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File: 80 KB, 450x447, gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4578199 No.4578199 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ I have a serious question here.

Why is it that black people look, sound and act so gorilla-like? I mean is this just a co-incidence or is there an evolutionary aspect to this that the race with the lowest IQ in tests is also the one that looks and sounds the least evolved? Instead, they excel in aspects that are more bestial in nature...physical strength, loud voice, hung like a donkey.

I mean whenever I think of evolution, I can never imagine chimps----> white men----->black men as being even plausible. Clearly black people seem less evolved, come earlier in that progression and retain a lot of chimp-like characteristics.

Just wondering if there's any scientific explanation to all this. Is it safe to say that blacks are less "human" than the other races?

>> No.4578201 [DELETED] 


>> No.4578210

> humans evolved from chimps
Why are racists always so stupid?

>> No.4578213


You don't belong here, son.

>> No.4578216 [DELETED] 

>Why are racists always so stupid?


^^ OP ^^

>> No.4578220

I meant the common ancestor. Just used chimps as a shorthand, but yeah incorrectly so.

>> No.4578222

Here's the thing.

At no point EVER in history have blacks been looked upon as a "superior race". Even the Arabs and Indians always looked upon them as sub-human and slave-material.

I mean there's a reason for that. When the Indians first saw whites and blacks, they automatically took the whites to be a superior race and the blacks inferior.

The odds of it being even possible for different races, evolving in different areas to turn out the same is pretty much 0%. Black people evolved differently, and most people can tell intuitively which race is more and which is less evolved.

There is such a thing as being "less evolved", that is closer in traits to the common ancestor we have with chimpanzees.

>> No.4578224 [DELETED] 

Well homo sapiens originally emerged from africa, so yeh, they will have been black originally and some evolved to be whiter later on.

so what?

everything evolves, its not like whites are somehow 'more evolved' or anything.
we've all come the same amount of time since the primordial soup.

>> No.4578225

>>4578222 tell intuitively
That's not how you do science son.

>> No.4578226 [DELETED] 

.At no point EVER in history have blacks been looked upon as a "superior race"
superior at what? thats pretty vague

ever watched the olympics? they're fucking superior at that.

>> No.4578229 [DELETED] 

>At no point EVER in history have blacks been looked upon as a "superior race"

superior at what? thats pretty vague

ever watched the olympics? they're fucking superior at that.

>> No.4578239


Superior at things only a human could do. I'm sure if it was something like ripping out another person's guts at the Roman Colosseum or something they would have been deemed superior.

Or picking cotton. You know, that sort of stuff.

>> No.4578243

>At no point EVER in history have blacks been looked upon as a "superior race".
blacks looked as themselves as superior, just bas whites and asians have.

>When the Indians first saw whites and blacks
because the blacks were the white's slaves

>which race is more and which is less evolved.
there's no such thing as more or less evolved in the way you mean. bacteria are probably the most evolved in terms of changes since life began.

>most people can tell intuitively
pure science

>closer in traits to the common ancestor.
would be interesting to see this. i don't think it's known

>> No.4578245
File: 36 KB, 339x425, Qui_gon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bigot you have more Neanderthal DNA in you than an African.
Fucking caveman.

>> No.4578246 [DELETED] 

>bacteria are probably the most evolved in terms of changes since life began.
obviously the significant size change in higher organisms is a much larger physical change than anything bacteria have done.
Their size hasnt varied much for millions of years, just little changes in proteins and enzymes every so often.

>> No.4578248

Common ancestor ---> chimps
Common ancestor --------------> black man
Common ancestor ---------------------------------------------------------------> white man

Drawn to scale. Anyone who disagrees is an overly politically correct moron.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that the distance up there can be equal for blacks and whites BOTH. It's only a question of which stretches further based on criteria that matters (traits that are distinctly human).

>> No.4578251


like that's important

in terms of viable mutations since abiogenesis, bacteria win, simply as more generations, and more chance of viability.

that such changes haven't increased complexity is not my point, and indeed, the mutations may have effectively reversed previous ones.

>> No.4578256

That looks right but the difference is exaggerated.
The distance to black would be about 65% of that for whites in my opinion. Not a scientific statement. It would obviously be less than that for a white man, but not by as much as your graph displays.

>> No.4578257

>drawn to scale

science has got the 2nd and 3rd lines to within 0.01% of each other.

>> No.4578258

>Not a scientific statement.

correct, it's a made up statement

>> No.4578266

No. It's an educated guess because while the physical manifestations of being black can be readily judged and compared to the common ancestor, using IQ as a measure of intelligence is more troublesome for comparisons due to its limitations. It's pretty safe to say that blacks have among lowest IQs when divided by race, but how much of that is due to actual genetic and biological limitations is less clear.

>> No.4578267

>>4578257 This.
Europeans are more inbred.
Europeans have Primitive Ancestor DNA from Neanderthals not Africans.

>> No.4578270

DNA comparisons are complicated and less useful.
Accepting the common ancestor as the starting point, the comparisons are based upon:

1) Physical traits
2) "Human" intelligence

Blacks are clearly the least evolved of all the races in both those departments by virtue of being closest to the common ancestor.

>> No.4578271

I love this post by OP.

>Also it's true what he says

>> No.4578272

>least evolved

>> No.4578273

Thread's a troll-thread or an idiot who doesn't know what the word "science" means, or the first damn thing about how evolution works.

>> No.4578278

>educated guess

ie worthless. it was an educated guess the sun went around the earth once. real science contradicts you.

>> No.4578284


>> No.4578287

Why the fuck are people so anti-racist on this board? I'm proud to be white and have slave owner ancestary.

>> No.4578298
File: 16 KB, 474x313, NeilDeGrasseTyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because we're all at least supposed to be of a scientific mindset and are generally utilitarian. Racism fails in both categories; even if there was evidence for a sufficient difference in racial intelligence from some biological origin (there isn't), you still have to support the proposition of treating them as slaves and inferiors as in any way a good idea. Instead, it just leads to barbarism, atrocity, and mass human suffering.

It's an unscientific and brutal attitude that is quite rightly ostracized.

< ---- This guy might also help.

>> No.4578299 [DELETED] 

>im proud that my ancestors were jerkholes
and, really?

>> No.4578300

wait until rest of usa wakes up

>> No.4578308
File: 560 KB, 808x628, which.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because most racists we know of happen to be either retards, religionfags or just generally selfish to the point of being evil.

The best thing a racist can ever do is act as a warning example of how not to act.

>> No.4578310


I have met thousands of black people and not one....NOT ONE of them was ANYTHING like Neil or Obama or any other black guy that niggers use to feel good about themselves.

Obama's obviously half-white so he doesn't count. For Neil, I'd say he represents the very top 0.5% of the entire fucked up race.

>> No.4578313

>Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Even he has his inner nigger. I've heard how he pronounces some words. Just like a true ghetto gang-banging nigger.

>> No.4578317

sure, and they probably thought you were nothing like bill clinton, and the other black acting crackers

>> No.4578323

most violence in the world was done by crackers and asians

this has been the case for thousands of years

>> No.4578329

You have obviously never been to africa. In africa the kaffirs use rape as a weapon of war. ie - the soldiers are given explicit orders to rape all the woman they encounter. The civil wars in africa are the most savage and the rest of the world just sits and watches because they know that niggers and kaffirs are savage animals that can't be rehabilitated.

>> No.4578330
File: 61 KB, 454x700, GunsGermsAndSteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna recommend this book for everyone.

>> No.4578331

you should look into the 30 yrs war. or the expansion of the mongol empire. make african wars look like a picnic.

>> No.4578336

rather be raped than have a nuke dropped on me like americans did

>> No.4578342

rather be raped than gassed in a death camp

>> No.4578349

Wonder who they learned that from.

Hint: the same guys who taught native americans how to collect scalps.

I'm not saying they're innocent, I'm saying EVERYONE does shit like that. Killing gets the blood boiling and that's the best time to rape someone. And making sure your soldiers are brutal and sexually satisfied is a cheap way to ensure loyalty for the time being.

But what is this /new/fag thread doing in /sci/ ?

>> No.4578351
File: 46 KB, 400x281, samuraix1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's how niggers do violence that is half the problem.

I mean, the Japs could be going around slicing everyone up with their katanas and shit would still look awesome.

The way niggers do it on the other hand is just something that belongs in the jungle. Running around like a long-hung gorilla making shit noises with zero style. Take that crap back to the jungle, assholes. When's the last time you saw a bunch of cool niggers with fancy hats on top of horses conquering in style?

So the point here is that niggers are animal-like and should feel right at home with relatively-closer chimp cousins; this isn't about who kills more alright? Go watch the recent Planet of the Apes. If there was one race you could replace those stupidass monkeys with which one would it be? Niggers of course. Would Japs or whites do shit in that style? O'course not.

>> No.4578352


>> No.4578353

They kill you after the rape and give your body parts to a witch doctor you samefagging nigger.

>> No.4578356

if you are making an aesthetic argument, fine, aesthetics are subjective. just don't pretend it's more than that.

>> No.4578359

africans are different but i wouldnt say that they are less or more human than europeans. they simply use some human traits more than we do. just look at how they express their emotions, its fascinating how many facettes of emotional expression one will notice on a nigger.

>> No.4578361


.... It's like some hideous hybrid of weeaboo and ignorance.

1. Africa martial arts. Look them up.

2. Look how untrained humans fight, regardless of race. We all move pretty identically.

3. Samurai were basically wealth privilege incarnate. The moment they encountered an army that fought to win, instead of agreeing to basically give them an advantage, they got utterly slaughtered.

>> No.4578362

sure, similar to what white people and azns have done. so what?

>> No.4578364

Aesthetics are not subjective motherfucker.
There's traits that are human.
There's traits that are less so.
Riding a horse with a fancy hat and sword = distinctly human.
Running around like a nigger gorilla with a tacky shit-knife in hand = general monkey shit.

What I'm saying is, while other races have evolved their killing tactics, niggers can't even do that right. They still kill same as a bunch of gorillas. I mean when white people kill, it really does look like a human did it. With niggers, you can't even tell.

>> No.4578365

>Aesthetics are not subjective motherfucker.

stopped reading there

but if we're really arguing about what the coolest way to commit atrocities is, i think we've all derped

>> No.4578369

>thinks monkeys use knives

>> No.4578371
File: 60 KB, 467x563, 1328367567876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using visual evidence to support a theory

>> No.4578373


This is one of the genuinely funniest things I think I've read because I can honestly believe you're genuinely serious.

Disregarding for a moment here that horses are not native to Africa and, hence, could not be used by the native peoples, do you realize for one damn moment how incredibly useful and successful guerrilla tactics are? They allow numerically inferior forces with worse equipment to take on an otherwise superior force and win.

Hit-and-run tactics, camouflaging amongst the terrain, etc. are excellent methods of dealing with an opponent. This goes double when that opponent is a far better funded one and especially if they're foreign invaders.

To dismiss that use of efficient tactics because it doesn't fit your retarded aesthetics? Damn, man, you're calling other people stupid?

>> No.4578375

Not just black people. Also look at gingers!

>> No.4578379

what does it look like when gorillas kill each other? i'm pretty sure it's a rare event. unlike humans, of any color.

>> No.4578384

guerilla =/= gorilla

azns invented guerilla war, and the spanish named it

>> No.4578385


Well, the level of thinking behind it can be judged and that isn't subjective.

I mean, niggers have been at this killing shit for CENTURIES now with the sort of singular focus not found anywhere else. I mean all they've been up to is trying to fuck each other up, and they have developed .... no special techniques, no ingenious torture mechanisms, no nothing. They've had this huge head-start and singular focus upon this, and yet a bunch of chinks who are less physically gifted have outdone them even in the technical aspects of being a nigger-killing-machine. Just watch niggers kill. It's the same old throwing stones, shards of metal, punch, kick, barbaric shit that any monkey could pull off.

>> No.4578388

>level of thinking can be judged


>> No.4578390

so white's and asians are more evolved because they are better at mass muder?

>> No.4578392

>mass muder


>> No.4578393


Perhaps black people are more aggressive in nature, but it doesnt mean that they lack human intelligence. You are generalizing a bit to much here.

>> No.4578399

historical level of killing shows they are the least aggressive of the races. the recent trend in north america is very much against the historical pattern, though it may mean a mixed race type (as almost all african americans are) is more violent. more likely though it's those awkward cultural factors

>> No.4578407

That is such a ridiculous statement.
Killings need to be put into context. There are "higher thinking order" killings and "lower" ones.
A "higher" one would be...killing for breaking the state law, religious dogma --- both things that only realistically develop in high order brains.
A "lower" one would be the sort of killings you find in Africa, reminiscent of killings in the rest of the animal kingdom.

>> No.4578411

Black people in average produce 25% more testosterone than a white person due to their historical habitat and way of living (ie slavery, living in a state in which you have to walk hundreds of miles to get water etc) whilst white people have gotten things supplied in a much easier way, leading to us not needing testosterone to the same degree. Testosterone leads to increased muscular growth, deeper voice, larger genetelia and a more narrow mind. The higher level of testosterone means that their brain does not think as much [as a white persons' brain does] before acting etc which leads to a simpler mind but better physical body, if that's how you like to put it. This was proven by a British scientist in the 1800's (Whose name I have forgotten) upon heaving the same thought as you just had.

>> No.4578415

what about killing for personal profit? as in most cases of whitey's violence (sometimes under the guise of "higher" motives, but most often not).

>> No.4578419


Historically speaking, sure, they didn´t go and try to conquer the world. I just thought that OP was being pissed off of black people who act like monkeys to him, and i tried to explain to him that, the reason for that, is that they probably have higher testosterone levels on average, and perhaps a little less intelligence, well, probably less intelligence.

But they are incomparable to monkeys, and i think that the reason for many acting that way, is simply psychological disturbance caused by some trauma they experienced in the "hood", which is common.

Take any african american with average genetics and put him in white culture, and that person would probably strive to have different goals and attitude towards life, but thats just me hypothesizing.

>> No.4578421

of course blacks are fucking inferior. Lower IQ is just the tip of the iceberg, they also have different hormone levels that causes them to be aggressive and quick to chimp out. I can't believe people on /sci/ can't put 2 and 2 together; blacks are inferior, whites have more neanderthal dna and are superior as a result.

>> No.4578422

And why were blacks specifically chosen to be slaves (by an overwhelming majority) in the first place?
Why not Indians? Chinese? They were viable options at times.
You can look back to thousands of years ago and blacks were still being kept as slaves by Arabs and other races. Blacks have always been the slave-race, and to say their characteristics are the results of slavery is to miss the point.
You should look into the old Arab (1500 to 2000 years old) literature about blacks. It puts any "racism" towards them by the British to shame.

>> No.4578425

>please read: liberal indoctrination, the book

>> No.4578428

do you know the etymology of the word slav? (hint, add an e on the end)

>> No.4578431

>Take any african american with average genetics and put him in white culture, and that person would probably strive to have different goals and attitude towards life

No. Blacks raised in white families still have a low IQ. The black white IQ gap is clearly inherent.

>> No.4578433

there is so much samefag in this thread i'm dying. lol get a life kid

>> No.4578434

you know liberalism was probably the most massive force for good since the 18th century enlightenment ever.

without liberalism, we'd all be living under tyrannical monarchs

>> No.4578435


>> No.4578441


I´m just saying that, the environment you life in can define you as a person. Black people with low intelligence living in the wrong place will inevitably be heavily influenced by their environment. The average African american CAN become an outstanding citizen just like any other white person, with the right education and environment and friends, they surely can.

>> No.4578448

I'm not saying slavery begins and ends with blacks.
I'm saying blacks, in most of history, wherever they interacted with others --- began and ended with slavery. Be it their interactions with the Arabs, whites or other races.

It's not like you go back 1400 years and find blacks being bankers or traders for the Arabs (hint: they were still slaves). You could go back that far though and find the Jews still being both of those though.

>> No.4578464

An average black in the same environment as an average Japanese WILL NOT be the same.
If, however, you really go out of your way and provide this average black some exceptional sort of environment....then they could be the same. The Japanese person would still be better if you even out the environment again.

If you see a "decent" black guy who came from a good environment...think what an average Asian would come out as in that environment.

>> No.4578477

Just because you're totally ignorant about a topic, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

If you actually want to bash native africans about their history, at least LEARN ABOUT IT FIRST, before you make even more stupid posts like you've been doing in this thread.

>> No.4578487

Go back to /pol/ fucktard.

>> No.4578493

being raised in a different family only controls a small aspect of your environmental influences. Have you considered that black children adopted to white parents are still bombarded by a culture that hates/fears them? Have you considered the "people who look like them" on TV are thugs, and rappers?

There is no environment isolated enough to properly gauge how IQ develops between races.

Thank you /SCI/ for shooting down these racists twisting statistic or using "educated guesses" to feel superior.

>> No.4578498
File: 29 KB, 500x375, flying-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

statistical correlation does not imply causal relation..
some black people are as intelligent as the most intelligent white people
therefore, being black does not CAUSE lack of intelligence
therefore, the relation between skin color and intelligence (or gender and intelligence) is only statistic, not causal

>> No.4578506

Why do black males have different vocal characteristics from white men? Even with factors as accents and language taken out of the equation I can almost always tell if a black man is speaking or a white man (or any other race).

>> No.4578508
File: 44 KB, 525x700, dont-worry-madam-im-from-the-internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

expanding on my argument:
if there es even ONE A that is not B, then A cannot be a cause of B, for when A is a cause of B, if A occurs, then B must necessarily occur (that is where causality is said to be necessary)..
but there is at least one black person who is intelligent
therefore, being black cannot cause lack of intelligence
therefore, the relation is merely statistical
therefore, it is caused by differences of education and such

>> No.4578516
File: 59 KB, 540x447, dalai-lama-yoda-gandi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what difference does that make ?
there may very well be different vocal characteristics between black people and white people, just as there are different skin characteristics

>> No.4578517

Except that blacks were niggers ALWAYS.
Go back thousands of years...go to the Arabs, the Indians...anywhere....
they were always the niggers and the slaves.
I mean you have people like Gandhi writing about how Indians are not the same as blacks, whom he described as sub-human. That was before rap, hiphop and any other shit. When even the Indians don't want to be associated with you, you know your'e in trouble.

tl;dr - Blacks were ALWAYS the niggers of the world. Now, 1000 years ago, 2000 years ago...always. Not just the whites, EVERY RACE known to man treated them as niggers. Event he Arabs and Indians.

>> No.4578524
File: 29 KB, 400x267, white-vs-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, maybe if we change our ways, the next millennia will be very different
same thing could be said for women, and for animals

>> No.4578526


Post your reasoning on /pol/, watch Stormfags go apeshit

>> No.4578531
File: 181 KB, 500x450, giant-spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah maybe i will, but im more interested in seeing what scientifically minded racists would answer

>> No.4578538


Women - treatment of women changed because the entire game changed. The world rewards different things now than what it did back then.

Animals - I don't think the point here is we become more compassionate towards blacks.

Blacks - Were pitted against other races in an equal game, where they were better equipped physically (not similar to women). Always came out at the bottom; always ended up being fucked by every other race.

The world changes, but for the worse. Physical strength becomes outdated --- the one area where blacks held an advantage.

>> No.4578555

so your reasoning is: through history, blacks faced whites and other races, and always came out as slaves, etc.
therefore, that must be ok, and it must always be like that in the future
like saying: in school i bullied tim, therefore it must be ok for me to bully him and it must always be like that XD

>> No.4578566

How about this:
you give a kid a chance, over and over again, and he keeps fucking it up. You will lose your patience with him and leave him be because he's a hopeless piece of shit and isn't useful for anything.
Ok, now replace "kid" with nigger and "lose your patience with" with enslave and "leave him be" with work 'till death and you have a perfectly good analogy that makes sense to everybody!

>> No.4578572

It means the black race is a liability the rest of us will have to man up and take care of for the centuries to come. I'm sure we'll be hearing their whining for decades as they try to exact blame. The least they could do is be thankful that it is those who were benefiting from the old game are the ones who actually changed it. Otherwise, blacks would forever be picking cotton, except for the top 1% of the race which is actually worth anything.

>> No.4578598

I think it has largely do to with american black culture. I know in the ghettos, where black kids usually bully each other for slightest provocation, being smart or doing well in school is considered a "weakness." More smarter you are; it looks to them like you are sucking up to the teacher and the system, making them look bad in class. So these kids, who also has been brainwashed by criminal and uneducated adults, go on to gang up one smart black kid in class. It's sad, but true.

>> No.4578603

I don't know why the new generation of black people in the US think they are owed anything.

So what if your grandfather picked cotton? He would have been fucked with a pole back in Africa anyways if left there. What someone's grandfather did has no effect on their success.

I think the problem is that blacks feel they are ugly inside out, and the rest of society owes them something for getting short-changed draw. It's how a deaf person expects to be treated better taking his disability into consideration. Let's face it...nobody wants to be black and we all know it.

>> No.4578617
File: 58 KB, 526x395, tyrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will answer with a story:
in my neighborhood there is a small crossing of roads that has a big pot of plants in the middle (like a small roundabout).. EVERY month, somebody crashes it and breaks it a little, so after a year or so, it needs to be reconstructed..
i cant help but think: are the crashes the fault of the drivers? the first time, i would tend to say yes, the second time too, the third time too.. but after so many times, i started to think that it is the pot that is misplaced, and it would be better to just take it away to prevent further accidents from stupid drivers
so i tell the neighbors an they answer something like: if the drivers crash, it is THEIR fault, not the pot's.. we don't have to take it away

the relavance of the story is this: even if black people WERE more stupid, and they didn't DESERVE a better education, it isn't a matter of deserving it.. it is simply a matter of helping other people..

>> No.4578630

You can't help what can't be helped.

Your story would've been relevant if the one's crashing into the pot were also the one's that put it there.

>> No.4578632

Problem is, the world has limited resources.
For every nigger that lives, another viable candidate to life elsewhere in the world doesn't.
Also, if you want to use the pot analogy for black people, then it better be a pot that can float around smashing other pots and stealing their water.

>> No.4578647
File: 289 KB, 808x609, jaykwon-tyrese-caps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on ! first, white people consume much much more resources than black people..
second, resources are limited, but some more than others, and it isn't like we will be running out very soon (also, there is outer space)
third, it isn't true that for every black person that lives, somebody else doesn't ..that is so simplistic that it borders stupidity (ill give you the benefit of doubt, however)

im off for lunch, bye

>> No.4578668

I have no clue about what the fuck ur talking about

>> No.4578676

Nope, still have clue what the trick ur talking about. U just sound like an rtard weeaboo

>> No.4578677

how do they act like gorillas?

>> No.4578681

they eat leaves a lot

>> No.4578703
File: 111 KB, 900x600, 4YWb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no "the" blacks. Africa comprises a reservoir of the the majority of genetic variation in Homo sapiens. The average genetic variation between populations on the dark continent is larger than that between *races* elsewhere in the world. This is because it is the home continent of the species and we've been there the longest.

Prejudice against "the" blacks makes no coherent sense whatsoever.

That being said I heartily endorse cultural prejudice. Culture is the combined set of values and actions which defines the potential space of human action. Of course some are better than others - this is trivially obvious - currently Native Americans en masse live in an utterly worthless culture of failure. This contrasts with the culture of a genetically close group of Asians - the Japanese for instance - who exist within a culture so superior in relative terms that they're not even within light years of one another.

>> No.4578706

theyre probably more human because humanity is thought to have started in africa

>> No.4578723

>Aesthetics are not subjective motherfucker.

One of the dumbest things I've read all week. Maybe you should look up the definitions of those two big words.

>> No.4578726

ive never witnessed this

>> No.4578728
File: 91 KB, 359x450, 1210985845338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Just - thank you. You have restored a tiny piece of my faith in humanity.

>> No.4578763
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>> No.4578832
File: 17 KB, 1600x1000, splash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strangely, more professional philosophers consider aesthetic values to be objective..

>> No.4578849

Im black and fuck all you rasist fagots.

>> No.4578883

Too bad appeals to authority and popularity aren't proper arguments.

>> No.4578911

OP, I'm not black so I'm not biased to disagree with you. But everything you said makes you sound like an idiot. Learn some basic human history.

If anything black people are more human than anyone else, atleast the ones who never migrated our of Africa. They experienced little to no crossbreeding with Neanderthals and Denisovans, thus maintaining their homo sapian lineage.

erlocu the

>> No.4578970

true, but they are enough to conclude that talk about objective aesthetics isn't so dumb

>> No.4578978
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The answer is culture and philosophy op. Check and read the history, even in precolonized africa, slavery existed yet they had several organized and functioning kingdoms with sophisticated (at the time) and working economies. In post-slavery america blacks were usually inhibited by laws and public gestures of the established that stop them from fully being able to function and contribute with the rest of society. Because of this atleast a 1/3 of black culture became anti-establishment (which also meant becoming 1/3 anti-intellectual) to combat against the moments of oppression whenever it happened.

But don't think this is exclusive to blacks, every culture and race has had similar problems the only reason why you don't notice it is because it's not visually apparent as others nor is the success stories of blacks as apparent and no I'm not talking about the obamas, oprahs or shaquille o'neals. I'm talking about these people...


The fact that there are a good number of blacks who can function and contribute to society already cripples your statements you were trying to argue.

Now please go back to >>>/pol/