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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4562146 No.4562146 [Reply] [Original]

4chan world cup General

This is our current Lineup of players -

Bill Nye
Brian Cox
Troll Science
Biology >Hard Science
Nikola Tesla
Carl Sagan [Captain]
300k> starting

Theory (a gauss)
Thorium reactor
Deep sea bro general
Saged homework
College Majors General
Pre-Med Scum
Putnam Math
Internet Philosopher
Homo Engineer

Ok so the reason I made this post, is this troll called triviaguy88 said he was going to make a post on /sci/ and attack me, because he thinks that all the player choices are mine

>> No.4562147

And he wants to choose all the players himself.

So before he creates drama, and hate against me, and changes our whole established lineup putting his own selfish choices in, without asking the board like he did before. I am asking you first, to use as proof against him and stop him from planning to fck up our whole team

All of the above players were from the original creation of the team, when we first started.

The only new players added are Brian Cox and Bill Nye I believe.

This is the guy who wanted to change our Anthem to "the Elements Song"

And the same guy who scrapped Bismuth, Deep Sea Bro and another player - maybe Ancient Aliens

And he put in God Tier Major, EPICurus, wanted darWIN [yes, he actually spelt it like that]

Without getting board approval, consensus or acknowledgement - he just went ahead and did it, ignoring the board.

And even worse, he decided to make these changes, by not even speaking about it on /sci/ - he went to /m/ and made the changes with his buddies, who aren't even from /sci/ ~


Triviaguy88 - "No matter how we go about trying to remake the team"

"This whole team needs a restart from scratch WITHOUT Luca/Angelo/Miccoli/whatever the hell he's calling himself's involvement. This whole bullshit has gone on for far too fucking long and is ruining the team's reputation. I suggest someone makes a thread on the board in the next few days proposing this."

So basically I wanted to inform you what this guy was all about, before he started to lie about me, and make you all hate me with his drama and lies - which he has done on every other board stalking and harassing me.

And I wanted to check with you that you are happy with this player roster/ lineup - to show him proof, and not to mess with our team.


>> No.4562161
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So are you guys happy with out current established lineup ?

Need responses guys, or the trolls will use it as an excuse to change board approved, established lineup.

>> No.4562169

It's good that you've made your own thread to bitch instead of using the one that was made 8 hours ago.

>> No.4562174


If you'd like a /sci/ thread WITHOUT drama, use the one that was made earlier.

>> No.4562204


without drama ? Haven't I just shown you what sort of two faced person triviatroll88 is ?

The board should be aware of what he is actually like, as I have explained some of his history in this thread ..

>> No.4562210

You derailed the thread with the first reply. Now to the other thread


>> No.4562254


not really. your trying to hard troll

>> No.4562300

Great Lineup. Also, did not read tripfags post

>> No.4562389

Ok so one person approves of board approved lineup

That's something ...

Need more though, so we can tell him to fuck off.

>> No.4562399

>Need more though, so we can tell him to fuck off
More like tell you to fuck off.

>> No.4562403


tell us both to fuck off. That will be fair.

Well not really fair against me .. but it's better than nothing

>> No.4562417
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I like OP's names better than the added ones

and i hate that periodic table song

what was the other anthem?

>> No.4562433
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>> Anonymous Sun Mar 11 23:05:24 2012 No.4455188 [Report]
File: 47 KB, 650x382, epicurusdarwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb]

[photo of darWIN and EPICurus]


also why arn't these guys on the team?

Lol see. He proposed the players, and straight after he just said "done" before the board even had a chance to comment on it, vote, approve or disapprove, and went ahead and made the change to the wiki like the sneaky fagget he is.

And it is him, because he was the one who suggested those initially on sci wiki, and no one else did ..

And made those 3 changes, and deleted content on the page

So he should be the last person making a post on /sci/ after the way he disregarded this board before.

But triviaguy88 would have you believe it wasn't him ...

>> No.4562436

Why should triviaguy be told to fuck off when he's actually tried to help the team by consulting the board, whereas you don't do this at all?

>> No.4562440

if it's a wiki, can't you change it back

>> No.4562451

He's too fucking stupid to know how to do that, hence why there's so many one-byte edits in a row, and also why the revision count has jumped up to 350 plus.

>> No.4562452
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woops sorry posted reply in wrong thread


The other anthems people suggested for closing anthem instead of GD was [because they thought GD was too autotune, and slow / downbeat]

- Vangelis - Alpha


got about 4 votes for .. Im surprised it didnt get more actually, the guy who suggested it was right. But its votes that count

the other 2 were

Heisenberg sings the uncertainty principle

and I forget the other one - maybe the fibonacci sequence or something

its on sci talk page anyway with all other suggestions

>> No.4562466

I would just like to point out that luca is a retard.

He is saying that he posted it, and then said "done" straight after. What he's not telling you is that two people said they were okay with it between the original post and the editing of the wiki. Stop playing fucking victim here. You're the reason for all this shit and you know it.

>> No.4562470


er, i've just proven he hasn't "consulted" as you put it.

Whereas I have not just consulted, but implemented what the board wanted and not my own personal choices

Dont you think there are a shit load of players I personally want to get rid of ? And change anthems too ?

But I dont. Because that is taking the piss, just like triviaguy88 did when he put in his own choices

Any changes I have made, I supplied with the posts

Multiple threads

Most of the team is from its original creation - established lineup, and has a consensus and majority

I have posted threads whenever any decision was made - kits, anthems, custom faces - etc


I did revert triviatrolls changes back to sci's established original lineup after deadline lock


If i spot an error, or think a resizing would look better somewhere - is it a big deal if i make small edits ?

Sometimes the page was being updated real time according to board posts and suggestions that lasted a long time to bump limit.

So yes there are many edits. And fuck off with your aggressive twat tone.

>> No.4562480


Stop counting yourself twice. One person does not equal a majority or consensus of the board

Enough to just remove 3 established long term players that had a majority since teams creation and over multiple threads


>> No.4562484

That's not the fucking point. It's not counting yourself twice when TWO EXTRA FUCKING PEOPLE AND THE GUY WHO SUGGESTED IT
Do the math, that's 3 people
suggested it. That's more than half the shit that goes on around here.

>> No.4562489

>If i spot an error, or think a resizing would look better somewhere - is it a big deal if i make small edits ?
I see you're unaware of the PREVIEW function, you gigantic mongoloid.

>One person does not equal a majority or consensus of the board
So you don't equal one person then? 'cause from what I've seen, a lot of the changes have been made via your own and only YOUR OWN opinions.

>> No.4562491

I suggested the names. Two people agreed. A fourth guy made the edit. It isn't that hard to understand.

>> No.4562509

>I did revert triviatrolls changes back to sci's established original lineup after deadline lock
Here is some light reading for you.
I'm sorry that you don't like that the board changed it's mind, but that's just tough luck. If this thread decides they want to replace Nicola Tesla with Russel's Teapot (ISHYGDDS) then Tesla has to go even though he is one of my favorite players. It's the nature of democracy.

>> No.4562521
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This is why NOT tripfag

>> No.4562524

I see you haven't gone to bed Luca.

>> No.4562525

luca was dishonest

i'm flabbergasted

>> No.4562530

Yeah, I'm appalled too.

>> No.4562534


Already answered blah blah blah

Not going to type out the same thing over again

see here - >>4561121

good night


2 maximum - one of them him. And you think that is a majority, consensus and worthy of removing established players from the creation of board ?


I do use the preview, calm down. But then I may change my mind, why is it such a big deal if I make small edits ? I didn't do anything bad or wrong with those edits

No, only decisions I made personally was to ask someone to make us kits, because we didnt have any

And when I was temporary manager during the 1-1 draw with /mlp/ I was changing tactics stuff, but then found out it was locked and only formation stuff could be changed, and players rested ..

I have only put in other peoples suggestions. And if I like other peoples suggestions, yes I will comment on it and voice my support for them ok ?

And why the fuck shouldn't I ? You trolls aren't even from this board.

Otherwise follow my original suggestion in >>4561121

and have someone impartial - GermanBro or one of his mods take over

so that triviafagtroll cant just make unilateral changes

and only they can ask the board and make decisions

>> No.4562535

and ill be happy with that, and not touch wiki again - as long as triviatroll and troll friend fuck off too because of what they have done showing themselves to be untrustworthy


you samefagged and agreed straight after and said "done" in regards to EPICurus and darWIN - dont even try and claim it was 4

It was 1 person agreeing with you maximum - and you made the changes

So stop trying to deny it you liar, everyone can see you for what you are troll. You have been exposed.


>>I'm sorry that you don't like that the board changed it's mind,

I don't like it when you have acted against the board, it's not for me to like or dislike the boards changes .. unlike you.

I have only implemented board approved changes, and kept my own personal likes or biases out of it .. unlike you. Who keeps removing deepseabro when yes

they did change their mind and wanted him back in and Magnets dropped.

But you dont even act according to your own words - hypocrite lol

Thank you for explaining democracy to me, now try acting by it.

good night..

>> No.4562538

Everyone here is with triviaguy and against you. Stop defending your case, we'd rather him than you.

Plus, I don't get migrane from reading his posts.

>> No.4562544

see the post I made in the first thread: >>4562512

There is also no chance in hell that GermanBro or any of the commentary team would take over this festering shitheap after what's gone on.

>> No.4562552

Dragonfag (who commentates /cm/ games from what I've seen) tried to help us out by doing tactics tests on his copy of PES, but left because of all the shit he was given for trying to help

>> No.4562559
File: 20 KB, 800x448, Pseudoephedrine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give you a migraine. That is the greatest complement I've ever gotten from /sci/. I will endeavor to continue not giving you a headache.

>> No.4562560

You don't want to bring me into this.

>> No.4562561

That's what I meant; because of all the shit that's happened, the board's team is pretty much unsalvageable.

>> No.4562565

Thanks for those tests by the way.

>> No.4562574

The team is perfectly salvagable, we just need someone to stop torpedoing everyone who attempts any salvage efforts (to continue with the nautical metaphor).

>> No.4562580

No bother. While I don't test /sci/ against anyone other than the three boards I do test for (/vp/, /n/ and /cm/), you've pretty much dominated agains /cm/. /n/ was many many draws and /vp/.. well, new formation, no new tests.

>> No.4562583

I like your word usage. You seem to be one of the people on /sci/ who is actually clever.

>> No.4562599

>we just need someone to stop torpedoing everyone who attempts any salvage efforts
Not to mention someone who is actually mentally stable.

He has more problems than the Putnam Math database.

>> No.4562623

I've always believed that diction is the most important aspect of both written and spoken language. It requires an understanding of denotation, connotation, listener/reader understanding and state of mind. A word choice that is perfect for speaking to a male peer may be wholly inadequate when conversing with a female peer or an older male as two examples. It's one of the few parts of institutionalized language education that I approve of in all respects.

>> No.4562634

We'll you're certainly doing a good job of defending yourself through logic an reason and not through vulgar insults and such.

>> No.4562637


>> No.4562641

>you're certainly doing a good job of defending yourself through logic an reason and not through vulgar insults and such.
Agreed; if anyone should become the permanent manager of /sci/, it's him.

The only reason I'm being vulgar towards Luca is because of how much crap he's caused. It just drives me over the edge how totally unreliable, immature and irresponsible he is. He's been pretty much wholly pathetic throughout this entire saga.

>> No.4562661

I won't be trainer. I can't promise I'll be available for all games. dicks did a good job with what we gave him. I would like to consult with him on ways to improve the tactics (read skillcards, medals, nominal player positions) so we can keep the 0-10-0 look that he put in for the knockout rounds.

>> No.4562668

I can do a quick 24 man summer knockout tournament and see how /sci/ do.

>> No.4562674

Cool. Would you live stream it?

>> No.4562687
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>> No.4562793

/int/ 1-2 /sci/
>Bill Nye
>Richard Feynman

/n/ 4-2 /sci/
8' Slam The Stem
>22' Bill Nye
45+' Slam The Stem
>54' Richard Feynman
69' I like trains
73' I like trains

/sci/ are eliminated from the tournament. The team that beat us, /n/ lost 3-2 to /m/, who in turn lost 1-0 to /jp/ in the finals.

>> No.4562856

/vp/ 2-1 /sci/
45+' Miror B
>58' Transhumanism
64' Nigger Winner Furthremore

Tis not a good day.