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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4584134 No.4584134 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/. After year or so on /x/ and realizing it is all bullshit. I wonder if you can help someone who isn't a genius on to the trail of knowledge. Like what should I start doing personal studies on? What will be something I might enjoy learning about?

>> No.4584137

uhhhh well the first thing you should do is get off 4chan and never return

>> No.4584136


The stains will never wash away.

>> No.4584146

Start with general critical thinking skills and basic logic.


>> No.4584147

Faggots who think people need to be super genius to do math and science shouldn't do math and science because these faggots limit themselves.

OP start with some basic maths. work your way up and finish pre-cal once ur done with pre-cal get into some physics and chem (introductory) but remember to never drop math, for reasons that are obvious.

Thats what i didnt GLHF

>> No.4584144

Watch BBC documentaries.

That should keep you busy for a good while.

>> No.4584154

Wow, it took you a YEAR to figure out /x/ was bullshit?

The first thing you need to learn is how to be a skeptic. You need to assume everything you hear is false until you see significant evidence from a reliable source. A grainy, probably photoshopped image is not a reliable source. An anonymous personal account is probably the least reliable source possible, ever. Any time you hear of something that makes you go "wow that's scary/crazy!" you should right away try to think of an alternate explanation for it other than the one given to you. For example, there are lots of human skulls found with elongated skulls in central America. A crackpot or /x/ poster might claim it is an alien, but isn't it more likely that head planking, a tradition that we know for a fact existed in which primitive civilizations would bind a piece of wood to their head to make it longer to look sexier and get more sex, is a more likely explanation?

Learning critical thinking is the single most important step to becoming an intelligent person

>> No.4584173

Dig up some books by Douglas Hofstadter, Martin Gardner, etc. They'll scratch your /x/ itch a little but at the same time give you knowledge and thinking skills. They're a little dated though.

>> No.4584178
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Hmm k. I will start on those whenever I have enough time. I will start on the path to physics and chem.
on a related note

>Being younger did well in school
>was about to be in advance classes
>did an IQ test and I ranked 125 when they take only those who have 130
>man who gave me the test told me not to give up and keep trying to learn.
>tfw high school and social standards broke my will
to learn.

So what should I major in college or what career path should I take

>> No.4584183

Start with the mother of all science. Old dude always have something fun to say and good base are always useful.

>> No.4584197
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I never believed the whole alien thing. But I believed in there was something more to our minds and our social interactions with nature and other human beings. Such as though having frequencies. Am I wrong about this?

>> No.4584207

Everything has a specific frequency where if it's exposed to it, its atoms will vibrate faster and faster until it just decomposes. That's kind of /x/y, right?

>> No.4584216
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Yes. I am fantasize by the thought of thoughts have influence on our environment since we all have frequencies and our environment has frequencies. Also I enjoy the theories about dimensions and alot of what carl sagan talks about. Carl Sagan actually got me to give /sci/ a chance.

>> No.4584218

womens studies because you're useless, fag

>> No.4584227
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You should try harder. Remember I put up with /x/ for awhile.

>> No.4584236

I don't think he's trolling. It's my suggestion as well.

>> No.4584242
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But how will that be useful or even interesting. How will I understand more about the world and what is around us if I take women's studies.

>> No.4584245

>going to college to learn about the world


>> No.4584246

Whatever subject you're insterested in has educational lectures online

MisesMedia for economics and there're hours of videos on math, physics, etc. Just start watching whatever you're interested in, follow along the lessons and learn.

>> No.4584257
File: 62 KB, 510x546, 1329279475605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well thx for the advise and the advise from all the people who were helpful. Also fuck the elitist jerks on here. But you are not as bad as all the other boards make you sound.

>> No.4584264


Just because two things are made of atoms, and atoms vibrate, doesn't mean one object can control other objects. It's like saying a snow man can control water. Different atoms come together in different ways. Different energy levels vibrate differently.

Plus you don't have a mechanism in your head for controlling atoms. This is where /x/ would pull some shit like "But we don't know that much about the brain!" Which isn't true.

If you want to control the vibrations of atoms, go up to something and rub it. Increase friction = increase in heat = increase in temp = increase vibration.

>> No.4584265

Scientists confirmed for STUPDI

>> No.4584279

The only reason an intelligent person would go to college is to get into a career to make money. If you go in there hoping to become 'super smert XD' you're a fucking retard. Everything you could possibly want to learn about is online.

>> No.4584284

Yeah, what haven't the online basement heroes done for science?

>> No.4584295

Well I can't live off of bread and change. I will need a job. Maybe at the same time have someone who will guide me along the way so I can do advance studies on my own efficiently. Also I am going to sleep nite.

>> No.4584300

What the fuck is the point of advancing science if you aren't going to make any money off of it? Don't be an idealist retard.

>> No.4584308

You think it's a coincidence big names in science went to uni?
The information was out there before as well, did you know libraries existed before the internet?

>> No.4584314

>big names in science
Ahaha I hope you don't think anyone of those people are intelligent. They're all autistic retards who cling to one facet of life and ignore everything else. I have yet to see a 'science' person who is well rounded in all areas.

>> No.4584323

You're right, you're better off studying liberal arts at home with high school science. You will be very well rounded.

Holy shit I hope you're trolling.

>> No.4584327

agreed. if you arent a polymath by now, just fucking kill yourself

>> No.4584335

No, you are better of going into engineering if you want to actually make money while doing science. Going into science for research/teaching is the dumbest move you can ever make.

>> No.4584348

Why are you bringing in money to the equation now?

>> No.4584395

There's no point in science if there is no money.

>> No.4584712

>hasn't astral projected yet


>> No.4584721
File: 30 KB, 325x500, selfish gene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lesswrong.com is gold. the guy who runs it also writes the best Harry Potter fanfic in which instead of vernon, petunia married an oxford professor so Harry's a genius who decides to try and optimize the magical world with the power of SCIENCE

you would also probably enjoy pic related

>> No.4584727
File: 98 KB, 475x707, Godel Escher Bach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/x/ appealed to your poetic side. Carl Sagan showed you science can be poetic too.

This motherfucker will give your poetic side such a satisfying hard dicking your heart will cum glitter.

>> No.4584733

>There is no point in science (to me) if there is no money.

>> No.4584738
File: 9 KB, 224x225, consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our thoughts do affect the environment, but they affect it through our bodies. you might like systems theory, but not until you got math down

>> No.4584757

Go to Khan Academy. Work through maths and physics sections simultaneously (start with maths and stay ahead on maths so you're equipped for the physics.) After this you'll be smart enough to determine your own educational future.

>> No.4584839

>Wonders of the Universe

must see

>> No.4584855

came here from /fit/, already downloading. Seems like it's a quite interesting board. At least there's no cancer from /b/ here.

>> No.4584856

Why not read good books written by good authors on good subjects?
My first idea: "A brief history of time" by Stephen Hawkins. It has the merit of being easy to read, with almost no equation. Furthermore, what is written inside is valid. It is quite a shord book, quite a short read.
Otherwise, if you have more time to allot to your quest for knowledge, I definitely would recommand the Lectures on physqics by nobel prize winner professor Feynman --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Feynman_Lectures_on_Physics
This book starts with clear and simple ideas and words, and consider you know almost nothing about math ; each time you need to use a new mathematical tool (like vector), it is explained very clearly and in detail. It is a fascinating lecture. Each chapter, in itself, will teach you something. Volume 1 (mechanics) is by far the easiest to read and understand. Volume 2 (electromagnetics) is more demanding. Volume 3 (quantum mechanics) is very hard.Feynman is considered to be one of the best teachers of physics of the 20th century, period. In these books, he inserts personal views about teaching, about life and philosophy, etc. It is not a dry reading.