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4592480 No.4592480 [Reply] [Original]

Explain why I should go to college?

They just overeducate me.

99% of what I learn in college is not use in real life.

Am I right?

>> No.4592487

College is one of the few chances you will have to make connections with such a large variety of ambitious, smart, wealthy people before they grow into the type of asshole business and professional people who will not give you the time of day.

>> No.4592486

Why do we learn? Because we want to know.

If you're there for other reasons, you might want to take some time off to think about what you're doing.

>> No.4592490
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I want to learn because I want to EARN.

College is a good chance to meet a bunch of pretentious faggots and familiarize yourself with the shit life ahead of you.

>> No.4592495

Yes, if that is the path you take choose and those are the people you decide to be around, colleges are big places with many opportunities.

Anyway, skip college and just suck dicks for dollars if you only care about money and being such a gigantic faggot.

>> No.4592498

It is used in "real life" if you use what you learn in your job or otherwise.

If you think so poorly about college, then don't go. Quit complaining and fuck off.

>> No.4592497

learning enlarges your point of view faggot. you cant be successful if you dont know anydick but what you do.

>> No.4592505

Learn to earn! Well you're off to a good start with those mad poetry skills. :3

>> No.4592522

College is not there to prepare you for 'real life' you tool. Its there to give you the knowledge and skills needed for high level professions such as engineering or research.

>> No.4592525

You shouldn't go to college. It's not worth it anymore. You better prepare for the post oil era instead.

>> No.4592528

This. We don't fucking need you bloating up the enrollment, dumbing down the classes, and trying to skate by with the bare C-.
All the while interrupting the professor every ten minutes with "is this going to be on the test" or "are we responsible for this material."

Fuck off. You are the scum of the earth OP. Yes, worse than an AIDS-ridden suicide bomber with a mustache made from childrens' bone marrow.

>> No.4592530

When I hear all these morons who think you do not need to go to college for any job ever or people who think its a pointless waste of money it makes me wonder if they are even aware STEM subjects exist.

>> No.4592536

You seem like a very self righteous person.

>> No.4592537

>I want to EARN.

It's depressing, but this has become the reason why 99% of people go to college. The undergrad degree has become the new high school diploma. Universities are now places where young people hang out to get their undergrad degree in bullshit before forgetting all about acquiring knowledge and finding employment.

It's also the same reason why obnoxious and stupid people are the majority around campus.

>> No.4592540

I can't wait to be a post grad, way too many people who do not give a shit about science take this course. I should be utterly surrounded by intelligent people who like talking about science but this is not the case.

>> No.4592544

I'm sorry, did you have a point?

>> No.4592545

the only thing you need form college is the math, the rest of it you can easily learn on your own.

>> No.4592546

Oh and you go to college to learn "science"?

Hey bartender can I pay my tab with a bag of "science"?

>> No.4592550

>implying everyone goes to college to get rich

There are far too many of you poisonous, money obsessed assholes.

>> No.4592552

YOU shouldn't go to college, my friend.

>> No.4592555

I personally decided that College wasn't for me (tho I hasten to say that here) at 17-18 I knew my priorities were none existent and my attention span was far, far below what was wise to gamble thousands on.
3 years down the line and everyone I talk to says 'Don't Go it's terrible and real waste of money. The whole social life thing is a myth'. Now I don't think thats the case everywhere but it's just an example of how I didn't want to end up. These people are in the great majority in young people today who go to Uni because that's what you do at that age and just pick a random easy subject they think sounds kinda cool or is in the Uni their friends are at and it's a phenomenon that's not doing anyone any good.
Sometimes I worry I missed out on some relationship opportunities or I'm scared I'll suffer for waiting in my 30s or 40s but I don't regret not going.
I honestly would reccomend anyone (except those really really driven) to take a break from education for a while and take a few years to work low level jobs and 'study' autodidactically just to clear your head of all the fucking myths and bullshit they drill into you in high school and approach College with a clear head able to say This is what I what I wanna do, this is how I'm gonna afford it and to know exactly what you'll get at the end of it. Not a magic stepladder to CEO positions) but a wedge in the door for employers or ideally a position in that field.
It's very early days so I can;t tell you any great Uni success stories since most of my friends are doing their finals but I can tell almost all of them have failed a year or even two, hate their chosen subjects and one of them has dropped out with £28,000 of debt

>tl;dr Maybe, maybe not, you're right to be cynical

>> No.4592559

Try being stuck in a BA where people think I am a weird nerd because I love to learn, do well in exams and plan on doing more then one degree. I cant wait to finish.

>> No.4592560
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Why would 'you' learn science? The best you can do is teaching eleventh grade.

>> No.4592564

>Durrr screw knowledge hurrr all I is need is money hurrr

>> No.4592569

So you are saying the hundreds of thousands of scientists around the world do not actually exist and all work in schools?

>> No.4592571

In usa is best to start college at 26.

More financial aid availlable.

And less likely to waste the opportunity

>> No.4592572
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You only learn the true value of money when you and your whole family lives by 1.5k per month. You spoiled brats wouldn't know.

>> No.4592574

What subjects do you learn in college? Why you won't use them in real life?

>> No.4592575

If you want to learn something useful for real life, try women's studies.

>> No.4592577


Life's too short to spend half your waking hours doing something you hate just because it gives you money. You should find out if there's a job, any job, that you like. If that doesn't require a college education, don't get a college education, but you've got to have something better to aim for before quitting. College is a tool. A means to an end. You should find out what you want before you opt out of one of the more important standards future employers may judge you by.

If you only care about money in your job, you're just a cog in a machine with a billion parts. An object, which your manager only needs to keep content by balancing your income against your productivity. It's your life to choose, of course, but it's not an enviable one.

>> No.4592579
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Either libtard Jewish propaganda or outdated science. Try hooking a fish with a sine wave.

>> No.4592582


Do you want to explain to me how being given access to up to date scientific paper archives for free and being taught by experts and active researchers in the field is 'learning outdated science'.

>> No.4592587
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Textbooks are outdated and they're what students really care about because exams are based on them. Only nerds read scientific papers.

>> No.4592589

>women's studies

oh u

>> No.4592591

Textbooks are usually pretty up to date. And calling EVERY single scientist and science student in the entire world who actually gives a damn a nerd just makes you look like an idiot. Pretty much every single lecture we do here has a list of papers related to it to read.

>> No.4592593


Catching fish is less efficient than just going out to a store and buying one, even if you didn't get caught fishing without a license.

Try getting a job when your only skill is fishing.

>> No.4592594
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>magic stepladder to CEO positions

I have friend who says he has a host of jobs lined up for him as soon he finishes his Theology degree.

>> No.4592598

>I have friend who says he has a host of jobs lined up for him as soon he finishes his Theology degree.

And he's right. Religions are always looking for people to spin their lies and keep the con running.

>> No.4592600
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Oh okay so you study science. Good luck. I hope you're good with Microsoft products (Not Office, you're better than that man. You're a scientist! You're going to work with MS SQL Server in your bookkeeping job!)

>> No.4592607

What do you actually get out of being an unintelligent troll online? I am assuming you are a troll, anybody actually that ignorant about science at university would be unable to actually use a computer due to severe lack of brain function.

>> No.4592612
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I can't afford Comp Sci so I have to go with English and trolling you faggots makes me feel good.

>> No.4592621

Sucks to be an unintelligent and unmotivated poorfag huh? Because if you weren't, you'd be having financial aid.

>> No.4592623


My condolences for your future life. May you play many good video games and find some hot chick who digs you for no apparent reason.

>> No.4592626

Actually I blame society on creating a pressure to get some degree. There are too much unintelligent people in education and they just their own and others time, finances instead of concentrating on simple job where they could achieve their best. I always smile when someone says: "Where I will ever use this?" . The question itself is the answer, so if you have such questions , education isn't for you..

>> No.4592630

Society is made up of those same people. They are the ones who are believed it and will continue to propagate it.

>> No.4592653

>not used in real life
Lol are you twelve op? There is no 'real life'.

>> No.4592659

he must be watching too much music videos..

>> No.4592667

Poor you. Your life is obviously very boring and sad.

>> No.4592674
File: 139 KB, 273x220, corgi3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I do this??
Get into wind and solar power?
I want the money.
I want them all.

>> No.4592675

OP is correct about one thing. You have to pay too much for electives that teach you nothing anyone cares about, or will pay you to know.

Knowledge given through instruction should be currently applicable and helpful. I don't need "feminist studies" or "basket weaving" if I'm working at a male prison.

>> No.4592679

Then don't do those classes? the only classes I do that are not biology are closely related things like statistics and history of science or things from other science fields like climatology that relate to my degree.

>> No.4592680

Then education is not for you, universities mean you get universal education, you learn to learn and become well rounded. University is there to help you to learn on your own, if you have many ideas and like to study any lecturer will help you. Don't be a fucking faggot and limit yourself just to courses in university, learn on your own too.

>> No.4592685


Bullshit. Universities exist solely to make money and prepare students for the workforce. Anything not strictly required for a student's chosen field is a waste of time and money. Those classes exist only to make more money for the university.

>> No.4592687

If you work in a prison you don't need STEM subjects either. You don't even need to go to college.

>> No.4592690

>Universities exist solely to make money and prepare students for the workforce

What piece of shit money farm university do you go to? My one does a huge amount of research, that is what universities are good for. Concentrating lots of academics and scientists so they can do what they do.

>> No.4592695

Because then you wouldn't write like this? It's a really bad habit?

>> No.4592696

You do realize he's actually right about undergrads. Undergrads are where the money's at.

>> No.4592697

I do not know about where you live but here the course costs the exact same amount of money no matter what classes you choose. Only exception I know of is field courses which cost a lot.

>> No.4592702

>implying you can't learn everything from an undergrad course on your own, in half the time
>implying undergrads to ANY research

You obviously have never been to a university

>> No.4592708

ITT: amerifags paying shitloads of money for university. srsly, get xy citizenship (e.g. german) and enjoy studying for free.

>> No.4592709

they are too stupid to realise that even if you pay for your education you have to work super hard to achieve something.

>> No.4592712

I was 2 weeks from getting my MD but now I've seen the light OP and I'm dropping out. All college was doing was holding me back.

>> No.4592713

college is about getting a degree. this degree proves you're capable and not retarded. this narrows the interviewing process and ensures you're going to be much more likely to be capable at the job.

>> No.4592714

They over edu what?

College is mostly complete shit, there are only a handful of colleges that actually teach you what you need to know.

>> No.4592718

>actually teach you what you need to know
thats the problem with retards, they think it's not up to them to learn by themselves. It's not school anymore, because universities give you help and direction.

>> No.4592734

if you practice what you learn in class, you'll be able to do the things you need to do with insightful knowledge. That's how you become able to take things to the next level and bring improvements to an existing system.

>> No.4592738

if you don't appreciate, you don't have to go to college. Exactly nobody forces you to learn shit and make something out of your life that is more than just being a slave.

>> No.4592761

You don't need to go to college fellow anon. There is another choice available, I choose mechanics in trade school. I agree with what
>>4592555 says, give some thought and be financially sound when you decide what you truly want to do. I won't argue with anons here studying their degrees, but when you feel satisfaction of what you've diagnosed and fixed, its the best job incentive ever; same goes for all other trade jobs.

Everyone's out to make big money, its up to you to make your living worthwhile.

>> No.4592767

Well you can know a lot about something and learn independently but as long as there is no document certifying you indeed know it, you arent getting hired

>> No.4592769

I don't know where you live but a country where postgrads outnumber undergrads do not exist. Undergrads are how universities make money.

>> No.4592776
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My problem is not with money. See in my country (which is not America, thank God) good college is more important than degree. If I study English in a good college, I might have a better life than a fellow who studies Comp Sci in some shitty admit-all-everyone college. However, there's a national entrance exam for those free reputable colleges and I suck at both maths and physics (and also chemistry). I really can't study Comp Sci in a reputable government-funded college.

Honestly those admit-everyone colleges are next to community colleges of United States. I can study Comp Sci but I have to give up my future.

That's why I hate everyone who's currently studying Comp Sci in a good college.

>> No.4592781
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In my country it does.

>mfw some guy in this thread actually thought people study postgraduate for science but here they study for MORE money.

>> No.4592789


You pursuit higher education for the piece of paper, and to get involved in the academic community.

If you're not interested in either of those, simply studying science on your own or with an informal teacher will be more rewarding.

>> No.4592798

Why don't you tell us which country you're from and we'll look that up. Also, I never said people don't go for postgrad to have worse job prospects.

>> No.4592800
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That's a secret.

>> No.4593019 [DELETED] 

What, it's not like we're going to find who you are personally from your nation. Or do you think the united States government is watching this thread to see what country they should invade next to stop them from getting ahead?

>> No.4593021

What, it's not like we're going to find who you are personally from your nation. Or do you think the United States government is watching this thread to see what country they should invade next to stop them from getting ahead?