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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4508355 No.4508355 [Reply] [Original]

4chan cup questions

out of these 2 anthems which do you prefer as /sci/s official anthem

1 - current one is "Glorious Dawn" ft sagan and hawking - but some people on sci said it was too slow for our official anthem and wanted something more up beat


2 - is "Quantum World" ft Feynman, hawking, cox, close, kaku, freeman


please have a listen and say which one you prefer

Also, do you want to keep ancient aliens and troll science general or do you want one or both replaced ?

and if so which ones do you want replaced with [professor] Brian Cox or Michio Kaku ? or both ?

>> No.4508362

It should be God save the Queen, where obviously the Queen is EK.

>> No.4508366

I prefer neither, get this shit out of here.

>> No.4508373


pick one fagget i want to see if /sci/ wants anthem changed - or dont complain about stuff

>> No.4508381

/sci/ doesn't need an anthem
I thought we were GDI

>> No.4508384

ok so no objections ? anyone ?

please respond guys. these decisions are important

>> No.4508392


what do you mean GDI ? im talking about anthem for the 4chan football competition

>> No.4508402

I prefer Quantum World.

>> No.4508406
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if i put kaku or cox as a starter would that be ok ? /sci/ i have to get permission from the board for changes so i need acknowledgement guys

>> No.4508407

Did we win against /mlp/?

>> No.4508411


me 2 ok anymore responses on anthem or the players guys ?

>> No.4508422


Quantum world.

Not kaku, but cox is ok. Replace ancient alien with cox.

>> No.4508429
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we drew 1-1 against mlp and r9k and beat /pol/ 2-1 and qualified for next round - you can see who we are playing on saturday next

mlp and r9k got knocked out, if we drew or lost our last match against pol it would have been us - a close shave

pic related

>> No.4508437
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ok done and done

does that mean you want to keep troll science/ physics in the team as a player ?

pic related - photo of troll science

>> No.4508446

When /sci/ was first made, there was a significant period when you couldn't refresh the front page of /sci/ without seeing A Glorious Dawn somewhere on it. It was, and still should be, the /sci/ anthem.

Also, Carl Sagan is /sci/'s waifu and we can't not have him in our anthem.

>> No.4508452


where do I find this weed?

>> No.4508458

Quantum World is much better by far.

>> No.4508462
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Sagan is still our Captain and his photo is still our team logo

And I have kept glorious dawn as a video on our wiki page too

Is that ok ?

and are you happy with troll science being in our squad ?

>> No.4508499
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ok so ancient aliens dropped from team and cox in, and anthem is quantum world, but we keep glorious dawn on page to keep everyone happy

thanks for the responses guys. cya

woooosh !

>> No.4508560

does anyone else here find it the popup on glorious dawn hilarious?

"This song is now available on vinyl"

>> No.4508650

break the autist stereotype change to 2

>> No.4508691

can someone briefly explain this shit to me. So it's so kind of football vidyagaem or something? I've seen this posted on other boards but I've never been around to see the actual event whatever it might entail. Sounds like fun

>> No.4508728
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yes its virtual football - ever board has a team - and they each have decided on tactics, anthems, kits ... stuff like that

then they play each other in cups and friendlies

you can google - based + wiki + 4chancup - to see the whole wiki and all the boards teams or just add + sci to see our page

you can see full match highlights or watch live matches from next saturday when sci will be playing on livestream - google livestream + barrel_roll - that's the organisers username / broadcaster

ive uploaded some of our goals to youtube too in a playlist if you wanted a quick look at just our goals - against /mlp/ my little pony - /r9k/ betas and /pol/ politically incorrect


its hella fun

>> No.4508777
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Thanks very much I've been meaning to look into it. Here have a drop of Jupiter in return

>> No.4508819

Might I suggest a less autotune, ugh, I mean shit filled song that has Sagan written all over it (hurr it's from Cosmos)?

Since Sagan is the patron around these parts it fits well I think.

Vangelis - Alpha


Pro-tip for other would-be candidates: It doesn't have to explain the fucking universe in 3 minutes of ear-crunching autotune.

>> No.4509893

Why do we have a disgraced tripfag that everyone hated on the team? And what the fuck is deep sea bro?

>> No.4509895

Why not new math for a song. It's funny and to an extent board related.


>> No.4509901

Why were the tactics that beat /pol/ changed? Who is changing all this shit.

>> No.4509917


"We Are All Connected" is much better.

>> No.4509961

Magnets is a trollpost. Who the fuck decided this roster?

>> No.4510681

Look at all these people who didn't want Quantum World, and you're still using it? Jesus christ. /sci/ wants Glorious Dawn, so just leave it at Glorious Dawn. It's hilarious aswell.Didn't you see people from other boards chanting it as well?

>> No.4510692


If by didn't want quantum world you mean proposed different songs all together sure.

>> No.4510699

Just as many people want Glorious dawn.

And adding myself in there, we've pretty much swung more votes. Next time, make the thread THEN the changes, not the other way around.

>> No.4511460


"First of all, write your comments in the relevant section to related discussion. Secondly, you are the shit stirring troll - look above - i said "I posted AGAIN" just to prove to you, because you didn't believe, I had previously made this thread, so I had to make it again just for you fagget, which I did. I repeatedly asked, and yes this is the board - whoever was interested enough to reply - and the majority wanted Quantum World over Glorious Dawn. 1 guy wanted glorious dawn, so I kept video on the wiki to keep him happy - I asked the board and they responded, im not in charge of how many people responded. Do you even know what the word 'majority' means dumbass ? it was a majority. And it was more than 3 people, as I checked again before it 404'd and they were happy with it, and i repeatedly asked if they were ok with the changes, and for responses, and they did. And for starting your bullshit AGAIN, try reading the comments at the bottom of discussion - starting bullshit, lies and stirring, stop trying to get us disqualified with drama troll faggot. I know you are the same guy from /vp/ so fuck off back to pokemon who like a coward sneaked in just before deadline lock and put in your shitty changed and deleted stuff, so stay there triviaguy88, pathetic socially retarded pokemon playing twat."

Remember folks, this man is supposed to be a representative of /sci/ who makes the best decisions for the teams board. I don't know why the fuck we still let him mess around with /sci/, but he just waits for one person to agree with him so he can make changes. That's not on.

>> No.4511480


>> No.4512401
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>>I prefer neither, get this shit out of here.
>>/sci/ doesn't need an anthem

so suggest a song of your own. we need at an anthem or we dont get entered into cups - its the rules

no anthem is not an option.

Songs added to suggestions list for future reference>>4509893


>>Remember folks, this man is supposed to be a representative of /sci/ who makes the best decisions for the teams board.

boohoohoo cry more your tears are delicious lol


All from the same immature butthurt child crying and whineing because he isnt getting his way. Grow up.

Copying and Pasting replies to you from wiki discussion and not full conversation, or your own quotes = weaksauce, and pathetic pal

"Magnets is a trollpost. Who the fuck decided this roster?" The board decided the whole roster under Lion's stewardship originally - just because you dont like it well tough shit, fuck off back to /vp/ or whatever board you really come from troll

player was from icp meme "fucking magnets, how do they work ?" - /sci/tards got it, but clearly you didn't and its obvious why

>>I don't know why the fuck we still let him mess around with /sci/, but he just waits for one person to agree with him so he can make changes. That's not on.

>> No.4512409
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"we" > implying you are from /sci/ and not the troll that screwed us because you wanted the lamest darWIN and EPICurious - how do you even find that clever or humorous ? so stupid .. and then put them in without even getting boards approval 4 minutes before deadline lock - yeah good job with that and then accusing me of "but he just waits for one person to agree with him so he can make changes"

when that is exactly what you did ... wow you have got some nerve. A lot more than one - learn to count, and others suggestions by the way - implementing. And then accusing me of things i never did or claimed to be - putting words in my mouth ?

>> Why were the tactics that beat /pol/ changed? Who is changing all this shit.

tactics were changed by the same person who decided tactics that let us beat /pol/ idiot

your ignorance about almost everything is astounding,

ill explain it simply - the same tactics may not necessarily work against another team with different tactics - derp.

Leave it to the guy who knows the game, and knows what he is doing. Who actually helped us get to the next round.

so in summation -

tough shit. deal with it.

>> No.4512422

ok ok so Glorious Dawn is no longer Melodysheeps best song... but it is catchiest and a fantastic goal anthem. I think it should stay as it is.

>> No.4512432


Ok so are you saying all you Guys want Glorious Dawn as Goalhorn celebration for when we score goals ?

I need to see votes on this - responses for or against

We currently now have Quantum world as our new official anthem

And Madonna and Justin Timberlakes "4 Minutes" song as our goalhorn - due to us being screwed constantly 4 minutes before or after

or then should i get rid of 4 minutes goalhorn and put Glorious Dawn as official anthem again and put Quantum World as Goalhorn

need clarification on this /sci/ - if we dont have approval from board, we cant improve team, or make any decisions without your say so

>> No.4512439

sounds good but keep 4minutes on the wiki as a reminder of past victories tho

>> No.4512444


ok dude, see compromise can make everyone happy !

ill put glorious dawn back on page now

>> No.4512451

Never heard either of those songs before OP, damn near shed a tear.

>> No.4512459

Your posting style and pictures stick out too much.
Are you sure you frequent /sci/?

>> No.4512471
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yes of course. I just save photos which I like, when I see them

But I am also a big football fan, and play football games too

I know that /sci/ can't into sports .. but I love both.

>> No.4512498

Saving random pictures and posting them randomly are two different things.

>> No.4512521

If anything this should be anthem of /sci/.


>> No.4512534
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I thought it made sense using a second tom cruise picture seeing as the post was split into 2 parts.

Made sense to me. As for my posting style, I'm not surprised it seems similar, as I frequently join in discussions here.

>> No.4512545


*Tom Cruise

Please forgive my lack of correct grammar and spelling. I am tired and also - idgaf.



>> No.4512565

Why would you use a Tom Cruise picture in the first place?

>> No.4512578

otherfag here. The picture is funny who gives a fuck.

The guy posts clearly and the contents of his post are interesting. leave him alone.

>> No.4512579
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>> No.4512601

I really like "Glorious Dawn" more.

>> No.4512616


that's cool - we have managed to balance all 3 anthems now to keep everyone happy and compromise

Opening Anthem - Quantum world played pre match as players walk onto pitch

Closing Anthem [and can be used as alternate Goalhorn if GermanBro so wishes] - Glorious Dawn played at end of match, when we win

Goal Celebration Anthem - 4 Minutes - played when we score

>> No.4512619

I'd like to nominate this one. Kind of childish, I know but it made me chuckle more than once.

Einstein vs Stephen Hawking -Epic Rap Battles of History

>> No.4512620

I hate to interrupt, but don't you think it's a little bad for your case when you accuse multiple people of being one samefag? I know for a fact that one of the posts you quoted was me, and the other certainly wasn't. Can you please just stop accusing everyone of being triviguy? He hasn't even posted ITT.. and I think it was because of you.

I don't blame people for avoiding this shit, Guys like you ruin it for everyone. I'm out.

>> No.4512623

Why not just use our original anthem and scrap glorious dawn and quantum world?

>> No.4512630


Kanye'd that nigga

>> No.4512634

I didn't even notice that.

Genuine question, why did we originally scrap it?

>> No.4512638

> due to other board users appearing out of nowhere "4 Minutes" before deadline lock
What kind of bogus is that? The last edit was 10 minutes before the deadline and it was merely a reversion to a version that had been up for an hour.

>> No.4512639

Nice, I'm ok with that.

But 4 minutes has nothing to do with science.
The 4 minutes issue will be forgotten when the main tournament starts. Though I admit I like that song.

>> No.4512646

Well, we were asked what we wanted as a new anthem. I don't think we were informed that we were replacing this one, so it was done and nobody really noticed

>> No.4512649

Well, it hasn't been forgotten since it happened 2 months ago, and the 3 months between our tournament run and summer is no real difference. I say keep it.

Ooh, I'm torn on that one.

>> No.4512653

Glorious dawn. Definitely. Damn I love that song

>> No.4512657

This should be the Goal Celebration Theme!

>> No.4512660

Okay, i'm going to do this like that guy from /vp/ does. Here's a poll, vote for the anthem you want. The winner will replace glorious dawn/quantum world/blinded me with science


>> No.4512661

I admit that Glorious Dawn is too slow to be the opening anthem, but it's perfect for the closing anthem.

Make this happen

>> No.4512668

You mean the 3 most voted?

>> No.4512670

Where's 4 minutes?

>> No.4512671

Well. no, because we're pretty much keeping 4 minutes.. Glorious dawn is more than likely going to stay, but we can always decide on which one we want the most

>> No.4512677

>Well. no, because we're pretty much keeping 4 minutes..
Who decided that? I don't like it and I think the elction of the songs should be democratic.

>> No.4512680

It's been there for nearly 2 months for a reason, the audience, including non /sci/ fans chant FO MINUTES when we score.. I think it's nice to keep something that we know other boards enjoy. Germanbro himself said that he loved it when it came up against.. was it /r9k/ or /mlp/?

>> No.4512686

If you aren't one of the same trolls that has been stirring up shit and harassing, I sincerely apologize. They have become a pain in the ass. Not just him, but probably his friend. Just messing with /sci/ for their own amusement, and I just noticed that all the negative comments, and nothing constructive started coming, when I informed him about the post on wiki discussion - so the timing as well, plus he copy pasted a wiki response, so he is definitely here.

I'm sorry if you feel I ruined it, not my intention at all, I am trying to do my best to implement /sci/ into the cup and hope people appreciate the effort and time spent on everything we have put into the team we care about, and presenting /sci/ well, instead of looking like a half made work in progress page, with a team full of tramps.


Not literally "4 Minutes" - you have to be involved with the wiki and cup to understand the origins and evolution of "4 Minutes"

Someone came just before deadline lock and started deleting stuff on the page, content, anthems - he never asked the board for permission, neither did anyone approve his choices

he put them in anyway sneakily and kept changing it to his choices, when I saw it, i kept rolling back his changes, but it didnt stop him

he put in players like darWin and EPICurious, and got rid of 3 or 4 of our lineup - thinking that the play on words was hilarious ... with that spelling. This is how he spelt it. He did this without informing anyone, and just did it selfishly

And he put "the elements song" in as his anthem - this is what he wanted. When everyone on the board and discussion said no, because it sounded childish and shit. And we are Aspie and autistic enough.

>> No.4512690
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then they posted on here saying they were going to change our kits "not asking, but stating" - no permission from board, they didnt care

i tried to stop this from happening and reverted his changes to what the board had originally had. But the page was locked, and he got in last. I contacted GermanBro to try and get the page unlocked and use original lineup and stuff, and he basically was like tough shit, and that all pages were locked and that he was using this guys lineup, i dont know if he touched the tactics as well, but I have been told they were changed too.


I dont know either why. ill add it to list~

>> No.4512695


Agreed but for that reason I'd also opt to keep players like acient alien in the game.

I guess in the end it doesn't matter all that much but I chuckle more at a 'witty' thing I understand than a true scientist's name.

How many /sci/entists watch these matches?

>> No.4512699

Tactics were NOT changed, and his edits weren't even used.. EPICurious and darWIN were not seen on the team at all.. no need to fret bro.

>> No.4512703

quantom world

>> No.4512704

>>Okay, i'm going to do this like that guy from /vp/ does. Here's a poll, vote for the anthem you want. The winner will replace glorious dawn/quantum world/blinded me with science


Polls dont work - I just changed my ip and voted twice .. its easy, and an inaccurate way to see a true result

>> No.4512705

What the other boards think about our anthem shouldn't matter.
These songs are suppose to represent the board own culture.
The 4 minutes issue was stupid. It had nothing to do with /sci/ as a board.

And if you really want them to sing something, you'll find that "She blinded me with science" will do better than 4 minutes.

>> No.4512706

In the range of 5-10 post in the chat, and more lurk or anon the livestream. We're one of the best represented boards behind /vp/ /m/ /pol/ and /d/

>> No.4512710

Name an other way. People can samefag ITT to do it, so there's no real safe way to do it.

>> No.4512714

The real question is, do we want to be popular with up to 1500 viewers of the summer cup, or popular with 20 or so /sci/entists?

>> No.4512716


his edits were used actually - go and check for yourself, you can even watch previous match highlights

or confirm this with the organiser - you seem to be very defensive, which makes me seem suspicious about you already

go ask germanbro anyway - because you are talking bullshit, and he will confirm his choices have been used and the page was locked with all his changes and bullshit.

Only once it was unlocked was the page changes rolled back, but essentially we are still using his lineup in the cup

and anyone can check this with germanbro, or wiki edits

nice try troll liar

>> No.4512717

Yeesh. Talk about going overboard.
All that's required is to disable cookies, then you can vote, refresh, vote, refresh, vote, ...

>> No.4512722


Really? I usually try to follow the matches as good as I can on my slow laptop but I never noticed we had such a crowd.
This pleases me.

I have several boards that I call home but /sci/ has always been one of my favourites.

>> No.4512724

Dude.. what? I'm just the guy above who's already complained about how paranoid and aggressive you are, this time it's fucking the end, I am more than definitely out. Thank god I use /toy/.. another team in the knockouts to support.. one who wont drive itself to shit through a civil editing war

>> No.4512725

Were you there during the last Summer Cup? 1000-1500 was the average, regardless of the boards playing.
We hit like 9000 when /a/ and /b/ played, but those are special cases.
It's not about being popular, besides if our team make it super far in the cup we will eventually play with the bigger boards.
Also, as I said, Blinded me with science is a better song to spam in the chat.

>> No.4512727

>/sci/ scores
>Song starts

>> No.4512728

All he did was remove players that were disliked by the board and had been decided to be taken off. There was just one guy who kept reinserting them because they were in the original list and that was supposed to be set into stone for some reason.

The Element Song, kits or Darwin were not part of the edits. Check the revision history.
It's also just Epicurus.

>> No.4512730
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Ok Ok guys so let me get this clear - we get rid of 4 Minutes as Goalhorn, and have our original anthem back

Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me With Science as Goalhorn ?


this way we keep everyone happy yes ?

opening anthem - Quantum World
closing anthem - Glorious Dawn
Goal celebration for when we score - Blinded me with Science

and we scrap 4 Minutes which isnt sci related, and was actually added to our page by Dragonfag Matt, who isnt even a /sci/ user ...

everyone agreed ?

>> No.4512732

.. the hell you smoking?

>> No.4512738

Actually, I've seen him namefagging on /sci/ before.. I knew him before it was cool to hate him.

I say get rid of 4 minutes as goalhorn, but place it somewhere on the page, maybe at the bottom with the video of glorious dawn.

>> No.4512740


incorrect on all accounts. And i never said the kits were part of the edit, I said he came here and told everyone he was going to change our kits because and i quote "he didn't like them"

he didnt even ask for permission, he just stated - just like he put in his changes. You are clearly not looking at the right edits, because I was there when it happened. And I just told you, you can ask GermanBro to confirm what I am talking about - the timing of when he started editing, and appeared out of nowhere, just before the lock, and the changes he made.

>> No.4512741

>opening anthem - Quantum World
>closing anthem - Glorious Dawn
>Goal celebration for when we score - Blinded me with Science
I'm ok with this
You can always leave 4 minutes omewhere in the wiki page, as Trivia or something.

>> No.4512744

We only need one anthem and one goalhorn. Quantum World is the least popular. Use SBMWS as goalhorn, glorius dawn as anthem. That should do..

I like this idea. Leave it on the page, but completely unofficial.

>> No.4512747
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the fact that you use /toy/ speaks volumes ... I just hope you are not an adult.

>> No.4512749

Dude.. germanbro hates you. I highly doubt he would stick up for the edits you make. /x/ specifically told him to ignore your edits. I remember because a guy called /x/treme or some shit like that in the livestream said so.

>> No.4512752

Not even guy quoted
You use /pol/.. being a racist, homophobe etc. is hardly a more redeeming quality.

>> No.4512753

What revision number are you talking about? 179 is the one being used but it's identical to 176 and 167.

>> No.4512754

We picked both because Glorious Dawn is the popular choice but it is too low-beat to be an opening anthem, so we choose Quantum World as Opener and Glorious Dawn as closing.

>> No.4512757

Quantum world has actually been more popular, and if you check the previous thread, you will see all the people asking to get rid of Glorious dawn because it was too slow, and chillaxed for an official anthem

and its now been agreed and supported that Glorius dawn will be perfect for the closing song - after a match when players walk off pitch

so confirmed

Opening Anthem - Quantum World
Closing Anthem - Glorious Dawn
Goalhorn - She Blinded Me With Science

And 4 minutes left somewhere the fuck on page just as a historical reminder of the drama

l2compromise, and everyone will be happy. you cant get your way all the time ok ?

>> No.4512758

He very rarely uses anthems for opening and closing. Let alone both. We need one, and GLorious dawn is the more popular of the two. We'll almost never hear both, so may as well stick to one.

>> No.4512763


well exactly my point. He hardly ever plays opening anthem in the cup at least, but he always plays closing anthem, especially after a team win - and he has played Glorious Dawn on these occasions.

So nothing has really changed

>> No.4512765

>implying you didn't do that until germanbro, I, and everyone else got mad at you, and you were forced to go to the board in threat of being removed entirely

Protip: I've seen samefagging quantum world.

>> No.4512780

Way to kill the thread bro.

>> No.4512781

So the only thing that's been changed is the Goalhorn.
At least we reached an agreement.

>> No.4512793

Well isn't that fucking reassuring?

>> No.4512803
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lol triviaguy i knew you were here you stirring troll

And no GermanBro and everyone else aren't mad at me actually

It's just you who is mad and butthurt, because you aren't getting your way, and someone is calling you out on your sneaky sabotage and bullshit stirring and lies

>> No.4512804

>Protip: I've seen samefagging quantum world.
But you ain't me

>> No.4512811

Biology Hard Science was used instead of Biology Hard. Which is it isn't about the difficulty of studying biology.

>> No.4512819

same old images? same old board controlling? youd think with so many people against you that youd jsut give up. germanbro does dislike you. didn't you see how little shits he gave when you got so butthurt when your work rates were ignored for the /pol/ game? yeah? you got so butthurt over something that's fixed for all boards. that was hilarious

>> No.4512822

Because the guy doing the edits had contacted Germanbro before to make sure your edits weren't being used.

>> No.4512827

Is Luca changing shit without asking again?

>> No.4512856

We need a goalkeeper named autist who never leaves his goal.

>> No.4512862

Why having a wheelchair bound physicist suffering from ALS is much funnier.

Plus we already have enough autism from luca.

>> No.4512866

There's already Autism for /jp/ and Autistic for /adv/.

>> No.4512871


you have got some balls on you kid lol .. faggot troll, only you have changed stuff without asking

some names were shortened for commentary purposes - like feynman is called feynman instead of full name - and same for other sci players - we assume sci would understand and recognise full meme, without having full player name.

"same old images? same old board controlling? youd think with so many people against you that youd jsut give up. germanbro does dislike you. didn't you see how little shits he gave when you got so butthurt when your work rates were ignored for the /pol/ game? yeah? you got so butthurt over something that's fixed for all boards. that was hilarious"

it wasnt work rates - it was about resting tired players, that have played 3 matches concurrently

no that's only you lol, wow you are trying so hard, it actually makes me feel special

GermanBro doesn't dislike me, so unlucky there. Obviously it was a miscommunication caused because of your initial faggotry. He wouldn't rest our players, because it wasn't on the main page, and it wasn't on the main page, because I reverted your bullshit and choices, I sent the changes personally and he said "Alrighty" - an acknowledgement - and only during the match, did he turn around and then say exactly the opposite, and not rest our players, nor have the subs on bench needed

he didnt accept the special circumstances which your sneaky bullshit and sabotage caused.

so thanks. And keep it coming, im enjoying you try so hard

>> No.4512890

>some names were shortened for commentary purposes
That's completely unnecessary. Germanbro and the others are well capable of using the last name for that stuff.

If you want to make it easy for them add a note how Latex is pronounced. And change the picture for Latex while you're at it.

>> No.4512902

>He wouldn't rest our players, because it wasn't on the main page, and it wasn't on the main page, because I reverted your bullshit and choices
Bullshit like
>251. triviaguy88 24 Mar 2012 Reverted roster to match babby cup. Moved generic (no medals no SKs) starters out for generic subs to reduce fatigue accumulation.

Good thing you reverted that. One can only imagine the problems using that would have caused.

>> No.4512906

i've already explained what he did - he used different ip's too.

>> No.4512914
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implying this isnt triviatroll88 using 2 different ips / to pretend to be different people ... pathetic and sad like the loser he is

>> No.4512918

I don't care if germanbro likes you or not. /sci/ doesn't like you and /sci/ wants you to stop fucking with the team. And to stop claiming we appointed you as trainer. And we would all take it as a kindness if you kicked that oxygen habit. I'd make a poll but you would be too busy accusing everyone in sight of being a proxy/troll/me/invader that you would never get around to seeing the results and knowing just how much the world wouldn't care if you ceased to be.

>> No.4512923

He changed the roster to the one that was actually used and switched starters to minimize fatigue?
I think I made some of the edits you blame on him.

>> No.4512929

Don't tell him that. His fragile little mind might cave in if he found out I wasn't flying the black helicopters that chase him everywhere.

>> No.4512931

Unlike (90.192.175.x) and (2.25.213.x).

>> No.4512944


i was the one that actually switches starters because of fatigue, he did not

no /sci/ doesn't like you actually, and only you have said you dont like me, that and your gay boyfriend.

>> No.4512949

Okay board vote right now. I say we revert the main page roster to match the current tournament roster and then discuss potential changes to the roster. If any changes are to be made they will be put on the discussion page roster which will be imported to the main page prior to finalization of rosters for the next tournament.


>> No.4512955

The discussion page is a pure mess right now.

>> No.4512957

Dude, that is flatly false
youre dealing with sci
we know how to look at the history of wiki edits
lie better

>> No.4512959

I'm not very good at uh, singing songs but uh, here is a try
ahh woop!
woop oo

>> No.4512965
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do you guys want "4 Minutes" as a player in our team ?

>> No.4512968


>> No.4512971
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>> No.4512974


you aren't even from /sci/ as has been proven on so many occasions. Go away, and stop trying to sabotage us troll.

>> No.4512976
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It's wub wub


Seeing as there's problems going on. I'd also suggest some kind of truce that prohibits any changes made to the page/team within a certain timerange before a match.
This is probably going to do jack shit.

>> No.4512985

You're the one sabotaging the team. You prevented a change of the starters by reverting the wiki and failing to show up in time. You also made questionable substitutions that the AI could have used for more pressing matters.

>> No.4513001

I'm a chemist currently doing my Ph.D. work at an R1 university. Tell me I'm from a different board one more time. I've forgotten more peer reviewed science than you will ever know.
I'm sorry that your life is sad and pathetic. I'm sorry you were bullied your entire life. I'm sorry that you are a hapless little child that is grasping for one iota of anything that seems like control in the lonely and intellectually bankrupt existence you lead. But it is a simple fact that your pathetic life is the result of your own ineptitude and inability. And no amount of petty despotism on an obscure wiki page will ever change your worthless shell of a being.
So just stop. Go away and find some place where people will just ignore you. Because that will probably seem less lonely.

>> No.4513034
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do you even read ? how many times do i have to type it out over and over and over again

In summary - I reverted wiki, because of his changes that he wanted, without boards approval, appearing out of nowhere, to edit our consistent team before deadline lock, and delete content on page.

I contacted GermanBro about triviaguy88 and he said All Pages and teams were locked for Cup and that he would use triviatrolls choices and not revert to the boards approved team and tactics.

We had no manager and were drawing 1-1 in the previous match, and none of our players would have been rested because we had no manager. I stepped up to help the team temporarily, because no one else did - just to rest the non g/s/b players - ie. defenders and gk - alternate / squad rotate for one match

I contacted GermanBro and gave him a full list of subs, and which players needed to be rested

he responded in the affirmative by saying "Alrighty"

I took that as an aknowledgement that he had accepted and would implement this.

Which he did not when the match started, so yes I was mad, because if we have a tired goalkeeper and back line, we are more likely to concede goals. So I contacted him immediately and then he turned round and said "no exceptions" - so i decided to try and salvage the game by substituting 3 of our back line when we were 1-0 down - early on in the match. It worked, we got a goal back close to the end.

Then I resigned as manager because he didn't implement my changes, nor did he revert triviatrolls bullshit in the first place, and accept /sci/ had special circumstances which is why I had to send any tactics decisions personally by skype. Because I had reverted triviatrolls bullshit on our wiki page. And fuck triviatroll, ill be damned if im going to let him have his way at the expense of the board with his shitty

>> No.4513037

No need to be that insulting. Germanbro said he would disqualify the team if the discussion didn't become civil.

>> No.4513040
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darWIN meme spelt like that or EPICurious .. its not funny or clever spelling it like that or changing our whole team before deadline lock so sneakily,

So I then asked for help from one of the guys who actually knows about pes and tactics - and he help us beat /pol/ 2-1 and saved us from being knocked out, I then asked him to become our manager, and he agreed to help us for our upcoming matches to help us to get into the summer cup

and that's not the only thing i have done, for the love of /sci/ i went round asking kit designers to design kits for us, i spent a lot of time and effort and love in coding, and a lot of stuff on wiki and researching - compare how it looks now, and undo every single one of my changes and you will see how much effort and time and love i put into implementing the board, and making it look better

so GermanBro and triviatroll are to blame

So fuck you, you two are the ones doing "4 minutes" sabotaging us. You for initially fucking us up, and Germanbro for not reverting your bullshit. Not me.

And this is the last time im going to type or explain this you retard, because ive done it so many times

do some brain training memory exercises you alzheimer cnt and go back to /vp/ you pathetic person who plays with pokemon ..'#

>> No.4513044


Ok sorry. I'm just trying to bang it into his thick head.
But he has carried this over to wiki discussion page also, and he keeps stirring, because he is enjoying it, finding amusement in his trolling

And because he is from /vp/ and not this board, I can tell he will be even happier if we are disqualified for his stirring.

I am only defending myself and my actions, against his FALSE and constant accusations

>> No.4513045

>and none of our players would have been rested because we had no manager
The players would have rested because the starters had changed.

>and that he would use triviatrolls choices and not revert to the boards approved team and tactics.
If you checked the wiki history you should notice that Triviaguy wasn't even happy with the roster. He tried to change the name for Theory (a Geuss) to Theory (a Gauss) in revision 182, 17 minutes after the deadline.

>> No.4513057

He was more concerned about edits on the actual page. Luca was just reflex reverting any changes that other people tried to make.

While it isn't the best excuse, I would like to point out that my post was far more civil than luca by comparison. I can only abide so many ad hominem attacks before returning in kind. On the bright side I haven't started making stuff up like some people do.

>> No.4513059


ffs i've explained how many changes he made ... EPICurious didn't appear out of fcking nowhere, and other players, and content on the page wasn't deleted by magic ... it was all him. Only he came before deadline lock from nowhere when he suddenly took an interest in our team for some reason. He has only recently been appearing on /sci/ because he is attention seeking and an attention whore loving this

do you know what ? fck it, you trolls are time wasters and ive got stuff to do

you're trying to hard, and have pathetic sad little lives, to troll for this long, negative miserable people .. i pity you

>> No.4513067

>compare how it looks now, and undo every single one of my changes and you will see how much effort and time and love i put into implementing the board, and making it look better
Looking at the editing history is atrocious due to the hundred of minor edits.
The page looks pretty lame right now anyway. There's pictures for the players and that's about it. No descriptions, no team picture or other fluff.

>> No.4513074

How can you not know Epicurus? That guy invented science.

>> No.4513077


- implying if i put fluff in or anything else you wouldn't complain, whinge and cry about it ...

>> No.4513082

I don't want you to pity me. I want you to leave the team alone. Didn't you say you were giving up on the team last week?

As for attention whoring. I normally post as anon, but in the spirit of only having one vote I namefag in these threads. That way you can trace each statement, idea, and decision to the individual that made it. It's all about transparency (not that everyone needs to namefag, there is the shrill and whiny tone that identifies certain writers).

>> No.4513083


and then accuse me of making changes to wiki myself

I do know him. It's not an issue about him. It's an issue that he was put in the team by this troll without boards approval. He made the decision alone.

So it's about how it was done, it has nothing to do with the players themselves. Only triviatrolls behaviour and unilateral actions and disregard for /sci/

can i go now please ?

>> No.4513086


im giving up on your team, not the boards team. the only thing i gave up was managing / training. And I've already explained why.

can i go now please ?

or are you going to keep forcing me to respond to your faggotry ?

>> No.4513087

Here's the decision in favor of Epicurus:

>> No.4513091
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>> implying that isnt you

>> No.4513096
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do you have any idea how many times that thread has been posted for luca to see. He will ignore it and say it was just me being as samefag.

Although I will take credit for the idea of putting the two on the team. I like the idea of a midfield composed of EPICurious darWIN

>> No.4513106

Then don't brag about how terrible the page would be without you.

I actually tried to improve the looks by setting all pictures to the same width in edit 121 but you had to ignore my changes only to do the same thing later on.

>> No.4513107

Shame Darwin isn't actually on the team. It sounds better than Evolution.

>> No.4513108

It also won't matter that my last edit before the page lock was reverted away (I made edit 181, 179 was the one used) and the one I made before that was edit 161 (meaning there were about 20 edits after the last of mine that got used). The child isn't right in the head and he wants to believe that I'm conspiring against him.

>> No.4513113


Evolution as a player already represents Darwin ...

and sounds better in commentary

please gtfo with your lame ass spelling suggestions

darWIN and EPICurious - like you had to spell it that way in the first place, as if we wouldn't get it

your sense of humour is awful.

and now i really must go - so i suggest you dont lie about me, or keep stirring shit, because everyone knows i wont be here to respond and challenge your false bullshit right now.

go do something more productive with your life than trolling. kthxbai

>> No.4513115

That's what I said.

But unless luca agrees it doesn't matter what the board wants.

>> No.4513124

Why do you keep bringing up the original thread? Few other teams use their original roster. The later thread had more input and was build upon the experience of the prior matches.

>> No.4513147

The edits after 167 were vandalizing and reverting.

>> No.4513163

look at 181 and tell me if that doesn't reflect what the board wanted. There was a ton of vandalism around then but I was trying to put it right.

>> No.4513167

Who cares as long as we keep Feynman scoring scoring scoring as usual

>> No.4513175

The question is if it should be Gauss or Geuss. I like Gauss as a scientiest but Geuss is still more prevalent as a meme.

>> No.4513196

Gauss should excel at taking curved shots

>> No.4513197

I like a Gauss because it is a clever play on the meme. The meme is only used for trolling so I think turning it around by making it a scientist is a funnier way of handling it. I'm generally opposed to using troll memes as players since it only encourages more troll memes.

>> No.4513202

This aversion to trollmemes also explains why I want magnets and EK off the team.

And seriously, does anyone get the deep sea bro thing? What is it and why is it on the team?

>> No.4513205

You must keep Glorious Dawn. No question.

>> No.4513208

Many people didn't understand it was a wordplay and thought someone (i.e. luca) had misunderstood the Geuss for Gauss due to never actually using /sci/.

>> No.4513220

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akek6cFRZfY&feature=artist Try it out. it sounds anthemy

>> No.4513233

While I don't agree on kicking all the trollnames, I do agree that EK should be kicked off the team. Trollnames can stay but they should be recognisable over multiple boards.

I always assumed deep see bro general refered to the countless like named thread. The guide even has a deepsea station.

>> No.4513234

It's a pleasant song, but it doesn't strike me as inspiring (in an athletic context) or intimidating which is what I want from an anthem. It may be too much to ask for that in a science themed song.

>> No.4513263
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So you want to keep magnets.

>> No.4513269

what about poetry of reality

>> No.4513342

I just have one question.

Why is it that /b/ with all it's trolls and high traffic has fewer problems getting its team in order than /sci/?

>> No.4513437


Yes but maybe you can make it so that there's only 1-2 trollplayer(s) on the team at a time? Mkae some kind of guide that decides how many players get what kind of names. This is /sci/ after all, we thrive on law and order.


Not really sure but /b/ might be like a herd where one member is the leader and the rest just follows suit ergo most of them are too lazy to bother, whereas this board is full of people needing to prove their intellect and understanding.

>> No.4513468

Guys I love Glorious Dawn, but I love Quantum World and She Blinded me with Science more

can we replace Closing anthem Glorious dawn with

The Fibonacci Sequence, which someone else suggested, but has grown on me


please give it a listen and let me know what you think of it.

>> No.4513482
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Gauss was a play on words. Triviaguy actually changed it to geuss, which was correctly the original spelling of the thread

theory (a geuss) but the original creator of /sci/ team lion made it Gauss for the clever play of words

so its basically been changed back and forth

what does the board want it to be ?

geuss or gauss ?

>> No.4513512

slander. I changed it to Gauss several times.

It's a lovely instrumental, but no one can recognize it as science related.

>> No.4513534


ok so 1 person for gauss

and yes i guess your right, people can't recognise it as being science related because it has no lyrics sadly

the video and sounds are sci/maths related though, but then people wont see it

I like your song alot, I would be happy with it replacing Glorious Dawn and fitting in somewhere. its nice, funny and upbeat

but please keep Quantum world and she blinded me with science too

your song would make a very nice goalhorn ! but so does she blinded me with science too .. hmm tough one

how about leave Quantum world as opening anthem

and have your song and she blinded me with science both as our goal anthems / alternate anthems - and then germanbro can play either one when we score, and/ or when the match ends ?

>> No.4513538

I'm still a proponent of the elements song. I just thought I would throw heisenberg into the mix

>> No.4513548

although one of the other boards has "im sexy and i know it" as their anthem

does it matter if we have one that sounds the same ? plus the audio quality makes me worry that it wont translate well on livestream - sound wise, he is a bit unclear

ill put it on discussion page for you though now, and ill make it into a kiwi 6 file if you want

>> No.4513575
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im kind of tired of all this drama and fighting triviaguy

im offering the hand of peace and friendship out to you buddy

lets work together instead of against each other yeah ? for /sci/

if you want to get rid of bill nye, the current lineups players, quantum world, she blinded me with science i dont really mind anymore

i tried my best ... spent a lot of time and effort on the wiki page, and spent a whole day frapsing and uploading goal videos to youtube .. and other stuff

i was the one who actually had to fight against the guy who wanted 4 minutes only for glorious dawn

but then we compromised and found a way to accommodate each other - glorious dawn was made anthem, 4 minutes was made goalhorn

i'm done, i bow out

anyway good luck to /sci/ team. cya

>> No.4513627

>let loose aspie screams when anyone tries to make the team as the board wants it
>realize that no one likes you because of it
>see how nicely things are working when you leave
>try and appear gracious and pitiable

Nope. You were a complete asshole for no good reason. You did your best to prevent anyone on this board from having a say in our team. You resorted to shrill conspiracy stories and ad hominim attacks at anyone and everyone that tried to contribute. You recklessly edited the wiki page in ways that were tactically unsound and bordered on vandalism. You made your pyre now burn on it.

>> No.4513640

On a tactical note. Feynman (AMF) is the gold player. Do we want to have him take short free kicks in addition to long free kicks? Nye (CF, Silver) currently takes the short kicks.

>> No.4514614

What relevance does Lion have for this?

>> No.4514619

So... we're playing video game sports?
Not even real sports? Video game sports.
That's almost as bad as watching sports on TV.

>> No.4514625
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Are you people being serious?
Really? Are you being fucking serious?
You want an anthem for a board on 4chan?
Jesus, you people ruin everything.

>> No.4514630

Those dead people can't play football in reality so we do a computer simulation of it.

>> No.4514652

Is it a total computer simulation or a video game played by anon?

>> No.4514655

It's played AI vs AI. The teams only set up roster, formation and tactics. In some cases they also handle substitutes.

>> No.4514666

The Symphony of Science folks were one hit wonders, the only good song is the first one.

>> No.4514693

I personally liked 'We are all connected' best, but....
This man, listen to him

>> No.4514790

Why isn't this board named /Ψ/ instead of /sci/?

>> No.4514798

Technical limitations. I also expect not everyone has Greek script enabled.

>> No.4514993
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I like this suggestion. Would be good at the end of match, like closing anthem

so i see like 3 or so votes now for

Vangelis - Alpha HQ

Glorious Dawn - quite a few for Glorious Dawn, but also a lot of people who don't want it.

Heisenberg sings: The Uncertainty Principle

[Although this sounds more of a Goalhorn really, so could be an Alternate horn alongside she killed me with science ?]

what do you think guys ?


wow, you really have shown your true face haven't you. I was offering a truce, and compromise, but you just completely rejected it and became insulting.

I'm not leaving the wiki now, you only have yourself to blame for your behaviour

pic related.

>> No.4515049

Who is this Dicks guy mentioned on the wiki? I don't recall anyone posting here under such a name.

>> No.4515069

Is there any way we can stop you from messing with the wiki like /x/ did?

>> No.4515073


dicks and cozmo were responsible for /pol/'s and stormfronts successes. they know their stuff when it comes to pes and tactics

>> No.4515077

What does /pol/ have to do with /sci/? The other boards are capable of formulating their own tactics.

We don't need a guy like Dragonfag hogging all the teams for himself.

>> No.4515090


i'm not messing with the wiki. And how many times do I have to retype this too ...

1 - /x/ had no anthems at all
2 - their page looked shit
3 - they had missing photos for players
4 - there were complaints on discussion board that too many players were not even /x/ related memes, but were shit .. like "scary ghost"
5 - I went to /x/ and asked them about this guys comments, and they responded in the affirmative - I helped them out by adding missing photos, which are still there, and players they wanted - which are still there - and anthems - which are still there.

Then they started getting interested in the wiki, and I left them to it, happy that I gave them a leg up. Since then, they have changed some players, and one of the anthems, and created kits for their team. Why would I mind ? They are not my choices, they are /x/ boards and I was only helping them out and you can go look and see that everything i said is true - if you roll back all my changes on /x/.

So your constantly repeated comment / accusation is both boring and false.

And you are a very boring troll too .. like your friend. And yes I have a good idea who the other guy is .. coward who doesn't reveal himself, but stirs.

>> No.4515102

> 1 - /x/ had no anthems at all
/x/ had the X-Files theme as an anthem. It was played during the Winter Cup in case you watched. Although considering how surprised you were that /x/ wasn't in the Babby cup you probably did not.
>2 - their page looked shit
It still does.

Leave it to the boards to sort out their own shit. It's a community based competition now, no longer something run by a single guy.

>> No.4515104

if you want us to win matches - you go to someone who knows about the game and has a proven record of success, which these 2 do with pol, and he proved it by winning us a match when we had previously been drawing 1-1 .. he has stepped up to make tactical decisions only, and rest players .. stuff like that

no one else from /sci/ except for myself had stepped up to this .. i explained all this earlier.

if you dont want us to win matches, then go ahead and comment. But I for one, want the best man for the job

Our next match is the most important, if we dont win, not only do we get knocked out, but we dont qualify for the Summer Cup

Any more responses to closing Anthem / alternate anthem choices out of these 3?


vangelis, glorious dawn, the uncertainty principle

or are we sticking with gd ?

>> No.4515109


1 - when i looked at the page there were no anthems at all. I added "28 weeks later" theme and "saw theme" as official anthems and "x-files theme" for the goalhorn - which is still there.

2- it looks a hell of a lot better than it did before - like i said roll back all my changes ...

- yes i understand that, i just wanted to help the guy from /x/ who complained on their discussion board, but didnt know how to implement changes for himself

i dont have anything to do with /x/ now because they have taken over which like i said im glad about. As for a number of new teams and boards. I hear what you are saying, and i dont have anything to do with them - ill leave it to their boards to be responsible, even if they dont do anything with their page.

>> No.4515110

>no one else from /sci/ except for myself had stepped up to this .. i explained all this earlier.
You actively removed everyone else's attempt to edit the roster.
There was a sound discussion after the /x/ match that you completely ignored.

The win against /pol/ was partly because /pol/ were resting their best players. You shouldn't use that as a proof for a tactic's success.

>> No.4515122
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hi Matt, you don't know how obvious you are lol

nice try stirring again, even though you know the answers already, but are just trying to stir the board up for the sake of your own amusement ..

firstly, you aren't from /sci/ so why do you keep coming back and trolling. You chose 4 minutes for our anthem. And I wouldn't be surprised if you are the same person that replaced /sci/s original anthem

"she killed me with science" for 4 minutes

secondly you chose the tactics which led to us losing 3-0

please stay on your own yaoi, gay board or whatever deviant stuff you like to look at these days dragonfag matt

and dont even try to deny its you because you gave yourself away with your comments - same style, same content ...

their best players actually came on as subs and were on the field of play, and we still scored the winner

considering how pol has destroyed every other team by like 3-4 goals per match - it was a good result.

Ill come back to check your cowardly response later, I have work

>> No.4515123

Just because it wasn't on the page doesn't mean it wasn't the anthem . It was also played during the friendly against /tv/, look it up in the stream library.

Why does a team even need two anthems? One is already rarely played.
It's not even like /x/ couldn't decide on one of the songs since they didn't want either.

>> No.4515126

I'm not Dragonfag. I hate Dragonfag almost as much as I hate you.

>> No.4515130


look i have to go, but ill quickly say

they now have 2 anthems anyway - lavendar town, and x files theme

and everything is up to them - and yes it did have to be on the page, as stated by cup rules - go check wiki

anyway what does it matter, x files was still the anthem given and still being used.

i really have to go work now, will check later bye.

>> No.4515185

>like i said roll back all my changes ...

>> No.4515236


this should be /sci/'s anthem.

>> No.4515246

How is that specific for /sci/ and not 4chan as a whole?

>> No.4515326

>says he's leaving
>comes back and keeps editing the wiki

Since you clearly are not acting in good faith (and never have been) I found no cause to treat your 'truce' as anything but a half-assed attempt at PR. If you are going to be dishonest try and be less transparent when you do it.

>> No.4515339

So /pol/ made the tactics that helped /sci/ beat /pol/ despite having their best players on? Don't you think that's bit suspicious?

>> No.4515392

/pol/ and /sci/ are very close friends. They rigged it so both can go through.

>> No.4515414

That's true. Cozmo made kits for /sci/, while Luca made over 100 edits to /pol/s page

>> No.4515423

Like putting Jews into the goal because he was the original keeper.

>> No.4515425

Always on the tip of the tongues of others.. I haven't even done non /n/ or /vp/ teams since early February.

.. but at least I stopped editing /sci/ when I was (un)politely asked to.. Anyway, unlike what you guys say, I do frequent /sci/, I usually anon but namefag when needed

Anyway, provided it's okay with the board.. (ha, like the board gets the final say in anything here anyway..), I can do test games for /sci/ and let you see how the games go and see if you guys want to rework any formations or tactics etc. I'm not going to force myself on, just politely asking if you'd like somebody with PES to actually help you guys out with tactics and not useless aesthetics which /sci/s page mostly is at this stage.

>> No.4515429

Just like putting random shit players on /sci/s team, just because they were on the original team!

Hmm.. Déjà vu?

>> No.4515442

Just testing, or are you actually going to be helping with the tactics? I'm fine with you just streaming, but I don't want you touching our tactics

>> No.4515482

Whatever you want, I don't mind. As long as you guys don't start babbling shit like "HE'S TRYING TO CONTROL THE BOARD!!"

>> No.4515495

Whatever may have been said about you in the past, nothing you were accused of is worse than what luca has done in the last week. Test tactics all you want. If you find a winning combo with the players we have we'd be glad to use it.

Be sure to use edit 179 when assigning skill cards and medals for the test team. Luca has been editing the page so much that I can't tell if he changed the relevant data.

>> No.4515500

Tactics are going to be updated later in the week, im tweaking a lot of stuff

Also, we drew against /r9k/ and /mlp/ because someone kept reverting the tactics back before the match, /pol/ was the first game I could actually utilise proper tactics.

/gif/ are fucking strong and our squad is extremely fatigued so we will probably qualify but drop out in the QTRs against a rested /n/.

>> No.4515510

The best thing to do is build your formation around your G/S/B. If you've got gold and silver up front like /sci/ do, you're best going with a big defense and a midfield that compliments them.

If anybody here can give me a very quick list of all 23 players, their positions, your current formation and skillcards, that would be very useful. Despite all of this drama (which I'm being accused of for reasons beyond me..), I can't actually tell what /sci/ are using

>> No.4515559 [DELETED] 

I've left /pol/ to cozmo so I can work on you guys.

yeah, we should change that

Their best players were subbed on at the 55' and we scored twice after that. Not to mention hitting the post once or twice. Oh, also remember that our players were fatigued to death with poor morale due to draws; /pol/ had excellent morale and had been resting players...

We just developed the counter to /pol/'s tactic. They wanted to win still to keep morale but were willing to draw if it meant they got full rest.

dude, I think I've earned the right to play this last game considering I not only created stormfront and /pol/'s mentality but got us the crucial win. the tactics on our page at the moment are just a troll, i dont want /gif/ developing a counter.

>> No.4515589

I've left /pol/ to cozmo so I can work on you guys.

yeah, we should change that

Their best players were subbed on at the 55' and we scored twice after that. Not to mention hitting the post once or twice. Oh, also remember that our players were fatigued to death with poor morale due to draws; /pol/ had excellent morale and had been resting players...

We just developed the counter to /pol/'s tactic. They wanted to win still to keep morale but were willing to draw if it meant they got full rest.

dude, I think I've earned the right to play this last game considering I not only created stormfront and /pol/'s mentality but got us the crucial win. the tactics up now are very, very rudimentary and i wouldn't bother testing them

>> No.4515595

Think of it this way, if my /n/ squad beat /gif/ 4-1, then lost 3-0 the next time with both teams using the exact same tactics and formations, it pretty much proves that there's absolutely no guarantee that your counter is going to work.

Also, These suggestions are for after the cup, for fall (as honestly, I don't really expect you to beat /gif/, but anything could happen..), do what you like until you're out of the tournament, that doesn't affect me, I just want to help better you for the next cup, although, should you beat /gif/, good luck facing /n/..

>> No.4515597

I meant to quote this.

>> No.4515636

It would be great to have some help for the cup.

Thats why you need to test it 10-15 times - there is a lot of luck but, just like in football, one team normally wins more. Also I assume your tactic relied a lot on offence instead of defence; offensive tactics rely more on momentum and tend to be more unpredictable (and dependant on G/S up field).

The position we are in now is shit. We've come out of the [arguably] toughest group and are very fatigued with bad skill cards.

I still have confidence we will win.

>> No.4515642

I don't play offensive football. I never play offensive. I play defensive with golds and silvers making up for the lack of offense

Skillcards? No bother, look at /toy/
As for testing, I can do that over the course of Thursday and Friday

>> No.4515650

I'll send you the tactics tomorrow?

>Skillcards? No bother, look at /toy/
What do you mean?

>> No.4515654

They have none, and they put on a more convincing performance than /sci/

>> No.4515677

you mean the /sci/ that was undefeated in the hardest group and hit about 5 posts?

I think we are doing fine, especially now I can put tactics up.

>> No.4515686

I prefer poetry of science.

>> No.4515693

Draws against /mlp/ and /r9k/ are hardly impressive. /y/ were undefeated too, does that mean they were brilliant? Of course not, they didn't qualify because they couldn't win enough. /gif/ and /sci/ both beat seeds 2 and 1 respectively, although the latter had rested their players for the first half. /gif/ has the edge in this one. I'm not going to start an argument, but /gif/ are the better team going into it.. and they're undefeated too.

>> No.4515699
File: 743 KB, 1440x900, ZN_Colorful_Desktop_Background_by_Jehuty43235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well looky here. Dragonfag Matt and Triviaguy88.

Both who support other boards, want to interfere and change our tactics ... why am I not surprised ?

We have a Manager /Trainer so get lost. Matt why don't you worry about your own boards team tactics ? Instead of everyone elses ...

And triviaguy88 it wasn't for pr, even though you assume it was, being the pessimist you were. I actually wanted to put an end to the fighting and drama, but you clearly didn't and carried it on by insulting me, and childish immature behaviour and lies.

And its funny how Matt appeared out of nowhere, just like you. Obviously trolling together as I knew you two were beforehand ... please grow up the pair of you attention seekers, and stop your pathetic constant stirring, lies and drama. It's getting boring now.

I'm calling for an end to it, but you keep going on and on, put it to rest now.

>> No.4515712

/r9k/ and /mlp/ were both strong teams. dude im just trying to do the best with bad skillcards and a fatigued squad.

call them favourites but we will win.

>> No.4515717

> we drew against /r9k/ and /mlp/ because someone kept reverting the tactics back before the match
That's clearly not what happened. All that was edited before the /mlp/ match was the roster where someone was dead set on showing a roster that wasn't used. Triviaguy tried to alternate the starters to reduce fatigue but that was sabotaged. The tactics remained untouched by that.

There weren't any changes on the day of the /r9k/ match.

>> No.4515723

Okay then, fine by me. Have fun in the fall cup. Tata.

>> No.4515740

The tactics that lost to /x/ beat /vp/, so that's really no grounds for shouting rigged

>> No.4515748
File: 6 KB, 227x222, jhhjhjhjjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

triviaguy tried to alternate the starters to reduce fatigue but that was sabotaged

why are you lying so blatantly ? and defending triviaguy, either you are him, or dont know shit about what you are talking about

I was the one, who rested our starters - or tried to

he did not. After our last friendly before babby cup - he changed whole lineup .. how many times do i have to repeat this.

he deleted content on page, and he has been even deleting content on wiki page - using a different ip to put in his changes we he has admitted to, and deleting

as if its hard to change ip ...

your like a fucking broken record troll repeating the same lie over and over again, till people believe it

i have already responded to your bullshit and exposed it a billion times ...

he didn't rest shit, he only put in his own selfish suggestions unilaterally without the board consensus

and then stated he is going to scrap all our kits and create his own for us

keyword "stated" not ask.

repeat repeat repeat. fuck off trollsa

>> No.4515756

Our kits are just stripes with a little picture on it. That's awful. Look at other boards..

>> No.4515763

Check the revision history, specifically number 251.

>After our last friendly before babby cup - he changed whole lineup
In accordance to a thread on /sci/

>> No.4515764
File: 1.28 MB, 734x871, 1332944891867[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example this /3/ kit. A 3D mix, and a polygon mesh. Very /3/ related.

/sci/ kits are not /sci/ related

>> No.4515765


kits looked good in game - and people actually said they liked the away kit in sci thread before

the home kit might need some work i guess

it was not an issue of changing, or improving the kit

the issue was how he went about it.

He should have informed the board what he was planning to do, then shown them his kits and the previous kits, and then asked for a decision to be made for or against it ... instead of being like

"fuck you /sci/ board im going to put in players i want just before deadline lock, and change kits, because i want to do it and i dont give a shit what you want"

that's basically my point ...

>> No.4515769


if you dont like the kits, feel free to design and come up with some new ones, and join in discussion on wiki, and post on board showing us all your new kits

if you make something really good, we will all be happy

>> No.4515775

He didn't actually change the kits you know, and he only added in players than were asked for by /sci/ in the old thread as posted by
You can't honestly use samefag as an excuse, because that could be grounds for removing absolutely everything in the squad.

Also, for all of these statements you're making about "what people said they liked".. well.. [citation needed]

>> No.4515790
File: 105 KB, 500x349, enhanced-buzz-28895-1301694293-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you do understand dont you ? that the troll, who did this and put in his own changes, which he also suggested on one topic on board spelt "darWIN" and "EPICurious" put in changes of his own accord right without majority support ? and pushed his changes using the loss against /x/ which his buddy caused through sabotaging our tactics

even though dragonfag matt was actually supporting /x/ and not /sci/ during the match .. showing that he did indeed sabotage us. trying to change our WHOLE established lineup - im not talking minor changes here - but then there would be no consistency recognisable players - and he wanted to change every single one, and put in ones he wanted personally. with no regard to anyone else, and then used 1 person - probably himself on a different ip samefag pretending to be another person to support himself, just to legitimize his actions - like the sneaky selfish pathetic troll he is.where 2 people is a majority, the whole board, accusing others of the same thing, when repeatedly asking the board

then, no.

>> No.4515792

What does /3/ have to do with 3D? How many stereoscopic pictures are posted there?

>> No.4515802

I thought it was supposed to be Ken Ashcorp from /m/ and /vp/?

>> No.4515808

Nobody disagreed with the darwin/epicurius thing except for you. There was 3 people, and the guy who put it on the wiki.. 4 people is more than what most changes that have gone up have gotten

And you are in no position to say things like "he's changes his IP he must be a samefag!", when you use two or three different IPs yourself.

>> No.4515812


the point is he threatened to. making the blank statement in the previous thread

and if you watched every match and read all these sci posts - you would see . livestream chat records - i dont know how to get. but if you were there reading chat at /sci/s matches you would have seen it. direct quote "i actually liked sci's blue and white striped kit" ,but there were no comments about the black and blue striped home kit.
i am not against changing the kits, dont get me wrong, feel free to improve or change them to something better we can vote on, but like i said, it was the arrogance of the way he acted - saying he was going to do it, like a statement. Not asking for the boards permission, just doing whatever he feels like. even though he isnt even from /sci/ .. not even informing at the very least

>> No.4515813

Of course not, it's germanbro rigging the work rates!

>> No.4515815

It's not even spelled EPICurus now, just Epicurus.

>> No.4515824

I personally think the kits should be designed to look like people wearing lab coats. I know it's possible, as /vp/s old kit was a labcoat, and it looked cool.

>> No.4515833


>> No.4515835


triviaguy88 you are pathetic, pretending to be someone else .. your comments are so obvious and clearly you, but your a coward, and play these petty games, like the sneaky bastard you are

and yes everyone knows i have 2 ip's - actually more - but i dont hide that they are both mine. And it proves how easy it is to change ip, and that people can misuse it like you have done ..

and the guy on the wiki who proposed it - ie. you triviaguy, is the same person as the one who suggested it on the board post with the same spelling

LOL AT YOU COUNTING YOURSELF AS TWO PEOPLE ... counting yourself twice .. wow. You really have exposed yourself now. And you still havent explained you deleting content of the wiki page, and changing everything else too - without boards permission just before deadline lock like the cowardly sneaky troll fuck you are

Man up and stop pretending you are other people. I don't do that shit ... its just so sad.

>> No.4515839

What about sweaters or flannel? Like how scientists really look.

>> No.4515841
File: 787 KB, 480x360, 1325737022869.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so two people now equals the entire board.

i loves it.

>> No.4515844

Dude.. why the fuck do you keep accusing me to be triviaguy? I've been posting as an anon in this thread since the start, and this is the third time you've accused me of being triviaguy just because I agree with him. Look, just because somebody agrees with him and not you, doesn't mean it's the same person. Tens of thousands of people use 4chan every day. Not all of them have to agree with you.

>> No.4515849

It's simulated soccer. Stereotypes hardly matter

>> No.4515851

>and the guy on the wiki who proposed it - ie. you triviaguy, is the same person as the one who suggested it on the board post with the same spelling
But it's not in the same spelling.
Triviaguy is apparently schizophrenic enough to end up disagreeing about his own edits and trying to revert them after the deadline.

>> No.4515860

There we have it /sci/entists, fully proven proof that this guy is completely overreacting, and is blaming random anons of being somebody else, just because they don't agree with him.

>> No.4515868
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, uswhtnj6dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice ideas - get it done and show us. or if you don't have a kit designer, contact someone who does to do it

And then we can have a look


Stop pretending you aren't here Dragonfag Matt and Triviaguy88 you fails ... using your names and then not using it pretending to be other people, while arguing with same content, and style so defensively about yourselves lol ... cowardly shits

And funny how Matt is again interfering in that previous thread - let me guess, Matt the same person who isnt from /sci/ but is in every sci 4chancup related thread, stirring - and chose our tactics. He isnt from our board and chose our tactics against /x/ which we lost 3-0 to - and during the match he wanted /sci/ to lose and was supporting /x/ and was rubbing it in our faces

and whenever he makes a post on /sci/ or any other board he pretends to be a part of, he claims to be part of that board and blames his actions on someone else

saying "our board" and "us"

in many ways he is an impressive troll playing these double games.

this is the type of troll faggotry we are dealing with here

>> No.4515871


he didn't revert his own edits - i reverted his. get your ip's right. On the day of deadline lock.

>> No.4515872

>kay: but if your going to be a little bitch about it. fine i wont edit anything anymore. just fuck off

/pol/ chat history

>> No.4515874

But >>4515833 was pretending to be you.

>> No.4515877

I like this much better.

>> No.4515879

>this is the type of troll faggotry we are dealing with here
No, you're the type of faggotry we're dealing with. Leave /sci/ for a bit and see what /sci/ do without any interraction from you then we can actually see how /sci/ feels

>> No.4515893

Anyway .. just ignoring their repetitive trolling for now

back to the kits and anthems

Some people commented about Vangelis - Alpha as possible Anthem choice


And Heisenberg sings: The Uncertainty Principle

so need to know your thoughts on these songs, any more people for either of them or do you prefer Glorious Dawn?

Ok and the kits - can you give me some images for your ideas of how the kits should look exactly - and what kits were you happy with or wanting to change our of our home kit, away kit, and goalkeeper kits ?

i need an idea, if someone works on kits, or if you have a kit maker, you can do it yourself

any thoughts ?

>> No.4515898

>4 posts in the space of 60 seconds
You seem oblivious that you're not wanted

>> No.4515900

86.144.206.x was the one who put in the roster that is currently being used. He's a /sci/ regular who asked in the /m/ thread for help.

Then 109.78.220.x came first after the deadline and tried to add Homo Engineer as a starter (which was pretty pointless since starters could have been changed up to one hour before the matches.

Then Triviaguy tried to change the name for A Geuss to A Gauss.

After that you (90.192.175.x) came in and reverted the roster to your version.

86.144.206.x reverted it to his version several times.

Finally Germanbro stepped in, reverted it to 86.144.206.x's version and locked the page.

>> No.4515908


still hiding in your cave Matt. Yes because I remember you crying so hard when someone other than you edited on the wiki, because you like to control everything dont you ? Is there anything wrong with /pol/s wiki ? or do you think I did a good job with the other people who worked on it..
I fail to understand what your point is. I contributed and improved things that originally sucked. But you seem to have a problem with that, because you only know how to ruin things. Well everything, and troll people, into enjoying stuff less. And with this constant repetitive, drama and trolling you are doing it here too, you are a sad, pathetic little loser pal. dont you have anything better to do with your time and life than constantly troll ?

>> No.4515909
File: 27 KB, 300x300, BR474[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think /sci/ might like this. Do you have a speech to give to the audience?

>> No.4515915

>dont you have anything better to do with your time and life than constantly troll ?
dont you have anything better to do with your time and life than constantly ruining /sci/ ?

>> No.4515919

>Anyway .. just ignoring their repetitive trolling for now
Good thing you stick to your word

>> No.4515942

not wanted - your not wanted troll
and because i respond in longer detail to your bullshit, i have to respond to your multiple troll post when i see it

hi again troll, hiding your name. No he is not a regular, and just like he appeared on the wiki out of nowhere during deadline lock when he suddenly started taking an interest in the team, he only appears to take an interest now just to troll, and in cup threads.

ive already explained a million times about "his" team ..

Then Triviaguy tried to change the name for A Geuss to A Gauss.

You are the biggest fucking liar and troll ever. He changes it before deadline lock to A geuss FROM the original which was A Gauss - which was the original lineup name, he kept changing it over and over again, so i compromised hoping he would stop editing major changes and deleting other stuff - so i let him spell it Geuss

I was the one after deadline lock who changed it back to Gauss you fucking faggot troll liar. And then because on board I asked them if they wanted geuss or gauss because of this - they decided finally they wanted Gauss for the play on words. And I did that.

"After that you (90.192.175.x) came in and reverted the roster to your version.

86.144.206.x reverted it to his version several times."

Exactly he kept changing it to his version

And I kept reverting it to the ORIGINAL boards version, which has been established - not my choices.

But his. And this is the main difference. The boards were then deadline locked before i had a chance to change it back - he got in last.

Finally Germanbro stepped in, reverted it to 86.144.206.x's version and locked the page.

If GermanBro did it, which I dont believe he did, because I informed him what was going on, and he said there was nothing he could do about triviaguy88's changes as rules were rules and all teams are locked.

>> No.4515945

Even though I disagreed with him, I dont believe you that he reverted to triviaguys changes. And he would have informed me when I contacted him about him if he did, so nice try liar troll. GermanBro doesnt interfere in any team choices.

Got to go study, you've wasted enough fucking time again with your pedantic, repetitive trolling.

will check back for responses later .. please dont be repetitive with your trolling and come up with something new /w


>> No.4515947

> Is there anything wrong with /pol/s wiki ?
Yes, it's lacking text. Players need descriptions, matches have to be summarized. It's certainly not the best presentation out there.

>> No.4515955

... What the FUCK is going on here?

>> No.4515960

Are you incapable of reading a wiki history? Or even properly quoting?

>> No.4515966

The guy who is posting long walls of text is accusing everyone ITT who disagrees with him a samefag, while everyone else is trying to work out whether or not triviaguy88 is trying to help us or not.

>> No.4515978


... And walls-of-text anon tries to defend triviaguy?

What a mess, man.

>> No.4515988

No, he's accusing everyone of being Triviaguy.

>> No.4515994

I don't even know who's samefagging anymore, but it looks like I'm being accused of stirring shit again.. *sigh*. You offer to help and everyone starts calling rigged and insulting you..

Well actually, it's just luca. But according to the wiki page, luca is /sci/ incarnate

>> No.4515998

One guy took control of /sci/'s team and is upset when anybody else is trying to edit the wiki.

>> No.4516008

triviaguy88 is a bit too personal in some of his comments but I don't think he has done anything to harm the board. Check the edit history and the previous thread if you want to see it yourself.

>> No.4516012

... A quick way of solving this chaos once and for all would be to get yourself a tripfagging coach (he could only tripfag in those threads), then have only his edits count in any way on the wiki (on which he'd have the same username).

Of course, decisions would be slower, but at least it would settle this mess.

>> No.4516024

I'm not even kidding about this. Triviaguy is a good option. He's not rigging /sci/, but reverting the edits by the wallsoftext anon because he thinks it's for the better

>> No.4516037

My opinion is Irrelevant as I am apparently a samefag with luca around, but I agree.

The real question is, who can we decide as a tripfag to control the team that's favourable in luca's books? Because there's nobody else who would be able to do it without being called a troll or samefag

>> No.4516066

There isn't really anybody here who i've seen has a passion for the board and wants us to succeed. I would nominate dragonfag, but that would be rejected, and he already manages /n/, so I'll just wait for somebody to show some real enthusiasm for being the manager before I decide who I want

>> No.4516073
File: 32 KB, 406x536, 1285111174111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on in here?

>> No.4516080

We're trying to elect somebody to represent /sci/, and pretty much everyone except the one guy who is doing everything himself id for triviaguy, but walls of text guy wont let anybody but himself do stuff, and reverts anything that he doesn't agree with.

..Welcome to /sci/.

>> No.4516106

I don't think that's necessary, just revert any change that luca does.
The important part is to tell Germanbro that luca doesn't represent the board and is acting against its wishes. Otherwise he'll disqualify /sci/ if another editwar ensues.

>> No.4516148


lol at acting against the board, when I have done everything the board wanted, and asked

Unlike you two trolls who did whatever you wanted .

> implying you don't want /sci/ disqualified, trolls

its so funny triviaguy only took an interest in /sci/ and it's team only recently ..

I doubt anyone actually from /sci/ wants this troll from another board to have anything to do with our team, because they know what he is done, and how capable he is and Matt of fucking us up again

>> No.4516158


>>"There isn't really anybody here who i've seen has a passion for the board and wants us to succeed. I would nominate dragonfag, but that would be rejected, and he already manages /n/"

oh god your trolling has reached new levels. hilarious.
implying dragonfag, wasn't supporting /x/ during our 3-0 loss to them, even though he claimed to a /sci/ supporter initially and "one of us" always quoting "hey guys i hope we win" and then laughing when /x/ won, which he was supporting at the time and constantly claims he is when posting here and every other board

sabotaging faggots

yeah that would be just great ...

>> No.4516182

>its so funny triviaguy only took an interest in /sci/ and it's team only recently ..
Unlike you who started massively editing on the fourth, a mere two months after the team was created.

>> No.4516186

Only a few posts left until bump limit. Let this shit thread die.

>> No.4516187


>> No.4516188


>> No.4516189

Take this crap to /b/, where it belongs.

>> No.4516190

Why should anyone who is not underage give a fuck about this childish nonsense?

>> No.4516193

>> No.4516196

Back to /b/ please.

>> No.4516201

It originates between /v/ and /sp/ with further support from /a/.

We could take it to /vg/ as a neutral place.

>> No.4516207

I don't care. It's definitely not science or math, so it doesn't belong on /sci/.

And bump limit is obviously 300.

>> No.4516211

It's a virtual soccer team of scientists that represents /sci/.

>> No.4516228

>because they know what he is done,
Yes, we can see his edits on the wiki.

>> No.4516269

Don't nominate me for trainer. I can't promise that I'll be available during every match. I also don't have a working copy of PES right now so all I would be doing is basing moves on fatigue and fifa game mechanics.

>> No.4516305

There's only one match day left. /sci/ will start playing on Saturday around 1830 UTC and depending on the results continue in the knockouts later on.

>> No.4516339

I'm aware. I can't promise I'll be at a computer then.

>> No.4516366


The whole "take it to /vg/" does seems like a good idea when I think of it.

At least it'd calm down the people who somehow all figure we're all /b/ LEEJUN and are here to ruin their lives (ie . >>4516196 or >>4516190 or >>4516189) when most of us are actually people who found something stupid (so very stupid) to do and just try to spread the fun (and obviously it did catch on here, pretty sure all those posts can't not be from at least some /sci/entists).

>> No.4516540

I'll ask around some other boards.

>> No.4516764

You know that you keep blaming dragonfag for sabotaging /sci/, despite the fact we won our first game under his tactics 4-1? You seem to forget this every time you mention the /x/ loss.

Also, /x/s livestream colour is black, the default for livestream if you don't set a colour.

>> No.4516783

I made a new thread

>> No.4517069

Did anyone archive this?

>> No.4517959
