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4569555 No.4569555 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no EK waifu

>> No.4569561

EK is back again.

She ruins /sci/.

She appears randomly.

Every time I see her post, I hate myself for continually coming back to 4chan.

I hate her.

I want to kill myself because of her.

I hate her.

She takes everything that is nice and makes it awful, like chucking newborn kittens into a volcano.

I really hate her.

>> No.4569560

I still dont fucking get 'waifu' do you mean 'wife' in some fucking shit obsolete language??

>> No.4569572


>> No.4569577
File: 19 KB, 250x322, agent smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"oh, im not so bad...once you get to know me!"

>> No.4569571

I don't understand why guys worship girls who don't respect them at all. :/

>> No.4569585

Most words in japanese end with vowels sounds, so when they speak a word like "wife", that ends with consonant sound, they end up pronouncing a "u", almost as if by accident or accent

Happens with a bunch of words

>> No.4569586
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>> No.4569590

lol, no1 fucking 'worships' me, and i do respect some people on here, people who are funny or clever or whatever

>> No.4569599

Giving respect to anon? Bad idea.

>> No.4569602

so its the japanese word for 'wife'?
...marriage is redundant in the modern age, its just a fucking bit of paper/legal contract and some fucking tacky metal circle that has no symbolism for me whatsoever
most marriages end in divorce anyway, fuck it.

single 4 life

>> No.4569606

well i dont usually post in after going 'hurr durr i fucking respect you!' i just quietly chuckle or ponder what they said, and usually say nothing.

>> No.4569609

Holy shit. I really hated you. I really did. But after that. I love you.

>> No.4569610

>lol, no1 fucking 'worships' me
[citation needed]

>> No.4569618

just because i dont value marriage that changes your whole opinion of me?

pff, fickle.

seriously doubt it, if not for the tripcode my posts are pretty standard, you;d never know me from any other fucker

>> No.4569629

I've lost count of the times I've tried to explain this outlook to people only to receive the "you don't understand love, you don't understand marriage" bullshit. Especially from females. They really enjoy putting emphasis on it.

>> No.4569676

yeh i know (im not a typical fem, far from it)
they're all like, "ooh, it'l be the best day of my life!) etc, and i just dont fucking get it
some poncy white dress that is all puffy and makes you look all fucking wierd...theres a reason people dont wear that shit day to day, it's judt be fucking clumsy and all over the place, and doesnt even look good to me, certainly not sexy.

and the ring...fucking hate it
historically it was just a visual signal for 'hands off, this woman is mine!'
which i consider bullshit (long time followers will know i find monogamy outdated and pointless)

>> No.4569682

so its just a visual cue, you see if she has a ring, and if not, shes free to be hit on
of course, nowadays it doesnt entirely work seeing as people can date for years with no marriage (or even never marriage) so she'll never have a ring, but isnt available as almost everyone is still monogamous.
so its confusing, and you have to ask directly just like with anything, no visual cues/cheats/shortcuts to dating anymore.

basically, a husband or a boyfriend are still the same fucking person in every way, the only difference is that if you ever decided you want to leave them, if you;re marriage then theres a whole load of legal barricades in the way making it hard and expensive. (and some whores use marriage as an excuse to 'steal' some guys assets, i'd never fucking do that, its disgraceful)

>> No.4569685

so i kinda think as not getting married as a compliment to the guy
im not with him because i HAVE to be with him, because its legally painful and lengthy to get a divorce, im with him because i genuinly WANT to be with him for who he is
i COULD leave at any time with no repercussions, the fact that i dont means i'm being genuine, and im not just legally shackled there, hating it, but not leaving for financial/legal reasons.

sorry, i know im rambling, im pretty fucking high.


>> No.4569692

Here is EK's trip so everyone can post as her so she will be irelevant


>> No.4569702

lol, i dont mind, i revealed it on purpose, if i want a new trip i can make one anytime

>> No.4569710

>likes to get high
>same outlook on marriage

I use to think this was impossible. I now have hope for finding a mate in the future who shares atleast some of my veiws, even if it isn't you the fact that you do is evidence enough.


>> No.4569716

who is this ek and how do we know hes a girl

>> No.4569726

We found EK's facebook page and twitter. She pretends to be a zoologist on here and shit posts while drunk and high.

>> No.4569737

hehhe, you like that?
you should know im quite a rarity, i dont think ive ever met someone who thinks like i do

you dont.
rose is obviously a girl, but like i say, im not her.
so you dont actually know, but yeh, i am.

im not rose
i really AM a zoologist
...and im high...most of the time these days :/

>> No.4569745

>i really AM a zoologist
No you aren't. Post a picture of one of your textbooks with a timestamp.

>> No.4569764

zoology is a pretty abstact thing to lie about, its considered soft science here, is a sub-branch of biology, and im sure you're aware of the
>hard science
>contempt constanza

in any case, my webcam is shit, i cant be arsed hooking the digicam up to my laptop just to timestamp and prove to some random fucker that i actually own a zoology textbook (which in itself still doesnt prove that i actually study it)

so no.
if you wanna believe im a journalist, or some random fucker who doesnt even study, be my guest

>> No.4569769
File: 46 KB, 720x540, 1310047942158..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you wanna believe im a journalist, or some random fucker who doesnt even study, be my guest

Best conclusion we can make with the available evidence.

>> No.4569771

>zoology student

gave yourself a promotion, didn't ya?

>> No.4569782

oh sorry, so you believe im some random girl (who it turns out is a journalist, perhaps, i only found out yesterday...) because haz fucking trolled some morons on 7/7/11, later admitted she was trolling, and shes a shit troll anyway, i could have done far better

...and THATs you best conclusion!??

well ha is unimaginative as fuck and you should actually be ashamed to be trolled by her, because no1 with half a brain would even be close to falling for any of her bullshit.

same shit
>study physics? physicist.
study chemistry? chemist.
>study biology? biologist.

i dont mean i do it as a job (in fact i probably wont. its a hobby, i dont expect a career out of this)

>> No.4569788

>you should know im quite a rarity

I noticed that when intelligence and getting high came into play. Nonexistent in Australian women.

>> No.4569791

i thought ozzy chicks were notorious for getting high?
not stereotyped for intelligence...but some surely are.

>> No.4569792

Well you're clearly lying since you can easily refute all of the strong evidence with one image that doesn't reveal your personal info. You have to do it right now though.

>> No.4569804

i dont want my pics being passed round here....
i mean, im not even rose and fucking everyone seems to have saved her pics.
if i actually posted real me, same shit would obviously happen.

i dont think harriets trollishness needs refuting any more than the fact that shes (rose) the wrong age, wrong major, probably loads of other info wrong, i only glanced at her FB profile.

>> No.4569809

also you shouldnt just take my word for me being intelligent, you dont actually know.
i only said i do quite well on tests, it could easily be bullshit
maybe im a moron pretending

>> No.4569816

I don't want dirty sluts with an IQ lower than 50 and no self respect. That's the only type of woman that smokes in Aus. Atleast the part I'm in now anyway.

>> No.4569822

a liberal stance on recreational drug use correlates quite highly with interest in science:
sagan and crick were both pretty hardcore.

i'd be surpised if ozzy science chicks wernt into a bit o' green.

>> No.4569832

Also, I'm not taking it for granted. This is the internet. Throwing around compliments isn't much. You should remain sceptical of most things.

>> No.4569837

>You should remain sceptical of most things
indeed i am

>> No.4569838
