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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4583839 No.4583839 [Reply] [Original]

>/sci/ tells me ADHD is just an illusion, I'm just a fucking retard with no willpower
>Depressed for 5 months trying to do anything to requires a little cognitive power because I flat out fall asleep even if I now eat healthy, lost 100 pounds JUST FOR THAT and got caffeine/alcohol addiction under the hood.

>Finally go to the doctor, he gives me meds
>For the first time in about 8 years of school, I can truly concentrate on a problem and think about it thoroughly and feel like I'm actually using my fucking brain at my capabilities

t-thanks /sci/.

>> No.4583845

>taking medical advice from anonymous people on the internet

>> No.4583848

>trusting /sci/ for serious medical advice.

Are you serious, OP?
You trusted advice from people who completely discredit therapists because >hurr durr psychology

Glad you're feeling better now.

While ADD is overdiagnosed, it doesn't mean that it never happens.

>> No.4583850

>believing the opinions of people who don't state evidence or sources

If you want medical advise go to a professional. No matter how smart the kids on /sci/ seem it's not really any different from asking the medical opinions of /b/ or /x/.

>> No.4583851

I'm just overstating it. But all of my life I pretty much never paid much attention to it, I've always hated the idea of pills to "cheat" my brain.

I FUCKING wish I did this at least 6 years earlier. I am now 21, and right now I'm finishing my HS books at adult's schooling thingie.

>> No.4583855

What meds?

>> No.4583858
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> I can truly concentrate on a problem and think about it thoroughly and feel like I'm actually using my fucking brain at my capabilities

I'm interested in this. I can almost never fully concentrate through an entire thinking sequence. I always go "wait, what?" before finishing a thought and have to start over. It's so annoying and makes me feel like an idiot. Are there any other ways to fix this besides expensive meds? Perhaps cannabis?

>> No.4583862

Right now I'm on 20mg of Bipehntin


However I will ask for it to be changed to something of the same but a different brand because this one is not covered by the government insurance(Canadafag)

>> No.4583864

op is a faggot with no will

enjoy those years you waste on your disease

>> No.4583866
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>> No.4583868

I feel your pain, bro.
Same thing happened to me.
I was on my way to becoming a worthless criminal because scumbags who are afraid of psychiatry convinced me that it was bad to take medication. Luckily I got treatment for my ADHD and am now a productive member of society

>> No.4583870

What are you using? I feel like it's working for me, but I could maybe benefit of a higher dose. They will ask me if I want more than 20mg next week, I'll go for 30mg. And then they'll ask for 40mg, but I'll see next week. I'm already amazed, so much that it's almost euphoria working in what I always loved, a math book.

>This feel when maths will replace your video james addiction.

>> No.4583875
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>> No.4583876

I have A.D.D

It's not as bad as most people make it out to be but it can be a serious problem. I just joined a boxing gym to tire me out every one in a while and get rid of ecxess energy. It really clears my mind so I can focus on other things.

>> No.4583877
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>> No.4583883

I personally am currently on Adderall XR and it is fantastic. I boosted my GPA by a full 0.2 points in one trimester.

>> No.4583886

I prefer dex over ritalin, although I've been on both.
Be careful not to go over your prescribed dosage, trust me, it's real bad mojo. No problems if your psychiatrist increases it though.

>> No.4583888

Yeah, for me I guess it's more drastic. I couldn't even finish my HS classes.

>that feel when my friends are in second year of university

>> No.4583894

Well he said to increase if I feel like I should, up to 40mg. I'm meeting him in a month and he will prob switch to another brand to be covered or something or try something else.

>> No.4583904

I've noticed I've always had problems with concentration and I didn't talk to a doctor until 2010, but I only took pills for about a month and then stopped. They helped but I couldn't stand them "adderal". I need to go talk to my doctor again about trying something new again because I really feel like it is getting out of control some times.

The biggest turn off of getting help last time was the psychologist basically treated me like I was some sort of drug addict and that really made me angry. Fuck Kaiser.

>> No.4583905

Hey huh, to anyone here taking these things... can I still consume alcohol and caffeine? I don't take much caffeine nor alcohol, except the occasional binge(every 3 months or so)

>> No.4583912

Yes to both.
I drink coffee every day and also take pills every day.
I've also studied drunk several times.
You should be aware that ADHD medications make you feel less drunk than you really are, so drinking too much is possible

>> No.4583916

>The biggest turn off of getting help last time was the psychologist basically treated me like I was some sort of drug addict and that really made me angry. Fuck Kaiser.

Sorry to hear that.
Any decent psychiatrist is going to combine some form of behavioral therapy with the meds anyway. There are plenty who will just throw pills at it, implying that is the answer in totality. There are many reasons why some drugs work better for others. A pharmaceutical solution in combination with behavioral therapy is going to smooth over the jerkiness of the medication by itself, and it will be easier to monitor how the medication is affecting you personally.

>> No.4583924


>Taking a drug prescribed by a therapist to stop your brain from going 1000 miles per hour jumping around
>taking a drug (caffeine) through coffee which results in your brain going 1000 miles per hour jumping around.
>taking another drug (alcohol) that is a depressant and slows your brain further.

Maybe you want to check with an actual doctor on that one.

>> No.4583932
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Welcome to the machine, drone. Your sacrifices will ensure your children will spend their lives completely dependent on a capitalist to survive, or they will become slavers themselves.

>> No.4583935

I don't have the bouncing off the walls type ADHD.
Mine's more daydreaming and being unable to stay awake. Before being diagnosed I thought I had narcolepsy or something

>> No.4583936

Marxist drivel is not an argument against mental health.

Also, Marx literally owned a child sex slave.

>> No.4583938

You may think it's a bad thing, but next time your house is broken in to or you're robbed at knife point think of me. Because that's what I'd be doing now if it weren't for my pills

>> No.4583940

Yeah, I will actually ask him theses questions when I see him again.
But my problem was not Hyperactivity, it was sleepyness. I couldn't do anything and not literally feel numb and I would occasionally fall asleep when the teacher was talking. By occasionally I mean ALL the fucking time.

>> No.4583942

Mine I'm not hyper, but I will be really impulsive some times. I also have an incredibly hard time paying attention in class, even more so if it is something I normally find complex. It is frustrating to find something really fun and entertaining to learn, but when I try to focus and remember what I learned I can't put it together, Even if I take notes I can't visualize or remember context from time to time.

>> No.4583946
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>not realizing that your medication is a placebo and all you really needed was to believe in your own ability

>> No.4583948
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Just hope you don't pick my house.

>> No.4583957

Because thieves rob houses when the owners are home, ammirite?
They certainly don't wait for you to go to work, then check that you're not home by knocking on the front door to see if anybody answers

>> No.4583958

Communism is not the only alternative to capitalism.

>> No.4583964

>not having auto turrets that shoot when the alarm goes off