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4525766 No.4525766 [Reply] [Original]

I have 150 bottles of urine vomit and some other stuff.

Mainly urine.

Over all I'd say there is about 200 liters of it. What I want to know, is if I dump it in a random untamed field will it do any damage to the environment? Or since most of it is urine will the nitrates actually be good for it?

>> No.4525769

so long as you aren't near a water course you should be fine.

>> No.4525768

There's gonna be a whole lotta urea and ammonia in there op, look em up.

>> No.4525770

Fill an aquarium, seal it hermetically and leave it for twenty years, see what grows.

>> No.4525775


Haha. Imagine it, like the Stanley Miller experiments but with a planet made near-entirely of piss.

>> No.4525776



What in god's name are you drinking OP?

>> No.4525780

Well, supposedly you are supposed to piss on your vegetable patch to give it nutrients.

>> No.4525786

It probably wont do to much damage, and, assuming that stuff is in your room now, it's probably better if it's in a field.

>> No.4525787

This begs the question: why do you have 150 bottles of urine and vomit?

>> No.4525790
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>urine vomit
>other stuff

>> No.4525792

Have you considered dumping it in the toilet OP?

>> No.4525797

Yeah but my family would be suspicious of the smell.

I have god tier OCD. I don't use the toilets and when I need to shit I just to it on the floor then transfer it to the toilet.

>> No.4525805

>begs the question

lrn2 use that expression properly


>> No.4525808

fair enough, but have you tried getting it treated? the ocd i mean, not the sewage.

also, burial is the way to go, like i say, away from any rivers etc.

>> No.4525811

What's your problem, kid? You understood me perfectly.

>> No.4525820
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>I have 150 bottles of urine, vomit, and some other stuff.
protip: effective use of commas and other grammatical devices make you come across as more intelligent.

>> No.4525823

Yeah but then if something on the land gets developed and they dig it all up they'll find all the bottles, and I don't feel to comfortable about dumping all those plastic bottles there either. Then they can take my DNA and since I live in police state britain if I ever get arrested for anything they'll take my dna and link it to that. Rememebr it's not paranoa if they're really out to get you.

As for the OCD, I have have it since I was 10 and went through all sorts of treatments, I even went into care for a year when I was 12, but no, nothing has worked, and I'd rather not have that blotch on my mental health record if I want to go into the military or intelligence services.

>> No.4525826

don't dump the bottles, that is very bad. dump the contents and wash and dispose of the bottles in normal way.

with OCD you will probably enjoy such a quest.

>> No.4525829


Stop being a grammar nazi, you didn't use capital letters correctly.

>> No.4525834

i'd rather you did, else you might start wanting to kill people in groups of three or some such.

>hey sarg, i killed only two taliban, mind if i kill this innocent to make it three, else i won't sleep tonight

>> No.4525836

>I have 150 bottles of urine vomit and some other stuff.
You are in possession of condensed internet?

>> No.4525839

Yeah, because it totally works like that.

My lack of empathy would probably drive me to kill other people if they hurt animals or other defenseless beings rather than my OCD.

>> No.4525856

>drive me to kill other people
Don't kid yourself. The only human beings your type could kill are defenseless children and elderly people. The average healthy male is far stronger than you.

>> No.4525862


>> No.4525863

Well I cycle a shit ton and exercise regularly. I'm probably in the 90th percentile.

>> No.4525869

"Protip" is Internet vernacular. It is commonly used in all lowercase, with a capitalized first letter, and in all caps, e.g., PROTIP (sic). There are no hard and fast rules for its usage. Well played, >>4525820 .

Also, >>4525805 is not pointing out an example of poor grammar. The poster is pointing out an example of an improper use of an idiom.

>> No.4525873

>Yeah but then if something on the land gets developed and they dig it all up they'll find all the bottles, and I don't feel to comfortable about dumping all those plastic bottles there either. Then they can take my DNA and since I live in police state britain if I ever get arrested for anything they'll take my dna and link it to that. Rememebr it's not paranoa if they're really out to get you.

You should be aware that there is no DNA in your urine or fecal matter. If there was any that somehow managed to get in there (I don't want to think about it, but let's just assume), then it's long been dissolved by the urea, ammonia, and bacteria most likely.

>> No.4525880

>Well I cycle a shit ton
I did too. From kindergarten to college. I thought I was in good shape until I went to the gym for the first time. Saw some kid about 5 years younger than me bench press 60kg for a few reps. I warmed up with the bar for 10 reps with bad form, then tried 60kg. It dropped on my chest like a sack of shit. My point is, you just don't realize how weak you have become when you spend your youth in front of the computer.

>> No.4525882

Yeah, but I cycle up mountains with 20kg in my back pack.

>> No.4525887

>yeah but
Stop right there, bro. You no longer have any idea what you are talking about.

Endurance =/= strength. You are not strong. You may or may not have decent endurance if you cycle often though.

The only decent response to his post would have been "Yeah but I go the gym and lift 60kg as a warm up.

>> No.4525891

>Cycles a lot
>probably hundred km from school, does this every day
>doesn't realize that cycling is cardio
>think he have hulk arms and embarasses himself trying to lift shit.

Sorry to spoil it, but you're not very bright.

>> No.4525898

You're talking to the OP, right? Because you're not very bright if you think I haven't learned from my mistakes. It was indeed a valuable humiliation. The average gym goer can be incredibly ignorant about training and their own abilities.

>> No.4525913

wait OP
can you elaborate on your OCD situation? what exactly is it that you do with your piss and shit? and why?
and you are fully aware of all the shit the you have, yes?

>> No.4525925
File: 317 KB, 519x477, 1304307714506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not capable of making your own waste processing plant
>I seriously hope you guys aren't engineers

>> No.4525945

OP here, this post
Is not me, when I say I cycle a lot, I mean about 30 miles a day. I do this on top of going to the gym, like i said, I exercise regularly. I can bench 3x5 69kg at the moment. It's not great but I am defiantly at least in the 90th percentile.

>> No.4525960

whoa whoa whoa..

No, sorry, maybe for /sci/ but in the real world you're weak as shit.

>> No.4525991
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all of these girls could bench you OP.

>> No.4526085

Weak as shit? I didn't say I was super strong,m but it's above average, hence, proving you're wrong.

>> No.4526091

have you ever met another man?
lifting 65kg is incredibly pathetic for a grown MAN

>> No.4526140

bench press, not lifting.

>> No.4526297

Here's what you do.

Take 10 bottles a day to some waste land, more if you want, and poor them in the field, so this for just over 2 weeks and you'll be done, when that is done, clean the bottles, crush them down, then take the bags and put them in peoples plastic recycling bins just before the day they're collected.

>> No.4526307

I piss outside, alot.

If I piss on a plant once, it dies - after four years my whole backyard is a barren wasteland of dead shrubs, saplings and mud. Nothing will grow in this forsaken place.

>Lots of urine kills shit as surely as gasoline and a match

>> No.4526311
File: 80 KB, 607x451, moray-eel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck am I reading?

>> No.4526316

bet you can't even do a one armed press up
do you even lift?

>> No.4526342

Yeah, I know your predicament. While I never had that much urine, I also had some diarrhea bottles. My apartment complex had this sheltered trash area, and the homeless would gather there in cold weather. I didn't like that, so I'd pour the diarrhea bottles on the floor of this shed in the daytime.

The piss bottles I poured down the toilet. Really...why not just flush 10 or so liters down the toilet a day? Water treatment plants are designed to treat urine while you might damage the environment by disposing of it yourself. It's much more environmentally friendly to dispose of it the proper way.

>> No.4526372


>> No.4526379

Yeah but something will grow in its place

>> No.4526386

Put the stuff in the toilet over time.

>> No.4526392
File: 71 KB, 371x364, What is this I don't even.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking copious amounts of piss will damage the enviroment

If anything it'll make the surrounding plants healthier, lrn2nitrogencycle.

>> No.4526407


>implying that someone won't die when I shoot them because they are stronger than me

>> No.4526408

OP can't into commas

>> No.4526425

you should distill it in your kitchen
200 bottles -> 1 bottle of super urine

>> No.4526540


>Implying urine is a chemical and not a solution

>> No.4526687

>full retard

>> No.4527148

And why do you have 150 bottles of urine, vomit and some other stuff exactly?

>> No.4528032

Use all of them in a crazy Japanese porn film.

>> No.4528069


What he posted is common, popular mis-usage like "irregardless" or "And so therefore" : technically incorrect but it is disingenuous to pretend you don't know what is meant.

Grammar NAZI.

>> No.4528467

>technically incorrect
Technically incorrect is incorrect, faggot.

>> No.4528477

Please stop using the term "nazi" as a synonym for tyranny, its historically incorrect, nazi germany was a free country.

>> No.4528487

Well, that's how phosphorus was discovered.

>> No.4528513

provide pics OP!!!
This is a imageboard after all...

>> No.4528522

How many /sci/entists are also /fit/izens? I'm sensing a great amount of homosexuality in this and other threads.

>> No.4530504

/sci/ + /fit/ master race reporting in. You are not alone.