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4543278 No.4543278 [Reply] [Original]

I feel that my Biology prof. is manipulating me /sci/.

I went to his office to look over my lab exam because he doesn't let us take it. For the whole last page he gave me zero on three questions (15% of the test) plus some other questions. I told him my reasoning to the answers and after he could not justify the zeros he said "you know, I could give you a couple marks for these questions, but in the grand scheme of things you'll still fail." Most of the other marks he took off were for mis-spelling phylum names and stuff. Whenever I asked him to explain one of the answers he'd start being cocky and ask me things like: "what do you expect to do after this class anon? do you see a future for yourself in science?" what should I do... this guy is an asshole in lecture too

>> No.4543281

Frankly, I don't believe you.

>> No.4543297

I don't care

>> No.4543301

tell him to give you the marks, find other people in similar situations, go to the dean.

>> No.4543300


you mean he doesn't like you and thinks you should leave.

find out how you complain about faculty

>> No.4543304

nice story op, wow what a 'bad' prof...ya i totally am on your side

>implying OP isn't paranoid schizo who lies for fun just to get a sense of camaraderie from random anons-

>> No.4543312

someone is really pissed at you OP.

>> No.4543316

no this is the truth. My friends all think he's the biggest asshole ever.

Talking to the dean sounds scary

also this guy is the only prof. I've had that doesn't do the student evaluation forms at the end of the term

>> No.4543323

>Talking to the dean sounds scary
lol, sage. What were you expecting us to do, give you advice on blackmailing the guy or something?

>> No.4543326

>My friends all think he's the biggest asshole ever.
>Talking to the dean sounds scary
>also this guy is the only prof. I've had that doesn't do the student evaluation forms at the end of the term

>> No.4543329


>> No.4543336

Well then, I'm afraid you're retarded. That probably explains why the guy doesn't like you, actually.

>> No.4543344

Well, OP? Do you really see a future for yourself in science? Isn't it actually doing you a favor to fail you out of this class so that you won't waste so much time in higher-level classes?

>> No.4543349

too bad you can't convey sarcasm better on here. I should've know 4chan is useless to give academic advice

>> No.4543352


you sound like the biggest science zealot ever

>> No.4543356

>here's a totally unfair thing that happened
well go to the dean
>but I don't want to

that's the entire thread, surmised. Everything from that point on is just going to be you flailing around trying to defend yourself.

>> No.4543359

>doesn't do the student evaluation forms
Actually the problem is that HE does them.

>> No.4543362
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>biology prof
>future in science

>> No.4543367

maybe if I keep on feeding this fire of people flaming me, I'll get many alternatives.

I thought of talking to the dean before I made this thread. The reason I made it is because I thought people on here may have been in similar situations in the past.... guess I forgot to assume that everyone here is an absolute "prodigy"

>> No.4543374


At my college we get to rate how the prof. taught us throughout the semester. He does not allow us to tell him how he did.

>> No.4543376

>Claim that the prof is falsifying his own evaluation forms
>still won't got to the dean
Take your cock and enjoy it, you fucking worm.

>> No.4543379

The most obvious alternative is to change your major to something you have the talent to actually succeed in.

>> No.4543380

What university and professor?

>> No.4543384

>The reason I made it is because I thought people on here may have been in similar situations in the past....

Here's the thing: You say you're scared of going to the dean. What do we take from that? You don't want to follow our advice. Obviously we no longer care about what you're going to do, because what we advise you to do has no bearing on it any more. All you are is entertainment.

>> No.4543385

report him to the highest authority in the university

Ideally, get a written response from him about your marks first

>> No.4543386


keep on discouraging people on the internet from your computer in your dark room. You know you're a total fuck up too. People who have achieved success are usually confident enough to help out others

>> No.4543388

He won't say. Because OP is lying.

>> No.4543394

>try to insult me for berating someone who refuses to stand up for himself
But hey, at least you're standing up for this waste of oxygen that refuses to report fraud and abuse and demand redress, and chooses instead to whine about it to anonymous strangers. How's that going for you?

>> No.4543393
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>> No.4543392


I'm considering talking to the dean if I can form a valid argument.

>> No.4543400

I am OP.

I enjoy arguing with you because of how pathetic and transparent your comments make you sound.

>> No.4543402

and yes this was directed at you >>4543394

>> No.4543403

>the professor gave me a rubbish mark that I don't think I deserve, and when I went to him he changed it but told me he expected me to fail any way
>I don't think he's treating me fairly, and I don't trust his marking to give me the grade that I've earnt
>so please talk to him about doing a better job.

>> No.4543407

totally understand the prof's point of view now

find him on http://blog.ratemyprofessors.com/ and post the link

>> No.4543408

It sounds like you got the questions wrong and he gave you zeroes for them. Then, after you complained he decided to give you pity points. He was asking you about your future because you're failing his class. What did the professor do wrong? Other than your friends thinking he is an asshole.

>> No.4543410

okay I'll say something like that. Also he didn't change it, he just guilted me into thinking the marks he could give me wouldn't matter

>> No.4543413


you can't just assume everyone is from the states you self centered fuck

>> No.4543421

it's an international site, I don't even

>> No.4543418

well I'm not failing the class, I had an A before this. I guess your argument goes out the window now, doesn't it?

>> No.4543425

>"you know, I could give you a couple marks for these questions, but in the grand scheme of things you'll still fail.

>well I'm not failing the class, I had an A before this

your story sounds stupid

>> No.4543426

But mainly united statians use it

>> No.4543428

You can't just assume every user is from the states you self centred fuck

>> No.4543439

I didn't say that. I just said mainly it is. And that's correct.

>> No.4543443

i posted the link, i'm from uk. i use it

>> No.4543451


I know better than to post the link here. You can easily take something from this thread, post it there and then blackmail me.

>> No.4543452

blackmail.... you? How? Surely your professor has more than one student.
Wow, you really ARE a pussy.

>> No.4543454

do you know what the word mainly means?

>> No.4543455

no, you're scum of the earth and would probably do anything to make my life more miserable

>> No.4543465

>Most of the other marks he took off were for mis-spelling phylum names

And that's why I'm glad my tests in bio are multiple choice. Remembering how shit is spelled isn't science.

>> No.4543468



the first person that agrees with me

>> No.4543513

>not clicking to link

Ya blew it.

>> No.4543526

my 4chan x is messed up

>> No.4543584

Go to the program coordinator and explain how much of an unreasonable piece of shit he is. Tell them he's done nothing but kill your motivation and will to study/succeed in not only his classes but the others as well. Tell them that a lot of other students feel the same way, but you notice he's been especially crude and unsupportive towards you.

>> No.4543654

You're probably an annoying piece of shit or something.

No prof who likes you would do that. Secondly, failing shit is pathetic and I can understand where he's coming from; you probably dont take it seriousyl so why should he

>> No.4543651

I'm heading there right now.