travel from village to village killing all the men and raping the women, regardless of age. They will also torture the women psycologically by forcing them to commit cannibalism on their husbands or on their children, or physically by dousing them in gasoiline and lighting parts (crotch) of them on fire.
[citation needed]

>> No.4598763


>> No.4598772


"Blahyi has said he led his troops naked except for shoes and a gun. He believed that his nakedness was a source of protection from bullets.[8] Blahyi now claims he would regularly sacrifice a victim before battle, saying, "Usually it was a small child, someone whose fresh blood would satisfy the devil."[1] He explained to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer: "Sometimes I would enter under the water where children were playing. I would dive under the water, grab one, carry him under and break his neck. Sometimes I'd cause accidents. Sometimes I'd just slaughter them."[9] In January 2008, Milton-Blahyi confessed to taking part in human sacrifices which "included the killing of an innocent child and plucking out the heart, which was divided into pieces for us to eat."[10]"

>nog nogs

>> No.4598775

>global warming trend
Who cares about that stupid lie after Climategate?

>> No.4598784


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>> No.4598797
File: 322 KB, 660x413, pict_dnBdYGFncXVvNDs7Pj0oYH53YGJicCs4bXtgaTN4fHdUU0dVVgpDRUBdWE5aX3FZSl9GQVJqVVJaTkhcExtNSTkzf3J0d3ZpPyo@bSo7Iz1tZ2RjcjQ0JzYpLylhbHg8BRMEXlU=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every mile of land you lose to the rising ocean is another mile of real estate for seabros. DOHOHOHOHO

>> No.4598799

oh nigga, is you srs?

well, that's hilarious, but it shows the general idiocy of niggers more than the claims you've made

>> No.4598804
File: 60 KB, 426x571, babbytwopointoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who cares about that stupid lie after Climategate?


>"Once again, Dr. Michael Mann and other climate scientists have been investigated by a third party to see if there was any wrongdoing in the “Climategate” scandal. And once again, they were cleared of any wrongdoing. They had been previously cleared by an International Panel of Scientists last year, by a panel at Penn State, and have been cleared by various other agencies as well. This time, the investigation was conducted by the National Science Foundation, and you can read the report in full here. Like the other investigations, the NSF found no evidence of falsifying data, manipulation of data, or destruction of data by Dr. Michael Mann or any of the climate research scientists based at the University of East Anglia."


>"Leaked documents suggest that an organization known for attacking climate science is planning a new push to undermine the teaching of global warming in public schools, the latest indication that climate change is becoming a part of the nation’s culture wars."

>> No.4598811

>Warmer temperatures
>More CO2 = more bountiful crop yields

Canadian here. I'm okay with this.

>> No.4598820

>well, that's hilarious, but it shows the general idiocy of niggers more than the claims you've made

You didn't believe anon's comment of the average day in sub-Saharan Africa and i gave you an example, what more do you want?

I think the devil children documentaries* are still on youtube somewhere if that's better

*Some nigger goes around african towns showing a video of Children 'possessed by the devil and are now witches' and tells them god is a way out of it yadda yadda

>> No.4598822
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>dumbfag doesn't realise that sunlight, not CO2 is the limiting factor for plant growth.

Go back to high school biology.

>> No.4598830

not sure if true.

recent examinations of trees in my area are showing a 20% increase in annual growth.

this is undoubtedly tied to longer growing season due to warming, but also seems to be related to CO2 concentrations.

for more specific cases examine foram productivity and CO2 correlations- photosynthetic forams track CO2 nicely despite the fact that insolation is the same over large periods of time.

what the other anon overlooks is that plants WILL be more productive, but will be less nutritious per weight since growing faster doesn't follow a linear correlation with nutrient uptake.

>> No.4598832

>implying commerical greenhouses and marijuana grow operators don't raise the CO2 level several fold

>> No.4598834
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Climate change
>it doesn't happen
>it's a good thing
>it doesn't matter
Welp, looks like the teaparty defense force is out in force today.

>> No.4598838

>implying that his sins were not washed clean with the blood of the lamb

its like you edgy scifags dont know how anything works at all

>> No.4598839

ironically they'll be the ones bitching the loudest when it affects them.

actually texass and oklahoma have mostly shut up since they haven't seen any rain in a few years. They're pretty quick when they want to be.

>> No.4598842

Climate change is good. If it fucks over brown people, I'm even more in favor of it!

Assassinate progressives.

>> No.4598843


Given 24 hour sunlight, plants grow non-stop. CO2 pales in comparison. Why do you think weed growers leave big lamps on 24/7?

>> No.4598845

Texas is doing fine and will continue to do fine.

>Thinking global warming doesn't INCREASE precipitation globally.


>> No.4598847
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Half of Texas went up in flames last year.

>doing fine

>> No.4598849

there's no way to artificially increase insolation on a global scale though, so it doesn't matter.

we can increase CO2 though.
and increasing CO2 results in faster growth.
thus CO2 is one of the limiting factors that can actually be changed.

I think you're wrong in general though, since what limits plant growth is a local thing and could be one of a shitload of factors other than sunlight.

>> No.4598852

Half? Lolno. A few areas did, but forest fires have always been going on in TX. Texas has always had conditions of drought. Ever hear of the fucking dustbowl? That drought was much worse than today's.

>> No.4598853

only if water is also more available, as well as CO2 and sunlight

>> No.4598855

There's gonna be one anomalous year with record flooding in both states, and it's gonna cause a plague of teaparty "toldjaso"s to descent upon US. Then it's gonna take four or five years of drought with fast pumping depleting Ogallala before someone wises up again.

>> No.4598857

I watched texas burn last summer
I expect I'll be back to watch it again this summer.

how's your feedlots doing?
texas is fucked

>> No.4598868

My friends are doing just fine with their cattle business. The aquifers we've developed and bolstered via damming the rivers aren't going anywhere.

>> No.4598872

you can't bullshit a bullshitter

price of beef is rising, that's good for the two or three people who have water.

fuckload of cattle going north last year though.
another fuckload went to slaughter.

>> No.4598875

Cattle price goes up due to grain price. Grain price has nothing to do with the drought, and everything to do with kike speculators.

>> No.4598878

all I'm hearing out of texass and okieland is "water, water, water."

the price of beef dropped last year because you guys had no water and slaughtered entire herds.

the price is now up because nobody's got water to raise more.

but I guess in your mind grain must've gotten really cheap during that dry spell last year.

>> No.4598880
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>not going anywhere
Yes, they are going somewhere. You can't get unlimited use out of a limited resource.

If Texas gets less rain, the aquifers will recharge less, and since there's no rain, the aquifers are going to get used more.

Fuck you, fuck your friend and fuck his cattle. And it's your friend who is doing the fucking.

>> No.4598883

OP did you just say in 200 years we will get rid of famine poverty and suffering, due to everyone living in a 3rd world country will die.
thanks btw.

>> No.4598888

>kike speculators
There's the last part that I missed in >>4598834

It's like I'm really watching FOX News.

>> No.4598892



>> No.4598909

Climate change causes an increase in the variance of rainfall, as well as increasing the total amount of precipitation; dry areas get drier, wet areas get wetter.

This is not good for equatorial areas, in any way shape or form.

>> No.4598946

Peak oil + climate change will sure fuck up the third world a lot


>famine, poverty and suffering will increase to astronomical levels until they become barren wastelands
>barren wastelands

But thats progress. Barren wasteland is prefferable to a shithole country where people suffer.

The problem is, instead of a barren wasteland we may get quickly procreating hordes of poor people.

>> No.4598984
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>mfw most of the replies in this thread

>oh well derp I cant really affect anything in the world to stop these atrocities, nor do I have anything substatial to add, I'll just say fuck those niggers let them die haha IDGAF.

This type of response was of course expected, but what grinds my gears is how thoroughly ignored all these issues are.

Foreign aid is needed bad, and leaders acknowledge this, most countries in europe have not cut back on foreign aid (because it fruits economic benefit for the aider), but then some idiot shows up "huur durr we pay X million to other countries we should think of our own first". I'm sorry, globalization happened, and the X million you named as an absolute is actuallly just 2% of the GDP. Household economics != country economics.

>> No.4598985
File: 72 KB, 798x500, amusedputin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Fuck you, fuck your friend and fuck his cattle.

>> No.4599042



>> No.4599054

It keeps the peace. While the logical thing would be to abolish foreign aid as it is now, it would cause a diplomatic catastrophe that would cause a lot of havoc in the short term and strain critical relationships for a hundred years.

>> No.4599058

I really don't get how sending a fuckton of aid to a region to prop up a locally unsustainable population is helping them. If M'bukta Dbongo wants to have 8 fucking kids because he lives in a mudhut and the only entertainment he has is fucking his wife's worn out hole, that's his business, but the land can't fucking sustain them.

Poverty is well and truly a bitch and it sucks that innocent children fall victim to it, but the aid model is unsustainable. Foreign aid usually comes with strings attached and it seeds an entitlement culture. There was some documentary on TV about 2 weeks ago covering some African village somewhere. After decades of living off of handouts, they finally figured out that they could actually farm their own fucking land if they put in the work to set up the irrigation from deep wells. Half of them refused to do the work unless they got paid. They couldn't fucking understand that their own future and the future of their octomom children depended on this shit, so they just said fuck it and went home to starve. Some of them finally came back after lots of talks, but still, fuck them.

Make an effort to improve your own shithole before everyone else is expected to pour money into it so you can keep living unsustainable.

>> No.4599060
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>african shitholes

>critical relationships

>> No.4599068
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>> No.4599072
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Well said.

>> No.4599075

Everything is connected. What you do to one country affects nearby countries in complex ways.

It's the same reason US supports Israel no matter what shit they come up with. It's a bad choice, but not supporting them could potentially lead to even worse outcomes.

>> No.4599085

>wasting your life worrying about problems you'll never have to face

>> No.4599087 [DELETED] 

Yes, but we should not be selfish and pollute the planet and not care about the future just because it will not impact on us.
Our great grandchildren would hate the memory of us if they learnt that we had that attitude.

>> No.4599089

> implying no immortality or at least extended lifetime

>> No.4599093

>not my problem
Yes, it's not your problem. Your attitude is your problem.
And that makes it a problem for everyone who wants to act responsibly.
So thanks for heaping up more work for others. Parasite.

>> No.4599097

Don't believe in Global Warming.
>don't care.

Get over the fact it is made up/

>> No.4599101

Your overwhelming presentation of evidence and incredible arguments fail to impress me.

>> No.4599103

>implying we won't ascend to a glorious singularity in 50 years
You're not focusing on the real problem: how to achieve this before all the retarded politicians bankrupt our countries.

>> No.4599108


Dude, didn't they just release a scientific theory on quantum computing just last week? According to experts on tv (yeah I know) we'll have functioning quantum processors available for commercial use in 10 years.

They use less power, they're smaller, faster etc etc. It's just the next step in computer evolution. They make the chips we currently have look like Charles Babbage's wooden calculator. We'll finally be able to mass produce high end systems for everything you can imagine.

>> No.4599112


Correlation does not imply causation. I haven't been reading on global warming myself but all I see so far are "experts" who "agree" that CO2 is causing global warming.

Just because some statistics indicate something doesn't mean it's true. Surely someone has articles with SCIENTIFIC PROOF of either way?

>> No.4599116

>don't need facts. need an old person to tell me when there have been droughts and when there has been abundance.
>correlation between times, about 35years in Melbourne from normal water conditions till another drought.
>last major drought in Melborne, 1970's then 2000's now we are having floods.
Herp derp

>> No.4599122

Yeah, that's real good.
Read up on what 99% of climatologists have been publishing in the past ten years and come back to me with something that refutes ALL of it and then I'll believe you're not trolls, shills or just stupid as hell.

>> No.4599636

3rd worlders will have to refugee in the 1st world
goodbye nationalism/traditionalism
hello every-day-a-diversity-parade

its like conservatards are committing a slow suicide
i love it

>> No.4599644

>3rd worlders will have to refugee in the 1st world
>people finally figure out they are subhuman scum
>they are enslaved and exploited as it is proper

>> No.4599656

exploited? surely not in capitalist america!

>implying immigrants arent twice as successful at starting new businesses than native born citizens
keep the butt hurt flowing, friend.
hows voting against your interests going?

>> No.4599660

>implying I'm American

And I'm enjoying voting for my local xenofobic party quite well, thank you.

>> No.4599676

better to keep the darkies out than finance a proper education!

didnt challenge success(immigrants) > success(natives)?

politics as entertainment?
your country has a great future.

>> No.4599685

>successful at starting new businesses
>new businesses
>a good thing

So you are a capitalistard on top of being a nigger lover? Oh, this is just getting better and better.

>> No.4599725

>Correlation =/= causation

We arent talking about pirates and orange imports here.

Any retard can see if you increase the concentration of greenhouse gases you would expect the temperature to rise. Oh look we have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases and temperature has risen. We havent found any other climate forcings that could explain the temperature change.

The "it's a natural cycle" argument is bullshit. Climate doesnt change unless something is changing it. These things are called "forcings"

>> No.4599756

Ok. Let's assume you're right.

Now what? Even if we stopped ALL greenhouse gases the temperature is still going to rise 4 degrees by the end of the century. Given we can't even reduce our growth in greenhouse gases, let alone stop all output, it's pretty safe to say that without drastic measures the temperature is going to keep rising.

Hence, drastic measures are required, basically geoengineering.

The more advanced our technology is, the more effective those measures will be.
But the current environmentalist position is to bitch and moan about carbon emissions and natural resources. As a result, economic growth is slowed, and that means technological growth is slowed.

So come 100 years from now when we need to seriously think about altering the earth's climate, we'll be less prepared than if we stopped all this "green movement" BS and focused on technology and building up the economy.

>> No.4599786

>Implying Africa won't be what America was in 1975 two hundred years from now

>> No.4600304

I'm warm blooded too.game over man,game over.