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4503020 No.4503020 [Reply] [Original]

ok /sci/ here is my question, but first some bg:
i understand that some (if not all) stars and planets form by condensation from giant clouds of dust.. the clouds condense by gravity, and as they do, their rotation speed starts to increase by the law of conservation of angular momentum..
now, my question is: is it possible for a cloud to be so big (more precisely, massive) that when it condenses and speeds up, the rotation speed approaches the speed of light? and if it is possible, what would happen to the star? i mean, when a body moves at a speed close to the speed of light, it contracts in the direction of movement.. but if a body rotates at a speed close to the speed of light, what happens? also, maybe a cloud so massive would become a black hole, but in any case, the question stands: what happens to a body that rotates so fast as to approach the speed of light? does it contract? or what?

tl;dr: what happens to a body that rotates at a speed close to the speed of light

>> No.4503033

That's quite an interesting question.

I have no fucking clue.

>> No.4503037


they condensate into a very little tiny point?

>> No.4503039

The centripetal force wouldn't be enough to hold the body's molecules together, the atoms would most likely all separate long before it reached close to the speed of light.

>> No.4503044

This implies that the centripetal force would increase as the rotational velocity increased. It would not.

>> No.4503045

and how about an atom rotating close to the speed of light? does it even make sense to say that of an atom?

>> No.4503059

It is not my knowledge that an atom has ever been recorded spinning anywhere near the speed of light. However, I imagine if this ever happened then the atom would break down into Protons and Neutrons. If your next question is the same but with Protons and Neutrons spinning, the same would apply, they would break down into their respective Quarks and so on and so forth.

This touches on the epistemology of Infitism. Look it up.

>> No.4503065

>to a body that rotates at a speed close to the speed of light

It contracts accordingly....DURRR

>> No.4503071

There is nothing special about rotation of large bodies. You can just break them up into smaller linear parts, and those parts will object special relativity, and contract and shit if needed.

Rotation doesn't exist for small object, so your question is meaningless. A electron, quark, ect, are point particles, That can't "spin" in the way you think about "spin".

>> No.4503072
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Yes it would.

>> No.4503088
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>using newtonian mechanics for relativity problems

>> No.4503096

>Not the point.
I never claimed it would hold in the relativistic limit but OP stated that centripetal force was independent of rotational velocity which is nonsense.
Relativity is irrelevant because no star will ever get into the relativistic domain without flying apart.

>> No.4503100

op here, i never claimed that, it was someone else

>> No.4503111
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>implying we don't use relativity for stars

Are you really that stupid?

>> No.4503116

huh? we need relativity to describe mercury's orbit around the sun.

>> No.4503120

but what if the body is so massive, that its gravity is enough to hold it together.. surely there are bodies massive enough in the universe.. or would they all be black holes? in any case, a black hole is still a body.. sort of.., what would happen to it?

>> No.4503124


>> No.4503133

The rotation of stars is not fast enough to require relativity. Mercury's orbit is affected by the curvature of space which has nothing to do with centripetal force.

Well then the answer to your question is that stars would break up long before reaching the speed of light.

>> No.4503132
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>Gravity holds it together


>> No.4503142

except pulsars, ie neutron stars

>> No.4503143

are you even following the thread? ill explain my post to you: suppose a cloud of dust so massive, that while it contracts, it speeds up enough to approach the speed of light, and yet it is so masive, that the gravity of the body is enough to counter the centripetal force..
planets? wtf are you talking about

>> No.4503147
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Super-Massive objects Rotate super fucking fast all the fucking time. Stop talking out of your ass son!


>> No.4503155

large dust accretions can go straight to black hole without becoming supernova. probably how supermassive/galactic black holes form.

this nmeans main sequence stars have upper limits to their size

>> No.4503160
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WTF are you talking about?
The centripetal force is in the same direction as gravity you dipshit. The centripetal force is directed inward, gravity is directed inward.

Take a few deep breaths and rethink what you are trying to ask.

>> No.4503162

I mentioned stars, as you'll notice your article does not mention fast rotating stars.
Try reading a reference before you post it.

>> No.4503166

I don't think you understand what centripetal force is..

>> No.4503169

Because E=MC^2, kinetic energy is equivalent to mass, we see some strangeness.
As the disk. clouds, or planet. Accelerates, the fastest segment(the outer rim in a solid, rigid disc) would gain the most "energy/Mass", this in turn would mean their gravitational influence incresases to the point where they tear appart the middle section and, if perfectly balanced gravity-wise to retain shape, would leave you with a toroidal black hole(with some residual mass trapped floating in the center).

>> No.4503168

pulsars ie neutron stars.

but OP's question was about accretions of dust. not stars. these, if big enough, form supermassive black holes.

>> No.4503170

oops.. yea my bad, i confused it with centrifugal force, thanks

>> No.4503180
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Frame Dragging = the rotation of a massive object distorts the spacetime metric, which in turn effects the massive object on said metric

How fucking slow are you? Are you literally fucking 12? GTFO! Troll?

>> No.4503181
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yea i can picture that

>> No.4503186


>> No.4503188

As you'll note it's really isn't relevant for objects such as stars.

>> No.4503200

The only case this is relevant in is black holes. centripetal force is proportional to 1/(r^3) whereas gravity is proportional to 1/(r^2) so at small scales i.e. fast velocities centripetal force will dominate and the object will fly apart. Unless that object forms an event horizon first.
In this domain relativity would become significant and our lack of knowledge of the physics of black holes would show though.

>> No.4503207

>toroidal black hole

LMAFO. Nope.
Stop just making up bullshit.

Rotating black holes are surrounded by a region of spacetime in which it is impossible to stand still, called the ergosphere. This is the result of a process known as frame-dragging; general relativity predicts that any rotating mass will tend to slightly "drag" along the spacetime immediately surrounding it. Any object near the rotating mass will tend to start moving in the direction of rotation. For a rotating black hole this effect becomes so strong near the event horizon that an object would have to move faster than the speed of light in the opposite direction to just stand still.[66]

The ergosphere of a black hole is bounded by the (outer) event horizon on the inside and an oblate spheroid, which coincides with the event horizon at the poles and is noticeably wider around the equator. The outer boundary is sometimes called the ergosurface.

Objects and radiation can escape normally from the ergosphere. Through the Penrose process, objects can emerge from the ergosphere with more energy than they entered. This energy is taken from the rotational energy of the black hole causing it to slow down.

>> No.4503285
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well the thread is dead, thanks ppl, i got many good answers, bye