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File: 94 KB, 300x284, muscle-vegetarian1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4535913 No.4535913 [Reply] [Original]

Most of you are probably atheist.
How can you still justify eating meat?

We ought to extend moral considerability to animals with nervous systems and only eat by-products from animals if they are taken ethically and naturally, still allowing proper reproduction.

I personally eat fish 2-3 days per week, 1 free range egg per morning, milk seldomly (raw milk is expensive). Otherwise, I am full vegetarian.

So what's your answer?

>> No.4535914

Why does religion have anything to do with eating meat?
Anyway, reported for not science or math

>> No.4535916

Humans are omnivores, we don't need a justification to eat anything. If you think I should abstain from eating meat it's you who needs to present a justification.

>> No.4535920


>> No.4535937

Why don't YOU extend your moral considerability a bit more you hypocritical shitbag??

An egg is a baby chicken from conception, and I find it much more deplorable to eat the young before they are given at a chance at life versus eating an old, haggard cow who just wants to be put out of his misery.

Fucking egg eaters ... I hope you all get hit by a goddamned truck.

>> No.4535944
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excuse me sir are you trying to seduce me

>> No.4535961

The morally wrong act is murder, not killing. Killing for a purpose can be morally correct depending on the purpose. As eating is a necessity, you can kill for it.

Also, fuck you. How do you know broccoli isn't conscious?

>> No.4535964

Why do you eat fish?

>> No.4535965

7/10 i smiled

>> No.4535972

> implying that I need to justify anything.

Everyone with a brain would agree that the basis of any moral system is arbitrary. The concept of justifying your moral system to a person with a different one doesn't make any sense. If you think eating meat is wrong, that's your deal, but there's no way to argue that without starting with a bunch of assumptions I have no reason to accept.

>> No.4535975


>I personally eat fish 2-3 days per week,

I'm guessing those fish just died naturally on the fucking fisherman's net then. MORALITY!

>> No.4535983

>How can you still justify eating meat?
What makes you think it is wrong?

You can raise happy, well-cared for animals and kill them much more painlessly than they would die the wild.

>> No.4535994

ITT: Hurr durr morality isn't real and I'm also so edgy.

>> No.4536003

I fucking love steak, burgers, wings, ribs, eggs, tacos, little donkeys(burritos), fish and chips...

Food chain

>> No.4536007

I'm atheist, so I only eat meat. Damn dirty hindus and their damn dirty vegetarian diets...

>> No.4536011
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>> No.4536052

As an atheist i only eat babies

>> No.4536062

>implying morals

>> No.4536067


>Everyone with a brain would agree that the basis of any moral system is arbitrary.

no lol

>> No.4536128
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>"I personally eat fish 2-3 days per week"
>I am full vegetarian.
>mfw you're trying to hide you're an omnivore

>> No.4536155

I never said it wasn't cyclical, it was supposed to be used as an example that lots of beings eat other beings, next time i won't be lazy and clarify better

>> No.4536402

y'all are fucking too cowardly to think about consistency in action. and then you decide to be preachy about it. fucking fail.

>> No.4536411

Pretty sure it's only beef they worry about.

>> No.4536422


>> No.4536426

>We ought to extend moral considerability to hurr durr
should be
>We ought to eliminate moral considerability.

>> No.4536439

meat is tasty
and the animals we eat aren't self-aware anyways
sage for not science

>> No.4536509

I'm a christian vegan.

>> No.4536510

because my pleasure is more important than their life

>> No.4536516

>to be or not to be
Thoughts? (from a scientific viewpoint)

>> No.4536524

A better question is "why not?"

>> No.4536534

>We ought to eliminate moral considerability.


>> No.4536558
File: 339 KB, 600x800, why vegfag why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating meat
How are these related?

>How can you still justify eating meat?
How do you justify killing billions of moles/voles/rats/mice/birds/cute adorable bunny rabbits?

>> No.4536563


because my actions have no bearing on an animals life
they are already dead

even if i stop meat consumption, this won't change the supply of meat produced by factory farms

and more importantly i have food intolerances to most grains/carbs/beans/legumes---so vegan diets destroy my stomach

>> No.4536570 [DELETED] 
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>objective morally

>> No.4536593


I eat meat because it promotes lean muscle mass.

My job calls for me to be physically fit, and my future job will call for me to teach others how to be physically fit.

If you do not believe that lean muscle mass provided protein is important, you do not understand the question you are asking.

If you do not understand that the cheapest, most efficient and most beneficial complete proteins come from eating animal meats, you do not understand what you are asking.

If you have an alternative that doesn't involve the use/suffering of an animal, provides complete protein profiles, is cheap to produce, and doesn't significantly alter the pH balance of blood, market it. If it tastes awful (which it almost certainly would), you will need to

>add sugar to it, potentially counteracting the health benefits of your product
>add sugar substitutes to it, also counteracting the health benefits of it
>find a way to prepare it that masks/alters the flavor without significantly ruining the health benefits of it.

Good luck, OP.

>> No.4536632

What this guy said. As much as we all love meat, if we made a cheaper, tastier, healthier, and safer product that could mimic the flavor and texture of any meat we desire I think it wouldn't be to far off to agree that enough with killing animals.

I don't like the fact that these animals have to die for my food either, but currently their is nothing I can do about it.
If this means anything, no I'm not a vegetarian and yes I eat meat often.

>> No.4536646

>implying fish don't have brains
>implying animals don't kill each other for food and fun all the time
>implying god cares about animals - he made peeps murder them by the thousands for fun in the old testament

>> No.4536687

The eggs we eat are nonfertilized...

Plus, chickens rape hens to mate. We would be aborting a rapechild.

>> No.4536703

So, you're happier with these animals never existing than with them being given a healthy, happy life (we need to enforce higher standards at farms, no question)?

Sure, whatever makes your weird sense of guilt easier to avoid. Personally I don't see a difference between "being dead" and "never having been born".

>> No.4536725
File: 6 KB, 200x200, glorious-dawn-200x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most scientists are Agnostic.

Sagan denied that he was an atheist and said that he hated the term, saying:

"An atheist has to know a lot more than I know. An atheist is someone who knows there is no god. By some definitions atheism is very stupid."

In reply to a question in 1996 about his religious beliefs, Sagan answered, "I'm agnostic."

>> No.4536745
File: 424 KB, 1680x1050, 1326439537001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a sausage factory and it gives me bad vibes.
Today I bought bacon coming from that same factory... I always watch science when eating bacon.

But yes it is wrong, whenever a good chance turns up I will definetly look and taste into entomophagy. Eating insects is pretty gross but its hopefully pretty refined by the time it reaches my mouth, it really isn't that bad comparing to eating another mammal anyways.

lovely pic somewhat related

>> No.4536755

>But yes it is wrong
Why? Are the pigs not killed painlessly? Would they have died less painfully in the wild?

>> No.4536769
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MFW when religatards don't consider fish meat.

>> No.4536781

>How can you still justify eating meat?

It tastes good, what other justification do I need?

Of coarse i understand the 'animal oppression' sentiment but i think its kind of stupid.....I could easily pretend to feel just as bad about you not eating meat....those poor vegetables never had a chance to propagate ;_;

>> No.4536793
File: 647 KB, 1707x1280, Potato-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, WTF?
I am a vegetarian, and an atheist? O_o

>> No.4536796

>mfw I'm a vegetarian and not for any moral reasons.

I got tired of being fat so I cut meat out of my diet save for friday night pub food.

You're killing things regardless of what you eat. Wheat, grain, and farm harvesting kills bugs, pests, bacteria, and small field animals. Being vegan or vegetarian for "LOL I DUN WANT TO KILL THINGS" is fucking retarded. Do it for health reasons or taste reasons.

>> No.4536797

They still die, going from having a conciousness to being dead just to be a sausage dropped on the floor (my bad).
Surely they would never even have lived if it was not for the meat industries so that's a point right there.

Im not saying we should end the era of meat, go into some vegan civilization or so but alternatives. Lets experiment some and yes I am talking about eating insects, lets eat those small bastards instead of _just_ our brethren swines, sheep, cows and other mammals (+birds n fish).
Also it is more environmental sustainable, as for future explorations beyond earth?
An entomophagy-mars civilization maybe?

Btw I will never stop eating bacon while watching Sixty Symbols unless it gets banned or such. Should try entomophagy as well before going deeper into it.

>> No.4536802

I am an agnostic carnivore. OP sounds like a fag.

>> No.4536811

Wow OP here

you guys are a bunch of fucking aspie retards
I posted this shit like 6 hours ago hoping to troll a few people, but goddamn

enjoy assburgers

>> No.4536814

Is it better for them never to have existed? If so, how?

>> No.4536818
File: 92 KB, 413x395, 1332818650464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw vegetarians realize that there diet is actually unhealthy in the long term

>> No.4536819

sounds like someone hasn't heard of the food chain


>> No.4536827

It tastes good what other reason do you need?

>> No.4536835


Many vegetarians fail to educate themselves properly on sustaining a proper macronutrient profile in their diet before they "take the plunge" into meat-free.

If you're going to go vegetarian, you better know some whey protein recipes from /fit/ or some shit.

>> No.4536876


>> No.4536889

OP needs to work on her critical thinking skills

>not favoring biologically-based morality, including speciesism

I suggest you put "The Selfish Gene" on your reading list in the 0.5% chance you are a sappy soft-head rather than a troll.

>> No.4537135


>"An atheist has to know a lot more than I know. An atheist is someone who knows there is no god. By some definitions atheism is very stupid."

But this is wrong.
Theism deals with beliefs not knowledge.
Atheism is the lack of belief in god, or the belief that there is no god...it has nothing to do with knowledge

Agnosticism has to do with knowledge,
hence the "gnostic" prefix

>> No.4537147

sage because according to this moron fish aren't animals

>> No.4537164

captcha: nabado her

>> No.4537662

Vegetarians are fags. I mean literally. I haven't met one who wasn't more or less a fag. So this made me think whether there isn't some common biological trait that underlies their beliefs. And I think that is they must have brains which are atypical for their gender, in the sense that they feel too much misplaced empathy for species which wouldn't even consider not eating each other.

>> No.4537678


Do you even Nietzsche?

>> No.4537692

Because meat is tasty.
I'm serious. I tried going vegan, but I missed the good old taste of a beef steak or a pork chop way to much.