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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 166 KB, 900x900, 1330748886782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4528157 No.4528157 [Reply] [Original]

>read about global warming
>if we continue on our current path of pollution earth temp will increase by 5degrees Celsius or more
>this will cause flooding in major cities, extinction of species, deforestation on a massive scale, extreme weather fluctuations, hot gay weather, death, famine, disease, war

fuck global warming, how do we approach this problem? It's almost too late...

>> No.4528159


all this within this century
shit sucks

well our civilization had a good run, was fun while it lasted

>> No.4528167

Since fixing global warming almost definitely relies on the US acting, likely drastically, I am almost certain we will be unable to stop/reverse the effects in time. Consider the ridiculousness of American politics, where more than half of the population doesn't accept evolution, and about half think the earth is 6000 years old, and that the mere mention of global warming causes half the population to become enraged and call you a far-left neo-liberal fascist. Now consider the fact that these morons are rewriting textbooks and teaching children these blatant falsehoods.

The sad fact is that unless the United States has an enlightenment and catches up with the rest of the developed world, global warming will not be stopped in time. On the bright side, it's probably the least of our concerns given these morons also have the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world.

>> No.4528172

>"Inconvenient truth"
>says planet will basically destroy civilization in 10 years
>10 years later
>hasn't changed much

I would agree that global warming is happening, but I'm also going to say that scientists (and especially politicians), don't even know what the fuck is going to happen.

>> No.4528179


ya its hard to predict
but most models are saying bad shit can happen within 100years

>> No.4528186



If you can convince people that nuclear power in not a bad idea, that solves one half of the problem. The other problem is more technical and that involves finding a transport fuel not isn't derived from fossil fuels.

Of course, cutting down on the population will slow down the problem as well as energy efficiency. Efficiency gains will be natural though as energy costs go up.

>> No.4528189
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>> No.4528195
File: 111 KB, 775x942, geoengineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geoengineering will fix our problems. Pic related

>> No.4528196

Isnt it the same with volcanoes and earthquakes. Either way I dont give a shit, life aint all that great even with all the money in the world, you will suffer one way or the other because that is a guarantee along with death and taxes.

>> No.4528218


Toonami live stream

>> No.4528220


saudi arabia has like 0% taxes or someshit

the top 30 companies in america got tax rebates, they made like 2 billion in profits from tax payers lol...

>> No.4528226

I just mean us normal folk, I mean hypotehtically I can move there to avoid taxes but that has its own restrictions, like you can only go there on work visa and you are basically confined to where you work and its a goddamned desert.

>> No.4528229
File: 102 KB, 400x296, InconvienentFaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inconvienent Truth


Milankovich cycles explain every glacial/interglacial stade for at least the last .5MA. I guess with the exception of the Younger Drayas, when glacial lake Agassiz burst its dam and flooded into the Atlantic, interrupting the Thermohaline Conveyor Belt.

This shit is NOT anthropogenic already.

DEAL WITH IT. Permian style.


>> No.4528232


its both retardo

volcanoes and nature can cause it, and so can humans cuz of our tech

>> No.4528237

lol, do you believe the earth is 6000 years old too?

>> No.4528241


>> No.4528247
File: 200 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lalr10bsRS1qe5p1no1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in northern Canada, I wouldn't mind if things got a little warmer.

>> No.4528249

Look, there are only two possible scenarios: the first, our actions aren't as destructive as we thought and we continue to thrive; the second, our actions were as destructive as we thought, and our actions are brought to a forceful end.

Its a problem which will sort itself out.

>> No.4528250

take a trip to california or the philippines if you want to be warmer.

>> No.4528255
File: 35 KB, 800x475, King of Kong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and hang out with the freaks down there? No thank you, I'll stay in my quiet all white mountain town where we raise cats so that the wolves have something else to eat besides how children.

>> No.4528256

>this will cause flooding in major cities
You DO realize we're talking about just a few inches per fucking CENTURY, right?

>> No.4528257

well first off, we lynch all the climate change deniers....

My department at school is full of climate scientists... I feel so bad for the them because of the bullshit they have to put up with

>> No.4528260


1) buy property ~50 miles off of the coast of california
2) ?????????????
3) Profit on your new beach front property

>> No.4528261

that is the current rate, certainly.

however if all the ice on the planet melts we're talking hundreds of feet. Over 300.

it'll take a century or two for that to happen, but we're doing our best to make sure it does.

>> No.4528262

Scuba tours of Holland are going to be awesome.

>> No.4528264


In flatlands even a couple inches can be a huge deal, but it's not inches spread evenly, it's an average, meaning some areas would be hit a lot harder than others. And the rate of increase is not steady, it would get progressively worse.

>> No.4528266

who cares man. by the time this shit becomes serious I'll already be dead and wont give a damn, in fact so will you. Lets just pass this buck off to the later generations and continue enjoying the awesome life we have now. Excuse me while I go masturbate to a picture of my left hand (while using my right).

>> No.4528267

>I'll starve in my quiet all white mountain town
Nice food-security planning, faggot.

>> No.4528309
File: 28 KB, 400x272, Milankovitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd believe that if the science supported it. Everyone with a cursory understanding of the climate for the last 100 years can recognize a warming trend, but these so-called greenhouse models can't explain the actual, observed patterns of warming. Maybe ask an real climatologist and not Al Gore.


Agreed, Geology is hardly even recognized as a science anyway. I shouldn't even be posting here. I'll go burn my MSc now.

>> No.4528312

you haven't got a geology degree faggot.

I'm a geologist. You're a quacking duck.

>> No.4528329

has there been any proof that green house effect even exists? Look at Venus, at 1 ATM pressure the temperature is roughly the same as here on earth.
Seems to me that it's just atmosphere


typical liberal

>> No.4528334

>Look at Venus, at 1 ATM pressure
Lrn2venus, faggot.

>> No.4528343


97% CO2, which is supposed to be a greenhouse gas.

face it, it's all about statism and feel good liberalism.

>> No.4528355 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 339x273, QuackingDuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is one enthralling story.

>> No.4528356


LFTR and fusion=abundant free non polluting energy. Let's just hope artificial scarcity fags won't ruin things for everyone.

>> No.4528357

>it's all about statism
Look at your own link, faggot.
>> altitude of 49.5 kilometers (31 miles)

>> No.4528362
File: 127 KB, 499x360, 1274585911809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Approx. 750K ~ 470C

>> No.4528365

and that is in an atmosphere of 97% co2 beneath a large sulfuric cloud layer

SURFACE temperature is irrelevant, the atmosphere is 100 times as dense as on earth.

>> No.4528366
File: 19 KB, 339x273, QuackingDuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is one enthralling story.

>> No.4528376

Surface temperature is irrelevant for greenhouse effect ?

>> No.4528377
File: 381 KB, 400x485, 1327370509558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying you can just "adjust" the pressure of the planet to equal earths

Even the authors of that page know that it is just being used to determine what kind of life can survive.

Anyway, learn2JamesHansen

Climate change is a major issue and to be honest, I think we're kind of fucked in the long run. I do my best as an individual but I don't want to be too forceful on others. I vote for those who want to make a difference but the never win. Feels bad at times. Really bad.

>> No.4528379

>SURFACE temperature is irrelevant
Academy Award nomination for most idiotic statement of the year.

>> No.4528380

>temperature is irrelevant, the atmosphere is 100 times as dense as on earth

Fixed that for you. Any comparison to Venus is poor.

>> No.4528382


"climate change" happens on its own, CARBON DIOXIDE which all the liberals are focused on, is not a cause or a contributor.

>> No.4528385
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1273084394823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are absolutely right. Climate change does happen on its own. Over millennia. Except it is almost always accelerated my GHGs, usually methane but in this case CO2. I really worry for people who think that climate change is just some giant hoax out to ruin the world by liberals.

>> No.4528387

>CARBON DIOXIDE is not a cause
denialism is a cause

>> No.4528390


-Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas
-Greenhouse gasses cause the earths temperature to rise
-We have increased the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
-The global average temperature is rising at a significantly fast rate when compared to past global warmings

Yes, it's the liberals.

>> No.4528391

Probably too late to deal with CO2 levels right off the bat. Our best bet is likely to reduce the amount of insolation we get, either by deploying a microsatellite swarm (to reduce the intensity of the sun's rays in a controllable fashion) or to artificially seed clouds using seawater vapor (to reflect more radiation before it hits the surface). Yes, seeding more forests would be a good idea too, but we need a stopgap measure to keep our civilization intact while we transition to sustainable fuels.

Whoever's been yammering about how CO2 levels have nothing to do with global climate change is a massive faggot.

>> No.4528394

In what way can carbon dioxide cause it?

There is a THEORETICAL and HYPOTHETICAL feedback mechanism which makes CO2 into a magical greenhouse gas. Is there any proof such a thing might actually exist? Doubtful.

I like how these global warming idiots ignore that greenhouse gases ALSO block infrared from the sun, effectively cancelling themselves out.

>> No.4528396


Speaking from a conservationist point of view, I just wish we, as a species, could smarten up enough to take some fucking action.

It really rustles my jimmies that people (myself included) just expect everything to be as easy as it can be. We are just greedy as fuck (not trying to pass the blame off myself) and we won't take any actions. Stop driving so much, buy local, buy LESS, fly less and generally just stop friggan consuming so much. Take a step outside and try to let go of our own laziness.

>> No.4528397


>> No.4528398


What makes climate change something automatically bad? Why should we devote massive resources to stopping the inevitable change in climate instead of preparing for and benefiting from it?

As a conservationist, you must know that increased CO2 helps plant growth, right?

>> No.4528400
File: 498 KB, 405x228, Faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed for unintelligent faggot.
Most of the sun's radiation is in the visible spectrum. Since the Earth is cooler, it radiates in the infrared spectrum. When you have gases that strongly absorb infrared but not visible radiation surrounding the Earth, the net result is a pretty strong warming effect.
Such faggotry makes me sad.

>> No.4528403

>There is a THEORETICAL and HYPOTHETICAL feedback mechanism which makes CO2 into a magical greenhouse gas

Freudian slip much?

>> No.4528404


Holy shit you are dumb! GHGs don't block out sunlight, certain types of aerosols do. And the fantastic thing is with all our "emission controls" we have reduced the amount of those "good particles" not that it matters since they don't actually counter it enough.

Also, we have never seen evolution happen. We just KNOW it does because some people work hard to put puzzle pieces together to figure things out.

You read conservapedia and the heatland group and just spew back their garbage.

>> No.4528406

>cancelling themselves out
You starry-eyed idealists are just so cute with your unfounded beliefs and blind faith.

>> No.4528409

>What makes climate change something automatically bad?
The vast majority of the world's population lives in coastal regions.
Climate change will lead to significant sea level increases, and hundreds of millions, if not billions, of refugees, which will likely devastate local and global economies.

>> No.4528413


>As a conservationist, you must know that increased CO2 helps plant growth, right?

So does a giant bag of fertilizer but some people know that there are negative consequences to some positive growth.

>> No.4528414

>if we DON'T continue on our current path of pollution (and stop all carbon output now) earth temp will still increase by 4 degrees Celsius or more

This is what envirofags don't tell you. Global warming is real, and man is the cause. But there's nothing we can do that's worth doing, so fuck it let's go full speed ahead.

>> No.4528416
File: 36 KB, 800x595, Solar_Spectrum[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


increased CO2 is supposed to lead to more water in the air leading to higher temperatures because CO2 by itself will do basically nothing at all.

yet look at this spectrum at earths surface, massive amounts blocked by water!

I am not claiming that "climate change" doesn't happen or won't happen.

I am primarily targeting the nonsensical claim that CO2 is a cause, and hence we need to remove all freedoms and cripple our economies and stop all technological progress....
It's really just tyrants with a made up excuse to engage in tyranny.

>> No.4528417


Not to mention the change with storm patters all over the world as the air holds more moisture and creates new weather fronts.

Or reduction of glaciers which feel aquifers for giant cities.

>> No.4528421


Yes. The government wants to control you by taxing your 1 ton truck.

This is why nobody take the general American population seriously.

>> No.4528425


You have that ass backwards.

CO2 leads to warming temperatures, warmer temperatures lead to the ability for the air to hold more water.

>> No.4528426

>thinks governments don't want more and more power

why do you think there is a 2nd amendment and a 1st amendment?
fucking idiots holy shit liberals are dumb.

>> No.4528429

>I am primarily targeting the nonsensical claim that CO2 is a cause, and hence we need to remove all freedoms and cripple our economies and stop all technological progress....
Nobody says that. Luddites aren't taking over the world, you paranoid loon.

>> No.4528432

>implying they aren't

what do you think unions are? Or these egalitarians, or these environmentalists?

>> No.4528434

>CO2 by itself will do basically nothing at all.
Lrn2CO2, faggot.

>> No.4528435


So? If you want them to have no power over you, stop using public services.

Go live in the wilderness on your own.

Get out of your oil-controlled life and actually be a human being. Stop doing whatever advertisers tell you to do, stop trying to impress the people you think you care about, go outside where nobody controls you, get off the public roads and out of public buildings, get your shit together and be a fucking American.

You. Fucking. Pussy.

>> No.4528437


>using fallacious argument tactics

>> No.4528439


>The government is out to get me
>Better go buy some more stuff to be happier

>> No.4528440

People are suggesting an advance in technology, not a regression.
Fossil fuel burning is a technology almost two centuries old. Switching to newer technology is not "stopping all technological progress", quite the opposite.

>> No.4528441

What am i supposed to learn?

>> No.4528442

Deliberately forcing people to switch to technology which is massively less economically viable is regression.

destroying worker productivity in the name of "SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT!" and fake pseudo-science is regressive.

>> No.4528445
File: 33 KB, 460x345, segment_8486_460x345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does al gore look like christopher hitchens?

>> No.4528447

>What am i supposed to learn?
Something, as opposed to nothing.
For example:
>What CO2 by itself will do
It's not rocket science.

>> No.4528450
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>worker productivity
Straw man, pic related.

>> No.4528451

What could possibly have happened to cause this???

oh wait
71 is when we left the gold standard and its when poor wages froze!
Lets not forget massive third world immigration during this period, and exporting all our industries.

>> No.4528455

>'71 is when we left the gold standard and that's what caused the Great Regression in '79

>> No.4528456

are you a retard who can't read a graph? look to the left of the fucking line

>> No.4528457

>look to the left
leftie-loonie, rightie-tightie
Lrn2interpretgraph, faggot

>> No.4528461

blow it out your ass holy shit do i need to draw you a fucking picture before you figure it out?

>> No.4528462
File: 13 KB, 271x277, doitfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do i need to draw you a fucking picture
pic related

>> No.4528464
File: 29 KB, 408x238, 8421-justasweaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But doesn't earth's civilization being destroyed and major disasters happening kind of sound nice?
As long as there's no major technological/social drawback, it could be a major improvement.

People these days are living like zombies. It would be nice for 99.9% of the world's population to die out. Just save the world's intellectuals = win. It's also an awe-inspiring way to dodge those liberal values people are so fond of these days.

So let us embrace the impending doom, and try to manipulate society into creating a new world order filled with people we approve of.

>> No.4528466

>implying neoliberal economics are better

>> No.4528468
File: 52 KB, 640x512, 1333273831550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely they didn't pick 1981 as this starting just so they can blame it all on Reagen???

Can't argue with the facts.
There is a reason for a gold standard, so you can't just counterfeit money out of thin air.
All fiat currencies are doomed to failure.

>> No.4528470

>But doesn't grammar being destroyed kind of sound nice?
mmmmmm... no.

>> No.4528473
File: 346 KB, 533x800, 1273966366474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying postwar economics in the West was not Keynesian up until the 80s

>> No.4528478

>surely they didn't pick 1981
You see a "pick" for 1981?
How interesting.

>> No.4528480

There was a gold standard up to 71, and as you can see on the chart that's when things are decoupled.

>> No.4528489
File: 286 KB, 1600x759, 10-pound-note-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Giving private financial institutions the power to create money out of nothing has proven itself to be a disaster. Sadly we currently live in a neoliberal orthodoxy so all political ambitions are set to giving even more powers to the people who make things worse.

>> No.4528491

I still don't understand why we don't use methane as a fuel. We have loads of it preserved naturally everywhere. It's cleaner and produces less carbon dioxide than gasoline. It's even renewable to some extent.
Besides, it'll fuck up the atmosphere way more if we don't burn it anyway (given that the reserves trapped in permafrost and stuff escapes, which it will eventually due to global warming).
I'm not suggesting it as a permanent solution, but it's a good bridge towards more sustainable energy sources.

>> No.4528495
File: 69 KB, 762x341, 10-pound-note-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a side note, I'm off the Bank of England to redeem my ten pounds.

>> No.4528499
File: 38 KB, 630x756, RSBKCRNS_CPIAUCSL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create money out of nothing

>> No.4528500

we've already established that CO2 is not a bad thing.

"sustainable" is a buzzword

thanks jews, i always wanted to be poor.

>> No.4530306

>we've already established that you know nothing about it

>> No.4530361

liberals gonna lib

>> No.4530371

Who cares? I figure some scientist somewhere will work it out so forget about it

>> No.4530380

You showe a graph that showed water absobs more light than CO2. That in no way proves that changes in CO2 will not result in problems.
In fact your graph shows the opposite, the CO2 lines are not saturated there is plenty of room for more absorption.

>> No.4530759

People wont care until it's noticeable, and begins affecting everyday life.

By the time that happens, it will be too late to do anything.