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4534171 No.4534171 [Reply] [Original]

Howdy /sci/, so tommorrow Bill Nye will be speaking at my university and I actually got a pass from Res Life to attend a little meet n greet after the presentation. Yall got anything you want me to ask him?

>> No.4534187

Ask him to run for president. He's one of the smartest people in the Universe. He has to.

>> No.4534197


>> No.4534212

"What episode of Bill Nye the Science Guy was your favorite to produce?"

"When scientists disagree with each other, do they sit and compare the numbers, or do they scream and carry on just as much as the rest of us?"

"If you could change one thing about our society, what would it be?"

>> No.4534214

yuuuuuuuup. You gonna be there as well or didja just google for Bill Nye events?

Is Bill Nye actually very intelligent? I just remember him from the show and all that I can recall is his personality more than anything he actually taught.

Does he have any research projects of his own?

>> No.4534216

Boxers or briefs. Do it with a straight face and hold a clipboard to jot down his answer. Ask him if you can quote him on it.

>> No.4534219


>"When scientists disagree with each other, do they sit and compare the numbers, or do they scream and carry on just as much as the rest of us?"

I doubt he would actually know that considering he isn't a scientist.

>> No.4534222

I attended SEMO for undergrad. One year into a Ph.D program now.

>> No.4534227


Hah I like it. Maybe I'll go for a fistbump if hes freeballin.

>> No.4534239

Bill Nye came to my university last year and spoke. He was actually kinda of a dick. Expect to hear him brag about going to Cornell and knowing a bunch of famous people

>> No.4534244


Oh cool, I'm graduating with a BS this semester.

Kudos for going straight into a PhD program. That kind of commitment is still looking pretty scary from where I'm standin

>> No.4534246

Can you talk about tubas, please

>> No.4534252

In what field? If you are in a similar field as I am, I can contact you to look at grad programs or industry. I've made friends with some cool and fairly influential people.

>> No.4534261


Aw man thats a bit dissapointing. The talk is just titled 'An Evening with Bill Nye' so I was always a bit worried that it'd focus on Nye himself and his personality rather than current events and research.

I will try to bring it up. Is there some backstory to it?

>> No.4534263

Bill Nye isn't a research scientist / prof, so don't expect too much about current cutting-edge research lol...

>> No.4534264

He's a Steve Martin fan from way back. So, he'll know about his banjo abilities. Suggest that he take up the tuba. He'd be the science guy and the guy who can play all the Sousa marches.

>> No.4534281


'Engineering Physics'

Its pretty much a weak mechanical engineering degree. I appreciate the offer man but I ain't gonna be heading straight into grad school.

I'm sure I can get in with my GPA, references, n undergrad research, but I really fucking hate writing.

>> No.4534294

Well then what is he?

>> No.4534301

A mechanical engineer and pop scientist

>> No.4534307


He's really a personality and comedian with a science background.

>> No.4534309

A poor man's Michio Kaku

>> No.4534311


i thought he was a phd?

>> No.4534328

"Why are you such a faggot about global warming?"

"What did it feel like to get intellectually raped by Richard Lindzen on national television?"

>> No.4534341


>"What did it feel like to get intellectually raped by Richard Lindzen on national television?"

Whats the story behind this? Sounds funny

>> No.4534380

Well, see, Lindzen had kidnapped Nye, and he managed to convince the police that he would murder him unless he got 15 minutes of national airtime. Naturally, there was classical music, pipe smoking, a brief scientific demonstration of the concepts of friction and viscosity, and a considerable amount of deeply contemplative anal penatreation.

>> No.4534480

Actually I looked up Richard Lindzen, and he's just another clown who gets paid by shithole drunk tanks such as Cato Institute to obfuscate climate science among the political class.

>> No.4534623

He has a couple of honorary doctorates for speaking at graduations. That's about it. He's not Dr. Nye the Science Guy, come on.

>> No.4534629
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Ask him why he calls himself a "science guy", when he is just a shitty engineer with only a bachelors degree.

Ask him when he knew he waa a homosexual?

>> No.4534630

He developed a resonance suppressor that's still being used on the 747.

That's rather science right there.

>> No.4534631

Nope, that is just shitty engineering.

>> No.4534635

Why would I ask an engineer questions?
I don't give a shit about the "gay" experience!

>> No.4534638
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>> No.4534647

On the same note as the second one
"What do you think about the director of OPERA feeling forced to step down?"

>> No.4534648
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That name comes courtesy of Christopher Lloyd, who called him that after Bill corrected his pronunciation of 'gigawatts' on the set of Back to the Future: The Animated Series, where Bill was responsible for designing and carrying out the scientific demonstrations they stuck at the end of every show to get it counted as educational. That event was apparently memorable enough to get Bill his own spinoff.

>> No.4534662


Lindzen is a professor at MIT and was a lead author for one of the chapters of the IPCC's third assessment report. Whatever you meant by saying you "looked him up", you failed.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4534673


Wikipedia articles on climate change are dominated by warmist fearmongers.

>> No.4534694
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So, comics about science have more to do with science than politics about science.

>> No.4535384

You are a rude asshole. And anyone who would associate themselves with the Cato Institute is a fucking clown.

Didn't look there. But keep fuckin' that chicken, newt.

>> No.4536257

Yoooo, OP here. The talk starts in a few hours, anybody else got somethin they want said to Nye?

>> No.4536270

I would like to say that I thoroughly enjoyed his show as a child, however I find it alarming that he is considered an expert on any topic outside of mechanical engineering or very closely related fields.

>> No.4536284

"What is two plus two?"

>> No.4536309

Ask him how he still looks so young/what's the secret to eternal youth?

Is it his monkey semen?

>> No.4536518

Not sure what to ask him other than something silly, like what he thinks of Brian May or if he's ever met Paul Zaloom.

Maybe what his favorite research organizations are, and what scientific fields he currently enjoys learning/reading about most.

>> No.4536557


What was it about Mechanical Engineering made him give up?

>> No.4536575 [DELETED] 


You should question him on the engineer's lubricant of choice when hammering a large shaft into a small hole.

>> No.4536580
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You should question him on the engineer's lubricant of choice when hammering a large shaft into a small hole.

>> No.4536825

Talk is soon chat but I'm wonderin if I ought to just blow it off. I gotta make some shitey psychological dev pamphlet garbage for tommorrow. Honestly, I barely remember the guy from my childhood.

I wouldn't go to a speaker presentation of Barney and I hardly need a 'why science is good' speech.

What do yall think?

>> No.4536859

Ask him why NASA kept turning down his applications to be an astronaut, or why NASA thought he wasn't fit to be qualified to be an astronaut.

Ask him how much money he has, if he has a wife, and if he has any kids.

Also, ask him what he does with his spare time/what his job is/what exactly it is he does day to day when not speaking at universities.

>> No.4537128

Working at Boeing, it seems from his wiki page.

>> No.4537308

Whelp, I showed up after all. He's spent the first 20 minutes talking about his father in ww2 and sun dials. Lots of pop culture jokes.

>> No.4537361
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In the animated film Read or Die, the protagonist battles a batch of super humans cloned from historical figures and subject to accelerated aging and personality crafting by indoctrination based on historical accounts of their lives and works. As a public figure with a popular image, what would you say to such a clone of you who had lived long enough to want something other than being The Science Guy from his life?

>> No.4537420

Oh hey, now he's harping on global warming and solar panels.

If he's still even a bit of a scientist, he'll politely tell me to fuck off.