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File: 34 KB, 300x401, Cancer Cells HD Photos Collection3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4558518 No.4558518 [Reply] [Original]

The human species is a cancerous tumor, allow me to elaborate.

Cancer is a cell that has mutated to allow itself to reproduce uncontrollably and become invasive to other cells.

Could we consider earth as a cellular body, and each species a cell? With that in mind, I consider the agricultural revolution a genetic mutation in the human cell, allowing us to reproduce and become invasive to other cells (species).

Before this mutation, earth was more or less balanced, sure, species killed each other in a natural circle, but never before did a species become so dominant that it unbalanced the equilibrium. A body with cancer dies, just as our species will slowly kill our planet, (as we are doing).

If earth is going to have a chance surviving in the long run, the human species is going to need to be eradicated. Perhaps a self inflicted chemotherapy (nuclear self annihilation) will take care of it. Any thoughts?

>> No.4558547


>Human species. Nope. Look at native Americans and how they lived.

>Culture. Sure, it emulates this. But its self-regulated.

>> No.4558563

They were the only culture to recognize the natural balance, humans as an entity, cannot be credited with that recognition.

>> No.4558574



>> No.4558570

humans are a plague species, not a cancer

>> No.4558586
File: 68 KB, 500x413, 1326294974296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smith called humans a virus, not a cancer. Fairly different, try again.

>> No.4558641

Humans are cancer...what now?

>> No.4558655

You wouldn’t eradicate a man’s brain simply because he has a brain tumour. You simply (well…) remove the cancerous tissue. It may be (and I dearly hope so) possible to cure humanity of its invasive, cancerous destructive tendencies, insofar as they are an aspect of our society and not of our nature, but we oughtn’t to be so quick to throw out the baby with the bath water.

>> No.4558656

Here's a more fun and interesting thought, OP:

Your central nervous system is a cancer upon your body.

The earliest forms of animals were nothing but masses of differentiated cells. Yet somewhere along the line, neurons evolved and hijacked the conglomerate, dictating the growth, design, and movements of all of the other cells.

>> No.4558719
File: 36 KB, 320x315, We President Now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could we consider earth as a cellular body, and each species a cell?
Only if we consider Humans to be the central nervous system, like what >>4558656 is saying. Cancer? Nah, man. Humanity is something far more sinister. We are not so disorganized that we can recognize when we're putting ourselves in danger. No, we're placing ourselves squarely in a position where the future of all life on this floating rock.

We are the controllers, the regulators, the dictators, the destroyers, and the creators. Does the body control the mind? Or does the mind control the body? Frankly, I say the later.


>> No.4558794

So humans could be nervous system of earth, we've allowed it to truly grow? It's true, and a fun thought, sure, but the nervous system didn't end up slowly killing the body it adapted to, it allowed it to feel. We are stunting our systems ability to survive. We can say we dictate the the other cells in the system, but dictating them isn't the same as killing them off.

Earth has no mind, the cells have no control, they just allow it to live.

>> No.4558811

>The human species is a cancerous tumor,
>Could we consider earth as a cellular body
>and each species a cell
>The human species is a cancerous tumor,
>and each species a cell
>a cancerous tumor,
>a cell

The Motrux by Egunt Smoth

>> No.4558823
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>> No.4558831

>but never before did a species become so dominant that it unbalanced the equilibrium


"The equilibrium"


As if catastrophe wasn't part of the cybernetics of geology and its individual instantiations in organic chemistry!

As if the evolution of matter depends on MORAL FAIRY TALES invented by apes!

"The equilibrium" give me a FUCKING BREAK. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of the prehistory of life knows how ludicrous the Christian notion of a pre-civilizational harmony is! And then you compound it with this mother fucking drivel

"They were the only culture to recognize the natural balance, humans as an entity, cannot be credited with that recognition."

Yes because "native americans" didn't have a FUCKTON OF CULTURES some of which actually KILLED THEMSELVES OFF DUE TO ECOLOGICAL AND CLIMATIC CHANGES. As if "native americans" didn't actively shape the landscape for their own benefit!

Would an actual God rid me of these infants and give me men who are entranced by something other than fairy tales!

>> No.4558845

Should I waste time pointing out all the incorrect points in this troll of a post or can we all just ignore it...

>> No.4558855

Cancers and viruses don't slow down and reverse their population growth when they develop.

This shit is really, really fucking stupid and underaged.

>> No.4558867

>Could we consider earth as a cellular body, and each species a cell?

we can't, that's not how it works.


>> No.4558872



sub fucking human posturing.

"Well I don't really understand your point and some of the things you say sound downright funny! Gosh I better posture a superiority over your opinions before I have to THINK."

>> No.4558884

Another source on the topic:

tl;dr No we're not a virus, stop being such an edgy teenager. Of course, the OP is simply a troll.

>> No.4558887

Slowing down the rate of reproduction doesn't just void the invasive qualities of our species. Obviously the term cancer doesn't meet all the criteria of the definition when applied to an entire species.

>> No.4558890

The irony of your post is surely lost on you.

6/10, make me smirk

>> No.4558892
File: 22 KB, 531x324, 531px-Extinction_intensity.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there's no such thing as the balance of nature, nature is almost as chaotic as a human society, maybe just not so fast-paced. About 99% of all species ever lived are now extinct and there has regularly been extinction events where the majority of living species has died.

Just look at this article and the chart..

>> No.4558894

But this is the ENTIRE point. Humans don't just reproduce exponentially until the host dies, like viruses or cancers. That's not REMOTELY how it works.

>> No.4558895

Oops, I meant this article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extinction_event

>> No.4558907


>my lack of a face when nucleated aerobic DNA coded systems were invasive to bacteria eons ago

The idiocy of the position of "equilibrium" is that it founders on nothing but an idiotic privileging of a certain state of things at the sacrifice of all possible evolutions of matter. It's Christian Pity and "altruism" that allows itself to be dominated by a concept THAT IT INVENTED.

The horror of a man being dominated by an imaginary notion of the holiness of a state of things that is unsustainable in the very long run anyways.

The only justification would be a most intense LOVE of the entirety of our systems but I doubt any human being has that but more of a love or habituation for their domination by moral imperatives, or rather a love or habituation for the ability to dominate their body via moral imperatives.

>> No.4558913
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>cybernetics of geology
>evolution of matter

Why you even bring this trash up is irrelevant to my point or this argument, but if you really want to discuss it you should break it down for my plebeian mind to understand.

>Anyone with the slightest knowledge of the prehistory of life knows how ludicrous the Christian notion of a pre-civilizational harmony is!

Are you implying there is such thing as post-civilizational harmony?

As for the natives, clearing an acre of forest for a field is a lot different than clearing an entire forest for a city. Hardly comparable.

>> No.4558924

99% of all the species that ever lived dying can be attributed solely to the invasiness of other species?

>> No.4558930


>Why you even bring this trash up is irrelevant to my point or this argument, but if you really want to discuss it you should break it down for my plebeian mind to understand.

That organic chemistry arose from a geology and a lot of our bodies are micro-geologies. Things that snap and shear and shudder and tension and twist and accrue in unique reactions.

>Are you implying there is such thing as post-civilizational harmony?

The notion of a harmony is ludicrous unless one means the aftermath of a war for domination over all other processes.

>As for the natives, clearing an acre of forest for a field is a lot different than clearing an entire forest for a city. Hardly comparable.

So the geology of the earth leads to forms of matter that change at rapid paces and have no pity for a multitude of organic chemistries while reproducing metallic structures at an exponential rate?

Boo hoo.

>> No.4558931
File: 269 KB, 448x480, yotsubakira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your entire argument is based off of the assumption that humans are going to destroy the earth and that we are a terror upon the planet rather than its beneficiary.

No, sir. We are the products of natural selection. Species have been at war with one another since life itself began, and we are the manifestation of that. We now sit on a throne as kings of this planet. It was not by accident, but by nature that we have become the rulers of this world.

It is the job of humanity to put its own interest above all else. That is what nature has bred us to do. Humanity, however, is more capable of self-regulation, something which no other species controls. We are the only species that is aware of its actions and how it affects the environment. We are the only species capable of hating itself, just like you do. No, my friend. Humanity is not cancer. We are the brain.

>> No.4558938

The idea comparing human species to a disease/cancer/virus/etc is older than energy.

>> No.4558950

Do you think were going to survive?

>> No.4558954

How long are we talking here?

>> No.4558952

And the genitals too. We're the biosphere's only hope of reproducing.

>> No.4558971

No, but almost every species is 'invasive' up to a point where there comes an external limit to its growth. It's not balance. Humans are no exception, they are just more succesful in maintaining the growth.

>> No.4558976


If humanity didn't kill itself off in the Cold War, then I doubt we ever will. Socio-economic dependance has become far too great and it's not in the interest of any 1st world nation to attack one another.

Furthermore, with the invention of the internet, connectivity and global awareness will only grow stronger over time. Humanity will continue to merge into one global culture, and nature will be our bitch.

>> No.4559020
File: 5 KB, 281x256, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Following this train of logic, take a look at nations with increasing influence on the internet.

Just about all of them are experiencing declines in birthrate and population as reliance on the internet increases. The internet isn't allowing humans to "breed" more. Instead, it's inhibiting our growth rates. Humanity is continually becoming more and more self-regulated.

>> No.4559026

Ummm, there are other things than war that can destroy mankind. For example, finite resources and a huge number of people who need these basic resources. We have to double or triple the world's agricultural production in a few decades just to feed the ~9 billion people and we have to do this with decreasing oil production and rising energy prices.

>> No.4559089
File: 933 KB, 200x200, 1333710720132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, you're silly.

People will naturally stop wanting to have kids on their own as the internet continues growing in size and influence. Gas prices will be so high that people will stop driving around as much. People will buy fewer consumer items and more "virtual goods".

Humans will eventually start becoming so wrapped up in their virtual social status that they'll stop caring about the outside world. This means an increause in farmland, less consumption of energy, and lower populations.

Trust me. Nature has a funny way of working things out on its own. And humans are every bit as natural as the rest of the world, even if we pretend we aren't.

>> No.4559098

One thing is roughly analogous to another if we focus on specific traits, therefore they are the same thing.

>> No.4559117

Congratulations OP! You are an Idiot!

>> No.4559119

Holy dick, that is insulting. This would not be the work of Nature nor of Evolution. It'd be Mankind itself achieving a new step of evolution by itself. Not thanks to Nature.

>> No.4559150

Evolution is the product of nature, and mankind is the product of evolution.

We are both the masters and servants of these processes, just as the brain is both the master and the servant of the human body. In the end, the brain is still a part of the body.

I give credit where credit wherever it's appropriate. Crediting evolution and nature is more than appropriate.

>> No.4559170
File: 58 KB, 600x400, captain-planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you saying is we need to save the planet

>> No.4559176

<obligatory>OP, demonstrate your dedication to this idea: Erradicate yourself, immediately. Preferably on camera.</obligatory>

>> No.4559191

No, it's a bad analogy.

>> No.4559203

Mankind exited Evolution and Nature long ago.

>> No.4559205

Humans are more like a virus

>> No.4559225

Not really.

Only idiots think that mankind has quit evolving or that we can somehow escape from nature. You don't "exit" evolution or nature. You merely learn how to control it.

It's the difference between a brain controlling a body vs. a brain being separate from the body. Humanity is the brain.

>> No.4559236
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 1333924003845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going with OP's analogy then what you're saying is that we inject our DNA into other species forcing them to reproduce humans? Woah.

>> No.4559248


Basic Evolution 101. Mankind has exited the Evolution progress.

>> No.4559256
File: 69 KB, 347x324, 1333925947023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Otherwise justify.

>> No.4559294


Only pessimists and retards with no understanding of evolution think that evolution ever "stops".

>> No.4559299


Evolution is random. Mankind exited that system as nowadays it is not suggested to the "The most adaptated will survive. Therefore we will see a preservation of the genome. And if there is evolutions, they will not be random anymore.

Humanity gamed Nature long ago.

>> No.4559303

only if there is zero correlation between someone's genes and number of descendants.

so far as i can tell, dumb people have more kids, and being dumb is largely genetic

>> No.4559348
File: 50 KB, 640x400, 1844340_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Earth has more than 4.5 billion years.

The life has 3.5 billion years.

We, Human Beings, are here for hardly 300 000 years.

The Earth and the life knew events, cataclysms which were infinitely more destructive than what makes the Man. And nevertheless, they are still there.

You overestimate the Man.

Off T : http://biologie-cellule.blogspot.fr/

>> No.4559462


Thank goodness there aren't any randomly occurring mutations in our genome then, or you might almost be correct.

Humans are as subject to evolutionary processes as any other species, we can cover for many inherent physical weaknesses with our technology, most certainly but as this has, for example, contributed to the development of better adapted biological pathogens, we remain incredibly vulnerable.

>> No.4559577
File: 5 KB, 170x236, frustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shut up. You don't know what evolution is. Stop posting.

>so far as i can tell, dumb people have more kids, and being dumb is largely genetic
Hasn't that pretty much been the case all throughout history?

When has there ever been a point in history where stupid people weren't multiplying faster than the smart ones?

>> No.4559780

It's called rape

>> No.4560429
File: 11 KB, 288x175, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With respect to humans, earth is not growing a tumor, it is growing a brain.

>> No.4560442

shamefur dispray, commit sudoku.

>> No.4560480

Oh look, it's THIS thread again.

Faggot OP, you already posted this shit once today, and I'll say the same thing I said before:

Show us your dedication to this idea: Erradicate yourself, right now, preferably on camera, for all the world to see. If you're not willing to set the example for everyone else, then you're and even worse cancer than you describe the rest of us to be and you can fuck the fuck off, k? Please be sure to get your ENTIRE head in front of the shotgun, k? I don't want my tax dollars going to keep your worthess, cancerous ass alive.

>> No.4560627

>my tax dollars
Both of 'em.

>> No.4560643

I actually wrote a poem about this for one of my classes.
It's called Apollo 2012

There's a fuckin' moon
in the sky, look at it,
it's mocking me..
The stars are like distant friends,
I haven't talked to them in a while.
Awesome, the other planets
won't even look at me.
Although I do feel bad for the cold one,
he must be lonely like me.
I'm sick, you know.
There's some disease,
growing inside of me,
underneath my skin.
I think that's why they all resent me,
but they don't know how it feels.
I wish I could just turn off the lights
and die, but no.
Now the disease has spread
to the moon, and it's left a mark..
I almost feel bad for him, but
I'm close to a cure.

>> No.4560674

yeah listen to this faggot, everytime you ever entertain any sort of notion, you better be prepared to see it through to death.

Fucking dumbass.