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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 95 KB, 391x641, engineering tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4564907 No.4564907 [Reply] [Original]

New and improved

>> No.4564913

why don't you gays all unite, instead of all these silly schisms about what kind of homosexuality is best?

>> No.4564915

It just leads to endless arguments about who pitches and who catches. Let them work it out themselves.

>> No.4564916

>biology is shit
you keep using that word.avi

>> No.4564923

>I hate fun tier
Go fuck yourself.
yes I was in the previous thread)

>> No.4564925

probably referring to biologists, considering biomed is up there

>> No.4564937

No wonder you're so much on /sci/, anything is more fun than ChemE

>> No.4564946

there you go using that word again

biology=/=ecology, zoology, taxonomy, nutrition, kinesiology

>> No.4564949

mad remember drone detected

>> No.4564951

I think this is the first time I've actually agreed with a tier list.

>> No.4564956

you're right, subset is not equivalent to equals

>> No.4564961

Isn't comp sci quite math heavy?

>> No.4564964

Move E.P. down to Okay tier...no one likes them and they aren't even accredited.

>> No.4564980


>> No.4564994
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No U.

fixed your spelling error too, faggot.

>> No.4565005

even with the spelling error mine is superior,

>> No.4565015

Engineering physics feels like shit tier.

>> No.4565024

What about comp eng and mechatronics eng?

>> No.4565026

one's EE one's a hybrid, fuck that shit

>> No.4565029

Where does audio engineering go? It's thanks to them music is as good as it is, it truly is a scientific art.

>> No.4565055

>audio eng

>> No.4565073

OPs list looks pretty legit.

>> No.4565075

Go ahead and throw Materials Science/Engineering up there above the god tier. Without it you wouldn't know how to make a circuit board to put all of your electronics on, and you wouldn't have composites/alloys/etc. to make all of your fancy mechanisms.

>> No.4565079

Petro engineering tier is spot on. I know about a guy at my uni who jumped on an offer straight out of undergrad and is now living in Texas making six figures. Grad students were jelly as fuck.

paleontologyfag btw

>> No.4565080


Put sociology up above that because without society wouldnt have had a school to go to so you would have never learned about materials.

>> No.4565085


A lot of them have to go overseas.

I think you are pretty hardcore about the money if you are willing to live and work in bumfuck middle east, a world away from your friends and family, all for dat paycheck.

If you get a good job like that in Texas though its a really sweet deal.

>> No.4565090

Isn't Materials Science/Engineering considered a subset of ChemE? At my [yes; shit tier] uni you have to do ChemE before you can specialize in Materials Engineering.

>> No.4565106
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Where would my industrial and systems engineering go?

>> No.4565129

>willing to live and work in bumfuck middle east
How is that worth it? Money is nice, no doubt, but I'd rather have average wages in the West than be a rich fuck in the middle of bumfuck nowhere

>> No.4565131

where does industrial economics go? it's like money of economists combined with skill and status of engineering, perfect mix

>> No.4565135


I think you're right. My phys professor was telling me he tried taking some graduate level material science classes and it was some wicked level physical chemistry.

>> No.4565136


Thats why its "in it for the money" tier.

>> No.4565142


I'd say working for 2yrs over in bumfucknowhere for 200k a year it worth it even if it means life sucking for a while. Good experience I'm sure but more importantly you could put so much of that money towards a house or retirement.

>> No.4565148

God tier:


Still really important tier:

Everything not listed that is a legitimate subset of engineering (i.e. not environmental engineering or some such bullshit).

>> No.4565149

Hah, but for real. Without advancements in materials technology, many fields of engineering would be completely stagnant.

It could be seen as such, but my undergrad degree is in Mechancal Engineering and I went straight into Materials Science/Engineering.

You do have to learn quite a bit of chemistry depending on the field of Materials you're going into. I went into metallurgy, so it wasn't quite as chemistry-based as it was physics-based (phase diagrams, etc.). If you went into polymers, etc. it would be much more chem-based. Materials science is a very broad field.

>> No.4565152

So where does Computer Engineer fall into?

>> No.4565157

isn't comp eng just EE into embedded systems?

>> No.4565160

>mfw i live in canada
>mfw i go to the university of waterloo
>mfw i am going to get a degree in chemical engineering
>mfw i am going to move to alberta where all the oil is
>mfw i am going to get a petro job making 150k starting

>> No.4565163

>yfw nothing will change that you'll live in fucking alberta

>> No.4565166

What's wrong with Alberta?
Lots of white people, big cities (Calgary and Edmonton), close to BC... it might not be Ontario, but they also have no taxes. I think Alberta would be great.

>> No.4565168


>yfw oil jobs are all gone you graduate in 4 years.

>> No.4565172

God tier:
8 inches starting

High tier
5-6 inches
7 inches
9 inches

Shit tier:
4-5 inches
Anything greater than 9 inches (it hurts my anus)

Biology tier:
Less than 4 inches

Engineering fuck yeah

>> No.4565176

Alberta is great if you don't live in fort mac, where you will be living. Also, Alberta has no PST, and they have a flat income tax.

>> No.4565177

I don't see environmental engineering, or industrial engineering.

>> No.4565181

EE is fucking overrated. Seriously what's so cool about starring at circuit diagram and memorize it the whole day?

ChemE and AeroE is the only acceptable engineering

>> No.4565182

3.5 inches but still get all the bitches, u mad?

>> No.4565184

I'm not talking about your dick I'm talking about engineers salary

>> No.4565186
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>not studying mathematical engineering

>> No.4565189


>> No.4565194

>ever run out of

Sure is brainwashed american getting tricked to invading Iraq in here

>> No.4565201

>hurr durr I maed video gaems

>> No.4565208
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projected oil sands production

>> No.4565212

If you think that about environmental engineering, then you don't understand the major.

>> No.4565218

>what is math tier
>all of engineering

>> No.4565220

Engineering is the new plebeian job. Enjoy working with the chinese for minimum wage and sucking off your future boss at economics major

>> No.4565224

ITT: yes-men in training

>> No.4565228

some schools consider materials engineering to be a branch of mechanical engineering

>> No.4565236

It's pretty hard to get a job in petroleum engineering. Working in Texas for 50k/year. With undergrad from austin.

>> No.4565239

>this is what /sci/ actually believes
You know that ~70% of civil engineers taht graduate from MIT don't make it into the field because they're all hired by financial institutes first?

>> No.4565240

You think that 5 million barrels per day is a lot?

Meanwhile 40 per cent of the world's oil is coming from areas where production is in clear and substantial decline. The largest oil fields in the world have already reached peak production.

>> No.4565248

As an environmental engineering graduate I recommend doing chemical engineering even if you want to do the env eng work. What you'll find when you are looking for your first job is that all the chemical, civil and even often mechanical engineers are qualified for environmental entry level positions but it's not a two way street.

>> No.4565252

>You think that 5 million barrels per day is a lot?
So? Growth doesn't imply less jobs being available.

>> No.4565254

Yes-men that make the computer you use, the electronic devices you use all the time to communicate with your no-men peers, etc, etc, etc. I could go on and list pretty much all the things you use on a daily basis.

>> No.4565261
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You just keep telling yourself that, chump.

>> No.4565262

Justify it however you want.

>> No.4565264

US: 8 million barrels per day
Canada: 3 million barrels per day
Russia: 10 million barrels per day (largest single producer)
World: 81 million barrels per day

I'd say 5 million barrels is quite a bit.

>> No.4565266

I'd personally do civil.
If you change your mind about environmental, it's much more flexible than chemical (and frankly easier).
Just make all your electives enviromental. I'm civil and like 6 credits away from having an environmental degree as well.

>> No.4565274

physicsfag here. How do I into engineering? I'm getting a bachelors in physics and math and staying 5 years and don't know what to do after I graduate. My grades suck and probably won't get into grad school. Can I become an engineer?

>> No.4565277

Answer this plz

>> No.4565288

What do you do?
EE is generally considered to be quite hard compared to other engi disciplines, that might have something to do with it.

>> No.4565284

The same thing could be said about faggots who pick my garbage and flip my burgers. It's good that there are people who do it I'm just happy its not me

>> No.4565287

MatE, break shit for a living

>> No.4565299

Engineering is vital for human evolution; burgers (junk food) and garbage (mostly from things we don't need) are not.
If you can't see this I'm sorry for you.

>> No.4565300

semiconductors =/ burgers
inspecting a nuclear powerplant =/ taking out the trash

>> No.4565302
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>any engineering

>> No.4565323

>theater and dance
>a real major

>> No.4565325

Point is, engineering is the plebeians of the 21 century doing necessary things to society and make it easier for scientist, philosophers and artist so they could advance the human race

>> No.4565327

I was going to suggest grad-school, but...
>My grades suck and probably won't get into grad school.

>Can I become an engineer?
Not without an accredited degree, no.
If you want a bachelors in engineering, just take all intro engineering classes you need for whatever specialization you're aiming for, assuming you're at least 2nd year, you already have about half the required courses for the first two years of any engineering degree.

There are jobs in the industry for someone with just a b.sc. in pure science though (despite what /sci/ will tell you).

>> No.4565338

like what kind of jobs? And couldn't I like get a masters in engineering or something?

>> No.4565339

In my country a master in applied physics would give you any job an engineer can get

>> No.4565343

Yeah, doctors are plebeians too because they just keep the scientists, philosophers and artists alive.

>> No.4565356

Atleast doctors are there for a noble cause. Engineers sell their soul to dirt and money

>> No.4565361

>philosophers and artists
>advancing the human race
lol nice one. made me laugh

Engineers make science beneficial for society. They make it practical and allow it to improve the standard of living for everyone.

Even Albert Einstein had a soft spot for engineers. Afterall, he worked in a patent office looking at designs made by engineers when he was constructing his theory regarding relativity.

>> No.4565364

>Point is, engineering is the plebeians of the 21 century doing necessary things to society and make it easier for scientist, philosophers and artist so they could advance the human race

Except engineers are the ones that make real advances, they're the only ones that can into inventing shit and making technological progress.

Mostly lab monkeys taking orders from engineers (few exceptions doing actual R&D that can also be done by engineers).


>Not living in the street in their own vomit.

>> No.4565365

Engineers are scientists and artists in lots of ways. In fact, some engineers are more artists than well known artists of these days.

Have you ever heard of Da Vinci?

If most aspiring artists would study engineering and keep art as a hobby, the humanity would be so much evolved right now.

In my opinion, scientists, engineers and doctors are god tier. And only a few artists (and I really mean a few) can be compared to them.

>> No.4565367

Engineers save more lives and do more to keep humanity alive and healthy than doctors do. Doctors are just the last line of defense.

>> No.4565372

>I'm a physicist and can do anything an engineer can

I've heard this a million times and have yet seen it happen. You could probably find a job that some mechanical engineers also do but can never get a PE license which is a hugely important career step for many engineering routes.

>> No.4565374

>implying Calgary isn't ranked the 5th most livable city in the world by the economist

>> No.4565382

Engineers kill too. Probably more than doctors.

>> No.4565383

>like what kind of jobs? And couldn't I like get a masters in engineering or something?
Do your best to get into a good engineering grad school, but like I said it isn't the end of the world if you don't, for example I know a b.sc. chemist who does lab analysis/various other duties that you need a chemist for, for a chemical plant, you won't be doing glorious R&D without a PhD, but it's a job and you're still doing science.

In my country a master in applied physics would give you any job an engineer can get
I'd like to know what 3rd world shit hole gives out Pr.Eng certifications to non-engineers, just because there's an overlap in between the disciplines doesn't mean it's "any job an engineer can get", it's not even true for different engineering disciplines (MechE's can't build bridges like CivE's etc.)

>> No.4565380

The emgineer delusion is strong in this one
>They make it practical and allow it to improve the standard of living for everyone.
No more like they are the monkey scientist use to apply their knowledge. Science is useful in its own engineers are the one doing the hard work so people (especially the elites) would benefit from it. Nothing wrong about it society need pleabians, lots of it.

And lol at engineer looking down to scientist and philosophers. The only different between human and animals is the ability to think abstract and the creativity to express our feeling. Even cavemen start to drawn as soon as they advanced to more complex social structure.
Proof that enginner are soulless, uncreative monkeies

>> No.4565387

>engineer are more artist

rofl dont make me laugh
their creativity is limited to equations and already developed knowlegde
Scientists are the one with breakthought and creativity not monkey engineers

>> No.4565393

Post-doc scientist working at world class university 8 years after receiving undergrad:
35k and medical

Engineer with undergrad degree 8 years after receiving undergrad:
80k+ and amazing benefits (401k, medical, dental, vision, stock options)

Given we live in a capitalist society where money is king who do you think is more valued by society?

>> No.4565394

no you cant call yourself engineer but if you have the right knowlegde the employer would take you anyway. But physicists are usually more interested to get into research anyway

>> No.4565396
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>uncreative monkeies
says about the people who are creating and designing stuff all the time.

>> No.4565406

>the employer would take you anyway.
Except that's illegal, you're living in a dream world mate.

>> No.4565413

Is civil engineering really not math intensive at all?

>> No.4565452
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>> No.4565464

Regardless of what /sci/ likes to think, mechanical and civil aren't that far off.

>> No.4565469

I know Python, C++/C, and Java and I have a major in Comp Sci.

Is that considered EE?

>> No.4565480

I'm also an environmental engineering graduate. Where at?

>> No.4565484

>Civil Engineering = what is math tier?
Yeah, suuuuuuuuure

I aint even buthurt, cause you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.4565489

then I saw some of the other and I'll have to change my comment to

you got me OP

>> No.4565492

it is VERY VERY math-intensive, it's pretty much all you do. please don't believe the trolls

>> No.4565496
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>not doing whatever makes you happy

I am an Ecology and Evolution major. Come at me.

>> No.4565500

You should see the math in hydrology at the graduate level, though I suppose that falls more into the environmental engineering category. 3-D modeling, complex numerical analysis, the need for supercomputers to siimulate 3-D fluid flow or CO2 sequestration. The math gets very hairy.

A friend of mine in environmental engineering is doing work in molecular dynamics, which looks at systems at the level of quantum mechanics. The software he uses is pretty cool. A girl in my group is making molecular sensors using DNA aptamers.

There's also a ton of overlap at the graduate level. I'm personally working in microfabrication and nanotechnology as an environmental engineer, spending lots of my time in a cleanroom. Granted, there are easier topics like green roofs, life cycle assessments...etc but I wouldn't say one engineering discipline is strictly harder than another.

>> No.4565506

>Implying engineering and science is mutually exclusive

>> No.4565509

how can u beleive in evilution if its just a theory ( a geuss?)

>> No.4565518
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>About to type out a thoughtful response as to why everyone in this thread is retarded.
>realize I'm the only one in this thread who goes to a top tier university

Electrical Engineering or Art and Drama... Who gives a shit if its a shitty state school?

>> No.4565520


Sure thing mate that's why this board is called science/engineering & math

Now go back to the oil field pleb

>> No.4565527
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>implying Evolution is not considered a paradigm now

>> No.4565541

university of colorado at boulder

>> No.4565544

>Implying I know what a paradigm is

>> No.4565551

UIUC here. I almost applied to UC Boulder but couldn't get that odd 4th recommendation.

>> No.4565559

you probably could have gotten in with any shitty 4th rec. my friend just got in with less than stellar qualifications.

>> No.4565561


Hurr durr >biology >hard science im so funny guize XD

>> No.4565578
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>> No.4565606

EE is way too high. No reason it should be god tier.

>> No.4565619

>Engineering physics
>4 years of engineering and physics classes
>Cannot be come an engineer

I can't understand why anybody would do this.