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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4554557 No.4554557 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, is eating your boogers bad for you?
Im 20 and have been doing it since I was a kid.

>> No.4554830

Bump for general interest.

>> No.4554847

almost certainly not, as you swallow similar shit from the back of your nasal passages all the time anyway

>> No.4554865

Physically probably not, but as someone who has never eaten boogers, I can assure you that you can forget about friends and relationships if you do that.

>> No.4554878

It's actually "good" for you. The exposure to the bacteria assists in building your immune system.

However, I urge you to stop because it's still fucking gross.

>> No.4554973

I would not recommend. The nose hair eg are full with heavy metals and other junks filtered from breathing air. And this should not be eaten.

>> No.4554981

i eat them in private and have friends and relationship

>> No.4554992

Why is it gross? Because people told you it is?

>> No.4554999

No, because it fucking is.

>> No.4555000
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>> No.4555001

Nice argumentative skills.

>> No.4555006


>> No.4555009
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>> No.4555010

Tautology. Fuck.

>> No.4555012

That doesn't make it any less gross

>> No.4555014

Seeing someone eating their boogers is disgusting because my instincts tell me so.
Satisfied? This really cannot be explained any better.

>> No.4555018

No, I'm pretty sure someone probably just told you it was gross and you decided to believe them.

>> No.4555023

body waste repulsion seems to be instinctive

>> No.4555024

It's the same with shit. You don't need to be told it's disgusting, you just naturally find it repulsive.

>> No.4555027
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Yea, because that reaction is deeply genetically rooted. Fucktard.

>> No.4555035


What is so far-fetched about that? If you naturally don't want to fuck your siblings, why can't you be naturally repulsed by people eating boogers?

>> No.4555044

>If you naturally don't want to fuck your siblings
Also, those two are not related. The only point you made was that it is possible to be naturally repulsed by something.

>> No.4555047

Because repulsion of booger-eating serves no evolutionary advantage while not wanting to fuck your siblings does.

>> No.4555058

Guise wat if boogers are tachyonic

>> No.4555059

What are you even trying to argue about? You claimed it's impossible for repulsion to be genetically rooted, I showed a counter-example. I'm not claiming that science has proven irrefutable proof for genetical booger eating disgust by people eating boogers. I'm saying that if you did a research or something, you would see that at least 95% of people are repulsed by it.

>> No.4555066

I'm not thinking about what I'm typing. Ignore the stylistical mistakes.

>> No.4555072


>> No.4555091

Yes, I realize many disgust and repulsion responses do have an evolutionary advantage, just not booger eating.

>> No.4555092


Nasal mucus is a pathogen snatcher. Perhaps our brains have evolved to avoid something that could potentially make us sick. That may be why is majority disgusted by booger eating.

>> No.4555098
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It still doesn't prove that the disgust is genetic; it could be cultural. Some disgust I agree is genetic, per proof by evolutionary advantage. However, I don't have this proof when it comes to booger-eating, ergo I'm agnostic/skeptic on the issue.

>> No.4555109

I think that brains are disgusted by anything that is somehow expelled from the human body. Wee, shit, semen, sweat, earwax, blood and maybe even boogers.

>> No.4555114 [DELETED] 


>> No.4555123

For what?

Absolutely, but how much is genetic and how much is our cultural idiosyncrasies?

>> No.4555130

>Implying the only reason why you think this kind of activity is disgusting isn't because of your parents, teachers and just about every other adult telling you not to do it as you grew up as a kid. Along with that them lying about it being horrible and sickly

>> No.4555135

>helps build your immune system

>> No.4555141 [DELETED] 

>For what?
Furry anime weeaboo irrelevant garbage

>> No.4555148

I can't believe I'm wasting my time discussing whether booger eating is cultural or general.
Wikipedia is agreeing with the first one though.

I also can't believe wikipedia has a page on this subject.

>> No.4555151
File: 188 KB, 500x500, 1332705051761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've run out of good arguments and now resorting to shitposting.

go back to /b/.

>> No.4555153

Anime on a Japanese-style imageboard? You don't say...

And his post was relevant to this thread, and science. So far the only things I've seen you post are blatant trolls.

>> No.4555150

it makes your amune system stronger because it gets your body familliar with the germs

>> No.4555163
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Fuck off back to >>>/b/

>> No.4555164

I pick my nose in public and give 0 fucks.

Some bitches occasionally tell me I'm gross, I just respond by telling them to go back to obeying everything their TV says and troll some other person.

I'll enjoy my sick-free life while they take weeks out because of simple things like the flu.

>> No.4555166
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> I disagree with you but instead of disputing your points legitimately I'll just spam board redirects

Either argue rationally or shut up.

Personally, I'm pretty sure repulsion is at least somewhat genetic, but, like most human behaviors, nurture has a lot to do with it as well.

>> No.4555168 [DELETED] 


>> No.4555171

You broke global rule #7, enjoy your ban

>> No.4555175

Oh boy, here we go guys

>> No.4555177
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> complaining about weeaboos on 4chan.

>> No.4555178


Once again the chinese are pushing life beyond the old broken norm and breaking into truly great times in human life

>> No.4555185

unless you're spitting every 5 seconds, you are indeed ingesting mucus over time naturally.

>> No.4555203

>The Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder Association of South Africa collectively concluded that nose picking [and booger eating] are passing behaviors.

its not every thread something mentions SA.