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4537617 No.4537617 [Reply] [Original]

What are your current life problems, /sci/?

Here are mine:
1. Expected to succeed in school, but not succeeding.
2. Immense guilt over not succeeding, because parents are paying 50,000 dollars per year to get me through this so called top/elite college.
3. Sleeping too much... 12 hours per day or more..
4. No job, and if I don't do well in school, I'll be kicked out and have to find a job. I don't want an everyday, desk job – I want to be a research scientist and be on the cutting edge, contributing to society's intellectual and technological advancement. Then again, giving up a few hours per day to do some menial task and then doing whatever the hell I want for the rest of the day and weekends doesn't sound bad at all. I suppose this is a question of doing what is right and what is easy...
5. Deep discontent over aforementioned failures, but I suppose not enough discontent to actually get me off my ass to do something about it. I have these brief spurts of motivation

In summary I'm a piece of shit.

Pic related. I'd like to be there now.

>> No.4537640 [DELETED] 


I tried to hold back the tears and currently listening to nirvana.

>> No.4537638 [DELETED] 
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My dog got killed by a pit bull.

>> No.4537646

You've been living in a dream world, Neo.

Wait for Morpheus to contact you, and you will be well on your way to fulfilling life outside the matrix which has trapped you for so long.

>> No.4537650

I have more interest in mathematics than the degree I'm currently pursuing, causing me to not put as much effort into those classes and thus getting worse grades that I could get if I just put a little effort in.
My friends are slowly gravitating away from me because I sometimes ignore them when I want to be by myself. This time by myself though only makes me more depressed and less likely to reach out to others, thus causing a vicious cycl

>> No.4537680

I'm just like you, and I don't know what to do about it... u.u

>> No.4537816
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None. No life problems.

>> No.4537825

I don't have any marijuana at the moment.

>> No.4537922

1. Try to decipher what's causing your dilemma. Review your past scores in your subjects and evaluate how you really do; if you're just lazy but bright or just needs to work out more. In my case, the former is correct.
2. Don't pressure your self too much; it will just degrade your confidence. Instead, make it a well established fact that you're carrying a burden and find a way to carry it efficiently.
3. Ever tried coffee?
4. Success in school > Land in a good job > Continue your academic career > Graduate with Phd > Land in a research role > ??? > Profit!
5. I can identify my self with you, and I think others can, too. It seems that our brain's motivation module has a bug that makes it fail to load sometimes.

> Don't ever take drugs

>> No.4537929

>tfw no gf
-not doing as well as I should in school
-not as social as I should be/not looking for new interests
-not reading enough
-general laziness
-no weed hookups
Nothing major.

>> No.4537945

You're lazy. That's your problem.

>> No.4537956

I am like you OP.

22. Virgin. No gf. Half my friends have one. After 5 years: About to graduate with a degree in Psychology, but it wasn't without me failing a few classes in my first and second years of college. Also had to transfer to my University from a local community college.

Anyways.. gonna have to work for how many years In hopes that I can get into grad school and do neuroscience.

Yes I want to be on the cutting edge too. But I am also very philosophical... its distracting.

I have a philosophy that I have been sharing with people that I think can solve most of the world's problems. My hope - apart from making a contribution to my field, is to get people to think along a certain ideology that is an improvement upon many current believe systems.

In the mean time I am planning on studying neuroscience in grad school. Technology is going to exist that will augment reality, allow us to communicate in more salient ways, and possibly allow us to live forever.

This of course will have huge ethical implications, and I am angered by how society is going to approach it when we have the ability to make these decisions.

We're going to do it like we did with every other technological improvement: inconsiderately, stupidly, selfishly, amorally. And when we do it we will claim to know what true justice is. But we don't.

But anyways. If I don't succeed.. like if I am an old man on the brink of death, who is still a virgin and who was ignored - some city is gonna get nuked. But it probably wont come to that.

>> No.4537962

I got dat depression mah nigga, but Ima go to da doctah rite afta sk00l tomorraw and get me mah fix, ya heer?

You sound like you have depression as well, get help now or be prepared for hell.

>> No.4537968


ur jus ta faggot and u think ur the shit but u wont work 16 hours a day to get that dream

tl;dr ur delusional faggot start working hard or stfu

>> No.4537987

Well... I succed at my PhD, but I'm unhappy. I was the best student of my BSc Mech.Eng, I did it well on my M.Sc. in Eng too (Again, I was the best student of my class with a outstanding GPA). Now, these days I find myself really fucked up and unhappy even when I'm not those neckbeards nerds, fat or whatever phisique involves. I'm running a PhD programme, and I think I need some rest, because I diregard people and I hate that they act so retarded. I feel alone too, there are no bright people to talk, every idiot talks about beer, some trendy tv shows and stupid clothes. Tell me OP, would you like to be me? Trying to understand what the most people will not do in their entire life? or you just would like to spend your life drinking, fucking women and getting fat?

(By the way, I'm not american)

>> No.4538002

I'm not delusional to that fact. I will need to work hard to acquire that power.

I am not delusional however in regards to my world view. I am not crazy.

>> No.4538008

nah your a pompous idealogical cum stain. Stop pumping your digesting ignorant spew about the psyche major that changed the world. You're just a lazy fuck. Deal with it.

>> No.4538013

The way I see it my friend, society's stuck in a stagnant endeavor; having enough capability to advance to the next step of humanity yet our emotions and the outstanding contrary opinion hinders it. In my own view (perhaps, this can be considered a self-righteous one), evolution won't be established if we have our emotions contrasting with our desires; evolution can only happen with pure willingness to progress and that means that we're willing to sacrifice everything (morals, ethics, emotions, etc.).

Am I the only one that thinks that the main theme with most people that are intellectually obsessed (prefers to converse with more interesting and deep topics rather than having a typical conversation about the latest fads in society) is isolation? It seems so, at least for me. Is it because we find it boring to discuss simplistic matters? Or is it because our curiosity leads us in pursuit of others' opinions on rather 'frightening' matters?

>> No.4538022

Do you realize how great the implications of psychology and neuroscience are? Yes, I can admit it that the intellectual society's view is being degraded because of these 'new age' bullshit that some famous self-esteem authors are preaching, but, psychology and neuroscience can help us realize a lot of things that we missed along the way and eventually this might help us solve our innovation problems much better.

>> No.4538031

I feel great and competent in my understanding of ethics.

You know what I actually don't feel this way often, but I should. I am pretty competent in what I do. I am pretty awesome. How do I put this... being me... its like all this untapped talent that I could bring to the surface if I just believed, or was in the right state of mind. Its like a wondrous thing to behold, that I could become something much greater then what I already am. I am good at inspiring people too - I know I have a long term effect on them unlike most people whose words die with the moment. But when I speak - I am thinking about the things that could last forever, the timeless things that don't change.

I'm not saying I am better then anyone - just that I have humbled myself in order to be less arrogant. But god its starting to ache my brain. I need to stretch my fucking muscles. I need to scream how fucking awesome I am and to get the fuck up to my room and sleep and wake up the next day and conquer.

And I am not saying I am right - but you don't get any more wrong when you've put so much effort into refining and critically analyzing your own thoughts and assumptions. I may not be some wise sage... but all I am saying is that people should start taking my words seriously, because I mean what I say, and I do what I mean. There is only the future and what I am gonna fucking shape of it.

And I can hear thunder in the distance... what an experience it will be. And your gonna be awesome too. And everyone will get what they deserve.

>> No.4538048


psychology and neuroscience are common sense, just observe urself and voila, you have a fucking phd in faggotcology

>> No.4538051

Not much credit is given to psychology. But several key experiments have been the cornerstone of our understanding of the mind.

In Neuroscience want to find a physiological basis for many of the psychological theories that have been proposed... about the anatomy of consciousness.

But ultimately there is the debate between monism and dualism.. whether the mind and body are separate or not. This century we may find and answer, or an even greater mystery. I have thought about what should be done considering any scenario... but either way - i am keep an eye on the research. I want to be apart of it. I want everyone to benefit, to live and find peace.

I believe the first step to finding the truth is to *know yourself* - hence psychology and associated sciences.

>> No.4538056

All sciences are the same.

They follow the scientific method whether the hypothesis is common sense or not. So whatever. Its all besides the point.

The real question is what should be done once we know what is true.

>> No.4538091

Contemplation is the first step in science, my friend. I'm even sure that it's the first step that your father took when she's about to fuck your mom; thinking whether the product of their intercourse will be worth it or not, and whether if they should follow you up in case you don't live up to their standards, and also how each of them performs at intercourse and if they should find another person to satisfy them - that means that you have a possibility of having a step-dad/mother, if this ever true.

>> No.4538102

Haha. You and me. Were lucky to be alive. Because that is exactly what people are doing nowadays. They ask: Should we have babies? Or adopt? Over population. Inconvenience.

I'm used to this notion - it doesn't effect me. You think two people from the 60s free love era are going to contemplate anything before having sex? Nope. But some guys from 2020 might, and their children might feel that sense of worthlessness.

>> No.4538109

>Literally no real friends at my school except my roomate and
>girl who has me friendzoned hard who I really want to tell to fuck off but can't because she's the only person here who really cares about me
>Pretty much as addicted to weed as is possible, smoke everyday and spend most of my free time high and when I'm sober which is pretty much only in class (or when hanging out with aforementioned chick) I generally just want to go home and get high but
>I'm not really involved in anything so I have nothing to do when I do get high except sit around on 4chan or play wow which is probably going to last another week or two before I ragequit again and I'll be back to inescapable boredom
>And I fucked up due to being high all the time and don't have a job and have nothing lined up for this summer except to sit around on my ass and do exactly what I'm doing now and the only job I can probably get is pizza delivery which pretty much pays less than minimum wage after gas money

yeah pretty much a fuckup, all I have to cling to is my 4.0 gpa and the hopes that it gets me a high paying job so I can buy happiness which seems pretty fucking unlikely, if I can even keep the 4.0 once I take real math classes which I also doubt, not sure if I'm going to end up offing myself or dropping out to sell hard drugs first

>> No.4538125

You're a 22 year old virgin who's accomplished nothing but mediocrity. You're clinging to your own delusions of grandeur because you can't deal with the reality of your own helplessness. You're not a kid any more, you have no excuse for still being worthless, people younger than you have accomplished more than you ever will, and at this rate you'll end up dying without accomplishing such a basic fucking simple thing as passing on your genes let alone affecting the world as a whole. Put up and start accomplishing the shit you think you can do or shut the fuck up because right now you are one of millions of worthless loser neckbeards with delusions of self-worth.

>> No.4538130

My only problem is not being the little girl like I want to be. Other than that, I'm cool.

I'm sure someone might see the fact that I'm still a kissless virgin at 23 as a problem, but not me.

>> No.4538458

i can relate to a lot of ppl here :(

>> No.4538465

High school dropout, NEET, no employment experience, clinical depression, chronic procrastinator, and my social skills would be rated at something like -7 on a scale of 1 to 10.

>> No.4538475
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/sci/, I have the same problem with sleep, usually 10 hours a day -- any less, and it feels like I only slept a few hours. Also, If I go to bed early, I usually end up sleeping in well over 10 hours to my usual wake-up time.

I've read in a study that people who oversleep have an increased mortality rate by twofold. Wat do?

>> No.4538484

Hey OP, basically the same here.

Only most of my course is decided by exam results, so it doesn't fully appear as though I'm boned yet, but I still am.
And then I'll get a low degree from one of the best universities in teh world and struggle to find a good job even though I'm more intelligent and probably worked just as hard as almost all of these merely- a bit above average people who went to merely good universities and got high degrees just because their university is remedial in it's difficulty level compared to mine.

>> No.4538485

I wouldn't say you are more intelligent, since you made the stupid choice of picking the wrong university.

>> No.4538496

Right now? Getting over the depression caused by the deaths of eleven family and friends over the last four months.

I got by on inertia for a while, but lost all momentum yesterday.

>> No.4538505


Don't worry; you will eventually be will them again in quantum consciousness.

>> No.4540543 [DELETED] 

Dat shitty behind the plate camera view.

>> No.4540562
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>Implying undergraduate level coursework at a top 10 school is actually significantly more difficult than at the 40 schools below it.
If your failing at Harvard, you'd probably fail at any flagship state university as well bro.

>> No.4540629

Im currently between having to choose between joining the navy as a pilot or starting phd program in physics (fully paid tuition+stipend to live on). I really dont know which to choose as i want to both equally. Of course im very unsure of myself and alternate between "i could never learn to fly under such pressure" and "im not smart enough to get a phd".

>> No.4540635

Brotip. If you join the military, the military fucking owns you. Do the PhD man.

>> No.4540649

True but they will pay me much much more plus housing and insurance. 20 yrs in and i could get retirement for the rest of my life.

>> No.4540660

Look, if you're actually fine with somebody else getting to tell you where to live, what to wear, when to wake up - to a much greater extent than a civilian employer can dictate these things, so for it. But once you enlist, there's no way out. If you decide you hate it 6 months into your enlistment, your ass is theirs for the next few years anyways.

>> No.4540675

Go away you new age faggot.

>> No.4540697

Not to shit on your already shitty parade here, but if you're not succeeding at school (which I assume means you're on academic probation) you should give up on becoming a research scientist. Most grad schools have GPA cutoffs of 3.0, and to be competitive you really need at least a 3.5 GPA. This is on top of having a kickass research background and very high GRE scores mind you.

On the bright side, research science ain't what it used to be. Funding is drying up across the board (many would actually say it dried up a long time ago) and tenure-track positions are getting harder and harder to find. So really by switching career plans now you could very well be saving yourself from much worse problems later in life.

>> No.4540714

yeah and pilots have a 10yr contract

>> No.4540718

Sure is fail in here.
>"shit-tier" bio major.
>Just accepted into veterinary school.
>Hot girlfriend who loves, but who I will definitely dump before I more for school so I can demolish tons of undergrad pussy.

>> No.4540743

is OP me?

>> No.4540755

My current life problems, okay.

I was doing very well at uni got my bachelors, everything going smooth. Father is hospitalised, I stop going to university to spend time with him, lose a good deal of research hours as well as getting behind on coursework.
Dad dies, organise funeral, he has no will and a good deal of debt, trying to sort that out.
Back at university, miles behind on my research relative to peers, no motivation to do any work. Also have a great deal of coursework to catch up on. Start smoking much more weed, motivation problems exacerbated.

I have no fear of failing to overcome any of this, but its problematic none the less.

>> No.4541087
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All my friends are gone
No family
Car is beyond repair
Laid off
No school., autodidact for life... sigh
Also i'm dying

How the fuck am I supposed to help the world if I can't even help myself?

>> No.4541112

>last year
>join a physics lab because the professor is hot
>find out she has a boyfriend
>girlfriend dumps me
>decide to become anorexic
>developed sleep apnea in October: can't sleep for more than 4+ hours
>constantly drift off to sleep while on the highway
>new year's: my mom had a stroke
>been in the hospital for 89 days
>my mother is comatose, might not live
>might not graduate on time
>family expects me to spend all my time at the hospital
>they also expect me to do well in school
>my car failed inspection, been driving illegally for almost a week
>haven't had time for friends or fun or leisure in over two years
>bury myself in research/labwork everyday, trying to drown out my problems
>number theory exam in less than ten hours

>> No.4541119

rejected from every college I applied to (including State U) despite having 2200 SAT, multiple APs, great essays, etc.

why? I had to work a full-time job and missed 100 days of high school, resulting in a poor GPA. this sucks. I just want to study :(

>> No.4541124

I know this feel...

I just want to learn everything and go to school.

>> No.4541144

>No gf
>Lack of sleep
;_; the first one is worse.

>> No.4541156

and now I'm getting too old and venturing into "mature student" territory, meaning I will never have the undergraduate experience with like-minded peers around my age

>> No.4541169
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I know this feel also

>> No.4541214

High schoolfag, so bear with me.

1. Don't have good enough SAT scores to get into any of the schools I want

2. Now starting to realize I'm going to be forced into a mediocre college, getting a mediocre education, most likely getting mediocre MCAT scores later on in life and probably won't get into medical school. All because of the fucking SAT and the fact the skills I'm good at, aren't ever taken into account on standardized tests so I'm fucked.

3. Dad thinks I'm a failure because I pursue science and medicine instead of play sports like he did when he was my age

4. Keep on constantly getting compared to my dumb ass relative who is getting scholarship offers to excellent schools all because he can kick a football. He has shit grades, a shit personality, shit morals, and is unbelievably spoiled. But colleges I would love to go to want him because he can kick a fucking football. Where I probably won't get far with my aspirations because I got a shit score on a standardized test but excel in everything else I do.

I know this doesn't nearly compare to your guys' problems, but how the fuck do I deal with being forced to going to a shitty college because the things I excel at aren't standardized while my relative can go pretty much wherever he wants because he can kick a goddamn ball? This shit ain't fair.

>> No.4541239

expectation is the mother of failure.

Don't feel so bad OP. You shouldn't be doing it if you dont want to do it.

>> No.4541251

College doesn't mean shit. If you can't learn decently on your own, you can't learn anywhere, and anything you will be learning will be basic enough that grad students could probably answer it nearly as well as a decent professor. If you're interested in the material and study it properly, you will learn things.

>> No.4541259


Brotip: 'mediocre' schools tend to have much smaller class sizes and better prof/student ratios. You will probably get a very comparable, if not better, undergrad education than people who go to the big famous schools that have fucking 300+ students in a Calc I class that is taught by a grad student rather than an actual prof.

tl;dr; dont be such an emo fuck about not getting into the school you wanted.

>> No.4541277
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Obviously you're American, I am too. Our society believe it is better to be entertained than it is to actually contribute to the world. It is pathetic. I'd say go retake the SAT that's your only option. The only thing is you're going to do good if you don't worry man, just do appropraite studying and do not cram the night before. Treat the night before like any other day, perhaps a brief overview no longer than 45 minutes. Then do a normal routine, go to bed, eat a normal breakfest. Then head over to the testing facility.

>I'm not quite sure if this would actually work but when you send a application to a good college also send along a video of you talking if you can try to not be over exaggerating your abilities but actually tell them the truth.
People want to know what is really possible, people that are actually good workers business men/women. They'd rather hear you say that you can do the things listed and you'll exceed them when need be, that you're able to be relied on in situations at the time it matters.
>they DO NOT WANT TO HEAR that your better than peers, don't show pride.
>THEY WANT to hear that you're willing to do what is best in for the company, and if you make a mistake, you'll claim it. That last thing right there I just said, is the biggest thing you can possibly ever do if shit hits the fan.

tl;dr < Read what I'm saying this shit i'm telling you will improve your life, and make up for the shit on paper.
>Knowledge is good, intelligence is good.
But no one wants a person who is unable to cooperate with employees. They'd rather find someone who can do the simple requirements and not cause problems.

I need a pic apparently so pic is unrelavent

>> No.4541303


Totally incorrect, the elite schools have smaller class sizes compared to some of the local research-oriented universities (One of which I'll be attending due to not getting into anything better.)

>> No.4541314


State I live in, all of the prestigious schools have stupid huge class sizes, and all the less prestigious schools have much smaller classes. Even the private high end schools have huge classes.

>> No.4541317

1. have never had a job at age 26
2. have no friends
3. considering dropping out of zoology degree due to shitty career prospects but can't think of anything better to do with my life.

>> No.4541319

If you got a score of under 1800 and you still have a really high gpa, you probably just go to a shit tier high school. I was able to get over 2000 easily on my first try, although I'm hoping my act score will be better than my piece of shit 2040 sat.
> Plan test predicts I'll get a 34
>ACT has a science section
>Fuck yeah

>> No.4541322

Forgot to mention that I do agree with you when it comes to sports, however. Stupid as fuck basketball and football players shouldn't get into a good college with a C average just because they got the lucky end of the psychical lottery. I feel the same way with legacies; fuck them.

>> No.4541694

If you do plan to take the SAT again, use the 3 finger technique: underline the stuff you're reading with 3 fingers, and follow along. It sounds silly, but I boosted my SAT score by 100 pts back in the day.

>> No.4541723

Parents make too much money not getting financial aid, paying for school out of my own pocket so ever increasing debt. Don't qualify for subsidized loans. Not sure if I'll have enough money for gas this week might have to miss school on friday. Doing great buying and selling stocks, but not enough money to invest that it'd help with expenses.Car payment, insurance payment. Working 40-45 hours a week, not having time to study so getting B's where I should be getting a's.
Basically money money money.