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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4569374 No.4569374 [Reply] [Original]

what drives you guys to like know stuff

>> No.4569377
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/sci/ is what happens when /b/ goes to school

zero social ability, aspie, fat, bad genetics, etc

>> No.4569381

being dumb would suck and would be really fucking depressing.
also, learning stuff is interesting, and if it's not, learn something else!


>> No.4569385

I can fap too this.

>> No.4569394

I need to like know stuff for a well-paying job so I can afford biological immorality so I can wait around until we understand what physical reality is so I can die in peace.

>> No.4569399

A lot of mistakes are made by not being well informed.

>> No.4569403
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I don't think "dumb" means what you think it means.

>> No.4569407

fine, *dum, then, you fucking aspie cunt!
i presume you mean like mute, can;t talk, etc

fuck you!

>> No.4569432
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I'm so fucking sick of you. Why did you start using your trip again?

>> No.4569445
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>> No.4569449
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>> No.4569450

>implying free will

>> No.4569469

To become a God, in the manner of the short story "Understand".

>> No.4569477

If you take any normal person and confine him to a room with nothing in it, he'll get bored and will go crazy. He needs stuff to do inside of the room.

Every person wants to be stimulated by new things. For me, I see something strange happening that is hiding some strange information beneath it. If I can't find worthy explanations- they can't be perfect, because 'why' questions will just go on forever- then when I see this thing again, I feel like that's an empty room, and that I'm stuck in in this strange room which I know nothing about. Each thing that I can't explain is an empty room by itself.

Thankfully, by learning, I can get tools that allow me to do stuff inside of this room. When I see something that I can explain, I feel like I'm playing around with tools that are in the room, and the room has a purpose; it's no longer empty. But these rooms have no ultimate goal. I don't play with tools because I want to use them to get to something, i just play with them because there's nothing else to do inside of the room.

So I encounter something that I can explain, and I have fun explaining to myself, in my head, how that thing works, and what other things it could possibly do. Then I encounter something else, and I look at it and it does nothing for me. I'm fucking bored with it, yet because it has captured my attention, I can't escape from its walls.

>> No.4569485

it's natural for people to just go into these empty rooms and pretend that they don't exist; when they encounter them, they imagine that they're in their old rooms that give them things to do. When the time is up and they don't have to focus on this thing anymore, they go into the next room, and if it's empty, they do the same thing. But there are some things that some people just can't ignore. Their imaginations do not work inside of these rooms because something is seriously disturbing inside of them. Something breaks down, and all the imaginary things are lost. And they're back in that empty room again- now they must find something in them to do or else they will be bored to death.

>> No.4569486

>implying no free will

>> No.4569487

what's it about?

>> No.4569496

Geuss what: I'm a fucking genius. After acing calc 1 - 3, linear algebra, topology and analysis I extended my studies to a triple major in math, physics and finance. Right now I'm working on theorems in quantum finance, bitch. I know you are fuckin mirin, bro. My IQ is 180 and I can only laugh at morons like Jacob Barnett.

>> No.4569498


I can do stuff with stuff. I'm capable of building large dangerous machines capable of fucking your shit up in a completely over the top fashion if I wanted to.

>> No.4569503

>implying you have to deliberately go out of your way and learn to not be dumb

>> No.4569507
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Ouch. My pride.

>> No.4569510
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if you dont learn, you WILL be dumb
lets get a prom night dumpster baby, and keep it in a fucking dark box for 18 years (with as much food and water as it needs) with no intellectual stimulation, and even if its the fucking lovechild of Einstein and...oh crap, [insert famous intellectual female here] then it'l still be fucking retarded when we let it out!

>> No.4569513
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>[insert famous intellectual female here]

>> No.4569520

shut up, i was joking, we are just as clever as guys, i should have said marie curie or something...

>> No.4569521
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>we are just as clever as guys

>> No.4569522


You don't have to actively try to learn. If you're retarded then you can't learn even if you tried. Most of my learnings came from osmosis and not being fucking deaf, dumb and blind to my environment.

>> No.4569542

intelligent people have the innate DESIRE to learn, they are genuinely interested and pay attention, and that's why they remember what they learn, that's the difference.
they still need to actually have topics to learn.

so intelligent people actively seek out new information and try to find new and interesting things do do. dumasses just trog along doing the same old usual shit that they usually do, and because hey're dumb thats enough stimlation for them, they dont get bored with it.

...ignorance is bliss
but intelligence can be bliss provided you get enough intellectual stimulation as well, and is far more fullfilling in the long run

>> No.4569551

I get /sci/gasms all the time.

>> No.4569620

>>4569542 intelligent people have the innate DESIRE to learn, they are genuinely interested and pay attention, and that's why they remember what they learn, that's the difference.

It's not a desire, it's a functional ability that makes it physically pleasurable to put effort into learning new things. Intensive studying may help a little but people don't always have a large capacity for thought intensive tasks.

>> No.4569641

some do some dont.
the stereotypical douche school hater you see so often on film and TV, always skipping school, hating doing homework, seeing it as a chore, etc.
they're one type of person
then you get the 'geeks/nerds' who enjoy homework, find the subjects interesting, attend all classes, never play truant (like me)
of course, 'geek' usually has the negative connotation of being into wierd shit like collecting... transformer dolls or...something, or like D&D cards
they dont have to be, some people are geeky in the way that they like learning and get genuine enjoyment from it, but have perfectly normal interests and arnt wierd or fucked up in any way.

seriously, i can study for hours and it never becoems a drag
as long as its interesting and never repetitive, i soak it up like a fucking sponge

>> No.4569701

>>4569641 the stereotypical douche school hater you see so often on film and TV, always skipping school, hating doing homework, seeing it as a chore, etc.
>>they're one type of person

That person was pretty much me and I'm not dumb, I didn't need effort because I have a natural ability. There are lots of people that may act in a similar way but they are actually stupid in a way that they can't help.

>> No.4569721
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I didn't think they had 4chan in psychiatric asylums.

>> No.4569725

fuck you

>> No.4569730

Rose, I know it's really you because of the massive butthurt you get from the simplest of trolls. On a board infested with high school age trolls (they aren't clever enough to contribute to anything else).

Encouraging them as you have, seriously single-handedly shit up /sci/ to it's current state.