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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4580431 No.4580431 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, I have a rather sinister question to ask you.

How hard would it be for me to "rewrite" 4chan history?Is there any way that I could possibly manipulate the world into believing something I told them?

>> No.4580439

I don't understand your question.

>> No.4580450

I mean literally "rewrite" history.

Upload a few fake blogs. Claim something happened on 4chan that didn't. Act like it was a huge thing here. Upload several images I made myself. And then BAM!

People suddenly believe that a certain event happened.

>> No.4580459

Further more, would it be illegal for me to lie on the internet? Would I be "false" advertising", even if I never promised I wasn't telling the truth?

>> No.4580460

are you 12? fuck off

>> No.4580461

Go make an article on know your meme or reddit

>> No.4580463

Nope, you're living in the days of information. Everything is saved up in so many places that it would take years and cash to even put a dent in belief. You'd need control over the internet. That's impossible.
Even then, one fragment of it will ALWAYS remain and form a cult so...
The only way to fight the info war these days is through opinion and exploitation of empty spaces. You COULD add to it but you'd need to start up a lot of blogs, add news stories, etc. An'd there'd have to be more than one dude.

>> No.4580464


No. You'd be writing fiction.

Should be easy enough given how gullible dumbasses are on this site. For example, start any thread with the words "amerifat" or "yuropoor" and you'll brew your very own shitstorm.

>> No.4580475

Doesn't it take all the sport out of it if we scheme and devise all your plans for you?

>> No.4580497
File: 435 KB, 662x565, childisinjured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You COULD add to it but you'd need to start up a lot of blogs, add news stories, etc.
That's actually part of the plan.

Just make up events that are obscure enough that no one would question.

I'll be honest, there's been one or two occasions where I've actively pretended certain events that occurred in the past.

I'd samefag and pretend to have discussions with myself. I'd say "Man oh man, do you remember when 'this', 'this', and 'this' happened? No one questioned me or what my posts meant. They just started posting other images and contributing to my thread.

Pic somewhat related. I'd post a picture of this article from time to time. Just about everyone discussed it, no one questioned that it didn't happen. The few people that asked for a link were left unanswered and didn't question much further.

>> No.4580502

1. Get a lot of money.
2. Hire someone to do KONY like video.

Money solves everything.

>> No.4580512
File: 48 KB, 565x528, satisfied.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. If anything, that would make it far more exciting. You never know what piece of history I'm going to change.

Plus, I have enough of a conscious that I would like to see myself fail. If I succeeded, would that really make me happy? I'd never be able to look at history from that point forth without wondering if it's true or not.

Plus, changing history feels... evil. I don't know why, but I just can't think of a better word to describe it.

>> No.4580517

It should be easy. But that's partly because not that many people care.

>> No.4580519

That's easy as long as you're good at making fake images and stuff.

>> No.4580530

Well, that's what I'm saying.

You're describing a exactly what I'm talking about. I just go and make the video. Then sensationalism takes hold faster than anyone can dispel rumors, or make it pointless enough that no one would question it.

>> No.4580538
File: 185 KB, 929x670, 1334541854021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've faked a few images on 4chan before. No one bother even questioning them, just because they were impossible to find.

Pic related. How many newfags could I convince that this actually happened?