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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 433 KB, 1800x1200, chemtrails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4545213 No.4545213 [Reply] [Original]


has anyone else heard anything about this?

video description:

The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup Revealed.

Trails of white, emitted behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, turn our skys into a blanket of overcast that blocks out our sunshine. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines.

Who is doing this and why? Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments, intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water.

Although government officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 - The effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and humans. We are being sprayed with toxic substances, without our consent. To add insult to injury, they lie to us about it and try to coverup the Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering that is ongoing.

tl;dr just watch the fucking video

>> No.4545222

Conspiracy is not science.

>> No.4545232

Just a conspiracy theory, that's all.

>> No.4545281

Don't expect people on this board to take this as seriously as they should, OP. Conspiracy is a bad word around here. Granted, shit like this usually gets glanced over because its brought into conversation by nuts, but once you start actually looking into it you find some interesting (read - scary) stuff. Its much easier to think you've got everything in your world under control and pretend nothing this sinister on a grand scale doesn't even exist.

>> No.4545381

do you enjoy being buttfucked by your government?

>> No.4545435

Tinfoil hats aren't in fashion right now, OP.

>> No.4545440

except not, because the chemtrails loons have been going on about this since the 1980s. They only recently claimed that they were geoengineering. They used to claim that they were mind-control chemicals or something. Anyway it's all pretty stupid.

>> No.4545456

Can people really be this fucking stupid?
Also, this isn't science or math.

>> No.4545459

Am I supposed to believe they're contrails that just happen to dissipate over time instead of almost immediately and are in grid formation just to be pretty? I'm not asking you to put on a tin foil hat here, I'm asking you to question why it happens.

>> No.4545464

Ever seen a person [read: government control agent] exhale on a very cold day? That shit's terrifying.

>> No.4545469

if you believe this shit you either suffer from lack of knowledge or paranoia.
I wish for you it is just lack of knowledge

>> No.4545474

Wow. I hope OP is actually retarded or trolling, and not just this fucking stupid.

>> No.4545479

>Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines.

Yes because when we see trails refracting light, lingering and deforming in the wind exactly like clouds made of water vapor at similar altitudes, we innately know the trails cannot be made of water vapor.

>> No.4545485


B-b-b-b-but combustion doesn't create water vapor!

That is a lie advocated by the lame stream media and the liberal academic elites!

>> No.4545517

Why are they finding traces of the shit they're claiming is in the chemtrails when they survey the water and soil in the area?

>> No.4545522

They claim that shit is in chemtrails because they find it in the area.

>> No.4545536

Just checking, did anyone actually watch the video?

>> No.4545534

on /x/ there is proofs
it's there.

just what is it?

>> No.4545538

Fun fact: you can make "chemtrails" in a sink full of hot water by dragging a small object through it. Try this when you shave tomorrow morning.

Consider how much chemical you'd need to emit at an altitude of 30,000 feet in order for any measurable amount of it to end up on the ground. It's... it's a fucking lot. And it would have to be extremely unreactive, which in turn means it probably can't have nefarious pharmacological effects.

>> No.4545539

OP is a spammer.
OP wants us to go see the movie.
It's a 97 movie full of bullshit.
Spamming should be punished by a ban, but in this case we can make an advocacy for scientific culture.
With enough scientific culture, most people would not fall into this trap. I'm talking about knowledge, of course, but about rationality, about how science works and what are the mechanics of scientific research.
Banning OP would just give them the feeling of being right snd effective...

>> No.4545543


>> No.4545579

You're right, there's far more pharmalogical contamination of water than there is in air. Small doses of whatever it is you ingest work over time, but you're probably drinking a lot of discarded medication if you live in or near a large municipality.

I'm not even the OP, I just found this thread talking about a video that proposed a question to me when I first watched it.

I'm assuming its posts like these that make people nervous to even talk about shit that might be hurting the general population of the planet lest they be labeled a "conspiracy theorist".

>> No.4545594
File: 13 KB, 178x178, tinnem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4545907

Pretty much. How long a contrail lasts depends on the weather. If the air's still and cold it can last a while. If it lasts long enough, you'll start to see the pattern of air traffic, which is pretty regular if you're near an airport.

The thing is, "chemtrail" theories are no wackier than stuff our government actually HAS done (mk-ultra, castro's exploding cigar, tuskegee and guatemala syphilis experiments, operation midnight climax), but there's no evidence that chemtrails are anything other than normal contrails (jet exhaust and wing vortices).

>> No.4545916


>> No.4545926


But they find it at normal levels.

>> No.4545965


Yes. Try thinking for once. Why do contrails dissipate? Can you think of the reason? do you know what contrails are made of? Then you'll also see why sometimes they don't.

Also do you really think planes fly at random across the sky? They fly along fairly fixed headings between major airports.

>> No.4546095

>Website linked to in video description looks like it's from 1996.

Why the fuck is every conspiracy/creationist/wacko website like this?

>> No.4546098

>Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines.

what does this even mean?

>> No.4546101

OP. you realise contrails are already there before the plane flies. it's water vapour in the air that the plane makes condense

it's like you are saying windows are leaking water when you see condensation on them

>> No.4546126

>innate intelligence

I believe this to be a rumor

>> No.4546129

it's some kind of appeal to the reader's pride, followed by a non sequitur

"our inate intelligence tells us we have a second invisible head"

>> No.4546139

Actually it is both. Tip vortices cause water to condense in moist air, but jet exhaust has a lot of water in it (combustion products) and that will cool and condense or freeze into ice particles in cold dry air.

>> No.4546145

Let this thread die from Barium poisoning. Sage this /x/ bullshit.