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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4557175 No.4557175 [Reply] [Original]

Do you consider English to be a real major? Is there any use for it inside of the English-speaking world?

>> No.4557181

Being an English teacher.

>> No.4557185
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No I mean, if somebody from a non-English country gets a degree in English, can he pursue a career in English-speaking countries?

>> No.4557195

you could certainly get a job, yea. Career is a lot to ask for these days

>> No.4557198

Being an English teacher.

It's not going to help you for much other than that or a closely related job.

Get a real degree bro.

>> No.4557207
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But I can't afford another degree mang.

>> No.4557217

You can pay for a degree in engineering by sucking cock in the weekends.

>> No.4557221

How about I pimp your mother instead?

>> No.4557224

First of all, I'm not shitting on English people on purpose. I am merely stating what I have observed.

>English degree as a native English speaker.
I hope you like teaching or writing in newspaper-esk things.
Usually, English degrees are sought after by women.
Unless you have a PH.D in a specific English area of study or mythology, you will not be writing those narratives that you love.

Have fun writing that book you can't find a publisher for that you had to write between your hours at McDonald's and Best Buy.

>English degree as a foreign person.
All that it will get you is a teaching job.
There are just too many English degrees in the market right now.

Truthfully, unless you are into computers, the baby boomers probably have a corner on your market until they finally retire.

>> No.4557233
File: 36 KB, 566x564, 1284910631213_f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about computers? I'm planning to get a IT degree too, it's practically free. But it's IT. It's shit.

>> No.4557236


enjoy excel

>> No.4557238
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That is a crippled notion about IT. I don't know what IT is actually but I I'm pretty sure it's not what you think it is.

>> No.4557239

Good luck with IT.
Soon that job market will be saturated also.

Also, I hope you like microsoft products.
This is coming from a person who has spent the last 4 years in IT.

>> No.4557247
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Huzzah! I will get an Oracle certificate then! They teach Java in IT courses. You can work as a freelancer with an Oracle certificate.

>> No.4557254
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Fuck you /sci/ I'm 19 and I still don't know what to do with my future.

>> No.4557253

Sure you can. That may not be a bad idea.

I kill to have linux projects and those float by like once a year.

Tons and tons of record keeping......

>> No.4557257
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I kill to not to have your job.

Sorry but what made you to choose IT?

>> No.4557262

I'm still going through school in Comp Sci and it pays the bills.

Literally, I walked into a place and said I was a Comp Sci major looking for work and they almost placed me in their dungeon.

unless you are working for a school, get ready to repair the same 6 year old computer and its software for ages.

>> No.4557263

Here is why i hate english , why can't i just write a paper without making it 5 pages.Why can't you just write what you feel and leave it at that.I got marked down all the time for being to brief or ending to abruptly.Being too brief?, fuck you english and your rules.

>> No.4557269

I strongly agree with this.

Why should there be page requirements on things that could take a paragraph to explain fully?

>> No.4557273
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I was doing fine in high school, well not fine but moderate until Definite Integrals in Calc I and shit I can't do them I failed it. So I ask you, how heavy is math in Computer Engineering? If it has Calculus in it, I'm out.

>> No.4557274

IT in a nut shell

>Hello? IT I'm having a problem with my computer.
ok. Is it plugged in?
>I think so.
Can you double check?
>oh.... no it was not.
ok. call back if you have problems

Mother fucker..... now I have to record who that was, when it was, what we discussed, and how much time it took.
Even for something that small.

>> No.4557277

>be a dual major in neuroscience and philosophy
>really interested in philosophy of science, theoretical limited of science and math, and technology
>end up doing to grad school for philosophy to study theory of knowledge, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, logic, and philosophy of neuroscience

did I bad decision /sci/?

>> No.4557280

Do you really think a guy with four years of education does IT Support?

>> No.4557286

>Grad school

you probably will not have a problem finding something in teaching at least.

>> No.4557291

With a small enough company... yes.

Just because I've been enrolled and seeking a degree for four years does not mean that I have it yet.
It could mean that I am lazy or that I really want to make the best of my education and retake classes if I feel like I did not do well enough.

>> No.4557299


>> No.4557306

Trust me.
I have seen many places in IT.

I have been the guy on the phone.
I have also been the guy who gets pushed "jobs" or tasks that people need done.

It does not really change especially if it is a pre-established IT department.

The only IT departments that I've seen that are interesting are college ones.
They deal with a myriad of problems and are constantly dealing with different hardware and software.

That is where it is at in the IT field.

>> No.4557376

It might be good if you're going to be a translator. But then you have to know another language as well.